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Boracay Vows

Page 16

by Maida Malby

  As he guessed, she said, “At some point I would like to check out the boutiques, but can we just take it easy today? Lounge by the whirlpool? Eat a late lunch? Yesterday was great but long and incredibly eventful.” She smiled at him wearily.

  “Have I thanked you yet for organizing everything for Aidan’s and my birthday? I had so much fun, except for the last five minutes of dinner, of course.” Her face contorted with regret at the memory of the drama.

  “You have thanked me with every smile on your face, with every sparkle in your eyes, and with every laugh that has passed your lips. Your enjoyment is all the gratitude I need, and you’ve given me that already, so you’re very welcome.” He tightened his arms around her and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “Where do you want to relax? My kubo or yours?”

  She leaned away and looked up at him. “I’ve already checked out of my cottage. I asked housekeeping to move my things to yours.” She peered at him from beneath her lashes. “I hope that’s all right. I should have asked you first.” She looked prepared for rejection. “I’m sorry.”

  Joy leapt in his chest, and a huge smile covered his face. “No, don’t be sorry. I should have thought of it myself. I just didn’t want to rush you more than I already have.” He took her back in his embrace.

  Her initiatives in the forward progress of their relationship delighted him—Monday’s strip poker, and this move to be with him for the next fifty-plus hours while they were still in Boracay.

  They had reached his kubo—correction, their kubo—and he assisted Krista down from the vehicle. Nodding his thanks to the driver, he opened the door to his cottage and lifted Krista in his arms. She yawned again.

  “Come on, baby. Off to bed with you. Let’s tuck you in for a nap.” He laid her gently on the bed. “Let me take off your bra so you’ll feel more comfortable.”

  She kicked off her sandals and got under the blankets, muttering drowsily, “No need. Not wearing a bra. Friends didn’t pack any in suitcase.” She removed her ponytail and shook out her hair to let it fan around her head on the pillow. “Night, hon.”

  She murmured something else, but he didn’t catch it. Did she say, “I love you,” or “I owe you”? He laughed softly at himself. For someone who claimed to be patient, he was trying to hasten this process of hearing her say the magic words to him.

  He thought she’d been about to tell him last night after she talked about her mother. She started to say “I,” but Maddie interrupted. That wasn’t the right time—not when she was coming from an emotional roller coaster.

  He also didn’t want her to tell him when she was half-asleep, like a few moments ago. What made him happy was that it was already inside her heart. When the perfect time came, the words would be out of her lips with no hesitation or conditions.

  In the meantime, he would set up their lunch for two pm and confirm Krista’s check-out with Perlas’ management. He’d make sure they didn’t charge Maddie’s credit card for Friday and Saturday nights. Then, he would join his woman for a nap.


  Krista stretched and was momentarily startled when her hands grazed a warm body beside her on the bed. Blake. She smiled and curled up on her side to stare adoringly at his sleeping form. This was only the third time they’d slept together, but it was starting to become a habit she didn’t want to break.

  It all started Monday night when she seduced him into taking her virginity. Krista flushed at how brazen she was, how forward. He woke her up the next day super sweetly and treated her to the best birthday celebration a woman could ever have.

  Yesterday morning started so great with his wake-up kiss that was cut short by the arrival of Maddie and Aidan. With Maddie there, she had no choice but to sleep without him for one night. She’d missed him and couldn’t wait to see him again this morning

  While Maddie was packing, Krista realized it made no sense to keep two cottages; she and Blake were together all the time anyway. She started to pack her own things, and checked out of her kubo before meeting Blake and Aidan at the air strip.

  He was stunned, happily so, when she’d told him she planned to move to his cottage for the rest of their stay at Perlas. After a slight moment of panic that he might not like her assertiveness, she was gratified by his authentically eager response.

  She thought it was time to show him she was ready to take an equal role in their relationship. Maybe not in terms of material gifts, but she could reciprocate by giving him something of value that money couldn’t buy—her wholehearted love.

  I will give him the words. Oh yes, I will tell him I love him, and I know exactly how to do it. Not when I’m crying and laughing like an insane person. Not when I’m about to fall asleep. No, when I tell him, we will both be aware, and he will know how significant the words are to me. For now, I will demonstrate my love in action and deeds. With my mouth, hands, and body.

  A seductive smile came over Krista’s face as she pulled the bedsheets slowly down his body. As expected, Blake wore only his boxer briefs to bed. He is so beautiful.

  At first, she’d wondered how a desk rider like him could be so fit and muscular. But she had seen his dedication to health and fitness these past few days and doubted no more. She removed her clothes quickly and returned to his side.

  Trailing her fingertips on his chest, she paid close attention to his nipples, which were hardening with her every touch. She ruffled the hair that arrowed down to his groin, smiling when she saw Blake’s body start to wake with her ministrations.

  Lightly tracing his shape through the silk of his underwear, she felt it continue to harden beneath her fingers. When she reached to release his erection from its confines, a hand snaked out to grab hers, stopping Krista from her explorations. His half-lidded gaze burned with blue fire.

  “Dare,” Krista whispered, to remind him of their first night together. He slowly removed the hand that imprisoned hers and put it behind his head, giving her complete access to his body. She moved down the bed to sit on her haunches by his legs.

  Keeping her eyes locked on his, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxer briefs and pulled them off, leaving him gloriously naked. His nostrils flared at the brush of her fingers along the insides of his thighs. She abruptly stopped her exploration of his body when he started to close his eyes.

  “Eyes on me, honey,” Krista commanded. So, this was why he kept saying that to her during their lovemaking. The power of seeing his reaction to her touch coursed through her, making her achy and slick, and ready to accept him into her body. But she had to taste him first. She had never done it, yet she was sure he would appreciate her innocent attempts to bring him sexual gratification.

  She finally brought her hands together to close her fingers on his erection, and he groaned in response. Still watching him, she leaned down to take him into her mouth. Hmmm, hard but soft, too, and musky. Supremely male. She licked beneath the head. making his body jerk on the bed. Utterly delectable.

  “Krista, baby, if you don’t stop that. I’ll come in your mouth.”

  That’s not much of a threat, big guy, she thought. That’s exactly what I want you to do. She winked at him and instead of letting him go, Krista tightened her grip on his arousal and continued with the wet strokes of her tongue on his hard flesh.

  She licked up and down his erection, over the head, teasing it with the tip of her tongue while her hands continued to fondle him. Breathing through her nose, Krista slid her lips further down his hardness, taking more of him, taking him deeper. She didn’t stop until he gave in to the pleasure and released into her loving mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chismis [cheese-miss] n. – gossip.

  Blake gazed affectionately at Krista as she talked to the sales assistant in the boutique. She was buying souvenirs for her family to make up for not spending her thirtieth birthday with them. Even though things were still unsettled between her and her mother, she wanted to show them her love and appreciation.

he was also buying presents for her group of friends to thank them for paying for this holiday at Perlas. Blake wanted to offer to pay for the thank-you gifts because it wasn’t just Krista who had benefited from their largesse—he had, too. If not for them, he and Krista wouldn’t have had this week to get together and fall in love. But, he knew his proud girlfriend wouldn’t like that.

  His woman was so fiercely independent, and he respected that about her. He would just make sure her friends received a generous discount at Perlas whenever they chose to vacation in Boracay. He’d tell Maddie that he owed them all for this golden opportunity to get close to Krista.

  His loins tightened when he realized how close they had become, especially her generous loving this afternoon when he woke up from his nap. He had never seen her as sensual as when she made love to his body. He’d wanted to return the favor, but her stomach had growled with hunger and she broke into peals of laughter at the indelicate sound. They had dressed quickly and ordered whatever was fastest at the restaurant.

  Tonight, he’d make sure no inch of her silky, smooth skin was neglected. He would kiss her until she was mindless with the same pleasure she gave him today, and every time they made love.

  “All done?” he asked as Krista approached carrying several bayong bags containing her purchases. The bags, made from woven strips of dried palm leaves, were especially handmade for the resort by the survivors of Yolanda from Panay Island. Blake personally supported several charities that benefited victims of the Philippines’ many natural disasters, preferring those which provided livelihood and sustainable income rather than mere temporary aid.

  “Yes. I can’t get over how great the selections are here. This boutique can easily compete with any of those high-end stores in Greenbelt,” Krista replied enthusiastically.

  Blake drew her close and caught her lips in a kiss, charmed by her total enjoyment of her shopping experience at Perlas’ Sari-Sari store.

  “Where to now?” Blake asked, helping Krista with some of her bayong bags.

  “Dinner!” she announced, her eyes bright with impish delight.

  “Shopping makes you ravenous, huh?” he joked. He wasn’t in the slightest bit hungry after their late lunch, but he could eat something light.

  “Starved,” Krista exclaimed, crossing her eyes and comically lolling out her tongue.

  Blake chuckled at her antics. “Come on then, let’s feed you before you expire from weariness and hunger.”

  They had no sooner sat down at the restaurant than Blake’s phone rang. He frowned when he saw that it was his direct line at the Makati office. Most of the staff, including his secretary, went back to work today after the long All Saints’ Day break. What couldn’t wait until Monday?

  “Miss Malou, how was your vacation?” At Krista’s questioning look, he just shrugged and mouthed, “I don’t know.”

  “It was fine, Blake.” His secretary was one of the few people in the office he allowed to address him informally—everybody else called him Mr. Ryan. “Yours is the reason I’m calling. I overheard a couple of girls from the marketing department gossiping about you and Krista Lopez. They claim to have seen the two of you kissing at D’Mall. I didn’t confront them, as I didn’t know if it was true. Be careful, Blake. This rumor will probably spread around the whole office tomorrow. Do you want me to say anything?”

  He scowled and balled his fist on the table. Fuck. I knew this was coming. Damn it. He glanced at Krista, who was waving away the waiter and looking at him anxiously.

  His voice was hard when he responded. He didn’t care if his secretary knew he was pissed off. “Miss Malou, I’d appreciate it if you can remind the staff my personal life is no one’s business but my own. I will say the same about Ms. Lopez’s and everybody else’s lives. Please also check with HR regarding office policy on rumormongering and e-mail it to me as soon as you find out. I’ll deal with it when I return on Monday. Thank you for bringing this to my attention right away.” Fucking busybodies.

  “They know about us? Everybody at the office knows?” Krista was close to tears, her voice trembling with panic.

  He frowned at her reaction. So what if everyone found out? Didn’t you agree to be my girlfriend? Why am I the only one willing to take on all the risks here? “Not yet, but by tomorrow they all will.”

  Suddenly irritated with Krista and her unwillingness to fully commit to him, Blake prepared to go. He tucked his phone into his shorts’ pocket and collected her shopping bags. “Do you mind if we just have some food delivered to the cottage? I don’t feel like being out in public right now.”

  “I don’t mind,” said Krista, as subdued as he felt.

  Uneasy silence accompanied their ride back to their cottage. Blake put down her bags and moved to the window to look out at the garden. For a change, the view wasn’t soothing to him. First it was her mom, now this. When Krista stepped close beside him, he asked, “What is so shameful about being with me?”

  She looked up at him, her expression defensive. “You’re misinterpreting my reaction, Blake. I am proud to be with you. Who wouldn’t be?” Her chin jutted out.

  “I panicked, okay? My mind went straight to worst-case scenario—that I’ll lose my job. Or, even if I don’t, I won’t have any chance for a raise or a promotion because people will question it.”

  She reached for his hands. Pressing them in a plea for understanding, she said, “I’m sorry I didn’t immediately think about us. Between my mom’s disapproval and my fears, I’m a mess. I’m still reeling from the breakneck speed our relationship has been going so far. But I’m trying to keep up. I really am.”

  That mollified him somewhat. “I know. As you heard, I didn’t confirm the gossip Miss Malou overheard. But I didn’t deny it, either. If you’re still uncomfortable about people knowing about us, we don’t have to make any announcements on Monday. We can keep our distance at work. If we don’t feed the fire, it will die down eventually.”

  He saw relief cross Krista’s features at his suggestion, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. Although he shared her distaste for being in the spotlight, he would have liked to see her fight for them instead of preferring to hide. Whatever happened to carpe diem?

  He softened his tone, but made sure she realized that his patience had an expiration date. “Krista, at some point you’ll have to make a decision about your feelings for me. There will come a time when I’ll think of your reluctance to make a full commitment as rejection. Be careful it doesn’t come to that. I don’t much care for unrequited love.”

  He let go of her hands gently. “Go on and order dinner for yourself. I’m going for a walk. I didn’t have my daily swim, and I need the exercise.”

  He kissed her on her forehead and stepped out of the cottage, his earlier promise of making love to her all night long forgotten in his need to brood.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Tatu [ta-too] n. – tattoo.

  Krista experienced a sense of déjà vu. She was strolling on the beach again while Blake swam in the sea. Had it only been a week since she decided to make significant changes in herself? In her life? It had only been seven days since she decided to fulfill her Turning-Thirty Vow, but it seemed light-years away. She was a hugely different woman now from the Krista who had arrived in Boracay.

  She vaguely remembered the prim, repressed woman who was annoyed with her friends for replacing her conservative clothes with figure-hugging outfits. Who knew I’d be comfortable parading around half-naked in tiny bikinis and flimsy sarongs? Not the Krista Lopez who left her small apartment at dawn on Saturday morning.

  Over the next few months, she would make significant changes to her office clothes. They wouldn’t be as revealing as her Boracay clothes, but neither would they be as shapeless as her old ones. She’d look for fashionable outfits that fit well and flattered her curves. Krista was sure her barkada would be only too willing to assist her with the making-over of her wardrobe.

  Krista s
miled in anticipation of her future shopping sprees. She’d never realized how enjoyable they could be until this week, especially yesterday. No wonder Blake loved shopping for gifts for her and his brother on their birthday. It was so much fun.

  Blake. Aaah, Mr. Blake Ryan, Chief Executive Officer. The Hunk of Global City. My first kiss, first touch, first lover. My first love. Who’d have thought the man she shouted at on Saturday could be the one who turned virginal Krista into a sensual woman in full bloom? The heroines in her romance novels had nothing on her now.

  Her smile dropped and her brows furrowed as she recalled last night’s misunderstanding. Stepping into the shade of a coconut tree, she considered the most recent discord in their fledgling relationship.

  Essentially, he had issued an ultimatum. It was totally unnecessary—she was ready to tell him she loved him—but he left before she could say anything. He must have seen her relief at his statement that they didn’t have to make their personal connection known right away, and thought she was still harboring doubts.

  In her defense, they hadn’t yet talked about how they would deal with the fact that they worked in the same company. There hadn’t been time. She had hoped maybe they could ease into the revelation at the office instead of making a grand announcement upon their return from Boracay. But yesterday’s rumors forced their hand into making decisions right away.

  Not that they agreed. Blake’s managing personality came to the forefront once again. That was classic Mr. High-And-Mighty Ryan right there, when he dictated what they would do on Monday rather than wait until they came up with a plan together.

  How could he still doubt my love for him? She broke her promise to her mother that she wouldn’t fall for a foreigner. Her first try and look what she got. An American with a brother who was in the air force. Great job, vow-breaker.


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