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Falling In Maths

Page 10

by Melissa Bender

  I nodded, “Yes, I want to know about my boyfriend’s other girlfriends, you know all about mine,” I said smiling at him.

  He laughed, “You’ve had no others though.”

  “Exactly, so spill and I may let you kiss me before I go home tonight,” I said winking.

  Noah’s arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling me close as he lowered his mouth to my ear, “I will kiss you, and there is nothing to tell. We never dated, I never had time for girlfriends Mia, and you’re the first girl worth giving up my single status for.”

  I pulled my head back, frowning. “Wait? She tells everyone how you and she were a thing, it’s all I hear from those girls there.”

  “She wanted to hook up a couple times, nothing happened,” he shrugged. I looked at him, that crazy nagging feeling in the back of mine about all the women he’s just had fun with. That was a question I wasn’t game enough to ask, and an answer I really didn’t want to know.

  “Ok then,” I smiled, “you may kiss me now!” I said softly, as he leaned in a wave came and I moved, pushing him backwards and watching him fall down.

  “You’re going to get it now baby,” he called out, spitting out salt water.

  I laughed, trying to run through the water and calling back out to him, “You can try baby!”

  I walked in the house, hair a tangled mess and my makeup gone completely. I was still in my bathers with just a towel wrapped around my body. Noah dropped me off, he went home to change and shower. He had a few errands to run and said it’d keep him busy most the evening.

  I didn’t really mind, I had school work I needed to go over and a test I had to study for. I went and showered, feeling heaps better after smothering my hair with conditioner and getting all the sand out of awkward places.

  “Mia are you in there?” Dad’s loud voice called out.

  I opened the door, pulling my wet hair up. “Yeah?” I asked.

  He looked at me through his tired eyes, letting out a sigh, “Come in the living room, I’d like to talk to you about this Noah kid.”

  My heart was pounding so damn hard right now. It didn’t really click that Noah was my teacher and us being together was illegal, especially since my father is a police officer. He could arrest him, oh god please don’t tell me that was going to happen.

  I slowly followed behind him, sitting down on the large couch far away from where Dad sat. He looked at our distance and sighed, “I’m not going to bite you know,” he grumbled softly, standing and moving beside me.

  There was a pause of silence between us, I didn’t know what to say. Part of me wanted to get on my hands and knees and beg him not to arrest him and the other part wanted to just start crying, damn I was an emotional mess over this boy.

  “Listen, how serious are things with you and this boy, I know you’re spending a fair bit of time with him, and well I know he’s your teacher and all but I need to know if he’s doing anything to my little girl,”

  “What?” I asked completely confused.

  “Are you two having sex?” he asked, his cheeks were a tinge of pink but he still wasn’t looking at me.

  “Oh my god, dad don’t be disgusting!” I cried out, “No! That is just not even, oh my god, don’t even go there! Yuck!” I was completely embarrassed right now, not to mention grossed out.

  “Well I need to know if you were, that you’re being safe. I don’t need you pregnant to a teacher Mia, you’re too young for that, and then hell would break lose with the gossip,” He grumbled back, shaking his head.

  “Dad, no-one is getting pregnant! Not for a long ten plus year’s long time,” Oh this was just awful, I was so beet red right now. I was completely humiliated.

  Dad finally looked at me, his cheeks still a pink. “I’m sorry your mother isn’t around and I don’t know how to bring these kinds of things up my daughter, just as long as he is being respectful then I don’t have a problem, just make sure you both keep this quiet until school finishes in a few months, I don’t want to get him fired. He’s a good kid, I was a bit iffy about it but getting to know him, I can see he is pretty smitten with you, just let me know if I need to put his balls in a vice and I will.”

  “Ok good talk Dad, he’s being a gentlemen and thank you for the advice I think,” I said, still unsure what and how this conversation just happened.

  “Well would you like a lift to the oval tonight? I have to go back in for a couple hours,” he said standing up off the couch.

  I shook my head, “No, we’re not going there tonight. I’ve got a lot of school work to read and study for,” I smiled at him.

  He lent down and kissed the top of my head, “You’re a good kid Mia, I’m glad you’re keeping at your school work still.”

  “Thanks Dad,” I smiled and stood up, he pulled me into a hug before he headed back out the door for work.

  I raced to my room, closing the door and falling face first to my bed. That was a talk I never wanted to have with my father again. So freaking embarrassing!

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Oh god, you got elbowed in the jaw, how can you not be crying right now?” I asked Noah who was sitting on the bench with a bleeding, cut cheek.

  He shook his head and laughed, “Mia its fine. I’m not in any pain and I don’t feel the need to cry.”

  I looked at him, his muddy body and clothes needed to be clean before I let him in his own car, yes funny how I’ve now taken over his car while I’ve been driving. Good news was, I hadn’t stalled, bunny hopped or grinded the breaks in ages, I was getting heaps better and Noah was now letting me drive on the road in town.

  “I will go back in the car and wait for you then,” I smiled at him.

  “No,” he said standing up, other guys around him looked as he stood. “Go inside and I’ll meet you in there in a few, games almost over.”

  I scrunched my face, “Fine, only because I love you,” I said smiling, until my jaw dropped open.

  Noah looked at me, a wide grin coming across his face. “What was that Mia?”

  “Nothing, I said only because I owe you, you know for letting me drive your pretty car,” great cover I thought to myself.

  He smirked, pulling on my hand for me to get closer to him, “I don’t think that’s what you said.”

  “Well it was,” I defended, letting him go and walking off quickly. I could hear him laughing still and muttering something about me walking away from a serious conversation.

  I sat down at the table by the window. What the hell did I just say to him, I love you? Oh my god I was so stupid. How could I have let that slip out, and in front of all his friends!

  My eyes roamed over my phone, a text from dad was on the screen. – Invite Noah for dinner?

  One of the rare times Dad was home and it had to be on a game night, I didn’t know if Noah would want to join us. I looked up and seen him walking over, freshly washed and dressed. Well I guess I was about to find out.

  “Hey,” He smiled sitting beside me, placing a kiss against my cheek.

  No matter how many times he did that here, I never got used to the stares from everyone, “Hi,” I replied quietly.

  “So you want to head off?” He asked.

  I fiddled with my fingertips, “Uh well, Dad is home and kind of invited you over for dinner, but I will tell him you’re busy, I might just stay in tonight,” I said finally looking at him and noticed he was looking right at me.

  “You don’t want me there?” he asked, looking as if I had hurt his feelings.

  “Oh no that’s not it, I just know you said every time you win you go and party,” I quickly added, not wanting him to feel bad or think that I didn’t want him there.

  He smiled, a deathly heartbreaking grin and leant forward, his nose almost against mine, “Tonight it’ll be hoe’s before bro’s.”

  “That’s a horrible saying,” I laughed. “Are you calling me your hoe?” I questioned.

  “Ok, is this better? I would rather spend the evening with my girlfrie
nd and her father having dinner than going and getting blind drunk,” he said, his lips grazing against mine, it was driving me wild and he knew it.

  “You’re the best boyfriend ever,” I replied smiling. Meaning every word I said.

  “Don’t you forget it either,” he smirked, taking my hand as Ryan and the others came over to have some of their usual after game drinks.

  Three of us sat around the dinner table, I hadn’t mentioned to Noah about the father daughter chat that had taken place here three days ago. Dad seemed to be in a good mood, he had cooked Thai chicken curry and it even tasted good. He had to be up to something.

  “So you win today Mia tells me, that’s good,” Dad spoke, then taking a sip of his coke.

  Noah nodded, “Yes, it was a close match. The other team were pretty rough,” he grinned.

  Dad chuckled, “Back when I played, I can’t count the amount of times my elbow popped out, some guys are just into the rough and tumble of the game.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes at their manly talk, I just ate quietly and when I finished I noticed both of them staring at me. “Is she normally this quiet at school?” Dad asked.

  I blushed as Noah answered, “Yes, she rarely speaks to anyone.”

  I gave him a look, “I do so talk to people thank you, I have friends I eat with,” that part was actually true. I ate with James, Stacey and Haley most days unless I was studying in the library. I liked the quiet.

  “Mia, you need to get out and live a little,” Dad spoke up then looked at Noah, “don’t you have your game drinks you guys go to?”

  “Yeah but it won’t hurt to miss out on one or two of those every now and then,” He replied back, looking as if it didn’t bother him to miss out.

  “Nonsense, you two go out and have fun, but not too much fun,” Dad gave me a look that said keep them closed. I blushed hard at him, quickly standing and taking all our bowls to the dishwasher.

  Noah didn’t want to go out anywhere so he invited a couple friends to come over for a few drinks, Ryan and the others came and brought their girlfriends along. I hadn’t drunk anything and wasn’t planning to, until Noah offered me a drink of vodka and raspberry. He was going to keep an eye on me, making sure I didn’t get too drunk like the last time.

  His plan didn’t turn out so well, since the alcohol went straight to my head. Noah was drunk, holding me on his lap most the time as he talked, or played the Xbox with the others. With the alcohol, and going to get some food from his kitchen, we soon found ourselves standing in his room with the door locked, gripping each other tightly as we began making out heavily.

  “Noah,” I said, my voice quite breathless as I broke the kiss for air, “You didn’t have to come to dinner for my sake tonight.”

  “Don’t be silly, I did it only because I love you,” he chuckled, between kisses and then pulled away.

  I looked at him, did he just? I had no idea if he just said that to me or not, I didn’t want to ask him in case I heard things. Oh who the hell was I kidding, “Did you just say you love me?” I asked him point blank.

  He laughed, “Do you want me to love you Mia?”

  Yes freaking yes! I sure as heck wanted Noah Wade to love me like I knew I loved him.

  I slowly nodded, “Only if you want to love me.”

  He groaned, his hands ran down my waist and pulled me into his chest, “It’s hard not to love you Mia, I love you like crazy,” he groaned and slammed his mouth back to mine hard.

  I ran my hands through his hair as he led us backwards to his bed, his mouth and hands roaming my body as if he needed to touch me all over. I let out a low moan as he sucked just near my lobe sending a shiver of tingles throughout my body.

  “Noah,” I tried to speak over his mouth, his kisses were so strong, so needy and so full of desire.

  I was slowly pushed backwards, my back hitting the soft bedding of his. I slid myself up more so I laid with my head over his pillow. Noah stood at the end, I looked at him as he spoke, “Yeah?” he asked me, his voice husky and low.

  I just drunkenly smiled, “Come over here, I’m cold.”

  Our bodied intertwined together as we lay with just our underwear on, Noah’s hands running up and down my waist as I wrapped my legs around his thighs, hooking him in closer. I bucked my hips up as he rubbed me, moaning from his soft touches.

  I nervously moved my hand, running my palm over his hardened length, I had no idea what to do or how to do it, but whatever I was doing he seemed to enjoy it as he let out a low groan pushing his groin into my hand. A moment of panic filled me as I thought of that somehow fitting inside me. That though left my mind when his mouth came back up from my breast, he’d not taken my bra off, just kissed me all over, using his tongue softly.

  Responding to his tender kisses with my own mouth his hand slowly started to go inside my panties, I was so nervous, I couldn’t think about anything other than the pleasure he was starting to give me. Never had I experienced anything like this before, his finger rubbing me slowly but firmly as I parted my thighs more for him. Moaning, savouring his touches.

  “I love you,” he whispered, slowly moving down my body, not leaving a space of bare skin untouched with kisses.

  I smiled, my heart speeding up like crazy, “I love you too.”

  I watched as he got to my stomach, kissing softly, trailing his hot tongue down my skin. His green eyes looked up into mine as he then hooked his thumbs into the top of my panties and slowly start to pull them down, his hot breath hitting my bare skin just above my pubic bone, I felt his mouth placing kisses lower and lower.

  I was so turned on in this moment that I didn’t just how far we were about to go, until there was a loud knock on the door and Ryan’s voice speaking through it, “Uh, Noah man, your Mum’s here looking for you.”

  I froze, unaware that Noah’s Mum would even be visiting this late. He hadn’t really mentioned her since the last time he had to take her home, and now I was wondering why was she turning up here in the middle of the night? I laid there silent as Noah got up off the bed, muttering a ton of curse words as he threw his clothing back on quickly.

  He looked at me, like he’d just remembered what we’d almost done and he seemed to panic even more, “Shit Mia. I, I am so sorry, fuck I am really sorry for this and what we almost done, we went too far, fuck I can’t believe this.”

  With that he walked out of his bedroom door and closed it again.

  My eyes filled with tears as it started to sink in, we’d almost had drunken sex, this wasn’t the way I wanted to lose my virginity. I made my way out of the bed, searching for my clothing that was tossed all over the floor. I quickly dressed, checked my watch and it was almost 3am. I needed to head home, I couldn’t stay here after what happened. He seemed to regret it, and more or less made me feel like shit.

  I walked out to the living room, looking around for Noah but I couldn’t see him anywhere. I stood nervously where everyone was talking, I looked at Ryan. “Is Noah in the kitchen?” I asked, all eyes were now on me.

  Ryan shook his head, “Nah, he had to go out for a few, he’ll be back soon though.”

  “Can you just tell him I went home, I don’t really feel too good,” I said trying not to cry. He just left and said nothing to me.

  “He wanted us to make sure you stayed Mia, he’d flip out if he knew you walked alone home,” Ryan said, pleading with his eyes for me to stay.

  I sighed, mumbling underneath my breath as I looked at the floor. “Well maybe he should have thought of that before ditching me.”

  “He hasn’t told you has he?” he asked me.

  I frowned, looking up at him, “Told me what?” Now I was really curious as to what was going on.

  “Not my place to tell, just stay here please,” he gave me a smile, flashing his own dimples at me, if I wasn’t so used to Noah’s gorgeous smile, then I may have swooned, may have.

  “Sorry, I’ve got to go. Tell Noah I’ll talk to him later,” I said quietly as
I walked over to the door, sliding on my flats before anyone could stop me.

  It was pitch black dark outside. I could vaguely see where I was going only from the help of the street lights, if I ran then it’d take me a good half hour to get home, the rate I was walking it’d take me an hour. I pulled my arms into the side of my jumper pockets, ignoring the buzzing of my phone as I then began to run the distance.

  My feet hitting hard against the pavement as I tried to block the images of Noah and I from my mind, the kissing, touching and feeling of our bodies close together was too distracting. The emotional desire I felt vanished as I remembered, he just left me without a word.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I got not very far down the road when a car pulled over, I knew exactly who it was before looking. I wasn’t getting in with him. He could yell, growl and demand I sit in that car. I wasn’t going to, or so I kept telling myself.

  “Mia what the hell?” Noah’s angry voice called out as he got out of his car.

  “Leave me alone Noah, I’m going home,” I called back as I kept walking.

  Thumping footsteps came across the road, Noah soon blocked my pathway, “You’re not walking home alone, why couldn’t you have just stayed at my place?” he asked, exasperated as he continued walking backwards. I wasn’t stopping for anybody.

  “I am so mad at you, please let me just go home,” I said quietly. I was more mad at myself not him. I lost the control I wanted to keep, all from a couple bottles of alcohol.

  He sighed, placing his hands on my shoulders which was the only way I was able to stop walking any further, I frowned at him but he wasn’t giving up, “Let me drive you home.”

  I shook my head at him, “No, I’m fine to walk.”

  “Mia, god get in the damn car!” He snapped, “It’s about to piss down.”

  “I don’t care, just go back to your party. Maybe you could hook up with someone who you won’t regret it with,” I pushed my hands to his chest, trying to get him to move. Blinking back my tears, I didn’t want him to know just how much he hurt me.


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