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Falling In Maths

Page 15

by Melissa Bender

“What about?” he asked. Taking a seat in the chair next to mine.

  I definitely couldn’t tell him what I was taking about. I just shrugged, “You know school finals and all of that.”

  “Did you have a good birthday? What did you get up too?” James asked, I couldn’t believe that he was acting normal. I was just not bothered anymore.

  I noticed Noah give me a confused look and then went back to helping Josie. I looked back at James. “I just had dinner with Dad and Mrs Dalton, it was a good day.”

  He nodded. “You want to hang out over the weekend? I feel like we don’t hang out anymore.”

  “James don’t, I have so much to do and study for. I’m behind a bit,” I groaned looking down at my notepad.

  When I glanced back up I noticed his face had gone from the kind expression to a hard, angry one. “Maybe you shouldn’t be out with this so called guy then, he’s obviously distracting you from school work.”

  I wanted to laugh in his face. Noah was far from distracting me with my school work. “Actually he helps me and doesn’t distract me at all.”

  “You sleeping with him?” He asked.

  My head snapped back to his, “That is none of your business what I do.”

  He stood abruptly, scraping the chair as the desk moved forwards. “You’re a whore Mia. No-one wants to marry a girl who screws around.”

  “James that’s enough!” Noah snarled standing, it didn’t take him long at all until he was in front of James and towering over him. “Get out of my classroom, get to the office now.”

  Instead of doing what he was told, James just smirked. “And here I thought you were decent. Don’t worry, I don’t need this class Mr Wade. So you can go and fuck yourself.”

  My jaw and just about everyone else’s flew open.

  Noah however didn’t show any signs of anger, he gave James a smirk back and stepped closer. “I have a girlfriend who can do that for me, unlike you who needs to beg women to suck your pint sized dick. I suggest you walk away little boy, stop trying to act tough.”

  I had to look away as James’s hand came back, his fist went flying towards Noah’s jaw only for him to step back just before impact hit and grab hold of James’s arm. Twisting it backwards as he spun and pulled James into a hard lock, pushing him as he dragged him out of the classroom.

  Everybody was silent, until a loud chatter erupted of what had just happened. I knew Noah hated James and often said he’d love to knock him flat on his ass at times. But I had never seen or heard him speak that way. He lost control, and I knew if James did hit Noah then he most likely would have punched him back.

  I kept drawing the hearts in pen on my notepad. I had finished my work and now just doodling around, I couldn’t write Noah’s initials like I wanted to, but I could do tons of hearts and flowers. I was definitely crushing hard on him.

  “Alright everyone, back to work and keep quiet,” Noah’s sharp voice spoke as he re-entered the room ten minutes later. I could tell he wasn’t in a good mood now.

  By the time the class came to an end I lazily packed my books away and didn’t look up until Noah had closed the door shut. He looks annoyed, bothers and stressed still.

  “Mia, what did James say to you earlier?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “Nothing,” I said looking back down.

  “It wasn’t a multiple choice question Mia, tell me,” he spoke sternly. Noah had never showed any signs of anger towards me before, he’d been annoyed but not forcing me to talk.

  I sighed, “He wanted to hang out this weekend and when I said I needed to catch up on some study he got mad and said my boyfriend was a distraction, then asked if I was sleeping with him. When I told him it was none of his business he got mad and said what he said,” I kept my eyes down at my fingers. I was too embarrassed to look up at him.

  “I should have decked him. Fuck. Mia, no one ever speaks to you with such disrespect, I won’t tolerate that,” Noah growled, pacing the room.

  I felt my heart pound harder as what he said, I loved that he felt that way about me. “Noah I’m sorry,” I said softly.

  “Don’t you dare apologise for something you didn’t do,” he said as he stopped pacing, he let out a loud sigh. “James want’s to press charges against me for touching him in an aggressive way, said it was assault.”

  My head sure looked up then, “But he went to hit you, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  He laughed, “Oh I know that, he said he’s going to talk to your Dad.”

  I smiled and stood up, “I need to leave before someone comes in here.”

  Noah walked towards me, sliding his hands around my slim waist and pulling me close. “It’s Friday, you know what that means?” He then wiggled his brows. “I get you to myself for two nights.”

  I grinned excitedly, “Can I have your key so I can cook you dinner?”

  “You want to cook for me?” He smiled, looking amused.

  I nodded, “I do. I want to cook you something and then we could watch a movie?”

  “Ok beautiful,” he chuckled. “Remind me to get you a key cut,” he said as his hand went to his pocket and he pulled out a set of keys, taking one off and handing it to me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, I’m heading to the bakery but I will call you before I head home, I mean your place,” god I can’t believe I screwed that one up badly, I felt my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

  Noah just smiled and kissed me softly, I kissed him back then headed out of the classroom. I was a bundle of nerves right now. I had no idea what was going to happen with James. The last thing I wanted was for Noah to be in trouble with the law, I got in my car and groaned loudly. James really got under my skin and in a bad way.

  Driving to the bakery I calmed down, I couldn’t wait to see Mrs Dalton and tell her what had happened, she’d probably want to go and spank James with a wooden spoon.

  “Mrs Dalton,” I called out, confused as to why the bakery was closed at 3:30pm. I didn’t get a reply. Normally she came out to greet me every afternoon.

  As I made my way out to the kitchen my stomach dropped. “Oh my god!”

  Chapter Twenty Four

  I sat on the edge of the bed and tried so hard not to break down and cry again. It had been four days since Mrs Dalton had passed away and each day felt like the moment I seen her laying on the floor.

  She had cancer. Something she didn’t mention to me, in fear of me taking it too hard after what happened with Mum. I wished she had told me though, I probably could have been more prepared than how I had found her.

  I don’t think I have ever froze up like that before. I just sat in shock beside her after checking a pulse and calling for help. I just sat with my back against the fridge, staring at her lifeless body. Dad was the one who came with the ambulance and found me, I knew it hit him just as hard as it did me. She was family, it just didn’t feel real.

  I hadn’t left Noah’s apartment since, I just didn’t want to go anywhere. Her funeral was hard, I wanted Noah to come stand with me and he wanted to be there for me. We just couldn’t risk getting caught, so he stood beside Dad.

  “You want anything to eat or drink? You haven’t had anything since this morning beautiful,” Noah said softly as he walked into the bedroom.

  I shook my head, I wasn’t hungry. I looked up as him as I tugged on my sleeve, “I think I just want to have a bath first and get out of these clothes. Go to bed afterwards and sleep the day away.”

  Noah came over, kneeing down in front of me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there holding your hand baby, it broke my heart seeing you crying.”

  I felt silent tears stream down my cheeks, “It meant a lot that you came anyway, and you didn’t have to with all that’s going on with you.”

  He scoffed, “I have nothing important happening, only James trying to get me fired.”

  James. Just that name made me grind my teeth together. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged a little. “I could punch him
for you, everyone knows you didn’t do anything wrong. They cleared your name, he’s just being a jerk.”

  “Yeah but that isn’t stopping him from being a tool each day,” he chuckled.

  I finally let out a soft laugh, smiling down at him. “I love you, did you maybe want to have a bath with me?”

  Noah stood, smiling as he nodded, “I’ll go run it for you and put some bubbles in for my girl.”

  “Yours,” I said, watching him leave the bedroom in the black suit he still wore.

  I felt so numb, broken and just hurt. I didn’t want to go back to school but I had the finals over the next two weeks and I couldn’t miss those. Two weeks until school was over, and I still had no idea what I was going to do afterwards. I didn’t know anything anymore, I just had no idea what to do.

  “Bath’s done,” Noah’s voice pulled me out of my thinking.

  I looked up, giving him a forced smile as I stood and walked into the bathroom, the huge tub looked so nice with bubbles and a yellow duck floating in the water. I took my dress off and Noah unclipped my bra, kissing my neck softly before I walked over and glanced back up at Noah as I sunk into the hot water, scooting forwards and smiling, “You going to get in?”

  He chuckled, loosening the tie around his neck. “Of course I will.”

  His strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me down against his chest. I enjoyed just laying here, listening to nothing but his heart beating. My eyes beginning to feel sleepy from the heavy crying I had done all weekend. It just didn’t feel right, it didn’t seem real.

  Just being here gave me so many thoughts, nothing mattered anymore. I wasn’t working, the bakery was closed and I often wondered what was going to happen to it. I hoped it didn’t close for good, or sell to someone who couldn’t appreciate it the way Mrs Dalton had done. That was her heart and soul, it needed to be a legacy for her still.

  I turned my head and glanced back towards Noah, “I love you.”

  He gave me a smile back, his hands rubbing my shoulders gently and soothingly, “I love you too Mia, do you know what you want for dinner?”

  I shook my head, “I don’t know. What do you feel like?” I asked him. “I still owe you a cooked dinner remember.”

  A smile formed over his lips, “Yes you do, how about we either order in or you can look through my fridge and pantry and cook something.”

  “We can cook together, that could be fun,” I smiled and turned back around.

  Noah definitely brought the smile back to my face, something about him could just make me laugh so much when I didn’t want to laugh. Noah cutting up lettuce for the tacos was very amusing, even with the four band aids wrapped around his fingers from slicing them, deeply as he sulked like a child. They were more slight nicks with a surface bleed, not deep as he thought so.

  “Let me, you’re going to cut your finger off soon,” I reached over and took the knife for him. “You’re insane Noah, how have you never cooked before?” I asked, glancing over at him.

  He was quiet for a moment, “Uh growing up we never really had home cooked meals, we did but then it was just take out or frozen and canned foods,” he said shrugging.

  I wanted to ask more about his childhood but I knew better, he’d tell me when he was ready to bring his parents up. I just wished he could let me in all the way, open right up.

  “Well dinner is ready, want to eat at the table or in the living room?” I asked grabbing the plates.

  “Let’s sit at the dinner table, we never use it,” he said and kissed my cheek as he gave my bum a cheeky grab, I just smiled and melted into his side as we began making our fillings.

  As we lay together in bed after dinner we just kissed, keeping close. I decided to ask a serious question. I had always wondered this and wanted to know his thoughts. “Noah, do you ever wonder,” I said softly, “how you’ll know when you’ve met the one, like your one true love?”

  “Not really,” he said, giving a shrug, “I’ll just know, I’ll see it and feel it instantly.”

  “Yes, but how will you know what that moment is like?” I asked curiously, just staring at him.

  A smile formed over his mouth that reached his eyes, “When I look into her eyes, I’ll see nothing but an amazing beauty, not looks but skin deep beauty. I’ll see how she looks back at me, and it will be with nothing but love. She will be comfortable with me in her most vulnerable moments. She will cry in my arms when she is weak then will comfort me when I’m weak also,” his hand slid over the back of my palm, cupping it and slipping his fingers through mine. “She will laugh at my dumb jokes, and be silly with me when we’re old and boring. When she wants to play the ten names of people you can have a free pass with game, her name will be the one I write ten times, and when she shows me her list, I will see my name written ten times also.”

  I smiled, of course he would say that.

  “She will be the one I want to see first thing in the morning, no make up to hide her beauty, exposed flaws and all. She will be the one I want to have fall asleep in my arms every night and for the rest of my life. The one will sit on the beach with me, she’ll watch the perfect sunset, stay up with me all night, laughing, playing, talking and in the morning, she’ll turn with me and watch the sun rise. The one will ask where the time went and we’ll both know it was time well spent, nothing is a wasted moment with her. She will share my hopes and my dreams. When I’m unsure of things, she will look me in the eyes, staring adoringly and tell me it’ll be ok.”

  I kept getting a sudden chill from the way he went into such great detail, he was so sure of what he wanted.

  “I will know she’s the one because those nights, when I’m out with the boys, drinking, playing pool, or cards, I’ll wish I was with her. I’ll know because when she calls my phone and I see her name pop up, my heart will race. I’ll always answer that call. I’ll know when I hear her voice I will instantly feel at home.”

  Noah paused, bringing my hand to his mouth as he leant and kissed me softly, he then spoke again. “The one is the one who will treat me like her prince. She’ll do all this for me, because I will do all of this for her. She will be my princess, and more. I will sacrifice everything, for her. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make her happy. All I want is to see her beautiful smile and know that she’s happy.”

  When he finished speaking there was a moment of complete silence. I turned to him a little and inhaled as I was going to speak. He instead put his finger on my lips and whispered “Shhh. Let me admire your eyes, and the utter beauty I see within them Mia.”

  That was how I knew Noah was definitely the one.

  I smiled, leaning closer and pressing my lips against his after laying facing each other for almost an hour, neither of us needed to speak. It was an amazing feeling that he called me the one.

  Finally I spoke, “Noah, make love to me.”

  His eyes widened for a fraction, returning to normal seconds later, “Mia are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you or force you into something.”

  This time it was my turn to place my finger against his lips. “I want to be with you Noah, I love you and what you just said to me, it made realise that I feel exactly the same way about you.”

  His hand cupped my cheek, he looked at me nervously for a moment and my heart dropped. He didn’t want to make love with me. I think he sensed my disappointment but he just smiled, “I need to tell you something too, I should have told you this months ago.”

  The first thought was that he slept with someone else while we were together but that didn’t explain the smiling. “What’s wrong?” I asked barely a whisper, my heart pounding.

  “Mia, the way I was raised was to treat a woman right. I couldn’t think of anything worse than being with someone who’s slept around, I want her to be completely all mine, and I want her to feel the same about me also,” he moved his body closer to mine, leg between mine. “What I’m trying to say is, I’ve never been with anyone except you. You will be my first als
o, and only.”

  I never in a million years expected to hear him say that. “You’re a virgin also?” I asked not sure if I believed it.

  He laughed, “Yeah, I wanted to wait until I found someone worth being with. I have told you I’d never had a girlfriend until you came along, I didn’t sleep around growing up. I wasn’t into that, I just focused on sports and studying. I know you probably think I’m pathetic but I wanted this moment, to be with someone who was worth it.”

  I honestly couldn’t think of anything sweeter. “You’re not pathetic, I think I actually just fell in love with you more. I am relieved, happy and shocked. Did you want to keep waiting?” I asked, maybe he wanted to wait until marriage. It didn’t bother me, I could wait longer if he wanted to.

  Noah simply shook his head. Leaning closer still, his nose brushing against mine. “No, I really want to make love to you Mia. I want you to feel all that I feel for you.”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “You’re so beautiful Mia,” Noah said as I kissed him, his hands sliding up my back and to my hair, pulling me back down to him, giving each other hard but yet playful kisses as he took and handful of my hair and tugged it playfully.

  I smiled over his mouth as I sat up, straddling him. I leant back down and kissed him more, sliding my body up and down his as we continued making out. I groaned feeling him pressing against me and tugged on his hair as he hooked his legs around my waist and rolled us, now laying on the bed as he laid on top of me.

  Noah moved his body over mine, our mouths kissing as his fingers played with the hem of my tank top. I had already removed his shirt, tossing it to the ground as I felt his toned back. Feeling all the way down as I started to slid my hands underneath, over his boxers to push down on his ass that made his erection grind into me more.

  “Noah,” I breathed, gasping for air as our mouths parted from the intense kissing we had been doing ever since he told me he didn’t want to wait.

  He quickly pulled my shirt up, I wasn’t wearing a bra and he groaned at the sight of my hardened nipples, for the first time ever I didn’t want to cover myself up in front of him. I kept eye contact as he pulled down my panties, until I was completely naked underneath him.


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