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Upon a Wishing Flower

Page 5

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Oh, my god. I can’t believe you just said that. Save that for Belinda.” She laughs and cranes her neck to look through the window. “Ah, look at my Honduran wet dream. Isn’t she so beautiful?”

  When we walk in the door, Felicia practically skips forward, leans over the counter, and coos, “Good morning, beautiful.” Belinda smiles, and in her cute Spanish accent, she says, “My two favorite babes. How are you today?”

  “The sun is hiding behind clouds today, but shining in your eyes, so, I’m doing much better now that I have seen you.” Belinda giggles and leans over the counter to get closer to Felicia. “Tell me more things like that.”

  Watching these two is so fucking adorable it could rot your eyes out like sugar rots your teeth.

  “I want to taste your smooth cinnamon skin on my tongue so badly it makes my body ache.”

  Belinda smiles really big and looks side to side before leaning over the counter and gently pecking Felicia right on the lips. Felicia smiles really big and straightens back up.

  “You are such a tease, baby.” Belinda giggles and says, “So are you.” She turns to look at me, and asks, “Do you encourage her?” I laugh and shake my head. “Felicia needs no further encouragement than your smile.” Felicia smacks me in the stomach and says, “Back off, she’s mine.”

  We all laugh and Belinda turns to start making our usual. After a few more flirty exchanges between the two, we start heading back to work.

  Felicia and Belinda would make a beautiful couple if they weren’t straight. Both are curvy women. Felicia has a smooth dark chocolate complexion, and Belinda has a nice red clay complexion. The two have wonderful personalities, and are super sweet. I’ve met other straight women like them, but they are way more extreme in their flirting and apparent desire for each other.

  Belinda has never actually kissed Felicia though. I wonder if the two are starting to consider maybe they want something more from each other. It’s not uncommon for people to “come out” later in life or realize later in life that they really are gay. It’s also possible that they could be bisexual and just haven’t realized it or don’t want to accept it .

  When I get back to my office, I check my phone I had left in my desk. I have a text from Hannah.

  Hannah: Hey, Adorableness. How is your day going?

  I smile really big and nearly drop my phone as I race to respond.

  Me: Hey, beautiful. That just cost you a “blush buck”. I’m ok. How are you?

  Hannah: I can’t stop smiling today. I think I creeped my last client out because I just couldn’t stop smiling – even when she was telling me about her stress. By the way, it doesn’t count if I can’t see it. Charge revoked. Are you coming in today to get the rest of the pictures you need?

  Me: See, cutthroat business woman. My 4pm had to reschedule, so I could come in then. If not, I won’t be able to come till Wednesday. Why are you so smiley today?

  Hannah: Well, I had this amazing date Saturday that I just can’t get out of my head. 4pm should work. I’ll double check the schedule in a bit and let you know.

  Me: What a coincidence, I had an amazing date Saturday that I just can’t stop thinking about either.

  Hannah: Yeah? What did she look like?”

  My cheeks are starting to ache with the huge smile on my face.

  Me: Absolutely gorgeous .

  Hannah: I think I am going to frighten everyone away today with the manic smile you have plastered on my face right now.

  Me: Anyone that is frightened by your beautiful smile is mentally imbalanced and needs immediate psychiatric help.

  Hannah: That’s interesting because I think my smile made you a bit nervous when we first met.

  Me: No, your smile made me… other things. My nervousness is work related and has to do with the policies imposed on me by my company.

  Hannah: Ah, now it makes sense. You and I both know what you want to do, but have you figured out what you are actually going to do?

  Me: Yes. Can I take you out Friday night?

  Hannah: I literally just screamed “yes” out loud. See, told you I wasn’t a popular girl. Only a nerd would admit that to you.

  Me: I’m laughing so hard. Well, I really like your nerdy old lady tendencies, so your admission only makes me want to see you even more.

  Hannah: Ok, I almost fell out of my chair. Oh, my god, I don’t think I’m going to be able to compose myself for my next appointment. I better go read the depressing newspaper for the next five minutes so I don’t burst out laughing while I’m massaging the old hairy man coming in soon.

  Me: “Old hairy man” should be enough to scare those laughs back inside. Ok, let me know about coming in today.

  Hannah: Ok, I’ll talk to you soon. Have a good day.

  Me: Thanks. You too .

  I quickly turn my computer on and start scanning the section of the company code of conduct that I had reached just before Felicia came in.

  Just like the rest of the document, it’s so vague on what the actual stance is on this matter. It basically says it’s frowned upon to have any form of a personal relationship with a client, but if I do commence in a relationship with a client, and it interferes with the company to client relationship, or my work performance, it will “result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination”.

  I hate that word. The fear of being “terminated” always makes me envision Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his prime, guns pointed at my chest, looking at me with his half robotic face exposed, and saying, “Leave this office if you want to live.”

  Well, in every action movie, the hero is always willing to put up with hell if he gets the girl in the end. Hannah is definitely worth facing down a robotic killing machine for.

  I guess I better start channeling the badass grit Milla Jovovich had in those zombie movies she did. Oh, and the one she had a vampire like disease. Damn, she was amazing in those. Milla Jovovich has been my top actress crush ever since seeing her in those movies. Zombie movies typically make me nauseous, but I could stomach those just to watch her.

  Chapter Five

  When I get to Hannah’s apartment building to take her out on our second date, but first date with sincere conviction on my part, I feel like a giddy kid. I can’t wait to see her. I practically run across the parking lot to the foyer and impatiently tap my foot while I ride the elevator to her floor.

  I get outside her door and my cheesy smile is as big as a cheese head worn at a Packers game. Only seconds after I knock, she answers. My insides lurch as my heart starts hammering in my chest.


  My face turns beet red and my jaw muscles have forgotten how to work. I’m just standing here, mouth agape, staring at her. Hannah is wearing a bright royal blue dress that comes just above her knees with a bright white cardigan sweater with three-quarter length sleeves overtop. The skirt of the dress is slightly loose while the top hugs her body.

  I swallow hard and stammer out, “You… you look amazing.”

  Her eyes are so bright they look like they are glowing. Her smile is transfixing. Her whole visage is paralyzing.

  “Thank you. Would you like to come in for a few minutes before we leave, or would you like to keep standing in the hall? ”

  “Huh, what?”

  She laughs and takes a couple steps closer to me, takes my hand, and pulls me inside. After closing the door, she pulls me into a hug. I inhale deeply and feel myself melt into her. God, she smells good. She slowly pulls back some and looks at my face with a smile.

  “Hi, Adorableness.” I laugh a little and smile really big. “Hello. You look… just, amazing.” Hannah giggles and pulls back some to scan my body, and smiles approvingly. “So do you. I love you in those business pants and pressed collar tops. So, where are you taking me tonight?”

  “Veneto’s Italian Grill.”

  “Nice choice. I’m ready if you are.”

  “No, I’m not ready.” She tilts her head to the side and looks in my e
yes. Oh, those eyes. “Still worried about dating me?” I shake my head. “I don’t want to stop looking at you and I don’t want you to let go of me.”

  Hannah smiles broadly and squeezes me closer. Her face moves closer to mine and I swallow hard. With her lips just hovering in front of mine, my eyes close, and her warm sweet breath on my lips almost makes me moan.

  “Can I kiss you now?”

  I can’t speak, so I close the small distance between our lips, and we both inhale sharply as our lips press against each other’s. Gently, our tongues slide over each other’s for a moment, our lips close on each other’s lips, and then our tongues twist and twirl together again.

  While we kiss, Hannah’s hands move from around my back to my hips and she pulls me in close, making our bodies press together completely. We both start almost gasping for air between rotations of our tongues and sucking of each other’s lips. Oh, my god, her kiss makes me feel like I’m swimming through a pool of silk .

  When she pulls back, she rests her forehead against mine. We’re both breathing heavily.

  “Holy angels of God. That was a fucking good kiss.”

  I laugh and pull back slightly to look at her face. Her eyes look unfocused and blurry. Her mouth is in a lazy smile and she is still slightly panting. I press my lips against hers again and Hannah presses in hard against me. She wraps a hand in my hair and we resume another passionate kiss.

  Hannah grips my hip hard, causing me to moan. She smiles against my lips, and she suddenly latches on to my bottom lip and starts sucking it with an even firmness. I moan again and feel my body sway. When she releases my lip, we open our eyes and look at each other as if through fogged windows.

  “Holy hell. Oh, my god, Brooke, we have to leave now. You are going to make me lose my religion if we stay here any longer.”

  “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, but you are… I just mean you are going to make this dress come off if we don’t quickly leave.”

  She looks at my lips again, and I can tell she is really struggling. I’m just as turned on and I’m so tempted to lift the skirt of her dress and make her feel what I know she wants so badly. My hand quivers on her hip with the temptation. She gasps and slightly closes her eyes as my hand grips her firmly and slides down the side of her thigh. She leans into me and lays on my shoulder with her panting breath on my neck.

  Hannah gently kisses a trail up my neck and breathes into my ear, “Brooke, if you lift my skirt, you better not get shy and stop.”

  I gulp hard as my hand grips the hem of her skirt. My whole body is on fire. I have never felt so aroused and eager to go down on another woman as I do right now. I want to wrap her legs around my head and lick and suck her till she screams in pleasure. But this is only our second date. We have only known each other for two weeks. I take a deep breath and release the soft fabric of her skirt and pull back.

  “I’ve never been very good at corrupting anyone. I guess you get to keep your religion a little longer.”

  Hannah exhales and lays her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. After a minute or so, Hannah lifts her head and looks in my eyes. She smiles and pulls back completely.

  Taking a deep breath, she asks, “Ready now?”

  “Less now than I was before, but we should go anyway.”

  Hannah grins and takes my hand. She grabs a small clutch purse off the table by her door, and pulls me out into the hall. After she locks her door, she loops an arm in mine and we start walking down the hall.

  Standing in front of the elevator door, waiting for it to open, our reflection in the brushed stainless steel doors is breathtaking. The image is blurred from the brushing pattern, but it’s still powerful enough to make me cocky and happy.

  “I feel like James Bond with a gorgeous woman hanging on my arm.” Hannah laughs and kisses my cheek. “So, is it going to be harder for me to make you blush now?”

  “I doubt it. Easy blushing is a curse I’ve always had, no matter how comfortable I am with a person.”

  “Good.” I smile and pull her into the now open elevator. “I’m glad that my embarrassment causes you so much pleasure.”

  She looks at my lips and leans into me. Just as she’s about to kiss me, a hand reaches through the closing doors and tries to pull them open. I quickly press the doors open button and in steps a frantic looking young mother with a toddler in her arms .

  “Thank you!” She looks us both up and down and laughs in a defeated way. “Shit, you two look amazing. I miss those nights, dressing up and going out on the town.”

  She looks at the adorable grinning little boy in her arms and smiles as she wipes a little bit of drool off his chin.

  “He’s cute.”

  “Thank you. He’s a terror though. Are you going dancing? Please tell me you’re going dancing. I miss dancing so much.” Hannah and I laugh and shake our heads. “Just going to dinner.”

  “You say ‘just dinner’ as if that’s nothing special. I haven’t been out to dinner since before this little precious monster was born.”

  The doors open and we all shuffle out of the elevator. I hold the entrance door open for Hannah and the tired young mother. She smiles and breathlessly gives her thanks as she rushes off across the parking lot. Hannah takes my hand and we take off to my car together.

  The restaurant is packed as usual, but I had made reservations, so we’re able to skip ahead of the large crowd of people waiting for a table. We’re seated at a table next to a huge wall made of rows stacked upon rows of cubbies just large enough to fit a single bottle of wine. The wall starts at about waist height and goes all the way to the tall ceiling. It’s amazing because at quick scan, I don’t see any bottles duplicated. There has to be at least a hundred bottles of wine making up that wall.

  Hannah eyes up the wall with a cute little smile and then looks at me with a teasing glimmer in her eyes.

  “So, does wine make you sleepy too?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. You are more than welcome to have wine though.”

  “I might actually be safer giving you a glass as well. Towards the end of the evening, of course. I don’t want you falling asleep before I can consider having dessert. ”

  “You would dope me up on purpose? Hm… what kind of religion is this that you are trying to protect?” Hannah laughs and reaches across the table to take my hand. “No, I would never do something like that. I think it’s more of an image I want to protect than a religion. Not just how you see me, but how I see myself as well.”

  “Well, I’m going to help you with that. Hannah, you are not allowed in my pants tonight.” Hannah laughs hard and squeezes my hand. “But you know, the fact that you wouldn’t kiss me or allow me to kiss you till the night of an official date, without any trepidation on my part, says a lot about you. You have a great deal of respect for yourself and I really like that about you.”

  “Thank you. It was not easy waiting to kiss you though. Especially when you pulled me in closer. So, did you take ‘Advanced Kissing’ in college instead of ‘Advanced Chemistry’?”

  “Not instead of – I took both.”

  I flash her a big goofy grin and she laughs.

  Our waiter comes to see if we’re ready to order and we haven’t even looked at the menu at all yet, so we reluctantly stop flirting and start scanning through the menu.

  The cuisine from the Veneto region of Italy is not the typical red sauce and meatballs. It has a lot more seafood, polenta, risotto, grilled meats and vegetables, and the pasta is typically tossed in good quality oil and herbs.

  I’m a huge fan of the cuisine from this region. One day, I want to travel to Venice – the beautiful floating city. Or rather, sinking city.

  Italians are really big on family style, so there are two sharable sections on the menu – a section for meals for two, and for four. We decide to get a sharable meal. We order a delicious sounding risotto with mushrooms, pearl onions, pumpkin seeds, and radic
chio piled high with grilled shrimp, clams, and scallops. We also order a grilled vegetable salad with zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, fennel, and spring onions. The vegetables are grilled over a wood fire and then drizzled with an herbed oil.

  I smile when Hannah orders a glass of the white wine recommended to pair well with the food we ordered. It has always been a big stress for me when people think they can’t have something just because I won’t be having it as well. It makes me feel like it’s my fault they’re not getting what they really want. I appreciate the consideration behind their intentions, but I appreciate more when someone understands I don’t mind and actually has what they want.

  “So, when do I get to see your place?”

  “Whenever you want. We can get dessert to go and go back to my place if you want.”

  “I want.”

  “Do I need to put on my chastity belt when we get there? Do I have to worry about you trying to seduce me in my own home?” Hannah laughs loudly, causing several people to look over at us. She puts her hand to her mouth and clears her throat. “Even if I have to take a cold shower at your place, I’ll restrain myself. You’ve already banned me from getting in your pants tonight, so I’ll respect that.”

  I let out a small involuntary moan at the thought of her in the shower and quickly clear my throat. I shake my head and take a sip of water.

  “You are a bad girl.”

  “I’m trying to be a good girl, honest.”

  “Uh huh. So, how is Isabell doing?” The teasing glimmer in her eyes fades and she shakes her head. “I don’t know. She has been acting like her normal self, but she has been taking and making a lot of private calls, which is unusual for her. When she gets a call or makes a call, she has been going out to her car instead of the breakroom like she normally would. I think she might be talking to a lawyer or something.”

  “A lawyer wouldn’t be calling or taking calls that often. They are much slower to action. She may be working with a private investigator though.”

  “Can they do anything to help her aside from following him around?”


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