Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 12

by Melissa Bender

  Mr Wade’s fists were clenched and knuckles white. “Get out, I don’t want you back in the classroom for the rest of the week, get to the office now!” He stood, walking to the classroom door and opening it, James just sat there. “James get to the office now, and I will be speaking to the other teachers about you’re cheating in tests also. You will most likely have to sit and repeat a new exam to check your grade levels.”

  “What? Well done Mia, thanks a fucking lot!” James grumbled storming out of the classroom.

  I slumped back in my chair, Mr Wade walked over and sat opposite me. “You’re quite angry, I should send you to the office for hitting another student, mind telling me what he said that provoked you so much?” he asked, his voice completely calm and smooth.

  I sighed, I was so embarrassed to tell him this, I was sure my face was flushing up again, “He said I am frigid and have a stick up my ass,” I mumbled.

  Mr Wade snorted, “I know that’s far from true, but Mia please don’t go hitting people. I don’t want to explain to my boss as to why I had to push my student into a wall and make out with her sexy ass for looking so hot in a fight,” he then flashed me a grin.

  I blushed, “Nothing stops you from doing that anyway, but James just got me so mad. He blamed me for not giving my book, say’s if he fails it’s my fault. He was so mad, he grabbed me and I lost it.”

  “He grabs you again then deck him,” He frowned, “and he wants to pass then he can learn to study like everyone else, don’t worry about him. He’s failing half his classes Mia, you’re too smart to get dragged down to that level of stupidity.”

  “When did you become so smart?” I asked, smiling at him.

  He chuckled, “I was born like it baby, so how was the test?” he asked leaning closer.

  “I think I may have aced it, no it was hard in some parts but I finished it,” I smiled at him, god I loved him.

  “See you tonight? Driving again after you finish work?” he asked standing back up, I nodded blowing him a kiss as I headed for the classroom door.

  “Mia,” Noah said quietly.

  I turned around, looking at him, “Yeah?”

  “I’d never cheat on you, I don’t even believe in doing that,” he said, reaching over and brushing his fingers against mine.

  I smiled, “I know you wouldn’t, I trust you.”

  I made my way to English and seems as though everyone had heard about James and I going at it in the classroom, it was annoying being called Tyson or asked if I was going to audition for wrestling, even with the playful teasing, it seemed like I was gaining more and more attention, I wasn’t sure if I liked that.

  By the end of the day I was glad to be out of that school, I had been threatened by James’s girlfriend to keep away from him. I laughed in her face and walked off.

  I walked into the bakery and seen Mrs Dalton bringing out a plate of sandwiches, she looked to be struggling, I walked over and sat my bag at the counter. “Here let me take these,” I offered.

  She smiled, “You’re a good dear, I just had something in the oven I needed to check on,” she took off back through the doors.

  I served the couple their food and put my apron on, I walked back into the kitchen where Mrs Dalton was leaning over the sink.

  “Are you alright?” I asked her, I was actually quite worried right now. She had been like a grandmother to me since working here.

  “Oh dear, you worry too much. I just have some reflux from these silly tablets my doctor put me on, you don’t need to worry about old me Mia,” She said brushing it off.

  I gave her a sad smile, “I do worry about you, but who would I gossip with?” I asked her.

  She gave me a smile, letting out a chuckle. “That is true, that is true, so let’s grab some cake and sit in the shop, and we’ve got a few days to catch up on.”

  And that is what we did. We had a small plate of carrot cake and a milkshake each. I dived straight in telling Mrs Dalton all about what happened with James today at school, she shook her head and said he needed to be thrown over a knee and caned some sense into him. That made me laugh, she was quite funny.

  “When do I get to meet this boy that’s put a smile in your eyes?” She asked, finishing her cake.

  I looked up when the bakery doorbell chimed, “How about now?” I asked her and smiled at Noah who just walked in.

  “This young lad from a couple months back?” Mrs Dalton asked, pushing the chair out beside her.

  “Mrs Dalton, this is Noah,” I smiled introducing them to each other.

  She leant in, “I can see why you like him, those eyes and that smile.”

  Noah laughed, “Yes, she only likes me for my charming good looks,” he joked just as the door chimed again and Dad walked in to join us as well.

  The four of us ended up having dinner together once the bakery closed, I was really happy that Noah could meet her and vice versa, both were very important people in my life. I felt as if it was a kind of family dinner, I enjoyed that Noah fitted in so well with her and my father.

  I just wished he’d let me in enough to tell me about his family, I got shut down every time I asked about his mum and he barely talked about his father. I looked up when Noah handed me his car keys, with all the adventures of today, I almost forgot that our day was far from over.

  “See you both later,” I said kissing Dad on the cheek and doing the same to Mrs Dalton after she has attacked Noah’s cheeks.

  “Be home by eleven, and don’t crash his car,” Dad warned.

  I groaned, “Don’t jinx me, I’ve been doing really well and you’d know that if you took me driving.”

  He laughed, “Not enough money in the world could have me sit in a car with you on your learners my love.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. Typical scared father, too afraid I would outshine his own driving abilities. Noah just grinned as he held open the door for me to leave.

  I started up Noah’s car and pulled out onto the road, “Where to?” I asked him.

  “Uh, wherever you want to go to, surprise me,” he replied, placing his hand over on my thigh for the first time ever, I was so distracted for the first few moment but soon relaxed again.

  “Ok, surprise time handsome,” I said smiling, and surprise him I did.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I pulled over beside the large wooden fence and looked at Noah who looked around, “Why are we out in the middle of nowhere?” he asked laughing.

  “Because it would be fun, don’t you think?” I asked cutting the engine and unclipping my belt. I got out of the car and walked over to the fence, he was still sitting in the car looking confused. “Come on Noah, you said I could drive anywhere.”

  He finally got out of the car and closed his door, “I thought to my place or the beach, not to some abandoned warehouse thing,” he groaned.

  I laughed, “You will enjoy it, I promise and if you don’t then I will never pick somewhere to go on a date again.”

  “You’ve taken me on a secret date?” He smirked and then looked over the fence, his smirk disappearing and shock coming back on, “a paintball range?”

  I nodded, “I may have used to sneak in here when I was young and crazy,” I grinned climbing the fence beside him. James and I used to go here when we were bored and wanted something fun to do, I hadn’t been here in over a year though and I had a feeling Noah would enjoy it.

  “You still are young and crazy,” he laughed as his feet hit the dirt ground.

  “Crazy for you,” I said underneath my breath quietly before he helped me over.

  Noah took my hand as I pointed to the shed which was rarely ever locked up, well I hoped it wasn’t. We both walked over, I put my hand on the handle and looked at Noah, he looked at me and I then smiled as it opened.

  “You’re breaking and entering?” he asked as we walked into the shed where all the guns where.

  I laughed, “Um no, it was unlocked so technically I’m not breaking into anything.”

  “You’re a clever girl,” he smiled walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. “Baby, you know once we’re out there, its game on.”

  I ran with a squeal behind a large fence as Noah took off in the opposite direction, I could hear his deep chuckle as I ducked down, peeping through an eye hole. I couldn’t see anything, I did know better than to pop my head up first.

  “Mia, I’m going to come and get you,” he laughed, I could hear running and that’s when I panicked.

  I jumped up, crouching down as I ran towards a tunnel, Noah’s gun shooting off in my direction as I tried to shoot back. I failed as I fell down with a groan, “Oh my god! you shot me in the ass!”

  Noah’s laugh loudly echoed the evening night. “You ok?” he then called out.

  “No,” I grumbled with a laugh as I scooted into the tunnel, trying to avoid his other shots.

  Around an hour later Noah was begging me to stop shooting at him, I smirked as I waved my empty gun. Signalling I was done with shooting him in the ass and chest.

  “Come here,” he smiled as we put the guns away, “you’re quite adorable when you’re angry.”

  I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Oh you’re the adorable one,” I grinned, pressing my lips against his.

  “So we’ve got an hour before your curfew, want to head to mine and you know?” Noah asked, giving me a wink.

  I laughed, “Oh I don’t think so Mr Wade, you’re not getting lucky for a long time.”

  He let out a loud laugh, “Fine by me beauty, I might just drop you home since you’ve been out all week. I don’t want your Dad to stop you from seeing me,” he said starting the car up, playing with my fingers as he held my hand.

  I smiled over at him, “I think an early night would be good, I’m getting a headache,” I yawned sleepily.

  “Are you ok?” he asked glancing over.

  I nodded, “Yeah, just tired.”

  I was exhausted by the time Noah dropped my off home, making it ten minutes before my curfew. Dad was sitting in his office writing when I came past, I was too tired to even stop and chat with him that I showered and slid underneath the covers of my bed.

  A knock on the door and Dad walked in, “Mia, are you ok?” he asked looking concerned.

  I yawned, “I took Noah paintballing and he shot me in the ass, chasing him wore me out.”

  “Mia I told you before that you can’t go in there without permission,” he sighed, rubbing his chin.

  “But it’s never locked, you’re friends with the guy anyway,” I yawned again, I snuggled further down underneath the covers as Dad stroked my head gently.

  He leant forwards, placing a soft kiss to my temple. “Sweet dreams princess, you look a little unwell.”

  It didn’t take me long until I was passed out into a deep sleep. I was feeling a little unwell throughout the night, waking up once or twice in a hot sweat. By 4am I was wide awake and standing in the, unable to sleep and craving soup.

  As I made my way back to my room I slipped on some boxers and a thin long sleeved shirt. I picked my phone up and sent Noah a message. – miss you, xo.

  I didn’t expect him to write back to me, but he did. – I miss you too, are you feeling alright?

  As I typed my reply, my phone rang. “Hey did I wake you?” I asked.

  I heard him yawning. “No baby, I was just reading. Why are you up for?”

  I sighed, “I don’t know. I just feel really blah, I’m cold but I’m hot and now I want soup.”

  He chuckled, “Would you like me to bring you some over? What’s your favourite type?”

  “I don’t know, Mum used to make me chicken soup when I wasn’t feeling well,” I yawned sleepily, if only I was able to fall asleep.

  “Get some sleep beautiful, I love you,” Noah said softly.

  I smiled, sleepily. “I love you Noah, I wish you were here to keep me warm.”

  “Me too baby, soon I hope.”

  When I woke I still felt a little off, I put it down to a cold. I should have known running around late at night with paintball guns and water wouldn’t be a good combination with the chilly evening. Dad drove me to school, I was rugged up in thick black leggings, a long shirt and a charcoal knitted woollen long jumper. I even had the cute beanie on.

  As I got to my classroom I dropped my bag to the floor and laid my head against the cool desk. A cough and I looked up, why was it that I never even seen him sitting there working.

  “You still not any better?” Noah asked, giving me a concerned look.

  I shook my head, “I just have a head cold. I don’t want to pass it on to you.”

  He laughed, “I don’t mind Mia, and you look very adorable covered head to toe in warm clothing while I’m in a pair of shorts.”

  I peered over at him, then shrugged, “I want to just cuddle.”

  Noah stood up, I had my head back against the desk. Not bothering to look up as he walked over. His warm soft fingers stroked the side of my head gently. Him stroking me that way, I could have fallen asleep.

  “Drink this, it’ll help beautiful,” he said, my eyes opened as he sat down a pink flask type mug.

  I sat up, a smile forming over my mouth, “What is this?” I asked lifting the lid, letting out a moan. “Noah you didn’t get me this,” I smiled wider.

  “When my girlfriend calls and tells me she wants soup at half four in the morning, then I will get her soup for when I see her next,” he smiled, placing a kiss against my mouth.

  This is why I loved him so much. “Thank you, you’re really sweet.”

  He winked, then made his way back to his desk as the bell rung. “I love you Mia.”

  I barely paid any attention to anything today in class, I just felt like hell. My head pounded and by lunch time I just wanted to go home, I sent dad a text and he was out on duty but told me to come home if I wanted and he’d see me tonight after work.

  I sighed, walking to the classroom to tell Noah. He was writing on the board when I walked in, “Hey,” he turned and smiled.

  “I’m going to head home, I just need to sleep,” I yawned, hoping he wasn’t too bothered that I was skipping out on him next.

  He actually looked worried, “Do you need a doctor?”

  I shook my head, “No, I just need sleep. All these late nights have caught up to me, with studying so much, work and then spending all my free time with you. Not that I mind, but I just need to get rid of this headache.”

  “Let me drive you,” he reached in his pocket and pulled out his car keys, “meet me in my car and I’ll be there soon.”

  I was going to object, but honestly it was better than walking home. I signed out and walked to Noah’s car and sliding in the front seat. Pulling it back a little so no one spotted me. I closed my eyes and curled up to my side, hearing him get in but not opening my eyes.

  “Mia,” I heard being whispered.

  “Mm?” I yawned, opening my eyes then looking around confused. “How did I get in here?”

  Noah laughed, “I carried your sleeping ass in here, and now, I’ve got to go back to work. Are you alright here while I’m gone? I’ll get dinner after I’ve finished if you want?”

  I held my feet up as he slid my boots off, “Thank you, I forgot how comfy your bed is,” I smiled pulling my jumper off.

  Noah tucked me in underneath the covers. I was wearing his boxers and a long sleeved top, “Feel better baby, see you soon.”

  I smiled, snuggling down further and slowly closing my eyes.

  I just hoped when I woke up I would feel better than what I had been feeling all day. It didn’t help when James sent me a text message. – is it true? You’re pregnant?

  I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to defend myself. Funny how rumours start up from a girl being sick with a cold. But of course, now the whole school thought I was knocked up to my mystery boyfriend. I could only imagine what Noah was dealing with in class, I just hoped he could hold off punching James,
because that’s all that I wanted to do.

  Chapter Twenty

  I woke to the smell of something delicious, Honey Chicken and Singapore noodles. “You awake sleepy head?” I heard a chuckle coming from Noah’s throat.

  I opened my eyes, looking up at him as I sat up in his bed. “I am awake.”

  “Feeling better?” he asked, throwing his shirt off and pulling his shorts down. Sitting them on the chair then climbing into the bed with me, pulling me back down and close to his body.

  My head laid against his chest, loving the way he cuddled me right now. “I do, I only just woke up now.”

  “Good, you look better than earlier. Do you know how much worked sucked today?” He asked, a grumble infused with anger seeped out through the words.

  It took a couple seconds for me to remember, “I’m pregnant?” I asked.

  Noah didn’t take that as a question, instead flipping us so I lay to my back. His face not giving any emotion away. “So I heard, your friend James’s girlfriend is spreading it. The whole school thinks you’re pregnant.”

  “I’m not,” I whispered quietly.

  He laughed, “Well I know you’re not. We haven’t taken any baths together,” he then winked.

  I groaned, “You’re disgusting, but that is true. Also I haven’t worn any of your boxers after you woke up.”

  He burst out laughing, “You’re the disgusting one, you think I’d jizz in my boxers and let you wear them in hope it could knock you up?”

  I shook my head, shuddering. “Noah please stop, if my Dad finds out or hears that rumour he will get so mad.”

  “Mia, it’s not true. We’ve not done anything to get you pregnant. Just don’t worry, you can set them all straight tomorrow,” he yawned, kissing my cheek.

  I sighed. I guess he was right. “Ok, so I smelt that you brought something delicious for dinner?”

  He laughed, “You smelt right, want to eat in bed?”

  “We could do other things in bed as well?” I asked shyly, tracing my fingers over his chest.

  Noah’s hand captured mine. “Baby, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”


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