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How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)

Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  Heath’s whole body jerked in rapture as he emptied himself into her, prolonged, wrenching spasms that made him tingle and his toes curl. How could it keep getting better and better? And he hadn’t become satiated with her. Heath craved Cato more and more. Tonight, when he could take no more at home, it was to her he’d run. Without a doubt, without hesitation, he had sought no other for comfort and solace. If he hadn’t been so replete, he would’ve dwelt more on what that meant—but not now, at this moment everything was perfect.

  She started to move, but he held on. When she turned her face to his, he explained. “Let me keep you close just a few seconds longer. My world has gone to hell in a hand-basket and holding you near is the only thing that feels right.”

  Okay, she would never move. “What’s wrong, baby?” Cato couldn’t have kept the tenderness out of her voice if she tried.

  “Everything is falling apart. Jaxson has shut down. He’s given up.”

  The idea of the young vibrant man suffering just tore at her heart. “Oh, no. What will you do?”

  “We’re getting him some help. He’s pushed the family away.”

  Cato reached up and kissed him on the cheek. He was hurting so. Heath took her hand and kissed the palm. “Philip’s scared, he won’t admit it but he’s losing faith that the jury will believe there was some kind of conspiracy behind Dalton Smith’s murder.”

  At least in this area she could offer some help. “I’m still working on the documents. I’m only about halfway through. I’ll find something to help. If it’s there, I’ll find it. I promise.”

  “Thank you, I know you will.” She laid her cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

  After a few moments, he put a finger under her chin and lifted it. “And to top it off, Arness showed up at Highlands and informed us he owns all of our mineral rights.”

  This shocked Cato. “How can that be? How is it possible that Arness is making such a claim?”

  “I don’t know. Zane and Presley have come back to Highlands and they’re working on all of this. They’ve even brought in Zane’s partner Adam and even Noah’s fiancée, Skye.”

  “I didn’t know Skye worked for Zane.”

  “She’s an associate. Don’t worry, I have a hard time keeping up.”

  “I went to Tebow a couple of days ago to see the twins and take Avery and Isaac a little post honeymoon gift.”

  “That was sweet of you.”

  “I got us a surprise also.” She gave him a wicked little grin.

  “Oh, really. Like what?”

  Before she could answer, he said, “Yeah, I know. I know. It’s a surprise.”

  “While I was there, Jacob gave Noah a photograph of his mother. They were pretty upset but he was so happy to have it. I felt sorry for him.”

  “I can’t imagine,” Heath agreed. “It was hard to lose my mother, but Noah’s circumstances are far worse. He’s never known his.”

  Cato started to say something about her own situation but her lack of maternal love was water under the bridge, there was no going back.

  “She was beautiful. Noah favored her.”

  “You’re a softie, that’s what you are, especially here.” He smacked her on the bottom.

  She giggled and kissed his cheek, noting the shadows under his beautiful blue eyes. “You’re tired.” Cato cupped the side of his face tenderly. “Can you sleep with me?”

  “For a little while. I’ll have to go home soon.”

  “Okay, hold on.” Before he could protest she rose and went to her restroom, returning with a warm wash cloth. God, she had the sexiest ass!

  Stealing Heath’s breath and part of his heart, he watched Cato kneel down and pick up his dick, washing it tenderly with the soft cloth. Despite his fatigue, he could feel his flesh react. “Ha! He never gives up even when I’m bushed.”

  “He makes me happy.” With a smile, she bent over and placed a gentle kiss on his spent shaft.

  “God have mercy on me,” Heath whispered as she left to put the cloth back in the bathroom.

  When she returned, she crawled into the bed, splendidly naked, flawless in her femininity. Heath tried to remember what his life had been like pre-Cato but it was almost impossible. “Cuddle with me for a little while before I head back.”

  “Okay.” She nestled against him, her head on his shoulder so he could see her mouth. “If you want, we can put the trip this weekend on hold and just meet like this when you have time, like you originally wanted to do.”

  “No.” Heath was quick to answer. “I’m looking forward to getting away for a bit with you. I need it.” I need you.

  “Good.” She breathed easier. “It’s all arranged. I was prepared to cancel if need be, but if you can go, I have something special in store for you.”

  Heath ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. “More special than what I have in my arms?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Cato laughed. “Way better.”

  “Not possible,” Heath said and meant it.

  * * *

  “Heath, if lawyers get disbarred do cowboys get deranged?”

  Heath turned to look at Zane to see if he’d lost his mind. The sly grin on his lawyer friend’s face made him smile, something he hadn’t done enough of. “You might find out soon. I feel like I’m approaching my breaking point.”

  “Well, don’t go off the deep-end yet. I think I have some good news.”

  “What is it? I could use some.”

  “I think we’re going to get the judge I wanted, Judge Harry Prescott. And the best part is that Ten and Bowie have unearthed what may have been an eyewitness to Smith’s murder.”

  “What?” Heath couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Yes, while they were hunting the individual who shot at you the other day, they came upon a man named Ray Faulk. He’s a hermit, reclusive type who lives out near Silver Creek.”

  “A squatter?”

  “A squatter you might be glad to have.” Heath motioned for Zane to continue. “He says he was up on the ridge and saw Smith making his way toward the mine. He also heard a gunshot and saw him go down.”

  “Why didn’t he report it?”

  “Faulk is anti-government, anti-establishment, anti-police and anti-banking. He said he checked to see if he was dead and he was but that he didn’t want to get involved or killed, so he left.”

  “Why did he tell Ten anything?”

  “Well, Ten and Bowie rescued Faulk’s dog, he’d fallen down a shaft and the old man was mourning himself to death. Bowie rappelled down and brought the terrier up and Faulk was grateful, hence he answered Ten’s questions.”

  “But he didn’t see who shot, did he?”

  “No, but we have an exact time and now we can use that time to build a case that Philip was nowhere around the ranch. All we need to do is find someone who can verify he was on the UT campus at the time of the murder.”

  “Hot damn!” Heath was relieved.

  “Now, this doesn’t get us entirely off the hook, but it sure as hell gives us something to work with. And remember, I have that contact at the precinct. Anytime there’s a dispatch or an arrest or if I need information on a vehicle or a source, I call Ava.”

  “Thank you, thank you.” Heath shook Zane’s hand. “And thank Ava for me.”

  “Hey, don’t thank me, thank Ten, Bowie and that dog. But I will tell Ava.”

  “What about Arness? Have we stopped that court order?”

  “Yea, I have an injunction prepared but you may have to take it down to San Antonio. It needs to go before the Energy Commission. Plus, your father is putting together a statement about the mineral rights and we’ve got some people out searching some of the old courthouse records.”

  “I’ll be glad to do it, just name the day.” He picked up a sofa pillow and began squeezing it. “You know, we lost so much in Katrina. The document might have been at Belle Chasse.”

  “Your father doesn’t ever remembering seeing it, he just knows
what his father told him.” Zane explained.

  “Damn. What are we going to do?”

  “We’ve either got to find it or prove the documents Arness has are forged.”

  “Heath!” Pepper’s voice called from the doorway. “Jaxson needs to see you.” Her voice sounded funny.

  “Be right there.” Heath left Zane and hurried to his brother’s room. Tapping on the door, he waited until he heard Jaxson’s voice telling him to enter.

  “Hey, what’s up, buddy?” He went in, alarmed at the fact Jaxson seemed to have lost weight in the short hours since he’d seen him.

  “I’ve made a decision.”

  “What’s that?” God, did he want to hear this?

  “I want to go away for a while.”

  “Go away?” Shit.

  “Yea, I’m feeling smothered here. I know Olivia means well, but I just can’t handle it.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “I’ve rented a little place down around San Marcos on the Comal River. I just need some space.”

  Heath shook his head. “I don’t know how you’ll make it. How will you—”

  “Look, Heath.” Jaxson rolled forward in the wheelchair. “I’ve got to get out of this thing and on crutches or an artificial leg or something, and I can’t do it here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Everyone hovers too damn much!” Jaxson spit out. “Besides, I don’t need your permission.”

  “No, you don’t.” Heath conceded. “I just worry.”

  “Well, don’t.” Jaxson slashed his hand through the air. “It’s time I stood on my own two…” He paused. “FUCK!”

  His own two feet.

  Heath understood.

  “We’re here for you, you know that.”

  “I know,” Jaxson whispered. “But I need to be alone.”

  Heath put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  One step forward, two steps back. That’s how he felt. God, he needed Cato.

  * * *

  Heath picked her up bright and early on Saturday morning. “Hey, beautiful!” He greeted her.

  She met him with a sweet kiss. Her lips opened to his and he dipped inside. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Me too.” He closed the door on Old Red and went to get in on his side. “Where to?”

  “South toward Corpus Christi.” She announced with a grin.

  “Road-trip!” He loved it. “Let’s just have a good time and leave our worries here.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He let his eyes move over her. “You look good enough to eat, sugar.” And she did, she had on a bright red sundress with strappy white sandals. That waterfall of hair was bouncing around and if he wasn’t going blind, she was braless. Unable to help himself, Heath reached over and flicked the hard point of a nipple that was poking through the thin cloth of her bodice. “Damn, baby. Do you have panties on?”

  “Not a shred.” Without blinking an eye, she lifted her skirt and flashed him.

  Heath almost ran off the road.


  “Sorry, you need to concentrate on your driving. We have quite a ways to go.”

  “Where?” The only place he wanted to go was to bed.

  “We’re heading to Kingsville, we have a couple of stops there, then we’re staying at a beachside B&B where I’m going to give you head in the surf.”

  By this time, Heath was speechless. His cock was laying a full-out assault against his zipper.

  “Sound good?” she asked, wondering at his silence. “I bought you a surprise.” Cato offered as enticement.

  “You’re too good to me.” He put his hand on her knee. “Spread your legs.”

  “What? You’re driving.”

  “I can handle it. I may be steering the truck, but you’re driving me crazy.”

  Cato shivered with excitement. Pulling her skirt up, she opened her legs. “Maybe we need a towel, I’ll get your seat wet.”

  “Like I care?” he asked. “The evidence of your desire for me on Old Red would be a badge of honor.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Just play a bit.” He put his palm on her knee and skated his hand up a smooth, silky path to her thigh.

  “I wish I were thinner for you.”

  Her voice was small. Heath slowed down so he could make eye contact. He glanced in the rearview, there was nothing coming. “Thinner? Why in the hell would you say that? I like you just the way you are.”

  She’d been about to protest some more when he slid his hand up her thigh and cupped her mound. “Oh, my goodness,” she breathed.

  “Scoot down in the seat farther.”

  Magic. His fingers were magic. “I may pass out.”

  “You like that, don’t you, baby?” God, she was sweet. Her little pussy was coating his fingertips with honey.

  She couldn’t answer him, she had her eyes closed and her face was a picture of pure euphoria. “Damn.” He couldn’t stand it. They hadn’t gone far, he’d taken US 281 toward San Antonio. Looking ahead, he saw a dirt road they could pull down.

  “You’re stopping?”

  “Hell, yes. I want to do this right.”

  Going far enough down they couldn’t be seen from the highway, Heath pulled into a close copse of cedars. Cato didn’t have to be convinced. She was so wet, her juice was running down her thigh. “Oh, please, yes. How?”

  Slamming his seat back as far as it would go, Heath unbuckled, unzipped and pushed his pants down, then reached for her hand. “Come here, get in my lap, straddle me.”

  Cato felt awkward, but she allowed him to help her. He scooted out from under the wheel, more to the center of the seat and she sat across his lap facing him, both knees in the seat on either side of his thighs. “This is exciting,” she murmured.

  “Never had so much fun in my life,” Heath admitted, hastily untying her sundress. “I’m so excited my fingers are shaking.” When he’d gotten enough of her uncovered to pull her camisole down, he gently coaxed her breasts from their confinement. “I lie in bed at night and dream of touching you, sucking you.” Bending over, he began to suckle at her nipple while rubbing the jealous twin between his fingers.

  Cato keened. “How do you make me want you so much?”

  Heath didn’t stop kissing her tits to answer her, he didn’t know how. He was blessed was all he knew.

  Wrapping her arms around Heath’s neck, she kissed his face, his throat, nipping the flesh while she trembled. When she scooted up to get closer to him, she discovered the movement caused her clit to rub deliciously over the hard bulge in his pants. So, she repeated the process, and repeated it. “Oh, God,” she moaned, looking him in the eye.

  Holding her was like trying to hang on to lightning, she was literally shimmering in his arms. “You’re fucking amazing, did you know that?” Tugging her forward, Heath cupped her nape and joined their lips. As he let his tongue dance in her mouth, he slipped his hand to her sex and began to tease her wet folds while his thumb circled her clit. “Sweet, so sweet.”

  Cato hummed her pleasure, she was high on this man—he was her drug of choice. Coherent thinking was beyond her. She cared for nothing but Heath and how he made her feel. He was driving her mad! His mouth was never still. He kissed her everywhere—her lips, her breasts, her neck. “Heath!” she exclaimed when he nuzzled her neck and nipped her collarbone, and all the time his fingers played in her pussy, rubbing, caressing, stroking.

  “Come for me, baby,” he urged.

  “I want you inside of me. Please?”

  How could he deny her when he would be denying himself? Clasping her bottom, Heath lifted her onto his cock.

  Cato’s fingers bit into his shoulder as he slowly lowered her, working his way into her inch by glorious inch. “Oh, that feels so good,” she almost sobbed. “You’re so hot and thick. I love it!” Cato buried her face in his neck.

  Heath couldn’t get enough. He watched her pussy accept his cock—impalin
g her was the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed. Everything about her was exquisite, from her flushed, heaving tits to the look of rapture on her face. And she enjoyed it, there was no pretense. Heath could feel her womanhood contracting around him and every time she did it, she whimpered.


  “Always, with you.”

  Shit. Heath’s balls ached. He needed to fuck. Lifting her slightly, he rammed upward, burying himself to the hilt.

  “More!” She screamed as ripples of ecstasy radiated out from her pussy.

  Heath let himself off the leash, pounding up into her over and over again in long, hard driving thrusts. Cato wasn’t passive. She rode him, arching, throwing her head back so her long hair tickled his thighs. But what nearly killed him was what she did with her pussy—she massaged him, milked him, clenching and unclenching around him until he thought he would die from pleasure. Pumping faster, he drove both of them over the rim of sanity. She writhed in his arms, the walls of her sheathe fluttering around his cock. Heath’s reaction was as old as time—his balls tightened, his cock swelled and throbbed and he exploded inside of Cato, flooding her with the warm jets of his cum.

  Heath held her close, allowing them both to regain their breath. “That was absolutely unbelievable,” he whispered, then realized she had no idea he’d spoken. Wordlessly he conveyed the same sentiment, stroking her back and kissing her neck.

  “Thank you, Heath,” she finally spoke. “You are giving me the most wonderful memories.”

  A pang of apprehension knifed through him. Setting her up, he spoke, “Let’s get back on the road. I need to check on the family.” She untangled herself from him and straightened her clothing. “Can I look in your glove box for napkins? I need to clean up.”

  He opened it and pointed out some paper towels and even a couple of wipes from a BBQ joint. “Help yourself.”

  Always considerate, she passed one to him first and they spent a few seconds getting presentable.


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