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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

Page 62

by L. J. Swallow

  The warm pressure of his mouth moves from tentative to firm as I eagerly respond, pressing myself into him. Andrei’s grip on my waist tightens and he slides his hand into my hair. Mouth harder against mine, Andrei parts my lips with his tongue, exploring as I push my tongue against his.

  Andrei’s hands don’t wander but hold me tightly, as if I might fall if he lets go. I crave his touch, to slide my hands against his skin, and my body tingles at the thought.

  He pulls away, suddenly, and dark eyes meet mine. "I can see something that worries me, Maeve. Am I looking at your thoughts or a vision?"

  I blow hair from my face and admit, "Both."

  "You know that would never happen between us."

  "Sofia told me my visions were hallucinations. My fears manifesting."

  "I’m not sure if that makes things better or worse."

  The arousal doesn't drop and won't as long as his hands are on me. I stare at his mouth and want him to help me forget today.

  "Don’t push me away," I whisper as he turns his head from my kiss.

  "You wouldn't say that if I let you into my mind and you saw what was in my thoughts."

  The edge to his voice sends a new shiver through me. "You’ve blocked me?"

  He nods. "But if you tried, you could break through."

  Blazing eyes meet mine and the temptation builds. The longer he stands here holding me, his body warming mine against the cool night, the stronger the urge to read his thoughts.

  I swallow. "No. I won't invade your mind, Andrei."

  He mutters something under his breath and kisses me again. Andrei’s lips are soft but firm and he grips my hair with his other hand, tugs my head back, and kisses me. The gentleness has gone, and his mouth claims mine as he delves his tongue deeper into my mouth. Andrei pushes me against the wall and switches back to the slow, teasing kisses, but the sweetness does nothing to take away the burning need he’s ignited.

  My lips smart as he pulls his away and peppers kisses across my cheeks, and downwards. I squirm as he nips my ear and his lips continue their exploration, sending tiny shivers of pleasure through me. His mouth stays against my pulse point longer than I’d like, lips hard against my skin. An instinctive need to protect myself takes over and I wriggle from Andrei’s grasp.

  The moment I shrink from him, he steps back and looks at me with barely disguised horror when I hold my fingers to my neck.

  "Did you think I was about to bite you?" he asks.

  I drop my hand, unaware I’d responded that way. Drawing in a shaky breath, I shake my head.

  "You did," he says hoarsely.

  "No. No, I didn't."

  "Don't lie." I brace myself for his anger, but he’s hurt. Swearing beneath his breath, Andrei moves back from me. "I would never hurt you, Maeve. Ever. And the stars help anybody who hurts you, because they’ll fucking regret it."

  I slump down the wall a little. "Sorry. I panicked."

  With a shake of his head, Andrei pushes his hands deep into his pockets. "This is why what I see in your thoughts could never happen."

  "I know." The truth pains me as much as the hurt I see in his face.

  "I don't mean sex, Maeve." I blink at him. "You see a different Andrei to everybody else. You care and that hurts."

  "I don't understand."

  "We should stay friends." He gives a harsh laugh. "Friends don't bite each other. They don't complicate things with emotions and shit."

  Emotions and shit. "You don't want to feel?"

  He shoves hair from his face. "I don't want to hurt. I can't let you hurt me."

  "Andrei." I attempt to hug him but his whole body tenses. "You can’t stop me caring."

  Andrei holds me by the shoulders and his saddened eyes search mine. "I’m not sure how long I can hide in the dark with you." Rubbing his lips together, he holds my face. "I’m sorry," he repeats. "Don't hate me."

  My hope that he’ll stay and talk things through disappears with Andrei as he rushes away. I slump against the pillar, shaking with anger and frustration. Tears prick my eyes that he’d run from me, say such harsh things. Push me away.

  I glance after his retreating figure.

  He wants more and is frightened because I want this as much as he does. The guy is a vampire who readily admitted he wants my blood. But he also told me I meant more.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I spoke briefly to Amelia last night, once I returned from my encounter with Andrei. Luckily, my upset over that was masked by her believing this was all due to the visions. She agreed to let me rest before talking about everything I saw today, but I could see the worry in her face. I couldn't have spoken to her if I’d tried, because I was exhausted by the rollercoaster I spent the day riding.

  My reassurance things aren't as bad as they seem is blown apart when I describe the visions to the group. I sit on a bench beside Amelia, outside the academy and away from anybody who can hear, with Jamie and Ash standing in front of us. Tonight, there aren't any jokes or laughter.

  The sky streaks orange as the sun sets behind the moors, ready to drop us into the night, where the danger in our world intensifies. I shiver against the temperature dropping too, my blazer and uniform barely keeping out the cold.

  "Tobias is right," says Jamie. "Sofia can't possibly believe you're hallucinating."

  "Why would she say that?" asks Amelia.

  I rub a hand across my mouth. "She’s in denial or—"

  "Or she knows something," adds Ash, gruff. "She could be involved. Tobias said not to trust anybody." He’s in an odd mood tonight, more distracted than usual. Has Vincent threatened him again?

  Amelia looks at him in confusion. "Theodora trusts her."

  "No, Theodora said she only trusted Tobias," puts in Jamie.

  Ash humphs. "Yeah, and there’s everybody pointing fingers at my brother. What if she’s the Dominion spy?"

  "She is not!" protests Amelia. "She’s loyal to Walcott and the academy."

  I stare at my shoes. I don't want to be the one to say this, but could Ash be right? No. This is Vincent causing more disharmony.

  "I have to find out what’s beneath the school," says Jamie through gritted teeth. "I’ve looked everywhere in the library and there’s nothing about the building before the 1840s. No plans."

  "Theodora doesn’t think anything is down there and she’s older than the academy," I say.

  "Well how do you explain a vision about a huge fire and big hole under the academy?" snaps Jamie. "The ground won't just open up unless something is there already."

  "Like what?" asks Amelia.

  "If I knew that, I’d tell you!"

  I reach out to Jamie and grab both his hands. "Jamie. I know this is stressful, but we’ll find the answers."

  "How?" he demands. "Nothing happens, apart from your weird visions, and none of those make sense. The academy isn't helping you learn more."

  "Give me a chance," I protest. "I’ve only been here a few weeks."

  "Maybe Sofia is blocking her?" suggests Ash and crosses his arms.

  My mouth drops open. "What? She’s helped. Not as quickly as Jamie would like, but at least I know how to channel them better."

  "Jamie, this was different. Maeve was drugged. Of course, her visions make no sense." Amelia pats my leg. "I know how terrifying the experience was, but this might’ve given us more clues."

  "Yeah, clues as to who’s against the academy."

  I bite hard on my lip to avoid making comments about him accusing a witch.

  The sun tips over the horizon and I startle as somebody joins us from the gloom. Andrei slings an arm around Jamie’s shoulder. "What’s happening, happy gang?"

  Our eyes meet and when he looks back impassively, I know Andrei still means what he said last night. Has he told Tobias his theory about Vincent yet?

  "I was talking to the others about my new visions, Andrei." I repeat to him the same story I told the others, and he listens without interrupting.<
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  "Huh," he says when I finish.

  I blink. "Huh? Is that it?"

  Andrei crosses an ankle over his knee. "What else can I say? Listen, do you guys still want to go out tonight."

  Whoa. Talk about change of direction.

  "Andrei, didn't you hear what Maeve just told you?" asks Amelia. "Be tactful."

  "What can I say? There’s nothing we can do, so let’s keep to our plans."

  I clench my jaw. "Not tonight. I’m not in the mood."

  Andrei drops onto the nearby low wall. "Not even for a little harem bonding?"

  "Harem?" interrupts Amelia.

  I grit my teeth at his behaviour, as if he’s emphasising he won't be the Andrei who hides with me. "It’s Andrei’s idea of a joke. Ignore him. We’re all friends. Drop it."

  "Touchy." He waves hand. "C’mon, Ash, I know you enjoy a good evening out. I’ll make sure you’re safe."

  "I don’t need you to keep me safe," he retorts. "I can't go, anyway."

  "What the hell? Why?" Andrei throws his arms in the air. "Anybody would think you don't like to have fun."

  "Strangely enough, I’m not feeling ‘fun’ right now," I tell him.

  He cocks his head and lets slip a smile. "But it’ll be dark, Maeve. You have fun in the dark."

  "Not anymore, I don't." I hold fast against his teasing undertones. "Apparently."

  "What’s with the cryptic conversation?" asks Ash with a frown.

  Andrei opens his mouth to speak and I interrupt. "Andrei being his usual charming self."

  He shakes his head. "Jamie? Amelia?"

  Amelia sighs. "I promised Matt I’d talk to him tonight."

  "Make it another time?" Andrei suggests. "You’ve known about this night for a couple of weeks."

  "He’s only allowed phone privileges once a week. I never know when until the day before." Her mouth turns down.

  That settles the situation for me. "Another night, Andrei."

  "What the fuck? Guys!" he protests and stands.

  Amelia stands too. "I have to go. I have something to do before I talk to Matt."

  I smile at her. "Say hello from me."

  "He’s never met you," puts in Andrei.

  "I can still be polite," I retort. "You should try it some time."

  He chuckles at riling me again.

  "I will." She leans over to hug me, squeezing tight. I pat her back. Amelia’s support means a lot to me, and I kick myself I almost lost that last term.


  Her eyes shine as she picks up her bag. "I’ll see you later."

  Ash chews his lip as he watches Amelia walk away. "I don’t understand why she bothers with him anymore. If he’s at Ravenhold, he won’t be out again in a hurry and she can’t visit him."

  "They’ll find a way. Star-crossed lovers and all that," puts in Andrei. "We know Ravenhold kids leave the island, don't we? Tobias, for example." He huffs again when nobody responds. "Why can't you come tonight, Ash? You were up for it."

  "I’m headed out for a night with Gilgamesh kids," he says and his eyes shift to the right. "Organised by Vincent."

  I straighten. "What sort of night?"

  "A house bonding session." He scratches his nose. "Sorry. I’d like to go with you but I can't be in two places at once. Next time?"

  "I bet he has insider knowledge about the last challenge and wants to teach you how to win," says Jamie harshly.

  Ash glares at him. "No. That’s not why."

  Jamie narrows his eyes then turns back to Andrei. "I’m still coming with you."

  Andrei claps his hands together. "Hot date, me and you, since everybody else is so bloody boring."

  Ash splutters with laughter but I’m not amused. Jamie’s response changed my mind.

  "Fine. I’ll come with you," I say.

  Andrei bites on his bottom lip. "Cool. Eight p.m. See you there."

  In typical Andrei style, he stands and walks away.

  Ash shakes his head. "I like the guy more than I did, but he’s weird."

  "Everybody here is weird," I remind him.

  "Some weirder than others." Jamie stands. "You coming to class?"

  How weird will the people be tonight?

  Ash grabs my fingers as I prepare to follow Jamie. "Can we talk?"

  Each time he says those words my stomach lurches. What now? Does Ash want to break off our friendship entirely?

  Hesitantly, I sit by him. Ash’s face is strained, and the brightness in his eyes fades with each day his brother is here.

  "I’m worried about you," he says and takes my hand between his. "How are you coping after the vision?"

  I dip my head and stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. "I’m frightened, Ash."

  My breath is knocked from me as he seizes me in one of his bear hugs, squishing my face against his chest. "I’m sorry."

  "What for?" I ask, voice muffled.

  "For listening to Vince."

  I wriggle from his embrace and look up. "I saw him threaten you, Ash." He blinks rapidly. "That’s why I didn’t push you for reasons why, when you pushed me away."

  He rubs a hand across his short hair. "I thought cooling things between us was the right thing to do. That Vince would calm down about witches after a couple of weeks at the academy, but he’s worse."

  "Has he threatened you again?" He shakes his head. "Because you’re doing what he tells you to do?"


  He’s defeated and my heart swells for the confused, unhappy guy in front of me. "You didn’t abandon us completely, so don’t worry. I don't blame you. You’re in a horrible situation."

  "I wasn’t there for you, Maeve." He squeezes my hands tighter. "I wanted to help Vince, but he’s making my life too difficult. And..."

  "And? What’s he done?" I ask sharply.

  "Tell me something, Maeve and be honest. Do you trust Vincent?"

  His eyes plead with me to give him the answer he wants, but I can’t. "No."

  He pulls his hand away and wipes both of his across his face. "Am I stupid to trust him?"

  What do I say? That Andrei thinks his brother is a construct created by a necromancer? The words sound crazy in my head, but what if Andrei’s theory is true? I take a deep breath. "You’re not stupid, Ash. Your loyalty to Vincent and love for him influences your decisions. Too much."

  I tense, waiting for an angry reaction, but if Ash will listen to anyone, I hope it will be me. Doubt hovers around Ash’s mind, which means Vincent’s grip over him isn’t absolute.

  "I want him to be Vince." Ash’s voice cracks and my heart shatters for him. "I want him to be the same person who disappeared."

  I swallow. "Vince would never be the same after whatever he experienced, Ash."

  "I guess."

  "Has he done something to make you doubt him?" I ask cautiously.

  "No, but he’s intense. Obsessed about shifters being the underdogs." He half-smiles. "No pun intended. I don’t think he’s linked to the Dominion, but there’s something off about him."

  "What are you going to do?"

  Ash reaches out and smoothes my cheek with his thumb. "A couple of things. I’ll go with Vince tonight to see what he’s doing, and I refuse to follow blindly what he says. I won't stay away from you."

  "Even if he threatens you?"

  Ash nods and smiles. "I can look after myself. You’re too important. I hate this tension between us."

  "Me too," I whisper and place a hand over his.

  "I told you I’d keep you safe and be there when you needed. I let you down."

  "I’m sorry I didn't step in, but I didn't want to lose you completely." I touch his face. "I hope I did the right thing."

  "You did. I didn't."

  And I hope I’m doing the right thing keeping our theory quiet. "What is important is we stick together. All of us."

  Ash nods, but he’s distracted, staring at me with a look I’ve seen before. One I’ve craved from him for days. Affection. I tiptoe
and place my mouth against his, hoping he doesn't push me away. I needn’t worry because Ash wraps me in his arms and kisses me in a way that tears the breath from my lungs and answers the niggling doubt in my mind.

  The guy whose protective arms hold me to him is still a part of us. Of me.

  I’m determined to solve the mystery surrounding Vincent, and Ash is now in the position to help us. There’s no love lost between me and Vincent, but part of me hopes he’s truly Ash’s brother.

  Because if he isn't, the truth could tear apart Ash’s life all over again.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  The club is located in a suburb on the city outskirts and from the outside looks like a small hotel, the brick building squished between a café filled with late-night customers and a boarded-up shop with no sign what the place sold. The club building has four floors but the top two are unlit. Burly men stand outside, and scan people with handheld metal detectors.

  Or I think they’re to detect metal. Can they detect magic?

  There’s another group from the school in front of us—witches. Jamie’s twitchy, but settles a bit when he sees witches. I’ll be happy once we find Andrei, but I wish Amelia and Ash were here.

  With no clue what to wear to a supernatural club, I dug through my clothes to look for something other than my usual jeans or sweatpants. The best I could find is a blue sleeveless dress where the loose cotton skirt stops just above my knee. I’m not a fan of low-cut dresses, and the thin straps and neckline reveal more of my skin than I’m comfortable with. So, I add a thin cardigan, almost tempted to wear a thin scarf, but that obviousness would upset Andrei.

  I’d often head out with Tessa on a Friday night, which makes this partly normal—even though this place isn’t normal. We step inside and are told to stand inside the doorway. A circle beneath my feet glows in a similar way to the one in Tobias’s room and a guy with slicked-back hair and intense eyes that seem to stare right through me nods curtly and gestures us inside.

  The noise grows as we walk along a hallway decorated by red carpet and black walls. We step through the double doors at the end and the narrow space opens up into a wide atrium set with rough wooden tables and metal chairs. A bar across one wall serves an eager crowd, and a drinks menu is chalked up on the board behind beside lights shining above rows of bottles.


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