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Royal Target

Page 11

by Traci Hunter Abramson

  The Navy lieutenant directed a comment at Janessa, taking a superior tone. “I appreciate your eagerness to help us solve our problem, but I seriously doubt that the base you speak of could possibly serve our needs.”

  “On the contrary.” Janessa spoke in a tone that was firm but not confrontational. “If you look on page four of your report, you will see the original specs for the base requirements. Based on the current information, the available space both on land and along the coast—even if we share this base—will exceed our needs.”

  Throughout the meeting, Janessa had been carefully noting the expressions of the attendees as well as their verbal responses. She believed that most were truly supportive of her idea. In addition to the representative from the State Department, both the members of the intelligence community and the attorneys in attendance believed the idea was worth pursuing. The Marine colonel had expressed a few strategic concerns, but thus far he had not opposed the proposal. The only dissenting voice was from the Navy, the organization they were trying to help.

  Well aware that no more could be accomplished today, the State Department representative turned to Janessa. “Thank you for making time to meet with us today.”

  He shuffled his papers into his portfolio and spoke to the rest of the attendees. “I will forward your concerns to the secretary of state.”

  The room cleared quickly. Janessa spent a moment with the State Department representative as they reviewed further changes that might need to be made to the proposal. After everyone left, Janessa dropped back into her chair.

  Believing herself to be alone, she leaned her elbows on the table and dropped her head into her hands. A sound at the doorway had her jumping to her feet.

  Stefano stepped through the doorway, briefcase in hand. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  “That’s okay.” Janessa turned back to her notes on the table. “I’ll get out of your way.”

  “Please sit for a moment.” Stefano motioned her back to her seat and pulled out the chair across from her. “You’re trying to help your country acquire a naval base here?”

  Janessa nodded, wondering how much Garrett had shared with his brother. “My government hopes to have a proposal ready to present to your father within the next few weeks.”

  “Tell me about it.” Stefano leaned back in his seat, keeping his eyes on hers.

  “I haven’t been authorized to discuss this proposal with your family yet,” Janessa told him diplomatically. “I’m sure you understand that many changes will be made before it’s considered complete.”

  “Please,” Stefano insisted. “I am interested in the idea. Surely it won’t hurt negotiations to have me behind you on this ahead of time. At this time, several members of the ruling council are adamantly against your Navy’s presence in our waters.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Janessa felt the weight of disappointment fall straight to her stomach. She studied Stefano for a moment, recognizing the truth of his words. Showing him the proposal could hardly cause any negative ramifications, especially since Garrett had already read through most of it. She picked through her notes until she located her copy.

  Stefano took it from her and flipped through the pages, scanning the needs of the US Navy as well as Janessa’s assessment of Meridia’s naval facility in Bellamo. Minutes stretched out in silence until Stefano once again looked up, his expression unreadable. “Where did you receive your intelligence about our naval base?”

  “It’s primarily guesswork.” Janessa shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve ridden down there several times during my stay, and of course I can see the types of vessels it services by looking out my window.”

  “You guess very well.” Stefano stood, the report still in his hand. “I’d like to keep this.”

  Reluctantly, Janessa nodded. She knew it wasn’t protocol, but she also knew that getting Stefano on her side before the proposal was formally introduced could help things go more smoothly. “I suppose that would be okay.”

  With a curt nod, Stefano stepped back from the table and headed for the door.

  Janessa watched him go, wondering what his impressions of the proposal were. Dismissing work for a moment, she gathered her things and made her way to the door. She stepped into the hall, nearly colliding with Garrett.

  Garrett reached out and cupped her elbow in his hand to prevent her from tumbling backward. “Janessa.” His eyes swept down, taking in the dark business suit she wore.

  Disconcerted by the warmth of his fingers on her skin, she took a moment to steady herself before speaking. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.”

  “Were you using the library?” Garrett asked.

  “Yes, actually.” Janessa let out a little sigh as he released her and dropped his hand back to his side. “I had a meeting regarding my naval proposal, and your father was kind enough to arrange for me to have it here.”

  “How did it go?”

  “I think it could best be described as political.” Janessa shook her head and let out a short laugh. “It’s never easy trying to please everyone.”

  Garrett smiled and nodded in understanding.

  Janessa motioned down the hall. “I should go write my report while it’s still fresh in my mind.”

  “I thought you had a fitting with my mother’s designer this afternoon.”

  “Are you sure?” Janessa asked, unable to recall scheduling such a thing. She certainly didn’t wish to be tortured with actual dressmakers’ pins after sitting on virtual pins and needles for the last two hours. Before Garrett could answer, his mother approached.

  “There you are.” Queen Marta motioned to the hallway behind her. “Signora Vorneaux is waiting.”

  “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I don’t recall having an appointment with her today.”

  “Of course not.” Marta gave her a knowing smile. “If I had told you about it, you would have found a reason why you couldn’t make it.”

  Janessa opened her mouth to deny it but promptly decided that any reply she could formulate would be inadequate, since the queen’s assumption was correct, and they both knew it. She glanced over at Garrett and noticed him grinning.

  “You try standing around for an hour waiting for someone to stick a pin in you,” Janessa muttered.

  Garrett just chuckled. “Enjoy your afternoon, darling.”

  Chapter 16

  Garrett stood in front of the framed mirror in his sitting room, adjusting the jacket on his dress uniform. The dinner party this evening had been a surprise to him, and he was already regretting not escaping the palace while he still had the chance. Had it not been for his mother’s insistence that she needed Janessa for her final fitting Wednesday morning, he would have made excuses for both of them to leave for the chateau hours earlier.

  Since announcing their engagement, Garrett felt like he had hardly seen Janessa except at social functions. Her days were filled with meetings with his mother, fittings, and conference calls with government officials from her country. Of course, he was so busy himself that he probably wouldn’t have even realized how busy she was had he not sought her out each day in his spare moments.

  His own days had been spent in meetings, among them a briefing given to him and Stefano by the security staff about the embassy bombing investigation. The findings that no known terrorist group had been responsible for the bombing had created a whole new set

  of problems. Fighting a known quantity was so much easier than analyzing the unknown.

  A knock came at the door, and Garrett called out, “Come in.”

  Stefano stepped through the door, closing it behind him.

  Garrett glanced his brother and shook his head. “If I had known Lady Renault was among the invited guests tonight, I would have left for the chateau this afternoon instead of waiting until tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about.” Stefano leaned against an armchair, watching his brother’s reflection in the mirror. “Cynthia Renault is young,

  “Lying, deceitful,” Garrett continued for him. “All she cares about is how she can improve her social standing.”

  “Now, is that any way to talk about a lady?”

  The corner of Garrett’s mouth quirked up. “I’ve always found her title somewhat ironic.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t have to worry about her tonight, in any case.” Stefano shrugged. “Now that you’ve found the woman you’re going to marry.”

  “Let’s hope Cynthia believes the engagement is real.” Garrett had dated the woman only twice. Those two dates had been just enough for Cynthia to set her sights on becoming a princess and make Garrett want to run in the opposite direction every time she was near.

  Stefano chuckled. “If this engagement were any more real, you and Janessa would already be on your honeymoon.”

  Garrett’s heartbeat accelerated as he turned to face Stefano. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the fact that you’ve fallen in love with our American spy.”

  Garrett opened his mouth to refute his brother’s observation but couldn’t form any words. Reality seeped through him along with a sense of awe at how quickly he had come to love Janessa. Not wanting to lie to his brother, and certain that Stefano wouldn’t believe him anyway, Garrett said nothing.

  With a smile, Stefano continued. “I have to say that I was a little worried at first, but now that I’ve spent some time around her, I think she’s a fine choice.”

  “Well, I’m so pleased to know you approve.” Sarcasm coated Garrett’s voice, nearly disguising his emotions. “And what do Mother and Father think?”

  “You don’t really think that Mother would personally oversee Janessa’s wardrobe if she didn’t like her, do you?”

  The tension eased out of Garrett as he laughed at the truth of his brother’s statement. “Mother doesn’t like fittings any more than Janessa does.”

  Stefano stood and motioned to the door. “Come on. Let’s go escort your fiancée to dinner, and we’ll see how she handles the competition.”

  * * *

  Lady Cynthia Renault stood in the center of the parlor, her sable hair flowing freely past her shoulders. Her siren–red dress dipped dangerously low in the front, held up by two thin straps. Beside her, Councilman Hennero laughed at something she said.

  Standing between Garrett and Stefano, Janessa took one look at Cynthia and wondered just how long Garrett had dated the woman. She was definitely a head turner. And everything about her dress and her posture screamed that she wasn’t about to watch Garrett marry someone else.

  For about two seconds, Janessa was able to convince herself that it didn’t matter who this woman was. Stepping closer to Garrett, she asked, “Did you date her long?”

  Surprise flickered over Garrett’s face as Stefano’s laughter rang out.

  “We went out twice years ago.” Garrett tucked Janessa’s hand through the crook of his arm and leaned closer. “And I have regretted it ever since.”

  “Ah.” Janessa smoothed the skirt of her gown of shimmering gold, the first of Signora Vorneaux’s finished products.

  Garrett leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Trust me, darling. You are the only one for me.” With that he moved forward to greet their guests.

  Janessa let herself be led into the parlor and felt the attention shift toward them. The woman in the red dress studied her openly, and Janessa deliberately straightened her shoulders, fighting against her insecurities. She let Garrett’s words replay in her mind. He couldn’t mean it, of course, that she was really the one for him. For tonight, though, she decided she would let herself pretend she belonged at his side.

  Music played softly in the background, and the scents of varying perfumes mixed into a completely unique smell. Garrett worked his way through the crowd with ease. He laughed at the right times, charmed the women, and answered questions diplomatically. Janessa tried to follow his lead, reminding herself to relax.

  Janessa had already met a few of the guests in attendance, though many faces were new. Even a few dignitaries from the US Embassy were present. When she and Garrett finally circled to the woman in the red dress, she could feel Garrett tense.

  “Your Highness.” The woman curtsied and offered Garrett a sultry smile. “I was hoping you would be here tonight.”

  “Lady Cynthia Renault, may I present my fiancée, Janessa Rogers.”

  “Oh, of course.” Cynthia laughed, her voice sharp. “The American.”

  “So pleased to meet you.” Janessa smiled, ignoring the implied insult.

  Cynthia’s eyebrows rose, revealing her surprise that Janessa spoke Italian. Now she focused her attention on Janessa. “Garrett and I are old friends. You don’t mind if I steal him for a minute, do you? I really need to speak with him in private.”

  “I’m sorry, but we are overdue in greeting his parents,” Janessa declined without missing a beat. “I’m sure you understand.”

  Garrett followed her lead, stepping away from Cynthia. “Enjoy your evening.”

  Janessa lowered her voice as they were swallowed up by the crowd. “Where are your parents?”

  “Here comes Mother now.” Garrett slowed as his mother approached. He leaned down and kissed his mother’s cheek, smiling as he watched her greet Janessa warmly.

  “My dear, you look stunning.” Queen Marta took both of Janessa’s hands in hers.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  “Garrett, it’s rather warm in here. Why don’t you take Janessa for a walk in the gardens?”

  “Mother, that’s a splendid idea.” Garrett motioned to the terrace doors. “I don’t believe you’ve seen the gardens at night yet.”

  Janessa let herself be led along, stopping briefly to exchange greetings with Garrett’s father. Several guests were also enjoying the night air. Garrett continued down the wide steps and crossed under an ivy-covered trellis into the garden.

  “I suppose I should apologize for shutting down Lady Renault in there,” Janessa began.

  Garrett smiled in response. “Or I could thank you for sparing me from inventing an excuse.”

  Janessa shrugged. “I didn’t think it would look right if she managed to find time alone with you.”

  “So you were just worried about appearances?”

  “In your world, appearances often matter more than reality.”

  “And in yours,” Garrett conceded, continuing farther into the gardens. “It seems like I’ve hardly seen you the past couple of days.”

  “We’ve both been busy.”

  Garrett stopped and turned toward her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I—” Janessa stopped herself, appalled that she had nearly admitted to missing him as well. “I don’t understand you.”

  “I think you’re afraid to understand me,” Garrett corrected. “Is it so hard to believe that I have feelings for you?”

  “Garrett.” Janessa put her hand on his chest as he edged closer. She searched his face, for the first time allowing herself to accept the sincerity she saw there. She fought against her own feelings and tried to make a stand. “Don’t you understand? You’ve got to stop this. I can’t do my job like this.”

  “I care about you, Janessa, and I believe you care about me. I’ve thought about this a lot, and I don’t think we will endanger anyone’s security by acknowledging our feelings for each other.” Garrett toyed with a curl that had fallen onto her cheek. His voice lowered as he added, “Please give us a chance.”

  Garrett leaned down to kiss her, but before his lips touched hers, the ground rocked beneath them, and fire shot up into the sky from the village below.

  “What was that?” Garrett turned, seeing the flames near the coastline.

  “Make sure your family is okay,” Janessa said as she moved with him to the front of the palace.

  “Where are you going?” Garrett grabbed her arm as she turned toward the garage.

  “To the village.” Janessa managed two
steps before Garrett stopped her.

  “You aren’t going down there by yourself.” Garrett motioned to one of the valets, instructing him to retrieve a car from the garage. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Garrett, you need to stay here until the area is secured,” Janessa insisted.

  “The prince’s fiancée wouldn’t run down to the village by herself to see a fire.”

  Janessa recognized the logic in his argument. After a brief internal debate, she motioned to his bodyguard to follow as they dashed off to the village together.

  Chapter 17

  Thick smoke hung in the village, making navigating the roads difficult. Another explosion rocked the ground as they made their way toward the market district along the seashore.

  By the time they arrived, three fire trucks were already on the scene attempting to control the blaze. A two-story building was engulfed in flames, and the firefighters were able to do little more than try to contain the fire.

  “Do you know what was in this building?” Janessa pointed at the fiery structure as Garrett parked at the edge of the crowd that had formed.

  “It was a gas station for boats, if I’m not mistaken.” Garrett climbed out of the car, noticing his bodyguards quickly approaching.

  “You should wait here until the area is secured,” Janessa said as she scrambled out of the car behind him.

  Silently he shook his head and waded through the onlookers and thick smoke toward the barrier several policemen had established. The heat grew more intense with each step, as did the noise from the fire and the crowd.

  One of the policemen saw Garrett approach and bowed before moving to intercept him. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but you need to stay back. It’s not safe yet.”

  “Was anyone inside?”


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