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Silver’s Triad

Page 7

by Cooper McKenzie

  Fifteen minutes later, she pulled into one of the few empty parking spaces in the lot behind the hotel. Silver’s motorcycle rolled behind her, then he pulled into a space further down. By the time she had climbed out and opened Max’s door, he was there beside her, looking far too attractive.

  But, no matter how tempted she was to stay the night, she had checked her calendar and had several appointments the next day she could not get out of.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay the night. I have a couple of meetings in the morning, and I’m volunteering at the food bank at noon,” she said.

  Silver nodded, then looked at the still sleeping Max. “Text me the address of the food bank and we’ll meet you there. Afterward, we can get a bite to eat somewhere. We still need to have a talk.”

  Annie was surprised at Silver’s easy acceptance of her refusal to stay the night, but was also happy he understood and was even willing to join her in her volunteer work. “Or I could make dinner, and we could talk without worrying about being overheard and offending anyone.”

  The smile Silver sent her had her stomach knotting in response even as her pussy clenched with renewed excitement. “That sounds like an even better plan. What can we bring?”

  “Just your appetites. Oh, do either of you have any allergies, or foods you don’t like?”

  Silver shook his head. “We eat anything, though Max isn’t too fond of liver or melon.”

  Annie mentally went through her pantry. “Then homemade lasagna, French bread, and salad is acceptable? With chocolate-cherry cheesecake for dessert?”

  Silver blinked before his smile grew wide. “Baby girl, you fix that and we may move in and stay forever.”

  Annie could not help but grin back before saying, “We might be able to work something out, as long as you two prove to be housebroken.”

  “I am,” Max mumbled from the car as his head flopped to the side so he was looking at them through heavy-lidded eyes.

  “You are what, boy?”

  “Housebroken,” Max answered, sending Annie into giggles as his eyes slid shut again.

  “Don’t go to sleep yet, boy. You still have to walk to our room,” Silver said, reaching in and releasing the seat belt.

  Annie stepped back, giving Silver room to maneuver Max out of the back seat. Once they were out of the way, she closed the door, then hesitated. “Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, wishing she did not have to go home alone, but knowing if she stayed she would never make her breakfast meeting in the morning, to say anything of prepping for dinner tomorrow night.

  “Text me when you get home,” Silver said before bending and lifting Max over his shoulder. The man hung from his shoulder, obviously still sleeping.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He continued standing there, so she climbed into the Jeep. He remained where he was until she pulled out and headed to the street. Only then did she watch in the mirror as he crossed the parking lot to a door that allowed access to the back of the building.

  As she drove home, Annie wondered at her outlandish offer. Inviting the men to visit her home was not unusual for her, but considering asking them to move into the guest room was. Things seemed to be going well between them, but even though their hands had been all over her body, they were still relative strangers.

  As soon as she parked her car into the two-car garage, Annie pulled her phone out of her purse and sent the text telling Silver she had arrived safely. She then took a moment to look up the address for the food bank and texted that to them as well. Then she gathered her things and headed inside.

  After a quick shower and changing into the oversized T-shirt she preferred to sleep in, she wandered the darkened house, still wide awake despite it being nearly midnight. She looked around the rooms, wondering what Silver and Max would think of her eclectic though minimalist decorating style. After Eric’s death, she had slowly transformed the house into something comfortable and without all the tchotchkes she and Eric had accumulated during their marriage.

  Knowing she was not going to sleep anytime soon, Annie went to the pantry and pulled out the ingredients she would need for their dinner the next night. Then she forced herself to go to bed and sleep.

  * * * *

  Silver was not surprised to wake just as a hot, wet mouth slid down the length of his cock. By the time he tossed the covers back to find Max between his legs, the man was sucking his way back up to the head. Wrapping a hand around the base, he lapped at the head like it was his favorite treat. That thought had Silver smiling as he slid his hands around the man’s head to hold it as he shoved up, fucking his mouth as the rest of his body woke up.

  Before he allowed Max to drive him over the edge, he pulled the man off and then dragged him up his body until they were face-to-face. “Good morning, slave,” he said, his voice still sleep-roughened.

  “Good morning, Master,” Max said with a bright smile.

  Silver’s cock throbbed as Max humped over him, proving the man was as eager for sex as he was now. Grabbing his hips, Silver stilled them, then lifted them so Max could not rub one out using his body.

  “Prepare yourself,” he ordered gruffly, needing more than anything to be inside his boy as soon as humanly possible.

  Max crawled up his body until his back hole hovered just over his hard as a rock cock. “Already did,” he said.

  Silver held his cock up and squeezed the base to keep from coming too soon as Max fit the heat to his opening. Both men grunted as Max slowly slid down Silver’s cock. Silver grabbed the man’s hips once he was fully embedded in Max’s body. He held his slave still until he inched far enough back from the edge that his orgasm was not imminent.

  When he could take a panting breath without gritting his teeth, he eased his hold and nodded. “Ride me, boy.”

  Max leaned forward, resting his hands on either side of Silver’s head. Then he began to move up and down Silver’s cock. It only took a few minutes for his orgasm to close in on him once again. Wrapping his hand around Max’s weeping cock, he slid his hand up and down, pulling the man along with him toward release.

  When his balls clenched painfully tight and he felt his seed start to travel up his cock, he looked into Max’s heavy-lidded eyes. “Come for me, baby.”

  As soon as the words were out, Max cried out. His cock pulsed in Silver’s grip as his cum spurted out, covering Silver’s chest. At the same time, his channel clamped down on Silver’s cock, sending his body into the orgasmic realms.

  Max melted down over him, and the two men cuddled as they regained the strength needed to climb from bed and start their day with a shared shower.

  Chapter Ten

  Annie pulled in and parked at the food bank ten minutes before she was scheduled to work. Though not glamorous, or important, her time here was one of her favorite ways to help others who were not as fortunate as herself. Grabbing the bag of clothes just behind the driver’s seat, she climbed out and locked her vehicle. Walking inside, she headed straight to the restroom at the back of the warehouse without officially checking in.

  She quickly changed out of the skirt and blouse she had worn for her morning meetings and into a pair of worn jeans and one of the food bank’s T-shirts. She exchanged the pair of dressy ballet flats for sneakers before pulling her hair back into a ponytail. After slipping her car keys into her front pocket, she returned the bag to the Jeep and locked it.

  As she returned to the building, the roar of motorcycles filled the air. Turning to the entrance, she watched two riders slow, before turning into the drive and rolling to a stop in the space next to her Jeep. A moment later, the engines silenced and the men climbed down. They removed their helmets and secured them before joining her.

  “Hello, Annie,” Max said with a big, happy smile. He looked much more relaxed than he had the night before.

  “Hi,” she responded, surprised when he leaned in and brushed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Good afternoon,” Silver said before brushing a k
iss on her opposite cheek.

  “Good afternoon to you,” she said with a smile as she started walking toward the building.

  They followed a step behind, though she was not sure if it was they did not want to overpower her, or that they wanted to watch her. Either way, she tried to fight down the blush that was burning her cheeks.

  “Jake, Margot, I’ve got some new volunteers for you,” she said as they reentered the building. “This is Max and Silver. They’d like to help out this afternoon.”

  Margot, the director of volunteers, would have paperwork for them to fill out in triplicate, while Jake, the program director, would then give the men a tour and talk about the program’s history and goals. They would keep them busy for at least an hour.

  Looking at the two men who looked a little overwhelmed, she smiled. “I’ve got a truck to unload, so I’ll check on you in an hour or so, okay?”

  After getting a nod from each, she went to the board and got a set of keys. Then she headed to the back of the building where her forklift was waiting.

  * * * *

  It took less than ten minutes after arriving at the food bank for Annie to impress the hell out of Silver. After turning them over to the food bank employees, he watched as she climbed onto a forklift, fired it up, and started moving pallets of food from the back of an eighteen-wheeler into the storage area of the warehouse. After watching her for a few minutes, he and Max were put to work restocking shelves and carrying heavier boxes of food out to cars for the clients who came for help.

  Silver was shocked when the last customer of the day, a sweet, little old white-haired lady patted his ass as he put her full cloth bags into her trunk. When he jumped, she patted it again with a twitter of a giggle.

  He couldn’t help but grin back once he straightened. “You behave, now, Mrs. Clarey. I don’t want to get fired for flirting.”

  “Oh, you are so cute. If only you were twenty years older.” Mrs. Clarey patted his cheek before climbing into the driver’s seat. “I hope we’ll see you back here again, young man.”

  “I’m sure you will. You take care now,” Silver said as he closed the door, then watched until she had driven out of the parking lot.

  He shook his head and chuckled as he headed back into the building.

  “Should I be jealous?”

  Silver was surprised to see Max standing at the door. He was grinning like a fool, clearly amused by the woman’s actions.

  “Nah, she says I’m too young for her.”

  Both men laughed as they helped Jake roll down the big garage doors. Annie and Margot were closing up the rest of the building, turning off lights, and making sure there was no one else left inside.

  “I want to thank you for helping out today,” Jake said once the doors were secure.

  “Our pleasure,” Silver said. “If things work out, we might be able to help out a couple days a week.”

  “That would be great,” Jake said as the men hovered near the door, waiting for the two women who joined them a moment later. “We don’t get nearly enough men who can actually carry a box of food out to the parking lot.”

  “All clear,” Margot said before grabbing Annie and giving her a hug. “Thanks, Annie. You are a true blessing.”

  The woman then hugged Max, who looked at him with wide, startled eyes. Then she turned in his direction. “Thank you so much for helping,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Silver’s middle and squeezing him tight.

  Silver gave her a gentle hug, releasing when she did. “You’re very welcome. That was the nicest paycheck I’ve gotten in a while.”

  “Mrs. Clarey patting your butt wasn’t payment enough?” Annie teased with a playful grin.

  Silver chuckled with the others, but did not respond, knowing Annie wanted to keep their relationship between them, at least for now. Shooing Annie and Max out ahead of him, they said their good-byes and headed for their vehicles. “We’ll follow you home.”

  Annie nodded and climbed into her Jeep. She waited while they pulled on their helmets and started their bikes before pulling out of the space she had parked in. They followed her through town to one of the nicer neighborhoods then through the development to a house on a small cul-de-sac. She drove down the driveway and pulled into the two-car garage. He and Max parked just outside, then walked in and joined her beside her car. He hoped they wouldn’t have to leave too soon, as it looked like it was going to start storming at any moment.

  “You can pull your bikes into the garage, if you don’t want them to get wet,” she said once Silver opened her door and helped her out.

  Silver nodded at Max, who went to move the bikes inside. He then followed Annie into the house where she hurried straight into the kitchen. She turned on the oven before pulling a large pan out of the refrigerator. Once Max joined him, the two men watched in silence as she pulled plates and bowls from a cabinet and silverware from a drawer by the sink. It was when she would not look in their direction that Silver knew something was wrong.

  “Annie,” he ordered gently. “Look at us.”

  She stopped moving with her back to them. After taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, she turned to face them. And Silver knew as soon as he saw her face what was wrong. The woman was nervous. No, she was beyond nervous. She was scared to death.

  Then he thought back and realized the only time the three of them had been alone together, without someone in shouting distance, they had been outdoors where she could escape if she needed to. First at the park, and then last night in the parking lots of the club and hotel.

  “Annie, you’re safe. We are not going to attack you. Not unless you ask us to. Even then, you have your safe word, and we will always respect your safe word.”

  Annie blinked once as Silver’s words sunk in. Then she gave them a tentative apologetic smile as she lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “I’m sorry. It’s been awhile since I’ve had guests who were not directly related to me.”

  Silver smiled, his heart squeezing just a big at her soft-spoken confession. “Not a problem. Now, how can we help?”

  * * * *

  Annie took another deep breath before shaking her head. “Let me get this in the oven and then I’ll give you a tour of the house.”

  “Sounds good,” Silver said with an easy smile.

  She moved, putting the covered casserole pan into the oven and setting the timer. After carrying the dishes to the table in the attached breakfast nook, she turned to her guests with what she hoped was a friendly smile and not one that conveyed the nerves that continued to skitter through her with anxiety.

  “Okay, how about that tour now.” She released a breath she had not realized she was holding when both men smiled and nodded in agreement.

  “Well, as you can see, this is the kitchen,” she said before turning and leading the way through to the living room which then led to the rest of the house where the guest rooms and her home office was located.

  The men made appreciative noises and complimented her decorating style, which could have been described as rustic shabby chic. Like the rest of her life, Annie preferred to keep things simple. The living room was decorated with denim, leather, and hardwoods while the two guest rooms had simple beds with wooden headboards, and quilts she had made herself.

  There was nothing overtly froufrou and girly in the house. The only place she had any frills were the pillow shams on the king-size bed in her room. A room she had not shown her guests. Yet.

  Not that she had meant to leave that highlight off the tour, but she had decided to postpone it until after dinner. Having been with the Silver and Max, trading quips and flirting all afternoon, she was aroused enough to attack if they stepped into her bedroom. She wanted more of what they had shared at the club. She wanted much, much more.

  But she was also hungry for food and figured they had to be as well.

  “Beer?” she offered, crossing the kitchen to the refrigerator.

  When both men nodded, she pulled three o
ut and opened them before handing them out. After taking a deep drink from her bottle, she began buttering bread to be heated up once the lasagna was finished baking.

  She had to keep herself busy and as far away from the two men as she could to keep herself from acting the hussy and begging them to take her in the kitchen while dinner finished cooking.

  She was unprepared when Max frowned at her as he looked around. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  She froze for just a moment before looking at the door on the wall on the far side of the breakfast nook. “In there.”

  “And you didn’t show us that room because?” Silver asked, his voice deeper than normal. It was the same pitch he had used at the club. It was what she had labeled as his Dom voice.

  Annie’s pussy immediately gushed as her nipples knotted. “I, um, thought I would wait until later, because…well, um…I just wanted to wait.”

  Silver stepped up on one side of her while Max moved in on the other. Instead of feeling trapped or boxed in, Annie felt her need spike a little higher. If they kept this up, dinner would burn while she had a horny fit and attacked her guests.

  Max took the knife from her hand and laid it on the counter before turning her to face Silver. The Master used one hand to cup her jaw and cheek. That simple touch sent heated honey through her bloodstream as her submissive will to please surged forth. When he tilted her head back, she lifted her eyes to meet his deep brown gaze.

  “Feeling needy, girl?” His words were whispered in that deep tone that had her pussy once again clenching with need.

  After licking her lips, Annie whispered, “Yes, sir.”

  “Can you trust me enough to give yourself into my care for the evening? Be our submissive for the next few hours?”

  A shiver raced through Annie as she nodded. “Yes, I’d like that, sir.”

  “Then, we start the evening now. Boy, secure the house so the neighbors won’t get an eyeful.” Silver never broke eye contact and Annie found herself sinking deeper into his dark gaze and farther under his command. “And turn the heat up a bit so our girl doesn’t catch a cold while we’re playing.”


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