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The Skilled Seduction

Page 35

by Tracy Goodwin

  “How does your grandfather like living nearby?”

  “My grandfather adores being so close to his family.” Tristan turned to his brother-in-law. “He sends his apologies for missing today’s supper. Business detained him in London.”

  Malcolm MacAlistair had moved to the countryside in an estate that Tristan purchased, situated about half the distance between Sebastian’s estate and Colin’s. Though originally intended for Tristan, Victoria and Sophie, the opportunity for Malcolm’s residency occurred when Sebastian made it clear that he couldn’t abide Kellington Manor without his sister’s presence.

  It hadn’t taken much persuasion to convince Victoria and Tristan to agree to Sebastian’s proposal. They resided in their own large wing with Sophie and shared their lives with Sebastian, Gwen, and the twins – the people dearest to them. It was far from shocking since Tristan would eventually inherit his grandfather’s title and his family would reside in their new home after the dear man’s demise, which everyone hoped would be a long time in the future.

  Relocating to the country allowed Tristan to manage his estates and work with his grandfather on further expanding their investments in relative seclusion while Victoria enjoyed being nearer to her brothers.

  “I still can’t believe Victoria converted your father’s home into an orphanage,” Sebastian said with mock severity. “Lachlan must be turning over in his grave at that unexpected turn of events.”

  Tristan arched his brow. Yes, Lachlan would be mortified. That is one of the many reasons that Victoria’s idea made perfect sense.

  “It is a boarding school,” Tristan corrected his brother-in-law. “How many times must your sister explain that to you?”

  “Of course, you have my sincerest apologies.” It was Sebastian’s turn to grin. “So how many more are you both planning to adopt?”

  “As many as Victoria wishes,” Tristan answered, thoroughly content. He was convinced that he would never, no matter how many years passed, ever take for granted this newfound inner peace that filled his heart all because of Victoria.

  Sebastian’s brow furrowed. “I owe you an apology, Tristan.”

  “You owe me nothing of the sort,” Tristan met his brother-in-law’s intense gaze.

  “Ah, but I do,” Sebastian’s tone was rough with emotion, as he turned once again to study his sister.

  Sophie and the twins were now enjoying story time, Tristan noted, swallowing hard against the lump of emotion that formed within his throat at the sight of his family.

  “I see it now,” Sebastian continued, “every time you observe Victoria, and every time she gazes at you. The love you both feel for each other is evident. I wish I had recognized it sooner. I also wish that I hadn’t been so contemptuous towards you when I first learned the truth.”

  “I deserved your contempt at the time. Besides, none of us could have predicted this outcome.”

  “Gwen did,” Sebastian’s shoulders shook with mirth. “She believed from the very beginning that you were in love with Victoria.”

  Tristan studied his twin, who was walking across the lush lawn in an attempt to assemble the children for their early supper on the terrace. She had always known him so well and, even though it was often infuriating and downright unnerving, he now found it comforting. Like the knowledge that his wife loved him, the knowledge that their daughter was safe and happy.

  “All right, my darlings,” Victoria announced, lifting Sophie off her lap. “We must straighten up.”

  “That’s my cue,” Tristan announced, excusing himself before taking his leave. He then strode towards his family, stopping briefly to kiss his sister on the cheek.

  “Papa!” Sophie squealed as she ran towards him.

  Tristan scooped her into his arms. “Hello, sweet girl. You are getting so big. I believe you’ve grown an inch since this morning.”

  “It appears so, doesn’t it?” Victoria approached them, sketchpad in hand, and he kissed her forehead while gently placing his free hand on her lower back.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Victoria leaned into him. “I am feeling pregnant,” she patted her distended belly. “I am also enjoying every minute of it.”

  Their little girl squirmed and Tristan released her so she could run with the other children.

  “That’s good,” Tristan murmured, wrapping his arms around Victoria’s expanding waistline as he murmured so only his wife could hear. “Because I enjoyed every moment we spent creating that child you’re carrying.”

  A hearty chuckle escaped her throat. “Of that, I am aware.”

  There had been so much fear at the beginning of her pregnancy. Fear of losing this child, like they had their first. Dr. Danbury confined Victoria to bed rest for the first few months and Tristan doted on her with great care and adoration, reassuring her that everything would be all right this time.

  As long as he lives, Tristan will never forget the relief that had washed over him when the kind doctor finally told them he believed the pregnancy had taken and that both mother and child were healthy.

  Of, course, Tristan was still protective of his wife. He always would be. He clasped her hand in his as they strolled towards the rest of their party.

  “I noticed you chatting with Sebastian,” she paused to rest under the canopy of leaves that had shaded Colin and his family moments before. Tristan welcomed some time alone with Victoria before they were again within earshot of their families.

  She continued with a mock grin, “No blood was shed, which is always a good sign.”

  Though the two men had been friendly to one another, and now resided under the same roof, one of Victoria’s biggest regrets remained that Tristan’s relationship with Sebastian had been irrevocably damaged by their initial night together. Seeing him with her brother this afternoon reminded Victoria just how much Tristan had sacrificed for her.

  “Brace yourself, my love,” Tristan teased, his tone animated as he leaned into her. “Your brother actually apologized to me.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened. “No!”

  “Yes. My charm, it would seem, is undeniable,” Tristan winked at her.

  She adjusted his periwinkle cravat. “I could have told you that a long time ago.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Tristan said as he reached into his vest pocket. “I have something for you.”

  He handed her a black velvet box with a red ribbon tied in a bow.

  “To what do I owe this honor?” she asked.

  “The date. One year ago this evening, on a stormy night, our fates were forever joined,” he said, gently pushing a wayward auburn curl from her face. “Though it may not have seemed like it at the time, you forever changed me, Victoria.”

  Victoria placed the box against her heart. “You remembered the date?”

  “How could I ever forget?” he kissed the top of her head, whispering into her lush auburn curls. “That was the evening when I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, even if it did take me ages to admit it.”

  “I love you,” she proclaimed and Tristan was certain that he would never tire of hearing the words.

  Victoria opened her gift, a gold bracelet with a filigreed oval locket dangling from it. It reminded her of the necklace that her mother had given her years ago, the same locket she had given to Sophie’s mother.

  “Oh, Tristan,” Victoria held the gift to her heart. “It is beautiful.”

  He reached down and pried open the cool metal charm, revealing a miniature portrait of their daughter, Sophie. “As you can see, there is a spot for our newest addition,” he said, gently placing his hand upon her abdomen. Then, with a conspiratorial wink he added, “There are plenty of links so we can add to it as our family expands.”

  “I don’t deserve you,” she said, her sweet timbre rich with emotion as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He begged to differ. His beautiful wife had taught him to love, fully and completely. Together, along with th
eir children, Victoria had filled Tristan’s heart with more joy than he ever imagined.

  “No, my love,” he said at last. “You deserve this and much more. Therefore, I intend to spend each day of my life making sure you never forget it.”

  “I do love you, Tristan,” she whispered.

  In his wife’s heartfelt proclamation, he found heaven. This woman, her love, renewed his faith. She was his salvation … just as he had suspected on that fateful night when their souls fused as one.

  “You are my miracle, Victoria.”

  * * *

  Later that evening, after Sophie had fallen asleep cuddling with her favorite stuffed puppy, Tristan climbed into bed next to his wife. “I expected you to be fast asleep by now,” he quipped, referring to the sheer exhaustion she had been experiencing through this stage of her pregnancy.

  Victoria placed the leather bound novel she was reading atop her nightstand between two gilded framed portraits, one of her mother and one of Tristan holding Sophie in his arms. “I managed to stay awake long enough for my husband to kiss me goodnight.”

  “It better be one hell of a kiss, then,” he retorted.

  She offered him one of her seductive smiles, “Rest assured, I have no doubt that you will make it worth my efforts.”

  Tristan pushed the covers aside, kissing the thin

  fabric of her chemise atop her belly. “Good night, little one.”

  “I’ve been considering names quite a bit lately,” Victoria threaded her fingers through Tristan’s thick mane.

  “And?” Tristan rested his cheek against her belly.

  “I would like to name our son Ian,” Victoria twirled one of his wayward locks between her fingers. “After my brother, Sebastian.”

  She didn’t offer a further explanation, there was no need. “What makes you so convinced that our little lamb is a boy?” he asked, turning to face her.

  Victoria’s smile widened. “Call it intuition.”

  He arched his brow then turned his attention back to her belly. “You are already one lucky boy, Ian. For, not only is your mama’s intuition infallible, but she is a wonderful woman and loves you very much. As I know from firsthand experience, one is capable of anything when Lady Victoria MacAlistair believes in you.”

  Victoria’s heart swelled with a combination of adoration and intense pride. Tristan had come so far, grown so much in the past year.

  His transformation was one of epic proportions.

  Tristan flattened his palm against her belly, his warmth emanating through the fine fabric of her chemise as he continued his soliloquy. “Your mother is also fiercely tenacious and will fight for those she loves. Your mama is smart and incredibly perceptive, as well, because she knew my heart long before I ever did.”

  The baby kicked, causing Victoria to squeal. “Did you feel that? He kicked.” She placed Tristan’s flattened palms atop her belly. Another kick followed.

  “This lad is a strong one.” Tristan’s excitement was evident in his tone.

  “He likes hearing his father speak to him.”

  “In that case,” Tristan settled gently against Victoria’s distended stomach. “I shall tell you more about your mama.”

  Stroking his hair, Victoria listened intently to her husband’s every word as Tristan humbled himself to her and their unborn child. “You will never know the extent to which your mother is willing to go to protect her family, but you will always know that she loves you and believes in you. Because she loved me, believed in me, long before I ever deserved it.”

  “Tristan MacAlistair, you have become a hopeless romantic!”

  “No,” Tristan teased, shifting his weight. “I am blissfully happy,” he kissed her belly. “I am thoroughly content,” he added his lips trailing towards the valley between her full, rounded breasts, where he kissed his wife once again. “And,” he paused, kissing her neck, “I am fervently in love with my wife.”

  His lips trailed upward, where he tenderly brushed them against hers. He then caressed his wife’s cheek. His gaze tender, his words rich with emotion. “After all of the heartache we caused, I would still do it all a hundred times over, if it meant we would end up here, together, with our precious children.”

  Victoria clasped his face in her palms. “I feel the same.”

  There is nothing she wouldn’t do for him, for such a life as the one they had been blessed with.

  “You are my greatest love, Victoria,” his mahogany gaze held hers. “My dearest wish come true.”

  How long ago had it been since she had hoped for a love to withstand the test of time? Here, staring into the depths of her husband’s smoky gaze, Victoria knew she had found just that. This remarkable man loved her more than she ever thought possible.

  Pulling him towards her, Victoria brushed her lips against his in a profound kiss. Gentle yet passionate, sweet yet possessive, her husband’s intimate kisses were her favorite gift of all for he relinquished his soul to her in his every kiss.

  “Thank you for loving me,” she said simply, well aware of how difficult it had been for him, well aware of the risk he had taken.

  As if reading her thoughts, Tristan added in a raspy baritone. “You were worth the risk, Victoria. You are my love, my salvation. My miracle.”

  For a man who had once denounced Him, God had proven Tristan wrong. He embraced his wife, and she settled against his chest, her hand resting against his heart. Pressing his lips against her auburn curls, he inhaled deeply, reveling in the scent of sweet oranges. His wife would never cease to surprise him. The thought was enough to make his heart beat quicker, hope flooding his veins.

  Dear God, thank you for this life you have given me.

  So often of the same mind, Victoria whispered “We are blessed.”

  She was correct and Tristan silently vowed to spend his life proving that he was worthy of such a gift. For Victoria was indeed a gift from God.

  Salvation from the man he had become.

  “I love you,” he whispered, such a small statement yet one brimming with meaning.

  When she replied, her cadence was rich with emotion. “I love you, Tristan.”

  Tristan had found his heart. It had belonged to Victoria all along. And even though it had taken him far too long to admit it, time is what made today and every day forward that much sweeter.

  Dear God, thank you for this woman.

  Blissfully content, with Sophie sleeping next door and their newest addition in Victoria’s protective cocoon, Tristan cradled his wife in his arms while a lifetime of these moments flashed before Tristan’s eyes.

  As he joined her in peaceful slumber his lips curled into a soft grin.

  There was no place he’d rather be.

  About the Author

  In addition to being a wife and mommy to an exquisite son and daughter, Tracy Goodwin is also the #1 Bestselling Author of sweeping Historical Romances fraught with passion, hope, danger, and redemption. Not surprising, having created epic tales of happily-ever-afters since she was a little girl. As her imagination blossomed, so did Tracy’s stories of heroes and heroines living in magnificent estates surrounded by landscapes the vivid colors of Impressionist paintings. What is more romantic than stories of forbidden love and redemption, of flawed heroes and heroines overcoming obstacles to be rewarded with an epic romance and a happy ending?

  What could be more touching than Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy declaring his love for Elizabeth, Emma finding love in the familiar visage of Mr. Knightley, or Charlotte Bronte’s Jane returning home to Mr. Rochester at last? Such were her thoughts when Tracy read Judith McNaught’s novels, eventually meeting the author in person. This helped Tracy acknowledge that writing Historical Romance was her “dream.” As her own characters developed, their stories yearning to be told, Tracy’s husband encouraged her to write the novel of her heart, Dance with Deception. With that, the Scandalous Secrets series began proving that dreams do come true ...

  To learn more about the Scandal
ous Secrets series and other upcoming releases including Audio books, please visit Tracy’s website While there, you can also reach her via Email, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter or complete the Contact form. Remember to like Tracy’s Facebook fan page at or join in the conversation at and at


  Each novel in the Scandalous Secrets series is dedicated to my wonderful readers with heartfelt appreciation. Thank you for making each of the novels in the Scandalous Secrets series bestsellers! These characters are precious to me. I hope you feel the same.

  Heartfelt thanks to my dear friend, Jeannie Ruesch, a talented author who has created a series of covers that I absolutely adore. I am proud to be your cohort dishing all things TV at

  Thank you to my copy editor, Mary Metcalfe, for being so incredible! You mean the world to me and I am blessed that you entered my life.

  What can I say to bestselling author Deborah Macgillivray? Thank you for your friendship and support! You are an amazing woman and I’m honored to call you my friend.

  A special acknowledgement to all Autism and ADHD moms – you and all special needs moms are incredible. I donate the proceeds from my novels to my son’s Autism treatments, understand the battles we fight and the high cost. If you ever need an ear, contact me. Together we will make it through.

  I also owe a debt of thanks to bestselling authors Hannah Howell, Barbara Dawson Smith and Gayle Wilson for giving me such lovely author quotes and to bestselling author Lucy Monroe for allowing me to be a guest blogger at her website. It was more than I could have ever dreamed possible from talented authors whom I truly admire and respect.

  Titles in the Scandalous Secrets Series


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