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by Sydney Addae

  As tired as she was, she recognized the tunnel was a safe place of last resort, an underground fortress. That Silas needed such a place rattled her nerves and filled her with apprehension.

  As the reality of what she was doing settled, she covered her face with her pillow. Large sobs racked her body as the truth of her situation crashed around her. Silas had enemies. Enemies who’d kill her and her children without thought. Enemies that required an underground bunker to save them from.

  “Oh Lord,” she said, breathing through her terror. For the first time she recognized there was a real threat to the children she carried. She quoted every Psalm she remembered, asking for protection. When she ran out of verses, she rolled over, at peace. She’d sent up her request and for the moment that was all she could do.

  A thought struck her. “Goddess of the moon, I don’t know you, but Silas does. Please protect the babies I carry against all harm.” She paused unsure of any protocols for this Goddess. “Thank you and amen,” she added hurriedly.

  Chapter Seven

  Silas masked his presence so he wouldn’t be discovered as he stood at the back of the auditorium of the training building watching Cameron stretch and warm-up in preparation for his time on the mat. There were five Alpha candidates in the program and Stefan, the physical trainer, had used Cameron as a training partner. To date, one of the candidates, Felipe had been able to pin his godson a couple of times. Silas suspected the next contender would stretch his ward’s capabilities.

  Arms crossed, Silas settled against the wall when Tyrone and Tyrese entered the building. The two were laughing over something when Stefan approached them. Tyrone nodded, placed his bag on a bench, and pulled his shirt over his head. Silas glanced to Cameron, who watched the twins in silence, then looked at Tyrone who was listening to Stefan. Silas had introduced the twins to Cameron the day they'd arrived at the compound, but he hadn’t shared the twins' breed status with anyone except Jacque.

  It was important not to muddy the waters regarding breeds before the trainees recognized what they’d be up against. Cameron hadn’t said much in the past few days. Stefan reported the younger wolf had been moody, distant, and only came alive during the more aggressive times of training. It bothered Silas that the carefree pup who’d entered the military was gone and in his place lived a volatile stranger. Now that he was here, Silas planned to do everything in his power to help his godson find his way through whatever had happened to change him.

  “Cameron. Tyrone.” Stefan looked at each man and waved them forward to the middle of what constituted a ring. The two pups came forward, smiled at each other and then turned to Stefan.

  “These two wolves will fight three rounds with a brief discussion of techniques between rounds. The first two rounds will be in human form, the last round as wolves. Each round is five minutes. Pay attention so you can ask questions and make suggestions.” Stefan looked at the trainees who sat a few rows away. After securing their agreement, Stefan moved out of the ring, then nodded as he sat down.

  The moment he nodded, Cameron jumped toward Tyrone. Tyrone flashed to the side and kicked Cameron in the back, sending him crashing to the mat. Cameron pushed up, flipped backwards, landing in front of Tyrone, and barely missed a punch to the gut.

  Tyrone moved so fast, Cameron couldn’t land a hit. Every once in a while, Tyrone landed a punch somewhere on Cameron. Nothing big, but it came across as a score. Silas sensed Cameron’s frustration and hoped he didn’t lose focus. The trainees, who had all fought Cameron and lost at one time or another, leaned forward in rapt attention.

  Silas glanced at the clock. There was one more minute in this round. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he knew either Cameron or Tyrone would do something that would change the trajectory of the fight before Stefan called time.

  And then it happened. Cameron leaped forward into the air, did a series of kicks of which only a couple landed. But those were enough to slow Tyrone down for a minute so that Cameron was able to slam him onto the mat, place both hands on his neck and press him into the mat.

  “Time,” Stefan called as he returned to the mat. Cameron released Tyrone and offered him a hand. Tyrone hesitated and then accepted the hand. Both men stood heaving, taking gulps of water from the bottles handed them.

  “Questions? Comments?” Stefan asked, looking at the trainees.

  Silas’ gaze remained on Cameron and Tyrone. The two men stood next to each other answering the questions directed at them. Most dealt with Tyrone’s speed and canny ability to avoid blows. Cameron’s face changed as more and more questions were directed to Tyrone and his style of fighting. It was obvious the fight had taken more out of Cameron than Tyrone. Cameron had been on the defense from the beginning. Silas brushed against Cameron’s mind with the intent to offer encouragement, but Cameron stiffened and shut him out.

  “Okay, round two,” Stefan announced, and then sat.

  This time Cameron waited for Tyrone to attack which probably wasn’t the best strategy. Tyrone slammed into Cameron, knocking him back, and then hit him with a series of machine gun blows that echoed through the auditorium. It happened so quickly that Silas was beginning to think Tyrone had been playing with Cameron the first round. By the time Cameron moved out of harm’s way, he was staggering.

  Tyrone backed away, allowing Cameron time to pull it together. Silas released a breath, glad the pup remembered this was a training exercise. Cameron shook his head, popped his neck and rolled his shoulders before he looked at Tyrone and nodded.

  Smiling, Tyrone walked forward a few steps, and then turned to the right just as Cameron flew past him. Spinning, Tyrone caught Cameron from the back and slammed him to the ground and placed his foot on his chest for a moment, then backed away. Silas glanced at the clock just as Cameron jumped up and ran at Tyrone. It was obvious his godson was losing his focus and it came as no surprise when Tyrone jumped and flipped mid-air, landing behind Cameron and taking him in a choke hold. An audible gasp from the trainees and then the applause knocked Cameron from his star status. Red cheeked, he stopped trying to remove Tyrone’s arm.

  The clock hadn’t finished, but everyone agreed this round was over. Tyrone released Cameron slowly. Cameron turned and nodded to Tyrone before looking at Stefan.

  Coughing, Stefan stood and spoke to the trainees. “Questions?”

  Silas hurt for Cameron and wished he could say or do something to diminish the pain of embarrassment the younger man felt. He sent mental images of times in the past when he and Cameron had wrestled. They’d laughed and played for hours it seemed. A ghost of a smile appeared on Cameron’s face as he looked around the room.

  “Last round,” Stefan said. “Shift.”

  Tyrone flowed into his wolf. The large dark brown wolf ran into the ring and sat on his haunches. Silas smiled. Of the twins, he’d always thought Tyrese was the greater threat because he always seemed so serious. Today he saw another side of Tyrone. The pup was no light-weight, he couldt hold his own in battle.

  Cameron pulled off his pants, a sign he was growing tired, and changed. His black wolf with two white stockings strode into the ring and sat. Both wolves were similar in size and height. Standing they looked at each other, baring teeth. Cameron began the dance by feigning right and then going left. He barely missed Tyrone’s flank.

  That’s when Silas noticed the energy in the room changed. He wondered if Stefan picked up on it. Silas looked at Tyrese, who sat forward with his eyes glued to the fight.

  “Are you involved in this?” Silas asked Tyrese.

  “No, sir. This is all them. It’s not going to end well, one of them is going to limp out of here. Rone’s wolf’s taken over and he’s a mean son of a bitch. The one thing guaranteed to rile that wolf is to fuck with his legs or sides and Cameron just did that. This fight just got real.” He paused. “Should I tell Stefan?”

  Silas exhaled as he watched the fight escalate into a true battle between wolves. “No. He knows and feels they have to p
lay it out.”

  “Okay, but your godson will not leave unscathed even though he’s fighting Rone with everything he has.”

  “How can you tell Cameron’s giving it his all?” Silas moved closer to the mat.

  Tyrese snorted even though his eyes never left the two wolves. “Look at Rone. He’s not playing. The only way to stay alive is to give it your all.”

  Silas agreed. Cameron stumbled.

  Tyrone pounced, snarling and baring his teeth at the fallen black wolf. Silas sensed Cameron’s shame through their link before Cameron shut it down and bared his neck to Tyrone. The silence in the gym was absolute for a second or two, and then the trainees jumped up, clapping and talking over each other.

  Silas’ eyes remained on the two wolves, hoping he wouldn’t need to intervene. Tyrone sniffed Cameron and then stepped back. A minute later he returned to his human form and stood naked over Cameron.

  “Come on, man,” Tyrone said to Cameron, waiting.

  Cameron shifted and accepted Tyrone’s hand as Tyrone had accepted his at the end of round one. Mentally, Silas congratulated each combatant, praising them for the educational insight. Tyrone had locked down his wolf and nodded while glancing at Cameron. Cameron’s wolf was still agitated and he was having a hard time locking his beast down.

  “Stand down Cameron,” Silas said, prepared to put the beast to sleep if Cameron could not.

  “I need to run. Lately, that’s the only thing that calms him,” Cameron sent back.

  “The session is almost over. The trainees look up to you. Control your animal until the class is over and then run. I won’t tell you again.”

  He sensed Cameron’s scoff and pain. “They may have looked up to me before, but not after I got my ass handed to me. Tyrone’s good. I imagine his brother is just as good. The trainees can work with them now. I’m going for a run.”

  Silas threw his energy into Cameron, grabbed his wolf and sent him to sleep. Then he forcibly sat Cameron on a bench near Stefan throughout the remainder of the class. He felt his godson’s anger flare, then change into some type of hazy lethargy. It was as though Cameron had no thoughts or emotions. Even his posture changed to a slumped position on the bench.

  Frowning, Silas called out telepathically. “Cameron.” But there was no response. Had Tyrone hurt Cameron in the fight? Silas didn’t think so. He watched Cameron for a few moments and then placed a call.

  “What was the final doctor’s report on Cameron?” Silas asked Jacque as soon as he answered. Guilt stabbed at Silas. He’d been so caught up with the discovery of the half-breeds, he’d left his godson’s care to others. The longer he watched Cameron, the more concerned he became.

  “One moment, Sir.” Silas heard the rustling of papers and then a beep. “He was dismissed with a clean bill of health. It was suggested he work out, run, and return to his daily routine.” Jacque paused. “According to this, Cameron’s fine.”

  He’s not fine. “Thanks.” He removed the phone from his ear.

  “By the way, Sir?”

  “Yes?” Silas moved in his godson’s direction. It was time for another talk, and this time he wasn’t going to allow Cameron to blow him off.

  “I took Ms. Bennett on a tour of the grounds. She’s a lovely lady.”

  “Okay.” He wondered what Jasmine thought of his piece of Backwater, USA.

  “We went to the tunnels, and I introduced her to the staff. Well, the department heads anyway.”

  That bought Silas to a stand-still. Jacque had been with him longer than anyone, the man never did anything without a reason. Whether he’d share that reason with Silas was another matter.


  “Beg your pardon, Sir?”

  “Why’d you take her to the tunnels? Why’d you introduce my guest to the staff when you’ve never introduced my guests to the staff or taken them to the dens in the dungeon?”

  “Your guest?” Jacque chuckled.

  “Yes, guest,” Silas snapped, and then looked around to see if anyone was paying him any attention. No one had noticed him yet. He stepped back into the shadows again.

  “I wanted to be sure she knew the escape route for the pups. No one will get near your litter, not on my watch. Now she’s aware that there’s a safe place for her to take the pups if there’s an emergency.”

  “I can take care of my own damn pups,” Silas hissed. Unsure if he was angry because Jacque had made arrangements for the care of his pups before he’d done so or because Jacque had been alone with Jasmine in the tunnels.

  “I know. But this is your first litter and they are special. They must survive the fall-out of the announcement of their birth. I’m adding extra layers of protection to make sure that happens.”

  Sometimes Jacque's eerie insight shocked Silas. “What do you know?”

  “Nothing more than what you know. Change has come and your pups are a part of that. I am fasting and praying for their safety.”

  “Have I brought the enemy into my home? Will the breeds harm our people?” Silas searched the auditorium for the twins. They were training with the Alpha trainees on the mats.

  “La Patron, you have read their minds and know their hearts. You know the answers already, otherwise you would have never lain with their mother.” Jacque sighed. “The Goddess has not given more information other than change has come and instructed me to guard your litter and their mother.”

  “Jasmine?” Silas shouldn’t have been shocked by the Goddess’s command. She was all about life and fertility.

  “She’s the vessel for the pups. She must be protected as well,” Jacque voice took on an incredulous tone as if he were surprised Silas asked.

  “Thanks.” Silas didn’t want to think about his half-breed pups. It still rubbed him wrong that after all this time, his first litter wasn't full-bloods. “Contact Cameron’s doctor and get him here today.”

  “Along with the doctor for Ms. Bennett?”

  Damn, he’d forgotten. “Yes. She needs to get checked out. She’s been worn out the last couple of days.” He wasn’t sure if that was due to the pregnancy or their late night escapades. Jasmine had met his need every night since he’d agreed to monogamy. That reminded him of another matter.

  “Cancel all requests for female servants. We have enough and I don’t want any problems once Jasmine begins to show.”

  “Problems cannot be avoided.”

  Silas sighed at the pragmatic statement. “Okay, I want to minimize the problem of jealous bitches fighting to bed me. For now, I’m off the market. Get rid of anyone you think will cause problems.”

  “Will do. I’ve heard a few complaining that you haven’t sought them out. I think they’ll be the first to send packing.”

  Silas didn’t care who or how. “Just handle it. I want peace in my house as long as possible.”


  Silas clicked off and watched the activity in the gym. Cameron sat alone while the others trained. Damn. He made his way down to his godson.


  It took a moment before Cameron responded, and when he looked at Silas, his eyes appeared vacant and listless. Silas sat and placed his hands on either side of Cameron’s head and listened. There was nothing but the sound of wind.

  Panic radiated from Silas’ chest as he realized no sign of the vibrant, funny young man he’d grown to love registered. Searching deeper he noticed Cameron’s wolf was alert but passive, almost sad. Confused, Silas pulled out and looked into Cameron’s blank eyes.

  “What’s going on Cam?” He waited a bit, hoping for a response, any response.

  Cameron shrugged and turned away.

  In over three hundred years, Silas had never seen anything like this. Refusing to overreact, he called Jacque again. “What time will the doctor get here?” His eyes never left Cameron.

  “He’s finishing up in surgery now. I’m sending the plane for him. All in all, his ETA should be in about four hours. How’s Cameron?”

t good. I’ve never…” He exhaled. “Not good. I’m bringing him in.”

  “I’ll have rooms set up in the north wing.”

  Silas stiffened. “No. I want him in my wing. I’ll watch over him.”

  “Sir…La Patron. You spend every night with Ms. Bennett. We do not know what’s wrong with Cameron. You cannot afford to carry anything back to her. She’s human. If it bypasses her system, it could still impact the pups. There are just too many unknown variables. Let me set him up in the north wing. You can stay with him there and then clean up before going to Ms. Bennett.”

  “How does that…”

  “If it’s something that lingers in the atmosphere or on surfaces, Ms. Bennett or the pups won’t have access to the north wing. They’ll visit your wing or stay in Ms. Bennett’s. This way we can contain anything we’re not certain of.”

  “Okay,” He huffed and raked his hand through his hair. “I knew having pups was going to change things, but I didn’t think it’d start so soon. We’ll play it safe and place him in the north wing. Prepare a room for the doctor. I’ll want him to monitor Cameron for a few days.”

  “Done.” Jacque clicked off.

  Silas placed his hand on Cameron’s shoulder to gain his attention.

  Cameron flinched, then shrugged his hand off.

  Ignoring the spasm of pain from that rejection, Silas stood and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you home.”

  “I wanna run.” The rushed words held an angry undertone like a rebellious teenager.

  “Later.” Silas was out of his depth, he had no experience dealing with a stubborn Cameron.

  “No. Now.” Cameron stood, pouting and looking toward the woods.

  Silas was stumped. Even when Cameron was a teenager, he hadn't acted like this. Had something else happened? Did the doctors miss something?


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