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Page 2

by Jessika Klide

  I stare at his advancing chest. It is broad.

  His aura hits me when he invades my personal space causing my tummy to lurch again. It’s electric.

  He kneels down and almost touches me. I watch mesmerized as a lobby spotlight overhead shines down on him. The blonde highlights are glittering as his golden hair sways.

  I’m vaguely aware of him picking up my phone.

  As he rises, he turns his face to look up at me. The air is sucked out of my body and my heart skips more than one beat. Stunned, I look into his eyes. The spotlight shines on the pure color of them. They are emerald green! Bright emerald green!

  He rises the same way he went down. Sliding so close, I can feel the air sparking like static. Amazing!

  He towers over me and opens his hand. I cannot force my eyes away from his. I drink in their incredible color and then the strong features of his face.

  "Here you go." He says and looks at his hand.

  I force my eyes to look down at my phone cradled in his palm too, and can finally take a breath. My heart pounds in my chest as I steady myself and my thoughts. I reach for it, and when my skin touches his, I feel a tickling tingle. Ooh my!

  He cups my hand, and his electricity travels up my arm, compelling my eyes back to his unbelievably beautiful eyes.

  His chuckle is deep and rumbles when he says, "I believe you dropped this … again."

  The beauty of his smile and the laughter crinkling in his eyes, brings a matching smile and twinkle to mine. "Thanks ... Mr. Moore."

  "You're very welcome ... Miss Wright." He says, then backs away, holding my hand until they pull apart, making me melt. Then he turns and walks off to join Mrs. Smith, who has been waiting outside the elevator.

  Admiring his retreating manliness, I’m completely enchanted, but no longer breathless. His shoulders are very broad. His waist is very small. His legs are straight. His posture is perfect. His gait is strong. He glides with masculine grace. I watch his ass moving in his jeans. It is to die for! My mouth waters and my confidence returns.

  Mrs. Smith leans around his torso so she can see me. "Miss Wright, didn’t I see you with groceries?"

  He stops with her words, and turns to discover my answer.

  "Yes ma’am."

  "You’ll have time to put them away. Come on. Ride up with us."

  That puts my feet in motion. Good thinking, Mrs. Smith.

  Mr. Moore grins at me and my eyes sparkle into his.

  Time to take your breath away. I walk-trot up the short distance to him. His eyes fall to my bouncing tits and only look up when I stop in front of him. "Do you mind if I join you?"

  "Not at all." He ushers me toward the elevator. "Ladies first."

  I raise my eyebrows with that, then wink. "Thanks." As soon as the dancer glides by, he follows close behind me. Knowing he is watching my ass now, I strut my stuff. Teasing is what I do best and my ass is to die for too.

  When I walk past Mrs. Smith, I wink at her. "Thank you."

  She smiles, knowingly. "You're welcome, dear."

  Entering the elevator, I move to the back wall and Mr. Moore comes to stand beside me. We stare straight ahead like polite strangers do but when Mrs. Smith reaches out to select the floors, our eyes are locked on her hand. We watch as she only pushes one button, #9. We both smile, staring at the opposite wall.

  As soon as the elevator starts to rise, I can feel my temperature start to rise too. His rock-hard body is radiating heat, spreading to mine, making me hot. I know that body is chiseled under those clothes. His chest, his abs, his….

  "It's awfully warm in here." Mrs. Smith interrupts the vision of him naked forming in my imagination. "The air conditioning must be broken." She takes her phone out to text Ray.

  I almost laugh, but I manage to only bust a big grin. Cutting my eyes at Mr. Moore, I see he has shifted his shoulders to watch me. He isn't smiling. The intensity of his expression wipes the grin off my face and butterflies take wild flight in my gut. I cut my eyes again at his and my chest traps my breath. As he continues to watch me, I focus my stare forward. I can feel his eyes devouring me, making my heat level rise even higher. I feel my nipples hardening and pushing against my tight top. His eyes fall to them and he shifts his stance to enjoy the view. The closeness of his body sends the wild butterflies soaring to the sensitive tips and I lick my lips. That makes him grin. As I stand there allowing him to study me, I feel his smirk settle on his face, he knows the effect he is having on me and he is enjoying my submissiveness. But when I take in a much-needed lung expanding breath, he makes an involuntary soft moan within his throat, like a hum. That’s a sexy sound. My eyes smile and a smirk flits across my face. I know the effect I have on men.

  When we reach the 9th floor, Mrs. Smith exits first, turning to the right. "This way, Mr. Moore."

  He waves me forward and I glide out, turning left toward my apartment. I hear Mrs. Smith blabbing about the furnishings that are included as they walk down to the vacant apartment, 9G, at the other end of the hall. I pace my steps to arrive at my door at the same time. When I hear her jingle the keys, I look down toward them. As soon as he arrives, he looks back to find me. She enters the room and her voice fades, but he stands outside watching me. Yeah, baby! He is totally captivated. I open my door and flash him a grin. I see him grin as he follows Mrs. Smith in.

  Chapter Four

  When the door closes behind me, I lean against it and burst into giggles. This guy has IT! Whatever IT is, he has IT in droves! Fuck the groceries! "See You Again," by Miley Cyrus starts running in my head. I rush to the bathroom to check my face, my hair, and my cleavage. My reflection smiles back and I see a young girl looking at me. My eyes are twinkling like crazy! My tan skin is rosy from my pounding heart, but I pinch my cheeks anyway and bite my lips too. I release my natural light blonde hair that is heavily streaked platinum, and comb my fingers through it, fluffing it for a sexy tousled look. I survey my face for the trillionth time in my life and smile. You know you have IT too. I give myself a wink and reach into my shirt to adjust my tits for maximum effect. Play your assets.

  Returning to the door, I listen for their voices. When I hear Mrs. Smith, I casually exit. As I pull my door closed, she waves. "Come on, Miss Wright. We will wait for you again."

  I turn to see Mr. Moore standing beside Mrs. Smith with a smile on his face. Umm hmm, he was hoping I would ride back down with them.

  When our eyes meet, he says, "Perfect," and I feel that way when he looks at me.

  Giving Mrs. Smith a small wave of acknowledgement, I lengthen my stride so that my tits sway gently to the rhythm of my gait. Work it, Siri! I am rewarded to see his eyes fall to watch them again. All men love bouncy tits.

  When I reach them, I avoid eye contact with Mr. Moore letting him continue to study my face and my tits without pressure. Mrs. Smith is busy texting someone, but walks over to stand next to me. I watch her as I try to deal with the butterflies pushing at my nipples again because Mr. Moore is standing close enough to feel his electricity. She looks at me and smiles, then walks a few steps away to text in private. I can’t ignore Mr. Moore's continued stare now and his intensity makes me shift my stance. Unable to resist his eyes, I look into his face. I’m surprised that they are soft and sincere.

  Mrs. Smith walks back over. "Miss Wright, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Moore. He has decided to rent 9G. Mr. Moore. Miss Wright." She turns away to push the elevator button and looks at an incoming text.

  "Mr. Moore." I hold out my hand, as a wave of happiness hits me with this news. "Welcome to Cloud 9." I watch his beautiful golden hand take mine. His touch is tender. He steps too close again and rolls my hand so the back is facing up. He smiles down at me and holds it. Are you going to kiss it? He gently strokes the top with his thumb, sending a wave of electricity though me. His expression makes my tummy do a backflip again and the butterflies flutter. He is definitely seducing me! It's working too!

  Mrs. Smith puts her phone in her pocket
and laughs. "I've never thought of that. Cloud 9. That's very clever, dear."

  The elevator arrives with a ding. Mr. Moore strokes my hand again with his thumb, then turns and says, as he motions to the elevator. "My lady." It sounds more possessive than a title.

  I'm called a lot of things, but lady isn't one of them. I like the way it makes me feel.

  Following Mrs. Smith in, I move to the back for the 'hot' ride down. Mr. Moore follows me in and stands too close. Our arms touch. Instantly, my skin starts to sing. I try to focus on Mrs. Smith hitting the L for lobby, but all I can think about is his rock-hard body under his yellow J crew shirt and distressed jeans, and whether he wears boxers, briefs or goes commando.

  As soon as the doors close, he shifts his shoulders to study me again. I stare straight ahead, smiling at the door. After a few moments, I cut my eyes to see his expression. He is smiling too. Damn. He is fine! As we travel down several floors, his gaze never waivers. It feels so fucking good! I lick my lips several times.

  Mrs. Smith remarks again about the air conditioning needing to be checked then apologizes to us for the heat. "It's fine, Mrs. Smith. I'm actually enjoying it."

  Mr. Moore chuckles at that.

  More of that, please! That was music to my ears.

  The silence in the elevator is broken by my iPhone timer. "Wild Thing" sung by The Troggs plays. I bust another grin and cut my eyes at Mr. Moore to find his eyebrows are raised in complete surprise. I give him a flirty look. I'm full of surprises. Then laughing, I decide to let it play. I know this is totally inappropriate behavior for strangers, but fuck that! This man is a fucking dream and I want to burn myself into his mind. The dancer in me taps my heel and my hips thump to the beat as the lyrics describe how I want to move him, make him sing, make love to him and let me make everything "groovy!" On the last chorus, I devour him with my eyes slowly moving from his feet to his face, taking my hands, sliding one to my pussy and one into my pocket to retrieve my phone. I'm rewarded with hooded eyes and an involuntary half-smile. He's thinking, "I like the way you're thinking."

  Mrs. Smith glances over her shoulder. "That must be someone significant."

  The spell I cast on him is broken, so I drop my eyes to my pocket to make sure the case doesn't hang on the hem again. When it's free, I turn it off and shove it back down.

  Mrs. Smith has continued talking. "I haven't heard that in years. That song was a hit when I was little. Wow! That brings back memories." She proceeds to fill the air with blah, blah, blah.

  Swinging my hair to the side, I look up at Mr. Moore to flirt, but he isn't looking at me now, and he doesn't look at me. He's facing forward like the polite stranger he really is. He's frowning.

  My heart sinks. Was I too aggressive? Did I come on too strong? Did I turn you off? He ignores me. Shit! I face forward too and stare at the door. Siri! You're not in Vegas! He probably thinks you're a whore and wants no part of you. Shit! My chest starts to hurt. I can't wait to get out of this confined space now! Once you're labeled a whore, there is no going back.

  The elevator touches down and I stand up straight, ready to move the moment the doors open. I can feel his eyes on me now, but I resist the urge to look at him. I don’t want to see the label in them. If I do, I might bolt and run. I have to maintain my dignity. I square my shoulders. I am not ashamed of who I am.

  Chapter Five

  As soon as the doors open, Mrs. Smith exits. I take a step to follow, but Mr. Moore reaches out and lays his hand on my arm, touching it gently but firmly, sending goose bumps running up my shoulder. His touch stops me in my tracks.

  Looking at his beautiful hand laying on my arm and feeling that instant wave of tingling sensations from his touch, I know the depth of what his rejection would truly mean to me. Real loneliness. I’ve been isolated and I’ve been lonely, but until this man, this complete stranger, I never realized what I was missing. I take a deep breath and contemplate his hand resting on my arm. Your skin is a beautiful, sun kissed golden color, and the light reflects gold highlights from your dark blonde hair. You are absolutely gorgeous! And I know gorgeous! I see the best the world has to offer. And you are more than that! I let out a long sigh.

  He strokes my arm with his thumb and I lift my face to his. "Is there someone significant?" His voice is soft and the tone soothes me.

  Is there someone significant? I replay the question and it dawns on me what he is thinking. He didn’t label me after all. Relief washes over me and I drop my eyes to look at his hand again. Oh! That was the problem! Mrs. Smith put the thought in your head that I have someone in my life. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. He strokes my arm again. Does that mean you were scared I wasn't available? Really? After my blatant flirting?

  I look out to the lobby as I ponder this, watching Mrs. Smith walk across the lobby floor. A man like you would rarely be turned down by any woman, available or not. I can only imagine the number of women you have seduced. You knew what I was thinking. Why would someone significant to me matter to you? You are used to having women fall at your feet and I was ... am ... willing.

  I look back at his hand on mine, and he strokes me again, sending goosies up my arm. I can feel his body language asking me to answer his question.

  Which makes me wonder, why it matters to you? I lift my face back to his and look directly into his eyes to read his answer.

  His eyes hold mine captive, searching, trying to read my response and his gaze dominates me.

  Surprised to be studied so intensely, I narrow my eyes and look deep inside him. What I see astounds me. He is not a typical Alabama boy. There is real depth there and maturity in his soul. He is gathering intel on me as well as I am on him.

  Touché then. I respect that, so I’ll tell you without words and see if you get me too.

  My eyes soften and I look into his eyes unguarded and open. I let them drift around his facial features, studying his handsomeness, while my facial expressions tell him.

  You are the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on! Ever!

  I bat my eyes and look away, shyly, then I lay my hand on my arm and rub the goosies he gives me.

  Do you know that you make my body tingle from head to toe?

  I look back into his eyes. I can’t help the smirk that falls on my face. Of course you do. You get that all the time.

  I frown and crinkle my brow. But what makes you ask if there is someone significant calling me? Why does it matter to you? You could have me anyway.

  I look out and see his truck in the visitor spot. I lift my eyebrows as it dawns on me. Oh, you don't share. Of course you wouldn't. You are a dominant male. An Alpha. A real man! I nod my head in acknowledgment.

  He strokes my arm again. In that same soft, soothing tone, he asks. "In your life?"

  Watching Mrs. Smith talk to Ray allows me time to absorb why he continued the question and what his voice inflection means.

  Why does it matter to you if I have someone special if I’m willing to hook up with you anyway? I crinkle my brow again thinking.

  His grip tightens ever so slightly and his thumb strokes my skin, drawing my eye back to his hand, then up to his face to see his thoughts. When I look into his eyes, the sincerity that questions me, gives me the answer. Oh!

  I give him a sexy smile and he smiles back, but his eyes continue to hold mine, searching, reading me. So I relax, lean my head back and flirt. Why were you seducing me so aggressively? Am I the most beautiful woman you have ever laid eyes on?

  His eyes smile now.

  Does my body turn your body on like no-one else has before? I take a small step closer to him and my breast almost brushes him.

  His breathing changes ever so slightly, so I push him further, covering his hand with mine and stroking his skin with my thumb. Do you feel the unusual physical connection we share too?

  He closes his eyes.

  I take another small step closer to him and my breast brushes his arm.

  Instantly, his eyes open, look d
irectly into mine and pierces me to my core again, making my breath hitch in my throat. Then a 'sexy as hell' smile breaks across his face.

  My heart jolts awake. You do! You do feel it too and it’s as powerful to you as it is to me.

  Happiness and sheer relief flood my body. Overwhelmed by the emotions that course through me, I drop my eyes and look down as comprehension washes over me.

  His hand squeezes mine, reassuring me, but still asking.

  Is there someone significant? Not no, but Hell No! Never! Not until….

  My eyes start to twinkle. I tip my head letting my hair shield my face from the lobby, then looking up at him through my eyelashes, I give him my sweetest smile. My voice is light and teasing when I finally answer. "Not until an hour ago."

  Instantly, he gets it and rewards me with his big beautiful smile as he chuckles. The warmth of his reaction spreads through me and fills me with confidence. I stand to face him fully, toe to toe, as I return the challenging question. "And you? Is there someone significant in your life?"

  The elevator doors close, shutting out the world. There is only us and we are alone in this tiny room.

  He closes the remaining small gap and my body comes alive. The world shrinks even more to only his body inches from mine. He drops his head, puts his mouth next to my ear, and says in a quiet voice that washes over me from my head to all ten toes. "Not until about an hour and 5 minutes ago."

  And 5 minutes ago? I blink with his words, frowning. Oh! You're talking about my iPhone toss, my near collision, then the wet slide, my hair flop and drop, finally rescuing and turning off my phone, only to drop it again because you are so damn, drop dead, gorgeous. I blush beet red embarrassed. I hide my face in my hands, shaking my head. "I must have looked like the biggest goofball ever!" I peer over the tops of my fingers at him. "Can we erase that 5 minutes, please?"

  He laughs at my expression and the sound is infectious. I giggle as he taps his head. "Nope. Steel trap."


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