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Love like Yours Series Box Set: Books 1 - 4

Page 28

by Nicole S. Goodin

  He looked up and met my eyes. “I’m torn between the need to protect you, and the worry that you’ll get sick of me and leave.”

  There was no way I was leaving him. I knew this was temporary. And as much as I longed to do normal things like drive my Jeep and go and get my own lunch, I was also dreading the fact that I wouldn’t see as much of him. I had gotten used to waking up to his smell, to feeling his warm body next to mine, to walking his dog. I was really going to miss having all of that, every single day.

  “I’ll make you a deal.”

  He chuckled. “You and your deals.”

  I winked at him. “I’ll stop being such a bitch, but you have to go and annoy Quinn for the rest of the day. I’m no more than 30 seconds away, so you can’t say it’s not safe. I’ll be so much calmer once this work is done.”

  He smiled and sighed. “Okay fine. But I’m just down the hall. Just yell out if you need me.”

  I forced myself not to roll my eyes. “I know. Now out.”

  He rose to his feet and walked to my door. “I love you, El.”

  I smiled. “I love you more.”

  I watched Lawson leave as I fished around in my bag for the card Mark had given me. I dialed the numbers and waited.

  “Detective Johnson.”

  “Hi, Mark, this is Ellerslie Rush.”

  “Ellerslie, what can I do for you.”

  “I was just calling to ask about Evan, and if you’d had any leads from tracking his movements?”

  “I have had a tail on him for several days, Ellerslie. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

  I nodded my head. “Okay, well I guess that doesn’t eliminate him though, does it?”

  “No, that information doesn’t, but we have also discovered he was at an open house during the time my man saw the photographer. So that makes it pretty hard for him to be the suspect.”

  “Right. Well at least that clears that up. Lawson isn’t going to be happy; we need to find this guy.”

  “Yeah, he’s about pushed to the max I would say. I’m doing everything I can, but him keeping you hidden away is either going to force this guy to get more creative, or he’ll just wait you both out. I’ve tried to explain to Lawson that hiding isn’t a great option, but he won’t listen.”

  “Tell me about it.” I huffed. “Could you give him a call and just let him know everything you’ve told me. I have to get some work done – I’ll try and have a talk with him later about it.”

  “Sure, no problem, Ellerslie. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Mark, I will.” I hung up and scrubbed my hands over my face.

  This is not going well.

  I knew this guy wasn’t finished with us; these quiet weeks were the result of us barely being out in the light of day. Mark was right, enough was enough – I didn’t want to hide anymore.


  With Weston’s help, I managed to get through the bulk of my workload – I even received the signed contract, within the time frame I demanded, and I was thrilled with the win.

  The girls were all arriving tomorrow afternoon and I couldn’t wait to relax and unwind. Lawson and I both needed it. I was glad his boys were coming – I was dying to meet them all, and having them there would hopefully get Law to relax a bit too.

  I picked up my phone at the thought of him.

  “It’s safe to come back now.”

  I packed up my desk and told West to go home; he’d been putting in some crazy hours lately and I was feeling pretty guilty about it.

  I smiled as I heard Lawson knock lightly on the door. He was leaning against the doorframe with a sly smile on his face. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  I stuck my tongue out at him and moved to meet him.

  He scooped me up in a big hug and lifted my feet from the ground. “I’m sorry, baby,” he murmured in my ear.

  “I’m sorry too, cowboy,” I replied softly.

  He set me down on my feet, took my bag from me and held my hand all the way out. We reached the parking garage and hopped into his truck. It was just the two of us tonight – Quinn was going for a drink with Colt; she was planning on having a talk with him about their current relationship.

  If you could even call it a relationship.

  Lawson and I sat in comfortable silence, and I sang along quietly to the radio.

  “Hey,” I said suddenly. “This isn’t the way to your house.”

  “Nah, we need to grab your Jeep. You’ll be okay to follow me?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, of course. But why?”

  This was a new development.

  “I got a call this afternoon. One of my project managers is having some problems on the building site. I couldn’t get out of it. I’ve got to head down there first thing and straighten everything out.”

  I knew whatever was happening, it must have been really important if he was going to let me out of his sight for it.

  “I hope everything is okay.”

  “I’ll sort it all out, it should be fine, he’s just new to the job.”

  I nodded.

  “Are you okay to drive to work?”

  I snorted. “Lawson, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you when I get there and I won’t leave the office. I’ll be more than fine.”

  “I’ve got an extra guard organized for tomorrow. He’ll meet you in the garage and he’ll stay with you until I get back into work. I know it’s probably over the top but I don’t give a shit.”

  I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.

  I bit my tongue. I knew if I fought him on it, he wouldn’t go out to the site. I didn’t want this shit interfering with any more of our work than it already was.

  “I’ll be fine, thank you for thinking of everything.”

  He looked at me in disbelief and I grinned. He was expecting a fight.

  Not today, cowboy.

  I was saving my energy. Having a man like Lawson in my life, I was quickly learning I would need to pick my battles.

  60. Lawson

  I pulled into El’s parking garage and watched her like a hawk as she jumped out and hopped into her jeep. I laughed to myself as she gave it an affectionate pat.

  I’d had a long talk with Quinn after Ellerslie had kicked me out of her office. She’d told me about how El had become very independent after Baxter had left her – how she’d used her independence to get her through it.

  I’d felt like an asshole. I couldn’t stop the way I was behaving. I was the first to admit that. There was a deep-seated urge inside me to keep that woman safe – to protect her. I knew it was driving her crazy, but I couldn’t take the chance that something might happen to her. Even letting her drive to work tomorrow was taking a huge risk in my mind. The guy I’d hired to watch her tomorrow was ex-military, so I knew she was in good hands. I just needed to get my own shit sorted so I could get back there and get her home safely.

  The weekend I’d originally been dreading, I was now looking forward to. It’d been way too long since I’d had a beer with the guys, and it was obvious El and Quinn were missing their friends too. This weekend would be good for all of us.

  I was intrigued to meet Jemma and Stacey; El had described them as a handful. I was having a hard time imagining how they could be more trouble than my sister and Brooke. The last time I’d seen them together, they’d been rip-roaring drunk and gotten me into more trouble than I’d bargained for – I’d had a shit load of fights in my day, but that one still took the cake.

  That lot all together, combined with my boys, was bound to make for a hell of a night.

  I followed El all the way to my place. I was at a loose end with who might be causing all this trouble for us. I had been pinning my last hope on Evan, but that appeared to be a dead end too. None of it made sense. Ellerslie hadn’t done anything to deserve this.

  I pulled up next to El in the driveway and opened the garage door. I gestured for her to park next to me in the space I’d cleared out for her. I liked the sight of her Jeep in t
here. It made this place feel even more like home.

  I took her things inside and set them down on the dining table. “Do you want to take a bath, pretty girl? I’m cooking you dinner tonight, and I want you to go and relax.”

  She gave me a beautiful smile. “That sounds perfect. I’m just gonna go get Zef first,” she called as she headed in the direction of my dog.

  I shook my head and smiled. It was hard to believe I’d ever been worried about the two of them getting along; they were two peas in a pod.

  Zefer came bounding into the kitchen and screeched to a stop at my feet.

  “How’s my boy?”

  I gave him a good scratch behind the ears and laughed when he heard El on the stairs – he took off again, and I heard him bounding up behind her.

  That woman...

  As I cooked, I tried to come up with a plan. I needed to keep Ells safe. That was the number one priority. But as Mark kept pointing out to me, keeping the both of us locked away wasn’t necessarily the best option. This bastard was probably a hell of a lot more patient than I was, and who knows how long he planned to lurk in the shadows. Come Monday morning, we needed to bring him into the light.


  “Did you ever consider becoming a chef?” El asked after a sip of her wine.

  “Yeah, I actually went to culinary school for a few months. I loved the cooking, the only downside was that I never got to be outdoors. That’s what I love about my job now. I can work in the office all winter, and come summer I can throw on my work boots and tool belt and get out there.”

  El’s mouth dropped open slightly. “Oh god, I’d pay good money to see that.”

  I frowned. “See what?”

  “You. Work boots. Tool belt. God...” She fanned her face and smirked at me. “That sounds hot. Bring on summer.”

  I chuckled. “We don’t need summer or a building site for that, baby.”

  She giggled. “But back to being a chef, you’re really good. Do you think you’d ever change your mind and go back to it?”

  I nodded. “That was one of the main reasons I bought the restaurant. My chef is a good guy. He keeps me up to date with food trends and everything else that goes on. I’ve actually put an apron on and cooked with him a few times. It was good, gets the heart rate up.”

  El groaned.

  “What dirty thoughts are going through that pretty head of yours now, baby?”

  She laughed and swatted my arm. “My lips are sealed.”

  I took a pull from my beer bottle. “What about you? Have you ever thought about doing anything other than running a communication empire?”

  She shook her head lightly and smiled fondly. “No. The company has always been my baby. I get a lot of people that look at me and think I’m only here because of my dad. But I’ve learned that it’s easier to ignore them and let my work prove them wrong than it is to try and convince them myself. I’ve been working towards this since I was a teenager.”

  “I can see how much it means to you. I can’t think of anyone that works as hard as you.”

  “You do.” She smiled. “And luckily for me, so does Quinn. I don’t think I would have got here so quickly without her working towards the same goal.”

  “Yeah, I’ll give her that, she’s a bloody hard worker. She watched my mum work her ass off when we were little. She learned her work ethic from her.”

  “How is your mum? I haven’t seen her in forever.”

  I smiled. I hadn’t told Mum about me and El. Amidst all the crazy it had completely slipped my mind. I knew she was going to be thrilled though. She loved Ellerslie.

  Loving this girl runs in our family.

  “She’s good. I haven’t spoke to her in a few weeks. I haven’t told her about finding you.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I told my parents. Jefferson Rush would like to meet you. And Amanda, she just about lost it when I sent her a photo of you.”

  I raised my eyebrows and she blushed. “I wasn’t aware you had a photo of me.”

  She blushed even deeper red. “I kinda took one when you were sleeping.” She crinkled up her nose. “And maybe one of you and Zef running... and possibly another one of you when you were reading and didn’t notice.”

  I laughed at her adorable guilty expression. “I guess we have that in common, baby.”

  She cocked her head to the side in question.

  “I’ve got one of you when you were sleeping too... actually that’s a lie. I’ve got one of you for every night you’ve slept next to me.”

  She gaped at me. “That’s a lot of photos, Lawson,” she said softly.

  “It’s not nearly enough, pretty girl.”

  “Lucky there’s a lot more nights ahead then, right?”


  I lay back on the couch and pulled El into my side. She’d convinced me to watch ‘Forest Gump’ with her. She had insisted it was the greatest movie of all time, and even though I’d seen it more times than I could count, her giant baby blue eyes had won me over.

  She yawned a big yawn and I chuckled. “You’re never going to make it through this whole movie, baby.”

  She jabbed me in the side. “I will too.”

  She didn’t.

  I gazed down at her beautiful face. She was so peaceful when she slept. I carefully took out my phone and snapped a picture of her cradled against my arm. I wasn’t joking when I said I took a photo of her every night. It had become a habit for me. It probably sounded creepy to say that I liked to watch her sleep, but it was the truth.

  She is stunning.

  The way the low light cast a soft glow across her golden skin, her lips slightly parted. Not one single thought crossing her incredible mind – she took my breath away. If I hadn’t fallen for her kindness, or her sense of humor, her smile or her smart mouth, I knew without a doubt that I would have fallen for how perfect she was in these moments. When there was no expectations, no pressure.

  I don’t think I ever really understood how finding the perfect person for you could put all your insecurities to rest, but I did now, thanks to her.

  61. Ellerslie

  I woke in Lawson’s bed. I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow.

  Damn that long movie.

  As was becoming a bit of a ritual, I’d fall asleep and Lawson would carry me up here.

  I felt his arms slip around my middle and pull me closer, and I peeked out and smiled at him. “Good morning.”

  He smiled his boyish smile. “Morning, baby.”

  I loved looking at him in the mornings. His facial hair was a little too long, his hair scruffy. He was disheveled and sexy. His voice was husky and sleepy – it sent shivers racing down my spine.

  Yip... Lawson in the morning was a fine sight.

  “Sorry I fell asleep again. I had plans for you.”

  He gave me a sly smirk. “Did you now? And what plans were they?”

  “The kind involving work boots and a tool belt.” I winked at him.

  He laughed a deep laugh. “No worries, pretty girl. There’s always tonight.”

  I snorted. “I’m sure all our friends would love that.”

  “Good point.” He pulled me even closer to him and nuzzled at my neck. “When are they leaving again?” he growled.

  I giggled at him. “What time is it?”

  He checked his watch. “It’s just after seven. I better take a shower and get going.”

  We showered, dressed and grabbed breakfast on the run. I wanted to leave when Lawson did so he wouldn’t worry about me being here alone.

  “Text me when you get there, okay?”

  “Promise.” I kissed him softly on the lips.

  Lawson had other ideas. He snaked his arm around my back and pressed my body hard against his. He kissed me like it might be the last time. His lips were firm and commanding. His tongue dominant and persistent. I caved to his control and held on for dear life.

  He broke away abruptly and rested his forehead against mine. We were bot
h breathing hard. “I love you, pretty girl. Be careful,” he said between breaths.

  “I love you too,” I replied softly.

  He released me and strode to his truck. I stood motionless for a few seconds. My lips were swollen and my head had turned to mush. I ran my fingers across my lips, feeling where his had been.

  I turned and caught his gaze through his windscreen. His eyes were torn, I could see how hard it was for him to leave me like this. I smiled and got in my Jeep – without looking back, I reversed out and drove myself to work.

  I arrived without incident and met my bodyguard for the day. I’d had to hold back a giggle when I’d met him. He was obviously a military man – he looked like he could take down a small army single-handed.

  I text Lawson.

  “I’m here safe and sound. I’m just with the Incredible Hulk now. He is huge!”

  His reply came instantly.

  “I bet he’s not as big as me, baby.”

  I laughed out loud. That earned me a sideways glance from Hulk that I waved off as I typed out my reply.

  “Can you see me rolling my eyes from there?”

  I arrived at my office as my phone beeped again.

  “Almost. I love you, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “I love you more.”

  “Do you want a chair or something?” I asked the Hulk. I wracked my brain, trying to think of his real name.

  “No, ma’am. I’ll just be right here if you need me.” He planted his feet solidly and folded his arms. I was hoping like hell that some of the interns would need to see me today – it’d be hilarious to see their faces when they encountered this guy.

  I walked into my office but stuck my head back around the doorframe when I thought of Weston. “My PA will be here shortly. Try not to scare him, would you?”

  He nodded his head without looking away from the hallway.

  Great... he seems fun.

  I sighed and got to work. It was going to be a long day.


  It was after midday and I still hadn’t heard from Lawson. I’d had West run down to the café and bring me some lunch. I’d contemplated going myself, but I knew Lawson would shit a brick – even with the bodyguard in tow.

  I was starting to get worried about what was taking him so long.


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