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The Minute Boys of York Town

Page 12

by James Otis



  It was destined that we should approach neither white man nor negro inquest of food on this day, however severe might be the pangs of hunger,for little Frenchie had hardly more than began a blind tramp across thecountry, trusting that fortune would bring him to the destinationdesired, when we were startled, I should say alarmed, by the report of acannon which rang out startlingly clear on the morning air.

  As a matter of course we were brought to a sudden halt; but beforeeither of us could speak, boom, boom, boom came from the direction ofYork, and with the report of the guns we could see heavy smoke rollingup from the village telling of burned powder.

  "What can it mean?" I cried, fancying like a simple for the moment thatthis cannonading had somewhat to do with us, and Pierre, quick-witted asever, cried joyously as he turned his face shoreward once more:

  "Our people are advancing upon York, and the king's soldiers are warningthem to keep back."

  He ran at racing speed through the brush, I following as best I might athis heels, and all the while came that dull roar of cannon, interminglednow and then with sharp, crackling noises, which I understood to be therattle of musketry.

  Before we had gained the river bank it was positive our forces had comewithin touch of the enemy, and I who, as has already been seen, waswholly ignorant of military matters, believed the Americans were forcingthe Britishers to a battle.

  No sooner had we arrived where an uninterrupted view of the river couldbe had, than we saw half a dozen vessels with as many barges coming downthe stream as if from the direction of Williamsburg, and, favored by thewind, were shaping their course directly toward the Gloucester shore onthat side the point opposite where we were.

  Then it was that the guns of Gloucester joined with those of York, andas these heavy pieces were discharged it seemed to me that the veryground trembled, while over all hung smoke from the burning powder untilit was as if a heavy cloud had suddenly gathered, shutting out the lightof the sun.

  This fleet which was coming down the river apparently giving no heed tothe king's ships that lay in the stream, was hardly more than two milesaway, and as we lads gazed at the vessels breathlessly, trembling withexcitement, I fancied I could see the uniform of our Virginia militia.Then my heart sank within me, for both the _Guadaloupe_ and the _Charon_were slipping their cables that they might swing around in such positionas to deliver broadsides upon those who were advancing so boldly.

  There is no good reason why I should not set down now the facts insteadof waiting until we came to learn of them later.

  This fleet which was coming down the York river was manned by a FrenchLegion, by French marines, and by a brigade of Virginia militia underGeneral Weeden, the whole under command of a French officer. They hadbeen sent to lay siege to the British encampment at Gloucester, for ourGeneral Washington was not minded any of the soldiers under command ofLord Cornwallis should make their escape, now that he held them as onemight say in the hollow of his hand.

  Although we could not see anything in the rear of York village, we knewfull well, because of the incessant cannonading, that our people must beadvancing by land as well as by water, and the one question in our mindswas whether a battle might be fought that very day, for then, as canreadily be understood, we had no idea that a regular siege was to bebegun before York.

  It was when the British vessels slipped their moorings to pour abroadside into the little fleet of Americans that Pierre Laurens sawclear before him the plan which we should follow, and running with allspeed toward where the skiff had been hidden in the foliage, he shoutedto me:

  "Make haste, Fitz, make haste! Now is the time when we can gain thevillage with but little danger of attracting unpleasant notice, forwhile the Britishers have their hands full with trying to hold ourpeople back, two lads like us may slip in without heed from friend orfoe."

  "But why shall we strive to enter York?" I cried, growing timorous oncemore. "If there is to be a battle it were safer we stayed here, ratherthan took our chances of being killed by cannon ball or musket-shot fromour own people."

  "It is not allowed that we shall stay here, Fitz Hamilton!" Pierre criedalmost angrily. "Do you forget that Uncle 'Rasmus, with that Toryprisoner of his, yet remains in York awaiting our coming and needing usmost sorely? Even though it were certain we would be shot immediatelyafter gaining old Mary's cabin, then are we bound to keep on. Are we tostay here simply to insure our own safety, when Saul is in theBritishers' guard-house exposed to even as much danger as we would bewith Uncle 'Rasmus?"

  It was not needed the lad should say more in order to recall me to asense of duty. A red flush of shame came over my face as I realized thatI would have played the part of a coward, forgetting that there were inYork those who needed me, and from that instant Pierre had no reason tocomplain because I moved too slowly or failed to display an equal amountof enthusiasm with him.

  Immediately the skiff was water borne we lost no time in setting off onwhat might prove to be a perilous passage, and yet there was none ofdanger whatsoever in it as we soon came to know.

  The men on the British ships had sufficient to occupy their attentionwithout giving heed to two lads who pulled against the current, making adetour of a mile or more, for they were serving their guns with alldiligence, hoping to check the advance of those rebels who so lacked inreverence to the king and his commands that they made their appearancein warlike array without first having asked permission.

  The roar of the cannon both from the ships and from my Lord Cornwallis'sencampment was almost deafening, and as we tugged at the oars, strainingevery muscle in order to take advantage of each moment of time, itseemed to me as if the waters of the river were dashed here and thereinto waves by the concussions.

  Without losing stroke or ceasing to exert ourselves to the utmost, wekept our eyes fixed upon the scene before us, and again and again,without being aware that I had uttered a cry, I shouted aloud in joy andin pride at seeing that little fleet of small craft moving steadily ontoward its destination regardless of the heavy shot which were beingpoured in upon them.

  So far as we could make out, not a British ball hit the mark. It is verylikely some of the missiles found their way among our people; but nosevere damage was done else we should have observed it; the fleet wouldhave been thrown into confusion had one of the craft been seriouslydisabled, or turned back if they suffered too heavily. Instead of which,however, they continued on as I have said, seemingly indifferent to theefforts of the enemy.

  It was a sight well calculated to stir the blood of a boy from Virginia,and my excitement, my admiration for the coolness of our people, and thedetermination shown where the Britishers were doing their best to workdestruction, fired my heart until it was with difficulty I couldcontinue my share of the work at pulling the skiff.

  "Unless you can look at what is going on around you and row at the bestof your strength at the same time, then it is better you close youreyes," Pierre said sharply when I missed a stroke and thereby nearlythrew him from the thwart.

  I could not have taken my eyes from that which thrilled every nerve inmy body; but true it is I did succeed in holding to my work, at least tosuch extent that Pierre no longer found cause for fault with me, and bythe time we had reached the bank of the river, almost at the same pointfrom which we had embarked the night before, the fleet had so far closedin with the land that the king's men did not dare fire upon it from theships lest they do more damage to their own people on Gloucester Pointthen to impudent rebels, who had the effrontery to disturb the servantsof his majesty.

  The cannonading from the town still continued, now dying away to asingle shot every moment or two, and again roaring in thunderous notesas battery after battery discharged all its cannon.

  These people were not firing upon the vessels near by Gloucester; butstraightway up the river, and therefore it was we knew our people werecoming over the land in considerable force, giving no more token of anincli
nation to halt because of this summons by heavy missiles, than hadthose who manned the fleet.

  The water front of the village was much the same as deserted when thebow of our skiff grounded on the shore. I was too deeply excited to giveparticular heed to everything within my range of vision; but it was tome as if no man stood near at hand to observe our landing, and oncomparing notes with Pierre afterward I learned that he was of thebelief that we had come ashore into this encampment of seven thousandsoldiers without having been observed.

  As we made our way up into the village we found that all the troops werein front of us, having manned the outermost entrenchments. We passed myLord Cornwallis's headquarters to find it apparently deserted. At thestable lines of the Rangers not a single horse stood, and my heart wentheavy as lead for I realized that poor little Silver-Heels, with ared-faced, red-coated Britisher upon her back, was most likely welltoward the front where she stood a good chance of being disabled if notkilled, for by this time Pierre and I understood, because of the roar ofguns in the distance, that our people were not remaining silent underthis iron hail which the enemy were sending among them.

  "If they keep this up ten minutes longer we shall have no troublewhatsoever in making our way to old Mary's cabin," I cried almostgleefully, forgetting in this my moment of triumph, when I was plumingmyself with having accomplished something heroic, although I had simplytaken advantage of an opportunity, that men a short distance away werelying mangled and in the agonies of death.

  "We can do better than that, lad," Pierre cried, catching me by theshoulder as if a sudden thought had just come into his mind. "Look aboutyou as we run, and if so be your eyes light upon a pick or an axe, seizeupon it."

  "To what end?" I asked, panting because of the swift pace which mycomrade had kept. "Are you counting on taking part in the battle?" forthen it was I had no doubt but that our people had set about measuringstrength with my Lord Cornwallis's army.

  "Yes, we'll fight a battle on our own account, and the result shall bethe release of Saul from the guard-house. I'm allowing that the sentriesare not giving any great attention to prisoners just at this moment, andif those who should be outside the prison have pressed toward the frontto see what may be going on, our chance has come."

  It did not need that the dear lad should go into the details of what hewould do. I realized on the instant that even though we were within theenemy's encampment, there was a possibility we might work our will, andno time was wasted.

  It was reasonable to suppose that the sentries here, there andeverywhere throughout the village would be pressing toward the frontfrom motives of curiosity, if nothing else, feeling thoroughly wellconvinced that no harm could come upon them from the rear.

  Fortune so far favored me as we run that I was speedily armed with anaxe which had been left near by a pile of fuel, and before we hadtraveled twenty yards further Pierre came upon a pick. Therefore it waswe had all the weapons we needed for an attack upon the guard-house, ifso be little Frenchie had the same aim in mind which had come to me,that is to say, to force an entrance through the chimney into thefireplace.

  Then we were come to that house in which the Jerseyman had told me ourcomrade was confined, and I, thick-headed as usual, would have begun anattack upon the chimney without delay, for we had approached thebuilding from the rear; but before I could strike the first blow littleFrenchie grasped me by the arm, as he whispered warningly:

  "Would you take the risk of spoiling everything by going to workblindly? We must first learn if there be sentries on the other side."

  Then, leaving me standing motionless and silent, covered with confusionbecause of having shown myself such a simple, he went cautiously aroundthe house, moving with as much care and deliberation as if having fullknowledge that a squad or more of red-coats were on guard, and I awaitedhis return, my heart thumping so violently that it was as if thepulsations vied in volume of sound with the reports of the cannon.

  When next I saw Pierre he approached from the opposite side of thehouse, thus showing that he had made a complete circuit of the place,and the expression on his face told as clearly as words could have donethat we might set about our task without delay, for there were none nearat hand to stay us.

  Without waiting for him to speak I struck my axe into the structure ofsticks and clay with such force that it was buried to the head, and Icould not release the tool until little Frenchie had aided by tearingaway some of the fabric with his pick.

  "Haste is like to make waste," Pierre reminded me in a half whisper."Unless we get about this work with somewhat of system we shall make butlittle headway, and no one can say how soon the sentries may rememberthat it is their duty to stay here on guard instead of watching theadvance of the rebels."

  I would have been a dull lad indeed had I not come by this time tounderstand that it was Pierre Laurens who should take the lead when heand I were working together, therefore I stood back, leaving him tobegin the task, and striking with my axe when he directed me so to do.

  Before we had succeeded in cutting a hole as large as a man's hand, Iheard a voice from the inside which I believed to be Saul's cryingexcitedly:

  "Who are you that are striving to enter? There should be a sentinel justoutside the door, and unless you take due care he will give an alarm."

  "Saul! Saul! It's Pierre and Fitz!" I cried, no longer able to restrainmyself, and little Frenchie clapped his hand over my mouth on theinstant, saying angrily:

  "Is it not enough that you have opportunity to work your will even herein the midst of the enemy's encampment, but that you must raise yourvoice to give notice of what you would do? It matters little whetherSaul knows it is us who are here, or that he waits until we haveeffected an entrance."

  While he spoke Pierre was working industriously, having taken his handfrom my mouth after leaving it there sufficiently long to give tokenthat he intended it for a reproof, and from that moment until soundsfrom the inside told that whoever was held prisoner had been on his partaiding in the work, I held my peace, watching little Frenchie's everymovement, determining never again until we were out of this village,would I raise my voice until he had given permission.

  Whether we worked there at tearing a hole through the chimney fiveminutes, or thirty, I have no idea. Around us yet roared the cannon,telling that the American forces were still advancing, and theBritishers striving to hold them back. Ever present in my mind was theknowledge that at any moment the guard might come up and take us intocustody.


  One can well understand in what a tumult was my brain, and how like aflood in spring-time the blood leaped through my veins. I was like asone held in the grip of a raging fever, until from out that aperturewhich we had made in the flimsy chimney I saw Saul Ogden, lookingconsiderably the worse for his short imprisonment, come crawling untilit was possible for me to clasp him in my arms, where for an instant Iheld him fast, tears of gratitude rolling down my cheeks because ofhaving been permitted thus to have taken some little part in the dearlad's release.

  There were other prisoners than Saul in the guard-house, and, as can besupposed, they were not backward in taking advantage of the opportunityto make their escape from imprisonment even though they were red-coats;but as the first soldier came on the heels of Saul, Pierre, raising hispick threateningly, ordered the man to stop.

  "Remain where you are, or your death will pay the penalty," he cried,and there was that in his tones which told it would not be safe todisobey him.

  "If you are willing to let one out, why not another?" the Britisherasked, an expression of perplexity coming over his bloated red face,which gave token that he had been brought into the guard-house throughdrunkenness.

  "Because I don't intend it shall be within your power to work us harm."

  "Why should I work you harm?" the half-drunken soldier asked as he layon his belly in the aperture looking up at the small lad.

  "You are a British soldier who has come here to work the ki
ng's will onus of Virginia, and we are minded to make our escape before you canatone for your misdeeds by making us prisoners," Pierre cried hotly.

  "I have no mind to take anybody prisoner, be he rebel or whatsoe'er youwill, for now the fight is going on, and by joining my troop this littleslip of mine which landed me in the guard-house is like to be forgivenif not forgotten."

  "Stay where you are until we get well away, for we have been taught notto put overly much faith in what you men who wear red coats may say,"Pierre cried, and at the same time he motioned for Saul and me to go ourway, which we did without delay, knowing the lad would follow close atour heels.

  Saul had kept a tight grip on my hand from the moment he came into theopen air, and we two ran side by side, thus yoked together by token offriendship, on the alert for the first show of a red coat in our path.

  It seemed to me that we might have raced around and around that villageuntil we were spent with the exertion, and never have come upon one ofthe king's men, for they rushed into the outer works at the first alarm,officers, soldiers, camp-followers, and even the sentries, all of themmost like believing it would only be necessary for them to give token ofbeing ready for battle in order to make the Americans turn tail interror.

  Surely this time they were making a grievous mistake, for the fire fromthe front was continued with vigor as I understood full well before wewere a dozen yards from the guard-house, for then a cannon ball came sonear to me that I could feel the wind of it, and I started back insurprise as if having supposed that our people had been firing blankcartridges.

  Saul laughed at my show of fear, and asked as though he found somethingcomical in the situation:

  "Did you think that amid all this noise there were no shots flying?"

  "To tell the truth, Saul Ogden, I haven't had time to think since thecannonading began. Then Pierre and I were on the Gloucester shore,having made up our minds it would be useless to try to get into Yorkbefore another night had come. When we found it might be possible, ashas been proven, such a fever of excitement seized upon me that I havehad no clear knowledge of what has been going on."

  "It seems that you knew sufficient to understand the moment had comewhen you might set me free," the lad said in a tone of exultation, andI, determined that the credit should go where it belonged, repliedpromptly:

  "It was not me, Saul Ogden, who was quick-witted enough to think that wemight find the guard-house without sentries around it. Pierre Laurens isthe one to whom your release is due, and save for him I dare venture tosay at this moment I would be with you inside the Widow Marshall's housewith red-coated sentinels standing guard over me."

  "Why? How? What has happened since I have been shut up yonder?"

  It was no time for story telling just then, as Saul must haveunderstood, for the first cannon ball which had reminded me that therewas danger in the air and that danger coming from the ranks of our ownarmy, was followed by another and another, until while we ran it seemedas if we were actually being pursued by these missiles--as if there wasa force in the air to guide them out of a direct course to where theymight work destruction.

  By this time Pierre had overtaken us, for the lad could ever run moreswiftly than either Saul or I, and seizing me by the arm as if I was achild who needed guidance, shouted in a tone of triumph even amid allthat peril:

  "If any one had told us when Abel Hunt was following so close at ourheels, that we might have worked this trick, it would have seemed like afairy tale, and yet we have come through thus far in safety, with everychance of gaining old Mary's cabin unmolested."

  "If so be we get in the path of one of these messengers," I said,motioning toward a cannon ball which was ploughing up the earth nottwenty yards away, "then shall we find that we have been molested forall time."

  "If we have worked our will in this encampment of my Lord Cornwallis's,we two lads alone, then I predict that we shall come through in safety,at least so far as this work is concerned. What may happen before thebattle is ended I care not, so that we have kept faith with those whowaited for us."

  It can thus be seen that Pierre, quick-witted and versed in militarymatters though he was, believed as did I, that this cannonadingbetokened a regular battle, whereas, as we afterward came to know, itwas simply the investment of York, the beginning of a regular siege.

  There is no good reason why I should use many words in telling of thatflight across the village, although again and again were we in danger ofdeath from the missiles sent by the Americans, even though I might makean interesting story of that which we saw and feared; but it is enoughthat we were finally arrived at our destination.

  I, who at the end of the race was leading the way, dashed into the cabinwithout realizing the alarm that I might thus cause Uncle 'Rasmus; but Iunderstood instantly I was inside, that it would have been better had Ientered in a more seemly fashion, for the old negro leaped to his feet,his black face grey with the pallor of fear, believing from my sudden,noisy entering that the enemy had come to work him harm.

  Because of the dim light in the cabin it was a dozen seconds before hecould distinguish our faces, and then while we three stood in front ofhim he sank back in the chair where he had so long played the part ofinvalid, trembling in every limb as he said in a quavering voice:

  "Bress de Lawd! Bress de Lawd for all his mercies! Here am de chilluncome back when I neber expected to see dere faces agin!"

  Saul in his delight clasped the old man around the neck, hugging him asaffectionately as though he had been of the same color and of the sameblood; but Pierre, cautious and thoughtful as ever, instead of spendinghis time calming Uncle 'Rasmus when there was no real need of doing so,began looking around to find Horry Sims.

  Even though a battle might be raging on the outside, it was yet of vitalimportance to us that the Tory be held prisoner, because his escapemight mean our death, if so be the fortunes of war allowed theBritishers a breathing spell.

  Pierre ran hurriedly to the corner of the room where we had last seenthe Tory cur lying, and an exclamation of dismay burst from his lips,for the lad was not there. Hearing the cry I ran toward him, whereuponhe turned to Uncle 'Rasmus asking sharply:

  "Where is he? Has he given us the slip? Who has been here since we wentaway?"

  "De Sims boy am safe, honey," Uncle 'Rasmus replied as Saul released hishold on the old man's neck. "I 'clare for it I done got scared kase youdidn' come back, an' 'lowed it wouldn't do no ways to keep dat youngsnake whar he could kick up a row ef any ob de king's sogers come in, soI done put him away, honey, I done put him away."

  "Put him away, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I cried in alarm. "Do you mean to saythat you killed Horry Sims?"

  "Kill him, chile? Sure not. What for I kill him?"

  "But where is he?" Pierre demanded, and I understood from the quick,nervous tones that he had been equally alarmed with me by the old man'swords.

  For reply Uncle 'Rasmus went to that end of the room near the fireplacewhere he raised a short length of the flooring, and there we whogathered around in breathless anxiety, saw Horry Sims lying upon theearth, bound as we had left him, in a narrow space between the puncheonswhich had evidently at some time been hollowed out as an apology for astore-room.

  "How did you get him down there, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I cried, for I had notbelieved the old man sufficiently strong to perform such a task.

  "I done roll him ober, chile, I done roll him ober. Don you see, honey,I didn' dare keep him whar de sogers might see him, so I'se boun' to gethim out ob sight. I'd seen dat yere hole befo', an' sence de shootin'begun I 'low he was mighty glad to be under cover."

  "Can't you take me out of here?" Horry asked imploringly. "I've beentied up so long that my legs and arms are numb and aching. I promise notto open my mouth and to do whatsoever you say, if these ropes can betaken off for ever so short a time."

  "That's what they shall be," Pierre said quickly. "We have no desire tocause you suffering, Horry Sims, and never counted on being forced toremain away so lon
g; but matters couldn't have been changed, for ofcourse we must think of our own safety before consulting your comfort.Now, however, you will have a chance to move around."

  As he spoke so Pierre did, and when I would have argued with him that itwas unsafe to let the Tory lad have the freedom of the cabin even whileall of us were there to guard him, he shut me up in short order bydeclaring that unless we were disposed to give the prisoner somethinglike fair treatment, he would insist on setting him free altogether.

  "And when Abel Hunt has found us out, as I believe of a verity he will,then Horry is on exhibition where that meddlesome fellow may see him," Icried hotly, but Pierre, giving no heed to my words, released the Toryfrom his bonds.


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