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Falling In Maths

Page 4

by Melissa Bender

  “Mia,” He spoke, a little louder this time.

  I looked over at him, wishing I hadn’t. He made my heart beat so fast, so fast that I had no idea how a guy could do this to me. “Yes?” I asked not knowing what else he was going to say to me.

  “Umm,” He said, looking a little nervous as he scratched the base of his neck. “I umm, well I had fun. So I'll see you tomorrow morning, don't forget to come in early,” Noah said and gave me a slight smile.

  I stared in shock. He had fun? He wasn't telling me it was never going to happen again and it was a major mistake. I bit my lip nervously and without warning, he reached up and pulled my lower lip free from my top tooth with his soft forefinger, “Don't do that please,” he said in a slightly pained voice.

  “Oh, Ok. Sorry,” I spoke confused as to why he wouldn't want me biting my lip.

  “Don't be sorry, it's just, yeah don't worry about it ok,” He ran his hand through his hair as few times, roughing it up as he blew out a hard breath. “Mia you need to get out of the car now,” He said. He wasn’t looking at me, his voice was weird, serious but humours at the same time.

  I nodded, taking off my belt. “Ok, I guess I'll see you in the morning then Mr,” I cut myself off, correcting what I was going to say as I finished, “Noah.”

  He looked at me, giving a soft smile. “See you Mia.”

  I closed the car door and shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked down towards my house, the lights were on and I was freaking out that Dad was going to be home and going to use his cuffs to chain me to my room. All I needed was to explain that I was at my teachers house, sleeping on his chest and cuddling up to him. The same teacher who's coming over for dinner on Saturday. Oh god can my life get any crazier.

  “Wait,” I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Noah jogging back towards me.

  I was standing almost at the front door when he reached me, “What are you doing?” I asked confused and worried as hell, but still trying to keep my voice down low in case Dad was inside.

  “Well, I promised you an amazing date, I need to say a proper goodbye to you,” He shoved his own hands in his jean pockets, slowly taking another step towards me.

  My mind didn't grasp what he said until he was leaning forwards, his lips softly against my cheek. I counted the seconds he had them placed to my skin for. Eight seconds of bliss, the best moment of my life by far was having Mr Wade kiss my cheek. I know I sound obsessed but come on, he's the hottest man I knew and he was kissing my cheek!

  I could have screamed but I didn't. That would have been totally embarrassing and send him running. He pulled away, stepping back a little. “Goodnight Mia.”

  “Goodnight Noah,” I whispered out, afraid to talk normally in case my voice same out high pitched and giddy.

  I walked inside the house to find it completely empty. A message on the answering machine from Dad telling me he pulling an all-nighter on a case that just came in. All I could think was, thank my lucky stars for that. The other message was from James, apologising for how he acted.

  I didn't care about what he had done anymore, if he hadn't acted like an inconsiderate tosser, then I wouldn't have just had the best fake date ever with Mr Wade.

  Chapter Six

  I was practically a nervous wreck.

  Well in fact I was more than a nervous wreck, I was freaking out majorly. Noah Wade was coming over for lunch tomorrow. A BBQ lunch that my Dad was hosting as he called it. I knew what was going to happen, Dad was going to assume we were dating or whatever the heck it was called and then threaten him with all his police talk, or his gun.

  I could picture it right now. Dad slapping the baton in his hand, shaking his head while he warned him. Touch my daughter and I'll have your ass locked up so fast you’ll never see the light of day again. Yes, my imagination was getting the best of me.

  “Mia?” I snapped my head around to see Mrs Dalton chuckling as she gave her apron a brush down with her floury palms.

  “Yes?” I asked, feeling more than embarrassed that she had caught me in a daydream.

  “I said, go home and go to sleep, you look like you could use it,” She said picking up a bag of bread rolls that Dad had ordered me to grab this morning for tomorrow’s lunch.

  I took them off her and kissed her cheek, “Thanks Mrs Dalton, see you on Monday.”

  “Bye dear, enjoy your weekend,” she called out.

  I had managed to avoid James all week during school, he tried to talk and apologise every chance he got, but I wasn’t interested in listening to him. I didn’t care, alright that was a lie. I did care, he rubbed it in my face that he was going to shag someone after our so called date or whatever the hell it was called. The point is, he shouldn't have done that to me. He should have kept his fat mouth shut, who brings up other women like that.

  Ignoring him also seemed to have entertained Mr Wade for some crazy reason, he thinks that I'm being too hard on him and to give him a chance, but how could I give someone a chance when I didn't want him. I wasn’t interested in James that way.

  Tossing the rolls at Dad when I walked into the kitchen, “Here you go, you owe me three dollars since they're home made by yours truly,” I said, giving him a big grin.

  Dad let out a loud belly laugh, “You’re a funny one aren't you missy, especially since I pay for your schooling I think we should call it even.”

  “Whatever old man,” I teased, sticking my tongue as I started running off, but I stopped. I turned and headed back into the kitchen, “Don’t embarrass me tomorrow or else,” I warned.

  A smirk grew across his face, “Mia, why would I embarrass you? It’s not like you like the man or is it?”

  I rolled my eyes, frowning as I glared, “No don’t be disgusting,” and with that, I sprinted off to my room. I needed to clean it only because I knew Mr Wade would demand to see it. He and his bossy ways were slowly growing on me.

  Telling me to bring him a meat pie for lunch, because he took me on the best fake date ever and I ate his food, which I now had to repay him. So I did. The look on his face as I sat it on his desk with a small sauce package is forever burned into my mind. It was like he didn't believe I would do it, maybe he was kidding but I did it anyway.

  Yawning as I snuggled into my bed, the cleaning could wait until morning. I was too tired and just wanted to get this night over with. I wanted to sleep for the entire weekend and not worry that my gorgeous teacher was coming to my home tomorrow.

  My mind finally stopped debating with itself as my eyes slowly drifted shut, falling into a deep sleep.

  When I woke it was still darkness, I quietly climbed out of bed and made my way towards my large bookcase. Reading normally helped ease my mind. I felt like re reading one of my favourite stories, The Magic Faraway Tree. Yes, I know it seems childish but going on adventures like that just seems so much fun. To be a kid again and not have the worries of life is what I’d like to have right now.

  I didn't realise just how long I had been reading for until Dad came into my room. He never comes in here without knocking first, his eyes roamed around then they narrowed in as they landed on me. “This man, is he your teacher?”

  I groaned, I thought he already knew all of this, “We've been over this before. He is my home room and maths teacher.”

  Dad just nodded, taking in a breath, “Well, he's going to be here in an hour. I don't think you being in your bed, half-dressed would look appropriate.”

  My eyes widened as I looked over at my clock, shoot! It was almost 11am!

  “Ok, you can leave now,” I said, throwing the covers off myself, “Did you remember to pick up chicken kebabs for me?”

  Dad nodded, “Yes, now up and at it. Pick your clothes up and I'll start a load of laundry.”

  I wanted to scoff, my Dad hasn't done laundry since Mum died, or even before that. I was the one to take care of the housework around here and I must say, I do a pretty good job.

  I showered and changed into some shorts
and a top. It was going to be another nice day here again. I didn't want to dress up to much, I just wanted to look nicer than my Saturday casual look which was me wearing pyjamas and lazing about the house while I read and watched my TV shows that I missed during the week.

  When I got down the stairs I could hear laughing, my heart thudded in my chest. How the heck could he be here already? I stepped into the living room and found Dad talking with Maxwell. I breathed a sigh of relief as Mr Wade wasn't here yet.

  “Mia, I've got the steaks marinating, can you be a good girl and re baste?” Dad asked. I groaned, my eyes then noticed the clear glass beside him. It was filled with alcohol and my body was frozen, Max used to be Dad's old drinking buddy, until he moved away.

  Dad must have noticed my eyes on his glass and stood up, clearing his throat. “I won't touch it Mia. I just filled it to prove to Max here that I'm sober and staying that way.”

  I shook my head, tears were brimming to the edge of my eyes as I stepped backwards, “Tip it out then!” I spoke. Surprisingly shocked at how firm my voice was.

  “And waste good quality scotch?” Max scoffed, “Don't be so stupid. He'll drink it before he throws it out."

  I looked back at dad, waiting and hoping he'd do what was right and throw it down the drain. “Dad,” I said again, ignoring the idiot beside me.

  Dad stood up. Reaching down and grabbing the glass, handing it to me. “Take it, I won't ever hurt you like that again Mia. I promised your mother I'd look after you and I will keep that word,” He turned back to Max. “Maxwell, I think you should leave now. I'm sober and don't need to be ridiculed about it in front of my daughter, when I say I don't want a drink then I damn well don't want a drop of it near me!” His voice gruff as he stormed past me and into the kitchen. The fridge door copping his anger as he opened and shut that loudly, then the back door slammed.

  Max stood up, he was in his late forties and still single. No wonder.

  “Well little lady, I'll be off. Unless you can think of a reason I could stay, I mean I bet I could show your Dad just what he's missing out on, eh?” He lowered his voice, flashing a rotten teeth smile. I have no idea why Dad is even friends with him.

  I went to reply when my body was soothed instantly. An arm wrapped was wrapping around my waist, pulling my back into a chest as the person beside me spoke. His voice smooth and calm, “No reason I can think of, well unless you want to get your ass kicked? If not, then I suggest you leave and stay away. I can smell the booze from the front door, get yourself some help mate,” Mr Wade was talking low. A sexy low and deep growl, it was almost as if he was really going to kick Max's ass.

  Max took the hint and took off pretty quickly after that. Mr Wade's arm was still around my waist as he pulled me to face him, his eyes searching over mine for some sort of emotion. All I could do was start to laugh. I laughed because this was so awkward and unexpected.

  “I'm so sorry, you must think my Dad is some crazy drunk. Oh god, I don't even know why I am laughing for, it's not that funny but kind of is. I mean you’re here for lunch and probably want to leave already, you can leave if you want. You probably never want to talk to me again," I said nervously as my laughter died down and I sighed. I must look crazy to him.

  “Mia, having lunch with you and your crazy father is where I want to be, but tomorrow I'm playing a game out of town and would like you to come with me. I need some moral support and a cheerleader,” He winked. “Oh by the way, your Dad let me in and we've met. Good bloke he is, and he didn't kill me so I'm guessing he hasn't found out about our little almost sleepover date?”

  All traces of humour was gone from my body. “No, not at all, he would have cuffed you and thrown you in the squad car if he knew about that,” I then frowned, the whole me coming to watch him tomorrow had me confused. I thought only girlfriends went to watch the men play and cheer. “I’m not going with you tomorrow.”

  “Yes you are, I just saved your ass from that drunken maniac, you owe me one or three,” He replied with a shrug.

  “I have to ask Dad, he may say no,” I said a little quieter.

  “Ask Dad what?” Was the next voice to enter the room, scaring me so much I jumped, pushing Mr Wade away from me.

  “Well, Mr Wade,” I started until Mr Wade glared at me, I knew what for. “Umm, I mean Noah. He asked me to go watch the football tomorrow since he is playing,” God, could I have sounded any more stupid.

  Dad smiled, “Sure, if you’re behaved,” he winked and continued speaking, “Lunch is ready, come out back and we'll eat,” He then stopped walking, looking back at us. My eyes were glued to Dad as Mr Wade's hand was placed against my lower back, sending a mountain of tingles throughout my body as my father spoke, then all traces of tingles were gone and replaced with a stomach full of knots. “Wait, don't the girlfriends usually go and cheer on their men playing, are you two trying to tell me something?”

  I couldn’t speak. I didn’t know what to even say to that. Mr Wade thankfully stepped in, speaking with an oozing confidence. “No Sir, if I was to ask her out I would have asked for your permission first.”

  My knots were gone, the beat of my heart fluttering frantically. Maybe I had found my prince after all.

  Chapter Seven

  This was my worst nightmare.

  Dad and Mr Wade was getting along perfectly, like father and son as they bonded over the football. Mr Wade even inviting Dad to the game with me. Thankfully, Dad reclined as he had work but said next weekend he was coming to watch him play. I knew Dad liked him all the more as Mr Wade gave him the whole ask for permission before dating.

  As sweet as that was I think it was more show than anything. I mean, he wouldn’t really do that.

  He’s a total babe, he would have women lined up or most likely set to speed dial, a different one a night probably. My jealousy seeping through my pores for some unknown and stupid reason, he could be with whoever he wanted. It wasn’t like I was on his radar.

  “Mia, you’ve hardly touched your food,” Mr Wade smirked as Dad scolded me.

  Could he have embarrassed me anymore, I rolled my eyes as I spoke back. “You know I don’t like the skins on sausages. They’re gross.”

  Mr Wade grinned even wider but didn’t say anything. I could only imagine the dirty thoughts going on in that man’s mind right now. Of all the things I could have said, I went for sausage skins. Face palm.

  “Noah, where are you from?” Dad asked. He was asking so many personal questions but being honest, I actually wanted to hear what he had to say. I sat up a little straighter and looked up as Mr Wade started talking.

  “I’m actually not from around here. I was born and raised in Hobart and the winters were a little too cold for me, I moved up here for college and graduated earlier. I’ve always enjoyed maths so why not become a maths teacher,” He was speaking with a deep passion. I honestly didn’t expect to see anyone that excited over a school subject, maths of all things, but I felt exactly the same. I loved maths more than any other subject, even a little more so than English.

  Thankfully Dad seemed pleased and stopped asking so many invasive and personal questions. I left them outside talking and headed into do the dishes. One thing I couldn’t stand was mess around, I guess I was a little OCD when things were out of place.

  I felt something slap my thighs and I hissed, turning around. Mr Wade stood there grinning from ear to ear with a tea towel in his hand, “Hurt huh?” He asked, reaching for a plate and starting to wipe up.

  “That really hurt!” I picked up the wash cloth and slapped it down on his strong toned and tanned arms.

  He just laughed, not caring that this t-shirt sleeve was now wet and water dripped down his arm, “You know Mia, I’m a guest in your house and that was mean. Not very hostess like.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I’m sorry Mr Wade.”

  Another flick to my thigh and I winced, god that hurt. “I told you to call me Noah.” He said a little more firmly.

ops, “I’m sorry Noah.”

  “Good, so I’m looking forward to seeing your bedroom, your Dad tells me you have quite the collection of books, first editions as well which has me very interested,” He smiled and reached for another plate to wipe.

  My mind was so frazzled, watching as he flexed while wiping or bending to put something away. God he was hot, he was more than hot. He was sexy, I bet he was a sex god as well. I suddenly found myself wondering if he was a passionate lover, wondering how he sounded as he slept with someone.

  “Shut the hell up,” I hissed to myself quietly. Why on earth would I think something like that for? I was sick for even thinking something so dirty, yet it was so erotic.

  I jumped, as I noticed Noah staring at me. I dropped the cloth in the sink and breathing a little heavier as I felt my cheeks flame.

  Noah looked at me confused. “Mia, I’ve been talking to you for ages and all you did was look at me as if you was going to eat me. Are you ok?”

  Oh now that’s embarrassing.

  I suddenly felt so nervous, did I clean my room this morning, make the bed and pick my underwear up from the floor. Damn I couldn’t remember anything. I was so frazzled. “Umm, yes I’m fine. I was thinking about my room and you in it. Let me go clean up first, it’s the one with a silver handle.” I said as I pulled the plug from the sink and took off before he could distract me any further.

  I fell down to my perfectly made bed. My room was clean and that was a relief. I couldn’t deal with cleaning in a hurry. I kept my eyes on the door, I was getting more and more nervous as the seconds neared. The footsteps coming closer until a soft knock hit the door.

  “Yeah, you can come in,” I called out quietly as I sat up.

  Noah walked in, closing the door behind him as he gave me a lopsided grin. But then he opened the door back up. “Wouldn’t want your Dad to get the wrong idea about us.”

  That was a stake to the heart.

  “Guess not,” I answered with a shrug. Putting my walls back up, me and my stupid emotions.


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