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Falling In Maths

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by Melissa Bender


  Is it wrong to have a crush on someone that you shouldn't even like?

  I sure did, his dark tussled hair falling over his face as he looked down at the book in front of him, his eyes glancing up around the room as he spoke, speaking out of those soft pink lips that had me sighing heavily each time I seen him.

  Everyone loved him.

  Why wouldn't they, he was perfection.

  Athletic, tanned, funny, it also helped that he was like a Greek god.

  Swimming was always the best time of year, seeing him flexing his chiselled abs as he dove into the cool water of the pool or when he played football on Saturdays, the fitted v neck jersey tank showing off his muscled biceps, those long legs leading up to that perfect butt in those black little shorts.

  He looked up again and his eyes landed on mine, I knew I was finally caught out ogling him “Mia, can you stay after class please?”

  “Yes sir,” I smiled, putting my head back down to my notebook covered in hearts that I had been drawing for most the lesson.

  I walked to the front of the class when everyone had left, feeling so nervous about being alone with him like I always got. “Mia,” he spoke clearly as he closed the classroom door, my head tilting to the side to check out that toned and cute ass of his before he could catch me, my eyes went back to his face as he turned around.

  I knew it, he caught me by the smirk coming across his face, “Mr Wade,” I spoke a little nervously as he walked towards me, his white shirt clinging in all the right places.

  “You know now that we're alone you can call me Noah,” He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist, sending Goosebumps up and down my spine.

  “I'm sorry, it's getting some used to,” I blushed slightly, trying to hide it as my hands slowly went to the front of his chest, the hardness of his chest firm under my palms.

  His hand reaching out and placing a finger underneath my chin, tilting my head up slowly. “I love your blush, are you still coming over tonight?”

  I nodded, unable to form words to speak. I was always so shy, so careful of what to say, I didn't want to make an idiot out of myself in front of him. “Yes,” I finally breathed out softly.

  “Good,” his smile went wider as he lent in closer towards me, capturing my lips with his own for a simple but meaningful kiss.

  I pulled back but his hands only managed to pull me more into him more. “Well I should go before someone comes in,” I glanced over at the door then back into those caring green eyes of his.

  “Ok, I love you,” he pulled me in for another kiss and then let me go.

  “I love you too,” I responded, as it was the most natural thing in the world.

  That it was ok to fall in love with the man who taught in my grade twelve class.

  How did I end up here?

  Well let me take you back to the beginning, to where I met the man who had me falling in maths...

  Chapter One

  The day had been the same as any other school day.

  People standing in the hallways, chatting about the latest gossip from the party on the weekend, or who hooked up with who, and what fight broke out between the jocks, how many shot games someone won or who broke up.

  It was always the same.

  I was at home just like I was every weekend and basically doing the same thing.

  I never went to the parties or the social events held each month, I didn't even have friends over to visit me but that was ok, I wasn't bothered by it at all. In fact I liked it like that.

  I was an only child living with my dad.

  I had asked my parents once why didn't they have any more babies and they replied they were happy with me. I then later found out it was because Mum couldn't have any more children, it was because she got sick.

  Eight months ago Mum had died from breast cancer, and I guess a part of me went with her.

  I never used to the quiet or shy girl, I loved being around friends each weekend or going to the odd party or two but that all stopped the moment she slipped into a coma and passed away. I wasn't expecting it to happen so suddenly, they gave her 5 years the most, and within 6 months she died. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do with her.

  I didn't expect it, I wasn't at all prepared and I had no idea what to do next.

  My Dad wasn't coping well afterwards, he just stopped working and soon turned to the bottle, drinking himself into his own comatose state each day, thinking that would numb the pain and take it all away, taking the heavy reminder away that his wife had died and wasn't coming back.

  They had made plans to renew their vows, recommitting their love to each other in front of friends and family, but they didn't get to do that. She had died two weeks before that day.

  The first time I had found Dad passed out really scared me. I walked inside from school and there he were, laying on the couch with his mouth open and eyes closed. I simply placed the blanket up over his body, cleaned up all the empty beer cans and the whisky bottle that was still hanging out of his hand.

  Four months later he snapped out of it and changed, he no longer drank. He went back to work at the local police station as the sergeant and everything was like it were previously, just that now he cries more often and works a little more.

  “So how was your weekend?” I looked up, realising James was walking beside me, his blonde hair fanning slightly across his face as the breeze picked up.

  He and I had been best friends for years. His Mum was actually best friends with mine so we spent quite a lot of time together growing up.

  “Good, just stayed home,” I kept my eyes ahead on the pathway.

  His arm slung over my shoulder and I heard his light chuckle coming from his mouth, “You know Mia it wouldn't hurt you to go out and have fun every once in a while, like you used too.”

  I shrugged. “I like being home,” it was the only time where I could just do nothing.

  Well nothing but read and study, I was fascinated with books and could read for hours. I remember Mum reading me stories every night when I was little, fairy tale classics were my favourites and they still are, I loved the romance of the princess meeting her prince charming. It gave me the hope that one day I might get my own happily ever after.

  I wasn't in a relationship, I had never even been in one and wasn't really looking for one.

  To me boys in the school were immature and just looking for their next quick challenge, to just slip in and skip out. I didn’t want that, I wanted more.

  “I'm fine with how I am,” I gave a smile and lent into his side as we walked through the doors of our next class together.

  My favourite class of the day, Maths.

  Sitting in the usual seat Mr Wade strolled in, he was a definite sight to see and had almost every girl in the school swooning for him, he had started two months ago at the start of first term.

  I remember the moment I laid eyes on him.

  My heart raced and my insides melted, he was cute and I mean seriously cute. He was the type of guy who could make any bad day feel better. He was one of the good teachers and of course got along with everyone.

  He spoke roll call and I nervously answered when he spoke my name. He was the only boy, well he's more of a man, to have ever made me feel so nervous.

  “You’re blushing,” James lent over whispering with a grin plastered across his face.

  “Am not,” I retorted trying to hide myself from him by brushing my hair over my face more. Of course I was blushing, how on earth could I not when god’s gift to women was right in front of me.

  I had all my focus and attention to Mr Wade, his smooth and charming voice speaking as he explained what we had to do next, the way he would smile when something was said out loud
by one of the guys when they joked around, this was why everyone loved having him teach their lesson.

  He was the cool teacher who didn't take things too seriously.

  The bell sounded and I slipped my bag back over my shoulder and made my way towards English, another class I enjoyed but only because we read the more modern day love stories.

  You may think I'm a loner, but I'm far from that. I have friends. A lot of friends in fact who are mostly in the popular group, it's just I don't find sitting around and making plans about how sloshed I'm going to be getting for the coming weekend, or how I'm going to make a bet and try sleep with someone else's boyfriend. It just didn't interest me and I was brought up better than that, sure maybe there was a time where I used to love gossiping and listening to what they were planning on doing but since Mum died, that all just seems like a waste of time.

  There are more important things to life, well to my life anyway.

  I had made a promise to her when she was first found ill again, she took me away for a girls weekend and made a promise of everything she wanted me to become I would. Something's like being a president was just down right impossible, for one I'm not that smart and two, I hate people knowing my whole life business.

  So I did the simpler things like picking up my grades in school, she wanted to me finish with straight A's, she wanted me to fall in love with a man worth my attention. Mostly, she just wanted me to be happy and take care of my Dad.

  It was when the bell sounded that I remembered I had work after school. I worked in a small bakery cafe not too far from home after school three days a week, the owner was an elder lady who has been like my second mother, or more like a grandmother. She's always offering advice and wanting to know all the gossip from school, she was definitely fun to work with. I didn't know what I was going to do after I finished school, she said I could keep working there and the least I could do was save my own money, and I had it stashed away for a rainy day.

  “So we should catch a movie sometime?” I heard James's voice as I started packing my things into my bag.

  I thought about it and I guess if I wanted him to stop asking this question each day then I should give in, it could be fun. “Sounds good,” I smiled and looked over at him, his eyes growing wider.

  “Really?” he asked, a smile forming across his face.

  “Yes, really,” I rolled my eyes at him. “Maybe Thursday since Dad's working late then?”

  He nodded, “Tomorrow sounds good and you can't back out, come on I'll drive you to work so you don't get caught in the rain outside,” he smirked and pulled me into the direction of his car before I could object.

  I had to laugh because the day was as sunny as ever, no chance of rain.

  James dropped me off out the front and I made my way in, it wasn't very busy, but it never is for a Wednesday afternoon. I grabbed my apron when Mrs Dalton came out, her whimsy grey hair pulled into a bun and her blue and pink apron covered in flour, the thing I loved about this place was everything was home baked.

  “How was school dear?” she asked, wiping her hands on a wet cloth.

  “Same as always,” I smiled pulling my long dark and lighter brown hair back into a scrunched up bun and then filling her in on all the latest gossip. By the end of the catch up her mouth was open and catching flies, she was stunned with some of the things that had happened over the weekend and well I didn't hold back, the thing about her was she told me never to be shy around her, speak my mind or I was fired.

  It took a while to come out of my shell but she got me there in the end.

  I had ten minutes left on the clock until I could go home, I was wiping down the glass counter top when the door chime sounded and a group of guys walked in, looking up through my dark brown almost black eyes when someone approached me.

  I couldn't hide behind my hair like normal, and soon I felt my cheeks flame instantly like they always did when I spoke to him.

  “Mr Wade,” I said, frozen to the core as he looked directly at me.

  Chapter Two

  “Mr Wade,” I spoke again. Out of all the people to walk in here it just had to be him, not once had I seen him in here before and now he decides to come in, right before I was meant to leave.

  “Noah,” He smiled his ever so charming smile as he spoke back to me.

  “Huh?” I so stupidly spoke.

  He chuckled lightly as he glanced over his shoulder, looking back at his friend’s then turning back towards me. “Call me Noah, I don't want my friends making any more fun at me for being called Mr Wade.”

  I nodded and make an O shape with my mouth, “So, Mr Wade what can I help you with?” I asked, mentally wanting to smack my forehead when I realised what I had done. “I mean Noah,” I said slower and drawing out his name. I didn't know his name before and all I could think was wow, it suited him completely.

  “Have you worked here long?” He asked, ignoring my question.

  I nodded. “Yes, a little while,” I answered quietly.

  “Well then another reason to come back, do you still have those pies heated? You know, the really good ones?” He asked with a grin and I felt my insides melting.

  I bit my cheeks down slightly to stop the excited smile from spreading. “The savoury beef mince ones with bacon and cheese on top?” I asked, another adorable smile came across his face. How many times could this man smile and look nothing but handsome, cute and so freaking hot.

  “Yeah, those ones. Do you have four left? And can we get tomato sauce as well?” He asked and I found myself smiling back and nodding.

  Walking away and leaving him to sit back down at the table with his friends. I raced into the kitchen and closed the door, leaning against the wall and letting out a part of heavy breaths, jumping when Mrs Dalton looked up at me, “Dear are you ok?”

  I nodded but then shook my head and sunk down to the floor. “My teacher is out there, the really cute one and he wants four of those pies, my pies!”

  “Your pies?” She gave a raised brow and wide smile. “Well I'll be, did you tell him you make those yourself?”

  “No, what am I meant to say? Oh hey Mr Wade you’re eating my pies, yeah I don't think so,” I answered and chuckled as she walked towards the door, peering through the window, trying to get a glimpse of him.

  Her little body standing on her tippy toes as she ogled him and his friends for quite some time, then standing on her heels and poking my arm as I stood back up. “He's very cute, has a boyish charm about him, so off you go, take the pies out and his sauce and don't you dare leave until he's gone young lady.”

  “But,” I started.

  “No buts, if you go now then you can have the weekend off,” She smiled, giving me a stern look.

  “I don't work weekends,” I laughed and blew out an annoyed puff of breath as I walked over towards the oven. I found the pies he was after, a slight happiness coming through me as I thought about the fact he loves these ones the most. I never would have guessed that.

  Carrying the plates over to them and sitting them on the table, I stepped back. All four sets of eyes were directly on me and I had never felt more self-conscious than I did right now.

  “Was there anything else?” I asked blushing slightly, I was never good with attention like this.

  “Can we get drinks?” One of his friends asked me and I yet again wanted to smack myself, how could I be so stupid and forget to ask about drinks.

  I nodded, “Sorry, what would you like to drink?”

  “Are you always this polite?” One of the others asked me.

  I frowned, “Would you prefer me to be rude?” I asked, giving him a questioning look.

  He laughed. “No, it's just, aren't girls your age all snotty nose cows, I have no idea how Noah deals with them constantly.”

  I just stared at him then looked at Mr Wade, he must be talking about the girls who brag about how much sex they got on the weekends. "Just because some girls are like that, doesn't mean all girls are, Now if you
r done holding me up, can you tell me what you would like to drink?”

  “Mia, just four Iced Coffees are fine,” Mr Wade spoke up, keeping his eyes on his friend.

  “You'll get a stitch when you run tonight,” I spoke before I could stop myself.

  “How do you know we're going for a run?” Mr Wade asked me with a smirk growing over his lips.

  I shook my head, backing away and bumping into the table behind me. “Sorry, I need to go and make the drinks.”

  I left pretty instantly after that, how the hell could I have said that. Now he will know that I know about his football training twice a week, god could I have been any more stupid or embarrassing, I wanted to curl up and hide behind the counter until they left.

  The worst part was I still had to take the coffee's over to them, they had all burst out laughing as soon as I left and that was the kick in the gut I needed. I was more than embarrassed as it was, I mean sure he tells the class he plays but I never act like I care, I never pay attention to that talk, well, ok I do.

  I just hide it well.

  I went back to that table of four and no one was speaking, their pies were gone so I picked up the plates and quickly walked away, before they could talk or before I humiliated myself even more.

  I can’t believe I had embarrassed myself that badly.

  Mrs Dalton came out and looked over at the boys who were laughing and chatting away, it was almost twenty minutes past my knock off time and she shooed me off. “Go home sweetheart, we don't want you getting lost in the darkness,” She spoke, but her voice was slightly louder and my eyes widened at what she was doing.

  “I'm fine,” I spoke back confidently.

  “I hear you young lads like those pies, I hope you thanked the young girl that makes them, young Mia is a wonderful cook,” She spoke up looking directly at them.

  I again had their eyes back on me and Mr Wade looking the most shocked, I didn't stick around to hear what they had to say. I grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder and took off out that door quicker than ever.

  I started walking home and before I knew it, I was standing in my bedroom. Dad wasn't home yet and wouldn't be for another few hours. I ended up just sitting at my desk and going over the homework for the night. James text asking if I was still on for Thursday and I realised I had told him I would go. I text back ok, I guess one time wouldn't hurt so much.


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