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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

Page 47

by L. J. Swallow

  Ash chokes a laugh. "He’d use his magic to persuade us if we say no."

  Theodora’s lips thin. "No. Tobias is forbidden to use his powers on any of you. That I will not allow."

  "Apart from Maeve," Tobias says in a quiet voice.

  Jamie stiffens. "What the hell?"

  Theodora sighs. "Sofia may be resistant to the idea, but Tobias needs to work with Maeve to develop her mind control skills. He’s the only person I trust to teach Maeve and not interfere with her mind."

  I clench my jaw. He already did and she allowed that. "Oh? Tobias told me he didn’t want to teach me."

  "Tobias, like you, must do as instructed."

  He blinks and his self-assured expression flickers. Yes, Tobias, I’ll get into your head. That's what you're worried about.

  Theodora sighs and leans forward. "One more thing, to demonstrate how little you can hide from me. I’m aware of your escapades on Halloween. The so-called field trip with Tobias was sanctioned by me, in order to fix your mess." Amelia makes a panicked sound and Theodora smiles. "Nothing in this academy slips past me."

  Crap. I stare at the floor, my hair shielding my face.

  "You mean Tobias told you?" says Ash. I glance up at him looking at the professor with harsh distrust.

  She clasps her hands together. "Ashley. Tobias’s ultimate loyalty is with the academy and keeping everybody safe. He tells me everything. You may be interested to know that I wanted to impose severe punishment on you all, but Tobias persuaded me not to."

  Does this mean she knows that Andrei killed? Tobias’s loyalty is to the academy, but has he kept more than one of our secrets?

  "How is your brother, Ash?" Theodora asks him and my anxiety drops as the subject edges away from Halloween night.

  "Vince is still recovering. Physically he’s okay, but he refuses to talk about what happened." Tobias makes a low sound in his throat. "What?" snaps Ash.

  "Does Vincent lack memories, or is his forgetfulness something different?" He scratches the corner of his eye. "Is the man really who he says?"

  My stomach lurches as Tobias voices what I’m sure many have thought, either in passing or still do. I had my doubts until Ash spoke to me about his family Christmas, and how Vincent remembered all their little traditions. If Ash believes Vincent is his brother, then I do too.

  "That’s bloody hypocritical, coming from you," retorts Ash. "And of course, Vince is my brother. I’d know if he wasn’t."

  Tobias looks to a painting on the wall and pushes his tongue into a cheek, his silence worse than if he’d pressed his opinion further.

  But Ash is correct—the man is a hypocrite. Theodora must sense the discord between us all.

  How can we meet Theodora's instructions if Tobias asked me to stay away from him? Theodora is putting him in a position he doesn’t like, not just us.

  "Now, why not spend a morning relaxing before class," says Theodora clapping her hands together.

  The tension doesn’t break.

  "Please ensure you’re in the main hall by six o’clock. I have some exciting announcements for the school games this term."

  Theodora cleverly shifts the focus from Vincent and Tobias to the academy again, but she must realise this meeting is the tip of a large iceberg.

  I chew my lip and look down at my shoes. Theodora trusts Tobias implicitly, but why would she trust a man who was once detained at Ravenhold? Especially one who hasn’t been a hundred percent truthful with her.

  Or a hundred percent truthful with me. I’m instructed to work with Tobias, yet I can’t trust the guy.

  How important will trusting each other become?

  Chapter Six


  We file into the hall and sit on rows of wooden chairs, segregated into our houses. My blazer with the green trim matches everybody in the Walcott section, and almost every student is dressed in full uniform.

  Some students chat quietly while others sit upright, craning their necks to watch what’s happening on the low stage. The last time I was in this room, magical Christmas decorations and ice sculptures filled the hall. I danced beneath the witchlights with Jamie and Ash, lost in an evening that ended in chaos.

  The whole academy gathering like this is rare—the academy games must be more serious than I heard.

  On stage, Theodora waits in front of a mic stand, looking every bit a star about to break into song. Does she look this perfect when she climbs out of bed in the morning? The three house heads sit to her left on chairs that match the ones the students occupy.

  I’m close to the back of the hall and can’t see faces clearly, but Professor O’Reilly is slumped in his chair, which is unusual for him. I’m used to his ramrod-straight, chin-tipped stance.

  Tobias is angled away from Sofia beside him, and there’re three empty seats to his left.

  Theodora takes the stand in one hand and curls her slender fingers around the mic. "Welcome to the team games," her voice purrs around the room.

  "May the odds be forever in your favour," mutters Jamie under his breath and I nudge him. He grins at me.

  "Are the games that bad?" I whisper.

  He wrinkles his nose. "As with anything competitive, some people take things seriously." Jamie inclines his head towards Ash, who sits with Gilgamesh house. Ash leans forward, elbows on his knees, expectant.

  "This is one of the only times Petrescu involve themselves in academy life," puts in Amelia.

  The bored-looking vamps talk, ignoring Theodora—a brave move.

  "Because they usually win," mutters Jamie.

  "Against shifters? How?"

  "This isn’t only physical games, Maeve. Yeah, the shifters usually win that element, but there’s the magic and the academic too."

  Theodora clears her throat and the sound silences the assembled students.

  "This year, the games will follow the same pattern as previous years. There will be three competitions and scores kept. The top performers from each house will take place in the final competition. The winning house will earn a trip to the New Orleans Nightworld Academy."

  An excited murmur ripples through the room.

  Theodora continues before I can ask Jamie what’s special about that academy. "Your house professors will discuss the finer details and competitor lists will be posted on the main academy noticeboards. All students must take part, and any attempt to cheat will result in immediate disqualification." She lifts her head and stares directly at the troublemakers from the Winter Ball. "In some cases, expulsion."

  "I should bloody hope so," mutters Jamie. "I wonder how much their parents had to pay Theodora to let them back in?"

  "At least they’ll back off now," puts in Amelia. "Theodora won't stand for behaviour like that more than once."

  The conversations happening around the room are interrupted by Theodora loudly clearing her throat, face close to the mic. "This term, I’m happy to report we’ve no staff changes."

  I glance at the disgruntled Tobias. I’m not happy he’s back. Is he?

  "However, Professor O’Reilly has decided to cut back his teaching hours and focus more on the pastoral role as Gilgamesh house head."

  Professor O’Reilly shifts in his seat and his sour face rivals Tobias’s. Decided or was told?

  "I decided to recruit a teaching assistant for the professor and between us, we chose the perfect candidate. I’d like to introduce an ex-pupil who made significant contributions to the academy’s sporting achievements."

  I crane my neck to see over the tall guy in front of me as a man strides into view, his figure towering over the slight headmistress. He’s undoubtedly a shifter, over six feet tall with the build of a WWE wrestler.

  "Welcome, Vincent Greenwood."

  I jerk myself further upright and look at Ash. Did he know and not tell us? Ash’s parted mouth and widened eyes answer my question: he didn’t.

  Vincent takes the empty chair beside Tobias, who angles his body away and sits stiffly, his clenched fi
sts resting on his knees. Now I know why Tobias looked so pissed off on stage.

  Is Theodora deliberately playing with fire by bringing Vincent back here?

  "Hey," says Vincent and he attempts a grin. "It’s good to be back."

  Gilgamesh kids put their heads together, faces lighting with excitement, and surprised chatter travels around the room.

  "Wow," whispers Amelia. "Ash will be happy to have his brother around."

  Jamie pulls on his bottom lip, but says nothing.

  "The early rounds of the competition will take place each weekend so as not to interfere with classes. This term’s lessons will focus on activities to help with the games, and I advise everybody to attend."

  Her gaze rests on the three Petrescu troublemakers from last term who are lounging back in their seats, ignoring proceedings. Andrei sits two seats away from them, staring at his feet.

  I’m hurt that Andrei shut me out, as if each time he helps me he has to back away again to protect himself. Now I’m aware of his loneliness, I want to reach out, but how can I? He’s impenetrable and rebuilds any weak part of his defences whenever I manage to break through.

  Andrei agreed to do as Theodora asks, welcoming any opportunity to piss Tobias off, but maintains his distance. I don’t resent him staying quiet about Tobias’s actions against me—I understand the position he was in—does Andrei feel guilt about that? He shouldn't.

  "Please ensure you're friendly to our new staff member." Theodora raises both arms in the air, her smile growing. "Now, let the games begin!"

  I shudder, terrified by the Hunger Games vision that Jamie put into my thoughts. I glance at Katherine, with her head bent whispering to a friend. She side-glances a girl at Walcott house, sitting across the narrow walkway between the chairs, and mouths something to her.

  The witch glares and mouths something back.

  Oh, hell. Please let this be painless.

  Excited voices echo around the hallway as students file out of the main hall, some throwing jibes at the other houses. I’ve only one thing on my mind: Ash and Vincent. Amelia and Jamie wait with me, and we’re bumped by some students passing by.

  Ash wanders out surrounded by his rugby teammates, but doesn’t join their enthusiastic planning how to win the physical challenges. He makes his excuses and joins us, but doesn’t greet me with a hug.

  "Did you know about Vincent’s job here?" I ask.

  Ash rubs a hand over his head and looks back at the hall. "No. I can’t believe Vincent didn’t tell me."

  "I can’t believe he’ll be impartial when he helps out with the games," puts in Jamie and Ash narrows his eyes. "Oh, come on. He hates witches."

  When will Jamie drops this new attitude to the world? Jamie now speaks his mind, as if he lost his filter when he took on Blackwood magic.

  "Maybe this is why Theodora or the Confederacy want him here?" suggests Amelia as she switches into diplomatic mode. "If Vincent works with the other races, this might teach him to be part of the world again. After..." She trails off.

  I glance at Jamie and wait for his input, but sensibly he hides his disbelief at her suggestion.

  "Maybe. Vince needs to re-adjust," says Ash. "Besides, I’m glad he’s here. I can keep an eye on him."

  I take Ash’s hand. Is he comfortable with his new role reversal—little brother in the position of watching his older one?

  Ash hides some of how he feels, because I know he misses the old Vincent. After years apart, Ash has changed too. He’s not the kid brother anymore; he’s a shifter moving towards adulthood and a new world. A world lost to Vincent until weeks ago.

  "We’ve time before lessons start—we should feed you." I nudge Ash. "Before you turn into ‘hangry Ash’."

  He shakes his head. "I need to talk to my brother. I’ll wait for him. Maybe catch you later?"

  "No loitering in the hallway." Tobias stands in the doorway too and waves a hand at us to move. I gape at him talking to us as if we’re little kids.

  "You’re in a bad mood," I say. "Don’t you like the person Theodora chose to help Professor O’Reilly?"

  He narrows his eyes. "Watch your tone, Miss Foster."

  I clench my jaw. He doesn’t have the right to talk to me like this. He isn’t Professor Whitlock to me, and never will be again. Tobias might keep up appearances, but I’m not happy to join in.

  Amelia tugs my arm and I look away. "Come on. I want to eat before class, even if Ash doesn’t."

  Ash slips past the distracted Tobias, towards the hall. Tobias steps to one side and watches Ash with concern. "Ash. You are not permitted back into the hall."

  Ash continues walking and I hear him call out his brother’s name—I can't help being amused by Tobias's surprise that Ash ignored him.

  Amelia makes another comment about her hunger, and pushes at Jamie to walk away. I'm not dumb—neither is Tobias—she wants to defuse the situation.

  "Your authority doesn’t work anymore," I whisper, one eye on Amelia. "Not with us."

  My pulse ticks up as Tobias gives a slow smile, as he does when dropping his 'professor' persona with me. "Perhaps. But we’re not equals, Maeve, however much you tell yourself we are."

  His gaze burns heat into my cheeks. "Stop doing that. Don’t use your powers on me."

  The quirk to his mouth grows. "Maeve. You know I don’t need to, do I?"

  He succeeds in flustering me and I step away before the draw to him grows.

  "Well, you must excuse me, Miss Foster. I have duties I need to attend to. We can continue this conversation later."

  I blink as he strides away, at how his attitude switches as if he clicked his fingers and became Professor Whitlock again.

  I hate that whenever I confront Tobias, he can turn the situation around and expose my weakness for him. Tobias lied to me for weeks, but when he told the truth, he created a worse situation. Tobias is no longer an immortal who's over a century old, or an authority figure.

  Tobias is a man several years older than I am, who’s chosen to use my attraction to him against me.

  And I'm determined to prove I can do the same.

  Chapter Seven


  I watch Maeve as she talks to Ash outside class. They hold hands a lot, Ash often tucking her hair behind an ear and kissing her cheek. He can hardly keep his hands off her and the way they look at each other... Retch.

  They’re an interesting group to watch. Amelia’s changed since Matt left—she's quieter with an air of sadness she tries to hide and few people notice. Jamie’s not the same since he took on Blackwood magic—false confidence but something edging into a need. I don’t think he’s clear of the magic yet.

  But Maeve wouldn’t be happy if I forced Jamie to be violent. He definitely needs to keep his cool, especially in public.

  Strange that I know so many of their secrets and keep them to myself.

  Like I kept Tobias’s because he has the ultimate hold over me.

  The guy still watches over me; somebody always will, thanks to my darling mother. I do as he says, but I’m avoiding any situation where I could come across temptation. No nights out with the others at human clubs. No visits to town.

  Staying away from Maeve.

  Hell, she’s eating me alive from within. My heart is shredded by her because she’s everything I want and everything I don’t deserve.

  Each look or smile she gives me in an attempt to make contact drives the pain deeper. Why does she want to allow me close? The girl hates what I am and would never accept me. Especially as I killed.

  But who am I most worried about hurting? Her or me?

  The weirdest thing—Maeve followed me again yesterday evening. This began last term, when her nightly walks became as regular as mine, and we pretended not to notice each other. She followed me once, and I’m not sure what amused me more: the stalking or that she thinks the vampire with preternatural senses didn’t notice.

  Each time, I slink away into the shadows once I detect h
er and continue my nightly walk around the grounds away from the depressing Petrescu surroundings.

  Once, I almost relented and asked her why she followed me, but I already know. She wants to talk. Dig into my mind again, but with words, not mental magic.

  I can’t avoid Maeve forever. I intended to stay away until I settled around her, but all I’ve managed is one night. My ability to resist wanes the way the moon does above us when we pretend not to see each other.

  I blink away the thoughts and pull my phone out. As usual, I don’t watch anything or send messages. I pretend.

  I’m not interested in class today. I pull myself from the bench I’m sitting on and head towards the exit. Pausing, I shrug my bag onto a shoulder and debate where to go.

  Chapter Eight


  Finally, alone time with Ash. The tension between us has crackled all day—light touches on my hand, chaste kisses in public and plenty of Ash hugs.

  I'm waiting for a chance to talk to him about his brother, thrown straight into lessons after the announcements. He was quiet all day—of course Vincent is on his mind and I need to talk to him.

  We arrange to meet outside the Walcott common room. Ash visits regularly due to his friendship with witches. Some are resistant to him, but not many since Ash keeps the peace between Walcott and Gilgamesh.

  Until I saw him yesterday, I never realised exactly how much I craved to be around Ash. The texts and phone calls over the holiday filled the gap he left when he walked away from our kiss. Ash had time to think about me despite everything happening in his life, and that spoke to me more than any conversation we had. I spent unhealthy amounts of time imagining his lips on mine and remembering what a high our kiss left me on. I hate that our first kiss was spoiled by the awful events—and worried this eclipsed things for Ash.

  But I don't see that when he looks at me. His soft smile and shining eyes, the way he absentmindedly takes my hand pushes me towards excitement what will happen between us next. The kiss he gave when we first saw each other again wasn't as passionate as when we were alone that evening, but filled me with the same thrill because I knew then that we have something special.


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