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Page 4

by Jessika Klide

  Once in my place, I hum "Happy" while I change into the same tangerine outfit, put the cookies in the oven on low, and tie a blue ribbon around the wine bottle. I find a basket to transport the cookies, put them on a plate, throw a towel over them, grab the bottle of wine and float down to 9G.

  At the door, I lift the towel off the cookies and their aroma fills the air. After several deep breaths to calm myself, I raise my knuckles to knock. Mr. Moore pulls the door open, takes a step to come out, then stops surprised to see me. He gives me his big beautiful smile. "Miss Wright, I missed you yesterday."

  My butterflies fly away as my tummy lurches so hard I almost pee my pants. Fucking A! He is hotter than I remember! The light from the hall shines in his eyes and on his hair. They really are bright emerald green! And it really does give a halo effect! My mouth waters.

  Managing somehow to keep my composure, I look past him into his apartment and see that it's dark. "Is this a bad time?"

  As he studies my outfit, the basket on my arm, and the bottle of wine in my hand, I study his face in greater detail. His dark, almost black, eyebrows accentuate his eyes to perfection. His white teeth stand out against his tanned skin and are perfectly straight. His lips….

  How could I have missed his lips? They are defined, perfectly shaped, but not full, and not tight; they are Goldilocks perfect. They are just right. I lick my own.

  He inhales the scent of the cookies. "Of course not. Please come in." He turns the lights back on and pulls the door all the way open, gesturing for me to enter. When I walk in, I pause just inside. "I can always find time for a beautiful woman who comes knocking on my door bearing gifts of cookies and wine." The tone of his deep voice envelopes and caresses my ears. His hands brush my skin and I feel the tingle he gives me as he lifts the basket off my arm and takes the wine out of my hand. As he walks away, I watch his perfect physique. I notice several very nice things. One, he is wearing a flight suit. Two, that flight suit shows off his perfect v-shaped body. Three, that flight suit shows off his killer, perfect, coffee bean shaped ass too.

  A fucking fine feast!

  When he is in the kitchen, he motions for me to join him. "I'm sorry, but I can't enjoy a glass with you right now of this…" He holds the wine bottle away so he can read the label. "…fine Merlot. I'm flying tonight, but I will definitely give you a raincheck." He sets it on the counter with the basket of cookies. "I will be happy to devour these delicious morsels with you now though. Would you like a glass of milk?"

  I laugh to myself. Men! They are suckers for milk and cookies. I walk up to the counter watching how comfortable he is in his new apartment. He has made himself right at home in a matter of hours.

  He gestures to one of the bar stools so I sit. He grabs two lowball glasses without waiting for my answer, and the milk from the refrigerator, then pours us both a glass. He stands on the opposite side, takes a cookie, dunks it in his milk, then plops it in his mouth whole. "Yum." He says as he closes his eyes. "Have one. They are delicious."

  I stare at his mouth working on the cookie. The motion of his lips pushes an 'on' button I didn't know I had.

  Yum, your lips! They form a perfect heart shape. The thought of sucking his bottom lip fills my mind and I bite my own staring fascinated and captivated and he chews the cookie.


  Then he swallows and they stop moving, but I keep staring because they begin to part, spreading over his teeth into a 'sexy as hell' smile.

  I lift my eyes to find him watching me through hooded lids. The desire I see there sends a hot wave coursing through me and I blush.

  Busted! I smile back. Like minds are a good thing, right?

  He picks another cookie up. "Here. Like this." His intense eyes hold mine as he playfully dunks it. But when it heads for his mouth, my eyes fall to watch him slowly insert it between his sexy lips again. This time, he sends more tongue to greet it and I bite my lip again. As he lays the cookie on his flat tongue, and slowly draws it into his mouth.

  Despite the fact that I know he is wanting a reaction and is watching me for it, I can't control myself. Another wave of desire crashes over me and my breathing quickens. I feel my own eyes hood and lock onto his moving mouth. As he chews, I lick my lips.

  Damn, he pushes my 'on' buttons.

  He chuckles after he swallows it.

  He knows what he’s doing to me and he’s enjoying. I look up to his eyes and confirm it.

  He hands me a cookie. "Your turn. Let me see what you can do with it."

  I almost laugh out loud. Yes. Let me show you what I can do with a cookie. My eyes twinkle at him.

  Taking the cookie, I hover it over my milk and wait until his eyes leave mine. As they travel down they linger on my tits, so I begin to dunk it in my milk in a rhythm that matches our thoughts. His eyes move to watch the milk dance in the glass. Then I take it out and begin the journey to my mouth. His eyes snap to watch my own lips part. I bare my teeth as it approaches and bite it gently. I nibble it again and again. Slowly eating it, working my lips and teasing it with my teeth. It takes a few seconds to consume. Then I tip my head all the way back so my neck is fully extended, and close my eyes. I put my hand on my throat and stroke it as I swallow. Once, twice, three times or so. Before I open my eyes, I let my own 'sexy as hell' smile spread slowly over my teeth and acknowledge. "That was delicious!"

  When I cut my eyes to look at him, his eyes are a dark shade of emerald green.

  Ha! I know what he is thinking and it isn't how good that damn cookie tastes. It’s how good that would feel on his cock and how deep can he shove it down my throat.

  Picking my head up, I look straight into his eyes, confident I won that round.

  Chapter Nine

  His dark eyes bore into mine for several seconds and turns my flirty confidence into something much more primitive that matches his. I feel the door inside my soul unlock. Then he smiles that sexy half smile again and challenges me. "Would you like more?"

  We stare at each other with the innuendo heavy between us. I drop my eyes to stare at my milk, not really seeing it. I can feel him watching me, looking for my reaction. I twist the glass, then glance at him. He smirks.

  I really want to fuck you, Mr. Moore. No sense denying that.

  Swinging my hair so it is all on one side, I look up at him from under my lashes.

  I would like more. Mr. Moore.

  His expression changes as I reach for the cookie. Hungry eyes wanting me, watch me. I smirk with the extreme confidence that comes from being the Vegas superstar, Seary, and founder of Fucking Fantasies. As I hover it over my milk again, my eyes tell him. You are never again going to dunk a cookie without seeing this replayed.

  I wait while his eyes travel to it, then I dunk it in the milk with such force that it sloshes. Pulling the cookie back to the edge, I pause, then I dunk it hard again, sloshing the milk again, then withdraw it to the edge. His breathing changes. Once more, I slam the cookie into the milk and the white liquid sloshes over the rim and slips down the glass.

  I lean up, push my tits down onto the counter so they pop out of the neckline of my tank top. I pick the glass up and lick the milk off it. Letting my tongue tickle it before I lick it clean, then I pucker my lips, and suck the milk from the cookie.

  His breathing stops completely.

  You weren't expecting that.

  My tongue darts around my parted lips as lick the milk off them, then I arch my back, thrusting my tits toward him, until my neck is fully extended and exposed again. Sticking my tongue out, and opening wide, I insert the whole cookie into my abyss. Then I close my mouth around my thumb, and suck it to the rhythm of what we both want, letting it slide in and out. When I swallow the cookie, I swallow the whole fucking thing at once, and drag my hand down my throat to my chest.

  I hear a very low, primal groan from him and I know I have scorched his mind and won the cookie eating challenge. Laying my head sidewise as I lick my lips, confident my teasing to
rture has made him horny as hell, and he knows without a doubt I want Moore, I smirk. "Like that?"

  His hooded eyes and his hungry expression were nothing compared to the dark look on his face now!

  My body freezes. I have tested his self-control. He looks battle ready.

  Wide-eyed, I watch him struggling, knowing instinctively not to move, to wait. For all my experiences in Vegas, I have never seen this expression before. I’ve meet alpha males, but I’ve never met a true hunter. His intensity is truly as frightening as it is exciting. I can see and feel the ferocity of his passion. He groans a low moanful sound as he reins it in.

  Holy fucking hell! I’m shocked. I should be afraid. But I’m not.

  The electricity sparking between us sends my hand to reach for him and his eyes dart to it, then they look directly into mine. The piercing power touches something deep inside me and whatever it is comes alive! I feel my tits swell with the pounding of my heart; the nipples elongate and push out on my bra. My skin flushes. My pussy soaks my pants. My clit jumps and begins to tingle.

  Damn, that look turns me on! He is a fucking fine Beast who would feast on me! My eyes answer him. I would let you fuck me right now, Mr. Moore, and that's never happened to me before!

  He closes his eyes and I pull my hand back.

  Then he growls. "Damn straight. Just like that."

  I stare at him, wondering. How? How can this intensity between us happen so fast?

  He hangs his head, and leans on the counter for support. I can see his tense, bulging muscles under his taut flight suit. I watch his big chest grow large as he breathes in and out, controlling himself. Slowly, his expression subsides and his muscles relax.

  He shakes his hanging head and chuckles. The sound is soft. When he lifts his face to mine again, he is grinning. "Damn, woman." The corners of his eyes crinkle a tiny bit.

  My heart starts to sing. He's just too damn cute!

  Grinning back at him, the mischievous twinkle appears in my eyes and I reach for another cookie. His eyes flare slightly and I see a trace of concern flash across his face.

  I smile sweetly up at him. Don't worry. I'm not going to push your buttons again. Not yet, anyway. I hold the cookie out to him. "Yum. Have one. I hear they are delicious." I giggle. "They are to die for!"

  He laughs as he takes the cookie. He stares at it for a moment, then dunks it. "Are you from around here?" He opens his mouth and unceremoniously stuffs his gorgeous face as he waits for my answer, relaxed and comfortable again.

  "Yes and no. I'm complicated."

  "No doubt." He rolls his eyes, making me laugh.

  "And you? Are you from around here?"

  "Yes and no too. I'm complicated too." He flirts, mimicking me.

  "No doubt." I roll my eyes, right back at him with a teasing tone.

  We each take another cookie, grinning at each other. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" He stuffs his mouth.

  "Nothing." I nibble mine. "Why?" My eyes dance.

  He watches my mouth on my cookie and I know what he’s thinking in the back of his mind.

  Chapter Ten

  As he chews, he flirts. "Oh, I was just wondering what exactly goes on around here on the weekends."

  "Not a whole helluva lot. You have to make your own entertainment."

  His eyes light up. "What kind of entertainment do you make?"

  "Personally, I entertain myself with exercise." I finish my cookie. "I'm turning into an exercise freak."

  "An exercise freak? Really?" He asks, keeping a straight face, but his eyes are dancing. "What kind of exercise?"

  "Dancer-cise. I'm actually a dancer in my complicated life." I reach for another cookie.

  "I know. I've been dreaming about you ever since I saw you dance."

  "I'm surprised you could tell I was a dancer." I plop the cookie in my mouth whole and look up as I push the basket to him, waving that I'm finished.

  "Well, I …" He stares at the basket, thinking. "Yes. Well…" He puts his hand on the basket. "I've been replaying your dance moves over and over in my mind." He looks at me and smiles.

  "In that first five minutes Sunday?" I grin up at him, disbelief on my face.

  He watches me for a moment, then pulls the basket to him and takes the last two cookies. "There was a very dramatic dance move in that 5 minutes."

  I laugh. "Now that was an unforgettable performance!"

  "Yes, parts of it certainly were." He plops both cookies in his mouth.

  I talk with my hands. "Let me guess, it was the impressive jump with the twirling spin I performed perfectly to avoid the collision?"

  He laughs and shakes his head. "No, actually it was the way you flipped your hair, dropped your ass and … the way certain parts bounced that stuck with me." He stares at my tits. "Pretty amazing move." He looks into my face and smiles. "You are unforgettable."

  I tingle from his look and his words. Dropping my eyes, I grin at my milk and twist my glass again. "Umm hmm."

  "Back to your weekend plans, I was hoping we could share the wine one day, if you aren't busy."

  "That would be nice. I would like that."

  "But right now, I have to run. I don't want to be late." He commands. "Finish your milk."

  I obediently pick my glass up to drain it, but decide to make a toast first. I hold the glass up for him to clink. "Here's to … Moore."

  His eyes smile at me and he holds his up. "Here's to … Wright."

  We touch glasses then drain them. He washes them quickly and wipes off the counter.

  Watching this gorgeous specimen in action, I can’t help but analyze him. His fluid motion and efficient movement is sexy as hell! Is there nothing that isn't perfect?

  He hands me my basket. "I really hate to eat and run."

  I finish his sentence as he follows me to the door. "But duty calls?"

  "Something like that." He locks the door behind us.

  As we walk down to the elevator, he asks. "So where's the 'no' you are from?" I tip my head not understanding his question. "Where does the complicated dancer live?"

  I smile looking at the floor. We walk a few steps before I answer. "Vegas." I cut my eyes to see his reaction.

  "Awesome. Vegas is one of my favorite places in the world."

  "I don't usually tell folks from here that. Not because I'm ashamed, because I'm not. I love my life! But because they can't handle it. You know, Sin City. To them, Vegas is the capital of Hell." I laugh, thinking of Janice's comments at the Publix checkout line. "And I'm going straight there." I shake my head and look at him. "It's really rather sad to me. I pity them as much as they pray for me. I'm the one who doesn't judge others. I'm the one who actually loves everyone, no matter who they are, or where they come from. I'm the one who values honesty above lies."

  He half turns, and gives me an impressed look. "You are really an interesting find."

  I smirk and half turn to him too. "Now how sad is that? Honesty is interesting. No, even worse, honesty is a find?" I bump into him playfully as we walk. "So, where is the 'no' you are from?"

  "Army brat and Army aviator. I fly Apache’s. I have family in Italy too, and bounce back and forth from here to there, but I lived here the longest so I call it home."

  Italian! I knew it! "I've always wanted to go to Italy, particularly Florence and Rome. I love architecture and the arts." I say as we reach the elevator. "Thank you for your service too. Did you serve in Afghanistan or Iraq?"

  He gives me a quick nod of acknowledgement as he pushes the down button. "Both." Then he invades my personal space and speaks quietly to me. "Thanks for the cookies."

  My body is instantly turned on and wanting his touch. I answer as quietly, looking into his gorgeous face. "You're welcome."

  "I enjoyed watching you enjoy them."

  My eyes twinkle. "I enjoyed watching you … enjoy watching me … enjoy them."

  His eyes twinkle with mine. "Did you bake them yourself?"

  "Ha, no! I can't co
ok." I confess. "Compliments of the bakery in Publix."

  "Your honesty is refreshing, you know."

  "So I've been told."

  The elevator arrives and he says in my ear. "I'll be dreaming of the way you eat cookies for the rest of my life." My ear tingles from his tone all the way down to my toes and I close my eyes enjoying the sensation. "And I can't wait to see what you will do with wine." I feel him back away. I open my eyes to see him in the elevator, pushing the lobby button. As the doors close, he says. "You are more than I dreamed of." His smile is so beautiful that my knees get weak. He says in the last shrinking span. "Ciao."

  "See ya." When the doors are closed, I run to my apartment, fling the basket on the counter, and rush out onto the balcony. Bracing on the rail, I lean over it. As soon as he exits the building, he turns to look to my apartment. I wave and he throws his hand up, then walks with his perfect posture and strong gait to his truck. He gives me another wave as he gets in. I wave again too.

  As his truck backs out, I hug myself. I want Moore!

  Watching his truck disappear down the private drive to the highway, I sing an appropriate song. One of my favorites to dance down the runway to. "So Contagious" by Acceptance. It’s fitting. Def! Unexpected!

  Standing in the evening air, I know he has stirred the monster inside me and I will never be the same.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wednesday morning, I wake from dreams of Moore in Vegas. I roll over and stare at the ceiling, remembering them before they fade. I’m smiling because I was so incredibly happy. I kept seeing his face scattered in all the crowds.

  I do my stretches with my mind wide awake and full of the possibilities. I envision him in my pool, swimming laps, naked; on my balcony sunning, naked, with me, naked; in my bed, naked. When I’m finished, I drag myself to the edge of the bed and repeat my handstand ritual.

  In the kitchen, I wait for the coffee to finish perking. My Blue Heart souvenir mug is sitting next to it. Smiling, I pick it up to admire the autograph. Surreal's name in her flowery handwriting, complete with a heart on the S, is in blue matching ink. It brightens my mood even more. I'm so fortunate! Pouring my coffee, I take it out onto the balcony.


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