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Unexpected: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 39

by Ford, Aria

  “Great,” I said as I felt the sparks between us. Mandy’s eyes widened, and she jerked her hand away to stare at it in shock. I felt my cock stiffen in my pants and shuffled on my feet. I hope that she didn’t notice. I hadn’t been affected by a woman like that ever, thinking back to all the casual hookups in my life.

  I felt doubt wash through me for a moment before I smiled crookedly at Mandy. “Tell me more about this tennis camp. I think it’s something that my son might enjoy. Is it too late to register?”



  I blinked up at him slowly, shaking my head.

  “No, of course not. That’s why I was putting these up. I’m an instructor there.” I smiled, realizing how gorgeous Stephen really was. He was tall, over six feet, and had that lean muscular body that I thought was sexy. I hated the guys that hung out at the weights and just got bigger and less human by the day. It was disgusting. Stephen was cut in all the right places and had perfect messy brown hair that most men could never achieve. His hazel eyes were wide and deep set. He stared down at me. “How old is your son?” He didn’t look old enough to have a kid that was old enough for my camp.

  “Brandon is seven. He’s been watching a lot of tennis, and I thought that he might like to play it. This goes for four weeks?” Stephen asked as I nodded slowly. I knew that in addition to being gorgeous, he was also one of the most important people in the company. I wanted to make a good impression on him. “Are you planning on working out?”

  “I didn’t bring anything to wear today for it. I didn’t know about the gym,” I said as he looked a little disappointed. Then I remembered something and grinned.

  “Let’s talk about the camp after I get a run in. I’ll be done in about forty-five minutes,” he said, and I pressed my lips together. “I’ll take the number that’s attached here. Is it your personal number?” I shook my head, and he asked if I would give him mine, since he’d like to talk to me personally about it. Well, of course I would. I wasn’t going to lose the shot. I took the phone that he offered me and punched in my information before I faked remembering that I did have some clothes in my bag.

  “I just remembered that I brought clothes for the Y in my purse. I usually go over there and play some tennis in the evening, but I can run tonight. I like running if that’s okay with you?” I offered as he grinned. “I am going to change, and I’ll join you. We can talk now.” I didn’t want to lose the opportunity, and I walked over to the bathroom with my big purse, feeling the eyes of the women on me as I pushed through the doors.

  Stephen was a wanted man, and from the way he looked at me, I thought that he might want me. I wasn’t going to waste the chance. I dug into my purse, and while I didn’t have my nicest workout clothes, I could run in my skort and tank top. I changed into them and pulled my hair back low on my neck before changing into the shoes I wore on the court. I surveyed myself in the mirror, aware that I was going to be sweaty soon if I were to keep up with the Adonis out there. I didn’t run as much as I’d like it to sound, but I could hold my own for tonight. It would be worth every bit of the pain that I’d be in later tonight.

  I folded my dress and shoved it into my bag with the shoes, thankful for my big purse. I walked back into the gym, hearing more voices as I looked around. Stephen was on a treadmill close to the one he’d been using earlier. Yes, I noticed. I noticed a few of the men in the gym, but he was the one that caught my eye the most from the beginning.

  How could he not?

  I went to take the machine beside him, smiling as I set down my bag. “How long do you run?” I asked as he looked me over with a sharp gaze, making my entire body heat up. Was I really going to attempt to jog?

  “I go for about an hour, but I did fifteen minutes already. You up for that?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm as I smirked.

  “I’ll do my best,” I assured him, getting on and setting a speed after seeing that he was going nearly as fast as he could. Holy shit.

  “How long have you been into tennis?” Stephen asked, only reminding me about my parents and their views on the matter as I shook that off.

  “Since I took lessons myself as a kid. Several teachers encouraged me to pursue it, but I thought that finance might provide more of a stable future for me. I still teach tennis just to keep myself involved in it,” I spoke slowly as I got used to jogging.

  “Stable but boring. I mean, I am great at my job, and it’s natural. Nobody can claim that it’s exciting, though.” He took a breath as he increased the speed and my eyes went right to his hot body, more on display in a damp tank top. Oh Mamma.

  “True. I guess that’s what we fill the rest of our lives with,” I mused as I smiled sadly, giving him another look. “Is there anything else that you wanted to do?”

  Stephen seemed to stiffen for a moment before taking a deep breath. “I always wanted to be in numbers, since it came easily to me. I didn’t necessarily think that it would be in a company like this one.” He lowered his voice and looked around quickly. “I am raising my son on my own and it provides for the two of us. I can take care of him this way.”

  “On your own?” I asked as he nodded somberly. I could tell that it was hard for him, and I wanted to reach out and touch him, just for some comfort. I had two parents, and they had a hard time. I got a lot of loans for college because their jobs put them in a lower middle-class rank that only afforded their day-to-day life.

  I often wondered why I didn’t just consider something in sports, since I’d be paying back the loans myself.

  “I am so sorry,” I offered lamely as he shrugged.

  “I have family that helps and a godsend of a nanny. She spends a lot of time with Brandon and gives me time to work and do this, since it releases a lot for me,” Stephen further explained as I stared at him.

  “That’s crazy. You’re so strong,” I blurted out as he smiled dryly at me.

  “I do what I have to do, just like anyone else. I’m sure that you work hard as well.” He looked into my face, his eyes sweeping over me as I felt sweat pooling in my hair.

  “Sure. I pay bills and such, but I share a place with a roommate,” I replied as he smiled.

  “Where did you work before?” Stephen pressed as he seemed to move away from the topic.

  “I did the books for my college bookstore as well as a record store. I am certain that my degree had a lot to do with this job.” I chuckled as he looked at me with a small smile.

  We talked about the company and a little more about the camp as we ran, and Stephen seemed very interested in the fact that it was interactive for the parents as well. I couldn’t help wondering if he tried to make up for the time that he was at work and just enjoyed the little bit of time that he allowed himself. I wanted to ask him if he was overcompensating, but I bit my tongue. That was none of my business.

  When the time was up, I was beyond sore. I wanted a gallon of cold water and dinner, but I kept my complaints to myself. It was a nice conversation, and the view was worth every ache. I popped into the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face before we walked out to the parking lot.

  Stephen walked beside me, keeping a good eye on our surroundings. I wondered why the mother of his child wasn’t in the picture anymore. Stephen was gorgeous and protective, and I noticed an alpha vibe from him. Was that a bad thing, though? I was as independent as the next woman, but I liked the idea of this man dominating me to some degree.

  His car was parked a short distance from me, and he stood by as I told him to have a good night. I slipped into my car and turned the key, nervous with him still there and groaned as nothing happened. Perfect. I looked at him to see his brows furrowed with worry as he stepped closer to the cracked door.

  “Do you need a ride?” Stephen offered as I smiled and shook my head.

  “This car is a dinosaur. I am finding myself replacing a lot right now, but I’m pretty sure that my roommate is home. She’ll come get me and take me to work tomorrow. I’ll c
all my friend to tow it to his shop before he leaves for the night.” I watched his eyes narrow, looking around.

  “I’ll wait until she gets here,” Stephen assured me as I tried to hide my surprise. Men didn’t do this.

  “Your son?” I checked as he smiled down at me.

  “I’m sure it won’t be long.” I dialed Vanessa’s number, and she agreed to be right down. I also called Taylor at his shop, where all the work on my car was done, setting up a tow over there sometime this evening.

  It seemed like the time flew before I saw Vanessa’s red SUV pulling up beside my car. “She’s here.” I looked at Stephen, not wanting tonight to end.

  “I’ll see that you get safely out of the lot. See you tomorrow, Mandy.” Our eyes locked for a moment, and I nodded slowly.

  “Hey. What’s wrong?” Vanessa asked as she jumped out of her car. Her brown eyes were wide with worry. I got out of my car, locking the doors with the button inside of the door.

  “Tay is sending a truck. It just wouldn’t start,” I offered as I glanced at Stephen, who was still standing there. “This is Stephen. I work with him.”

  The two shook hands, and I saw the approval in my best friend’s eyes. “Drive safe. I’ll see you later.” Stephen looked at me for a long moment before turning to walk to a beefy Jeep Cherokee across the lot.

  “Spill,” Vanessa told me the second we were in the car with the door locked, leaving the lot as the Jeep stayed parked until we were gone.



  I slept like shit the night before, but the little bit of sleep I got was filled with naughty dreams of my new coworker.

  I stared into Mandy’s eyes as she rode me, her pussy gripping my cock tightly. She felt so damn good, and I gripped one hip as she moved up and down, the other sliding up her flat stomach to cup a beautiful breast. She was fucking gorgeous.

  I listened to her soft moans as she moved, feeling my balls tingle as my release grew closer. She started to rock back and forth, alternating between that and bobbing over me, making soft skin jiggle in my hand as she cried out my name. “I’m going to come, Stephen,” Mandy told me as I arched my back to move deeper into her.

  I cried out and opened my eyes, seeing my dark room around me. I was alone and hard as a fucking rock. The images from my apparent dream played through my mind as I gripped myself, needing the release that was about to happen in my dream. I glanced at the clock to see that my alarm was going off in half an hour, making me groan as I started to jerk off.

  I had never dreamed about a woman like this before. The time we spent together last night was brief but stuck with me. I would never forget that body in her tight tank top and one of those skirts that women worked out in, showing off her toned legs. I imagined her naked, her full tits bare for me. What color were her nipples? Was her pussy bare?

  How tight was she?

  What would she sound like coming for me? What would Mandy say when she was in the throes of passion?

  I was so aroused from the dream and the night before that it scared me. I’d been so focused on Brandon and work for so long that I didn’t know what to do with this new situation.

  Fucking come. That’s what I needed to do.

  I felt myself tingling and cried out her name softly and jerked forward, coming hard. I closed my eyes as the relief hit every part of me.

  Five minutes later it wasn’t enough. I knew that I needed more, and I dropped back against the pillows, breathing deeply as I recovered from the orgasm. The orgasm was amazing, and I could only imagine what it would feel like if I was bare inside of her tight, sweet body. I knew that she would feel like the dream somehow.

  I shut the alarm off and went to make some coffee before taking a shower. Brandon was going to school, and I always got him up a little earlier to cook breakfast and spend some time with him. I didn’t feel as tired as I usually did, particularly since I’d spent an hour more than normal with Brandon last night. I usually stuck to a tight bedtime schedule, but I already got home a little later than I wanted. We watched the end of a movie and built a castle with his Legos before I tucked him into bed and went to have a beer on my back porch.

  I was dressed in some slacks and a button up white shirt when I went to get Brandon, offering to make him fresh waffles. He was like me, always ready to eat. I was a little scared of him becoming a teenager, but I knew I’d be fine. We were doing well, even though I wasn’t home as often as I’d like to be. He got dressed as I headed back to the kitchen and started mixing the batter, making enough for Danielle before she arrived at eight. I chose to work the nine-to-five shift, even though there was some flexibility.

  I was talking to Brandon about his day when Danielle let herself in, and we both greeted her with smiles. I told her to fix a plate and eat, since there was time, and she laughed as she went into the kitchen. I was lucky to have her, and as often as Paul teased me about giving her nightly bonuses, there was none of that going on. I wouldn’t risk losing someone so good for Brandon. I wasn’t attracted to her to begin with.

  I headed to work with a smile. I wasn’t usually this cheerful and sensed that Brandon and Danielle liked it. They probably needed a little more of that, and as I parked, I vowed to make that happen. I glanced over to see that Mandy’s car was gone, assuming that it had made it to the shop. I hoped that she had made it to work okay. I looked at the building as I remembered my pleasurable wake-up call. It would have been better with her in my bed.

  I went in, running into Paul right away. He asked me about Mandy, not satisfied with the explanation about the tennis camp that I offered. I told him to mind his own business before I started to walk to my office. “Drinks tonight after work. Harlow’s. Can you stay late after work?” He watched me shoot a glare his way as I gave him the finger.

  I walked in and thought about the bar. I could ask Mandy along once I checked with Danielle to make sure she could stay late. I paid her more than what she originally was going to charge, since I knew that I was it was going to be a difficult situation, finding it worth it in the long run.

  Danielle agreed, telling me to have a good time. She knew how hard I worked and what little time I had with friends or even myself. She assured me that her boyfriend would come over with something for dinner, and they’d watch movies until I got home. Mike was a great guy, and Brandon adored him, so that idea suited me just fine.

  I left to make another cup of coffee and searched the floor for Mandy’s office. I found it and brought her a cup as well, hoping that she liked the sweeter drinks that most girls here seemed to make. I peered through her cracked door to see her frowning at her computer before I tapped on it.

  Mandy jumped and looked at me as I grinned and pushed the door open gently. “Is the car at the shop?”

  “Um, yes. It’s at the shop. They said that it was the alternator.” She pressed a hand to her throat, just above the buttoned pink shirt that she was wearing that offered a hint of cleavage. Mandy had a cute look—a little vintage librarian thing going that I thought was sexy.

  “That’s great. I hope that it’s fixed soon. The staff is meeting for drinks around the corner tonight after work. It’s a weekly thing, and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me. I could take you home after.” I smiled as her eyes widened and she swallowed thickly.

  “That would be great. I know that you’re registered for the camp as well. I can’t wait to meet your son.” Mandy seemed to relax and leaned back in her seat.

  “It’s just on Saturday or both days of the weekend?” I double-checked as she laughed.

  “Just Saturday. You won’t have to put up with me too much that way.” I could hear the question in her voice as I chuckled.

  “Lucky me. I’ll come by after work, and we can go over. You can meet some more of the staff.” I found myself smiling widely before I remembered the coffees in my hand. “Oh. I made one for you. I hope that you like this kind.” I walked forward and placed the cup on her desk, watchi
ng as she blushed and took a small sip.

  “My favorite. Thank you,” Mandy said quietly as I nodded and made my way back to my office. I knew that something was happening between us, and I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad at this point.

  I just knew that I couldn’t stop it.



  I was lost after Stephen left my office. I had convinced myself that last night was just him being a gentleman. He wanted to know about the camp, and we talked about that as well as things about the place we both worked at.

  No big deal.

  He offered to take me home when my car broke down. That was the polite thing to do, and he took me by surprise when he waited until I was safely leaving the parking lot.

  Stephen had a lot to get home to, and I didn’t expect him to wait for me like that.

  I wanted to call Vanessa immediately and talk about this morning. He asked about my car and brought me my favorite coffee. How did he even know what my favorite coffee was to begin with?

  I needed to know what this meant.

  I settled for sending her a text asking her to come to the city for lunch. Vanessa had today off. She worked for a local theater and worked a lot of evenings. I was lucky that she could pick me up the night before, but I was certain that my car would be ready to pick up tomorrow before camp.

  M: Want to have lunch today? I am freaking out!!

  V: Of course. How does one work for you? I am going over some stuff with the manager this morning.

  M: Perfect!!

  I tried to get the spreadsheets right, but it was hopeless. I was already learning the job to begin with, and the fact that my mind was mush didn’t help. I was happy when I could step outside on my break to get some fresh air, clear my head. A walk always helped me clear my mind. I made it around the block twice before I headed back to my office. I jumped when I saw Martin standing by my desk, flustered at the sight of my boss.


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