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Falling In Maths

Page 19

by Melissa Bender

  “Me too, I was asked about my wife today. You have no idea how badly I wanted to say she was you,” He grinned, sliding his hand up my shirt. “You know, I have wanted you all day Mia.”

  I shook my head, “Noah no, I’m all gross.”

  “Don’t care,” he said as his mouth came hard over mine, sliding my shorts down and tugging on my panties as he pushed me down into the pile of clothing on my bed.

  I groaned as coat hanger poked into my lower back as Noah pulled the top of his pants down, letting himself free as he then gently slid inside me. We hadn’t made love on my bed before, Dad was always home and the door had to remain open.

  My hand dug into his ass as I lifted my legs up higher, arching up into him as his thrusts became faster and faster. I loved that with the sounds of my moans, he knew when to go faster and rub against me as he pushed in deeper.

  “Ooh Noah,” I moaned, grabbing his back.

  His pants were increasing and I knew he was very close also, “Mia, cum with me baby,” he whispered softly as he kissed me with a passionate force, one hand outstretched above my head as we held hand, both of us grasping each other tighter as we came.

  I moaned over his mouth as I came around him, gripping his ass harder with my free hand as he kept moving, thrusting faster as he came with me at the same time until he finally stilled, breathing hard and ragged.

  “I need to put my clothes back on before Dad walks in,” I giggled, between stolen kisses he was taken.

  Noah chuckled. “Yeah but I like you this way, so sexy and all mine.”

  He pulled out, effortlessly pulling his boxers up as I looked around for my underwear that he had tossed behind him. Finally finding them and getting dressed again, I laid on my bed and watched him as he gave me a wink and tossed a pillow at me.

  “Do you get a break now that we’ve finished? Or do you need to stay at the school for longer?” I asked him as I went back to packing my clothing.

  “I have two months off for summer break, which will be good. I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before heading back to work,” he said sitting on the desk chair and looking at a photograph of me and my mother.

  “I like that idea, you have a game this weekend too right?” I loved going to watch him play football.

  Noah nodded, picking up a large box. “Yeah we do. I will go take these out to the car, you want to bring that small one down?”

  I looked at the box I had just taped up. “Yeah sure, I am done in here now anyway.”

  “Alright then beautiful,” he smiled as he walked towards the bedroom door.

  I followed down behind him and held the flowers on top of the box. I hoped Dad turned up soon, we were all having dinner before we headed off to my new home. I looked at Noah as he walked in front of me down the stairs, letting out a low whistle which caused him to chuckle as I checked out his ass in his work pants, damn I was a lucky girl.

  As I came in the house I heard someone call my name. “Mia.”

  I froze, oh no. “James,” I said quietly as I turned around, blocking him from entering. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you, now that schools out and all,” he said, shoving his hands in his front pockets.

  I couldn’t help but notice he looked like hell. “Umm now’s not really a good time.”

  Of course it wasn’t, Noah was inside and would be down here any moment. I needed James to leave, I knew he’d flare up and lash out if he saw Noah and then put the clues together.

  “Mia please, I just want to say I’m sorry for being such a dick. You didn’t deserve that,” James said as he sighed, “I know you made your boyfriend up to try make me jealous and you’re right, it worked.”

  I let out a strangled scoff, “Umm what? You think I made someone up?” Was he crazy right now!

  “Come on, don’t pretend Mia. Its ok, I get it. So I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, like on a date?” he asked, looking at me with a smug smile like I would actually agree to it.

  I shook my head, “James, I did have a boyfriend,” I said quietly. “I never made him up and things are really serious between us.”

  James’s face turned into confused look, shaking his head he frowned, “Who is he then?”

  I heard footsteps behind me and my heart started to pound fast, “James I got married on the weekend, I think you need to leave now. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me? Stop making shit up Mia, school is over so you can stop lying!” James growled, walking closer and making me step backwards, I bumped my back to the door which pushed it open.

  Turning I noticed Noah standing there holding a box, he didn’t look the slightest bit impressed either. “James, she asked you to leave. I think you need to go now.”

  James scoffed, “What the fuck is he doing here?” his face then looked at the both of us, eyes darting to our hands and the rings. “You’re kidding me. Him? You’ve been screwing him this whole time? You even married him?” he gave Noah a smart ass grin, “You proposed to get laid didn’t you, that’s the only reason she’d put out. Wow Mia, I was right about you, you really are a-”

  James never finished that last word because my box of books were dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Noah’s hand pushed me back as his fist went flying into James’s mouth... Which he didn’t stop after one punch.

  Chapter Thirty One

  My feet were frozen to the spot as Noah and James really got into it. Noah blocking hits as James kicked and slapped, even tried to head-butt him. He was fighting dirty.

  Noah let out a deep groan and curled over, my eyes wide as I seen him holding his groin and I just stared at James as he spat blood from his mouth and stood up. “Serves yourself right,” he smirked.

  “You fucking kneed me in the dick, who the fuck does that?” Noah retorted angrily as he coughed hard, sitting up slightly.

  James scoffed, “You screwed a student, and don’t you know that’s illegal? You must be desperate for a lay? Wonder what her Dad will say?”

  “He knows you moron!” I finally spoke, letting them know I was still here. “Are you ok?” I asked about to walk over to Noah but he held his hand and motioned for me to stay.

  “Don’t come out, now I’m really going to kick his ass!” Noah growled, as he pushed up off the ground, reaching and lunging at James when he wasn’t looking and tackled him down to the ground. “You’ve pissed me off for weeks now! And since schools out, I am finally going to kick your fucking ass for all the shit you’ve done to Mia!”

  James made a noise that sounded a little like a squealing girl as Noah managed to get on top of him and fly his fist straight into his jaw. Snapping James’s face to the side as his hands finally let go of Noah’s throat.

  I have to admit, as freaked out as I was right now. Seeing Noah fighting was a very sexy sight. They kept going until I heard a car pull up and looked up, Dad and another cop jumped out and began to race over to the two men rolling around throwing more punches.

  Dad grabbed Noah, peeling him off James who was a bloody mess. “What the hell happened here?” He asked as Noah shook himself free and walked over towards me.

  “Just a little argument,” I said keeping a straight face. The better explanation was my man just beat the crap out a smart mouthed wanker.

  “Little?” James yelled, “He attacked me!”

  “You deserved it, coming here and calling Mia a whore because she wouldn’t go out with you. You’re lucky you’re still breathing!” Noah spat back, wiping his mouth on the bottom of his shirt which in the process of doing he exposed his tanned and toned stomach. I wanted to groan at the sight, but instead I blushed.

  Dad spun around, looking directly at James. “You still causing my daughter grief, get off my property now before I arrest your little punk ass. Don’t bother trying to defend yourself either, you started all on your own. Now get!” Dad barked, his voice menacing low as he threated a shocked looking James.

bsp; “He’s her teacher! How is this right?” James mouthed back. Hands on his hips and not backing down.

  Dad let out a chuckle as he looked at the other officer, “Travis, didn’t the school finish over an hour ago? My daughter is no longer a student there, right?”

  Travis smirked back, “I believe you’re right, I don’t see anything wrong going on here. As far as I’m concerned Mia’s eighteen and not a student anymore. I suggest you leave, I’m about to throw you in the squad car!”

  James just looked at me and gave me the most horrifying look of disgust I had even seen him give me. My insides churned and I looked away as he took off. I wasn’t going to be made feel guilty for being happy. James couldn’t control that anymore.

  I just looked up at Noah as he finally looked back at me. Giving him a soft smile, “Let’s go home.”

  “What about dinner?” he asked, quieter and looking more confused.

  I shook my head, “Dad’s working tonight, aren’t you Dad?” I said, looking over at my father.

  He gave me a sorry look, I knew that’s why he came here. To tell me he was pulling the night shift. “I’m sorry sweetheart, next week we will do dinner I promise.”

  I just nodded, a little hurt but I didn’t let it show. “It’s ok, we’re just going to unpack tonight anyway,” I said looking back at Noah.

  Noah smiled, bending and picking the box of books up that he dropped. “Come on beautiful, let’s get you unpacked and moved in.”

  I followed behind Noah as we drove to his place, I was definitely still a bundle of nerves. I kept questioning what it would be like living together. Would we argue? Or maybe even hate it. I had no idea, but I was excited to find out. I knew we’d be fine though, nothing could stop us from being together now.

  I grabbed the smaller box as Mr Muscles didn’t allow me to take anything heavy, I walked in and sat it down on the floor beside the couch. Turning to look at Noah as I gave him a smile, “You ready for this?” I asked quietly.

  He laughed, “Little too late to back out now, unless we stayed married and live apart?”

  “No, I don’t want to do that,” I said walking closer towards him.

  We were now toe to toe and I reached up and kissed his split lip. “Are you ok? Do you need ice or what about your groin, which would have hurt a lot?” I asked, I wasn’t a guy. I had no idea what that would have felt like but I could only imagine.

  He chuckled softly, “I’m ok baby, how about we get you sorted out and then we can figure out what to get for dinner, which by the way we are celebrating since you’re no longer a student.”

  I nodded happily, “That is true. I can’t wait until I get my results though, I’m going to be freaking out until I know I passed.”

  “You know, I get the results two days before the students do. I could show you?” he murmured softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in close against his chest.

  “Hmm Mr Wade, that is very tempting. I’m not sure though,” I tilted my head to the side as his lips connected with my collarbone and he sucked lightly.

  Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him deeply, running my fingers through his tussled hair as he sat back down on the couch. A few minutes of making out we parted and I leant back a little, smiling at him.

  “What?” he asked, narrowing his eyes as if I were hiding something from him.

  “Just that we live together Noah, this is all real now. Married and starting a life together,” I said softly, “that scares the heck out of me, I am nervous and excited. What if you hate living with me? Or you think I’m messy and annoying?”

  “Baby,” Noah chuckled, “you’re far from annoying and I don’t think you could be messy if you tried. I love you and it’s ok to be nervous, I’m nervous as well. You may hate it when I leave the seat up or have beer bottles laying around the place after a night of drinking.”

  I scrunched my face up. “You’re not going to throw house parties all the time are you?”

  “No, I don’t throw parties without my wife’s permission, and I won’t be drinking much. I am the responsible adult after all,” he smirked.

  “Oh yes, I totally agree with that,” I laughed and laid my head against his shoulder. “Let’s finish packing so it’s over with, then we can be lazy and do nothing.”

  “Oh we’ll be doing something,” I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was smirking.

  I sat on the floor, putting my books away in his shelf. It was good that he didn’t have many, I had tons that filled the bookcase up. I slid the last one in and then stood up.

  “I’m done in here,” I called out as I went into the bedroom.

  Noah offered to hang all my clothing up, I could tell he regretted offering to do that. “You have too many clothes, luckily I have the space for them or I’d chuck them.”

  I laughed, fake gasping. “That’s not very nice,” I walked in his closet and started to help him. “I don’t have that many, you own more pairs of shorts than I do anyway.”

  “Love you baby,” he just smiled, ignoring me.

  I rolled my eyes, “I love you too.”

  Almost an hour later I was completely unpacked and moved in. I looked around and I did actually feel at home here. I put some of my photos up of Mum, Dad and I, even photos of myself and Noah being silly when we took those cute random kissing photos that you do for the fun of it.

  “Hungry?” Noah asked, heading into the kitchen.

  I nodded, “I am. What do you want?”

  He shrugged, “I don’t know. Pizza maybe?”

  “Yum,” I grinned. “Good choice babe, A plus for you!”

  Noah just burst out laughing, “Dork,” he winked. “Adorable dork you are Mia.”

  We ordered pizza, laying down on the couch and watching a movie. It was things like this that we always did. We could have gone out tonight but we didn’t, our relationship wasn’t something we wanted to flaunt around. We were happy just staying in and being with each other, I guess this is why our relationship worked so well, we enjoyed the same things.

  I was dozing off on the couch, Noah underneath me as he started laughing for some unknown reason, his whole body was vibrating from the hard laugher.

  “Noah, what is so funny?” I asked sleepily.

  “Do you remember that day you came over and screamed when we watched Jurassic Park?” he asked moving so I was now laying on my back and he was looking down at me.

  I nodded, “How could I forget, I almost had a heart attack.”

  Noah chuckled again. “God I love you, come on bed time baby.”

  “Good, I’m tired,” I yawned. “I love you too Noah.”

  He shook his head and smirked, “This is your first night here officially, there is no way you’re going to sleep anytime soon.”

  I pouted, letting out a sleepy yawn, “But I’m tired.”

  He mocked my expression, shaking his head, “Good thing you can sleep in tomorrow morning then love.”

  Noah lifted me up and carried me down to our bedroom, of course I was exhausted and tired but I wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity of seeing my husband naked. I gave him a big smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  Standing in the bedroom as Noah undressed me, kissing me in random places seemed to wake up me up a little more. I ran my fingers through his hair as he bent down, sliding my panties off each leg separately.

  “Noah,” I whispered, tilting my head back a little as he kissed me somewhere to definitely wake me up.

  He let out a groan, hands sliding slowly up my hips. “Baby,” he breathed in. Standing back up he cupped my cheeks as he walked me backwards until my legs hit the bed. “Let me love you all night Mia.”

  “Ok, but you have to do that thing you do, I like that a lot,” I said, barely a whisper blushing a little as he laid me down on the bed. I would let this man love me however he wanted to love me, he was completely wonderful to me.

  He smirked, pulling his shirt off a
nd giving me a wink. “Always baby, I love you Mia.”

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Noah and I had been living together for around two weeks, and it had been pretty amazing. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body as I dried my hair off. Noah had gone to visit his Mum while I stayed here, something about a mother son talk that they needed to have with her support leader at the rehab clinic.

  I wasn’t too bothered, it’d give me a chance to clean up here after last night when Ryan and a few other of his football friends came around for Saturday night drinks. Telling them Noah and I had gotten married was surely a huge shock to their system. Even more so when they were told we actually met in his classroom as I was his student.

  He got a slap on the back and a high five.

  I really have no idea how men worked sometimes.

  I dressed and pulled on a pair of socks, freezing outside I turned the heat pump up and began to clean the bottles and pizza boxes up. I didn’t drink much last night, I was afraid I’d throw up and it honestly didn’t interest me. Noah only had a couple also, but ended up passing out on the couch.

  After cleaning I then put dinner on, it’d been three hours and he still wasn’t back. I was about to send him a text message when the door clicked open.

  “I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” I called out from the kitchen.

  “Sorry,” Noah’s voice replied as he entered the room looking at me nervously as he shifted and scratched the base of his neck.

  I stopped what I was doing and cocked my head to the side, “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I just need to tell you something,” he said as another voice called out which explained his sudden look of nervousness.

  “Which room is mine Noah? Or are you going to give me yours and you will take the smaller bed?” His mum said entering the room with a bag.

  I was definitely thinking what the heck, “Umm Noah?” I looked at him smiling, I wasn’t giving up our room at all for his mother, especially when I had no idea she’d be staying here.


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