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Tempted by a Rake’s Smile: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 13

by Meghan Sloan

“You’re not the first one who’s said that this evening, Mr. Tattershall. But you’re the first to say it with genuine conviction.”

  “Oh?” Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “It sounds like you’ve been approached with many compliments this evening.”

  “Far too many,” Emily rolled her eyes. “None of them were appreciated.”

  “Do you not want to be complimented, Miss Barrington? I’m sure attractive women like yourselves receive them all the time.”

  “We would prefer not to be seen as…” Emily glanced at Cassandra, who was frowning at her, “well, vessels for men.”

  Gabriel stared. He knew that Emily could be outspoken at times, but he had never heard her speak in this way. It threw him a little, and Gabriel had to take a moment to gather himself before responding.

  “You couldn’t be any more blunt with that comment, could you?”

  “My father says I’m not very ladylike, but I prefer people to know exactly where they stand with me.” Emily shrugged, “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to talk to me.”

  That had Gabriel laughing.

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “What do you want, Mr. Tattershall?”

  Gabriel felt a shiver down his spine when Cassandra spoke abruptly. He turned to her and saw that she was watching him intently, her eyes darting over his face as if she was trying to figure out his motivations just by looking at him. Gabriel had to stop himself from looking directly into her eyes; he would have been sucked in.

  You really need to keep your distance with this woman.

  “Would you believe me if I said I wanted to play cards, Miss Seton?”

  Cassandra snorted and folded her arms.

  “You have no money to play with. And even if you were here, you prefer Montgomery’s. You show your loyalty to that place very clearly. I believe that you’re up to something.”

  Very forthright. To the point. Gabriel had to admire that. He looked at Emily, who simply shrugged.

  “You two young ladies are very suspicious.”

  “With the people around us, we have to be.” Cassandra lifted her chin, “Why are you here, Mr. Tattershall?”

  Gabriel sighed and held up his hands.

  “All right, you caught me. I actually came to see you. You’re right that I have an ulterior motive, but it’s not what you think.”

  “What do you believe I’m thinking, then?”

  “Nothing I care to repeat in mixed company.” Gabriel lowered his hands. “I came to say that I’ve been in conversations with my brother Percy, and your name actually came up.”

  “What?” Cassandra blinked, looking stunned. “You were talking about me?”

  “Not me. My brother started it. He spoke about how much he’s heard about you, and he’s very curious. Now he wants to meet you.”

  Cassandra’s mouth opened and closed. Gabriel didn’t think he would get her looking so startled. Then Cassandra’s eyes narrowed.

  “Why would he want to meet me? I don’t believe anyone’s spoken to him about me. Our paths wouldn’t exactly cross, and I doubt we have mutual friends.”

  “You’d be surprised at how people know each other, even if the link is tenuous.” Gabriel smiled, and saw how Cassandra’s flush deepened. “And Percy has heard a lot about you. As a result, he’s curious to meet the woman who’s spoken about in such high regard.”

  Cassandra barked out a laugh, which had a few people at a nearby table turning to stare at her.

  “People have been speaking about me in high regard? Now you’re telling tales.”

  “Why would I lie about that?”

  They stared at each other. Now it was feeling a lot warmer, and Gabriel felt like his collar was on too tightly. He had felt the tension in the air from the other patrons as they played, a lot of them playing for very high stakes. But now the tension seemed to be wrapped around him and Cassandra, pressing down on him.

  Gabriel felt like he had been put on the back foot, yet again. He had met beautiful women before, and he was able to charm them with a few smiles. But not only was Cassandra not responding to his compliments, but she was also rebuffing his charm.

  She was unlike any other woman he had met.

  “All right, then.” Cassandra didn’t blink as she looked him up and down. “If he’s so keen to meet me, why doesn’t he approach me himself? It’s not like I’m difficult to find. I’m here most days.”

  “He’s a little shy when it comes to women,” Gabriel shrugged. “My brother is a gentle soul and I love him dearly, but he doesn’t know how to approach women. Once you give him a nudge, he’s fine, but his nerves get in the way.”

  Cassandra’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Believe it or not, I’m telling the truth. Percy is a kind, generous man. And I think you two would be perfect for each other.” They could certainly balance the other person out. “I offered to approach you myself as I’ve already made your acquaintance. I’m just here as a messenger.”

  “Are you?” Cassandra’s eyes now narrowed. “Are you really?”

  If this had been anyone else, getting them convinced of his actions would be so easy. Gabriel had managed to do it in the past. None of them were Cassandra Seton. He would certainly have his work cut out convincing her of anything.

  “You’re far too apprehensive for your age, Miss Seton. I assure you that it’s the truth.” Gabriel used one of his smiles that had worked on women in the past. “All I need is your blessing to start an acquaintance with my brother.”

  Cassandra opened her mouth to speak, but it was Emily who spoke first.

  “We’re going to be at your family estate next week. We have invitations for dinner with your parents.”

  Cassandra stared at her. Gabriel also looked at her in bewilderment.

  “Oh, you do?”

  “When did this happen?” Cassie asked.

  “Well, it’s just for me, really. Father’s friends with Viscount Tattershall from childhood. And I’ve been given permission to attend as long as I have a chaperone,” Emily shrugged. “You can come with me, if you want, as my chaperone and companion.”

  Gabriel had not been expecting that. He knew there was a prior friendship between his father and Emily’s father, and he had momentarily forgotten about that. Maybe this would be easier than he expected.

  “Sounds perfect,” he said brightly. “I’ll let my brother know you’re coming, shall I?”

  “I don’t trust you.”

  That was not the response he had expected. Gabriel shook his head.

  “You need to stop doubting everyone, Miss Seton. It’s not very becoming.”

  “When you’re involved, I think I have every right to be.” Cassandra nudged Emily to step back, giving him a brisk nod. “If you’ll excuse us, Mr. Tattershall?”

  Before Gabriel could respond the two women were walking away, darting quickly out of the room. He was tempted to follow, but Gabriel knew that would be too much. The seeds were sown,and there was a good chance Cassandra would end up at the family home on Emily’s request. Now all he had to do was sit back and watch what happened.

  So why did it leave a nasty taste in his mouth?


  “I feel like I’m walking into a trap,” Cassandra grumbled as she adjusted the sleeve of her dress for the fifth time in fifteen minutes.

  Emily tittered, looking at her friend in her mirror.

  “You think everything is a trap, Cassie. Just relax. It’s going to be fine.”

  Cassandra frowned at Emily’s back. She had arrived at The Barrington Arms to meet Emily before they went by carriage out to Brandeston. Emily wasn’t quite ready, so Cassandra was now sitting on her friend’s bed while Emily got herself made up. She was feeling more and more concerned about the upcoming evening the longer she sat there, trying not to fiddle with the dress Alice had picked out for her earlier.

  She was only going as a chaperone, not as one of the invite
d guests. But Cassandra was still worried over meeting Percy Tattershall. If Gabriel was telling the truth about his brother and he genuinely wanted to be introduced, then she could maybe relax. And yet Cassandra was sure that Percy wouldn’t have heard about her.

  From what Emily had told her about the brothers, the younger brother wasn’t someone who would have friends who also knew Cassandra. He had a very small, very select circle of friends, and Cassandra didn’t even know anyone who would socialise with Percy beyond a nodding acquaintance.

  “I just wish I knew what was going on.” Cassandra pressed a hand to her belly, but it didn’t ease the churning in her insides. “Gabriel Tattershall is using me for something else; something that benefits him. I just have to figure out what his motivation is.”

  Emily lowered her hairbrush.

  “What do you think he’s going to try and do?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe he wanted me to be out the way for something? Or maybe he’s just one of those who likes to be cruel to pass the time because it’s amusing.” Cassandra frowned, “I’ve only interacted with the man twice, and that second one doesn’t sound right.”

  “Neither does the first one, really.” Emily turned in her chair to look at her friend. “You’re going to get yourself worked up into knots if you’re not careful.”

  Cassandra knew that. But there was something nagging at her mind. She was sure there was something else going on, and it was going to keep bothering her until Cassandra knew the truth. Gabriel Tattershall was up to something. Would he be callous enough to use his brother in his plans? Cassandra didn’t really know. She hoped not.

  You want to think the worst of him. Just so you can stop feeling as you do whenever you think about him.

  “Look, Cassie,” Emily put the hairbrush down and stood, smoothing down her skirts, “I was invited to dinner with Viscount and Viscountess Tattershall, and you’re my companion for the evening. Just think of it as a pleasant evening.”

  “Will it be pleasant?”

  “Absolutely. They’re really nice, respectful people. And they know how to throw a good party. Preferable to what we attended last week,” Emily shrugged. “We’ll have a good meal and there will be good company. Even if nothing happens between you and the heir, you’ll have a nice evening.”

  Her father had said the same thing. He was a little harsher on Gabriel and his actions, but Ernest had had nothing but praise for Viscount Derek Tattershall. Cassandra was willing to trust her father and her friend on their judgement about the man and the rest of his family. It couldn’t be any worse than the ball at Sir Walter’s home on Saturday.

  “I hope that’s the case. I don’t want it to be ruined because of what Gabriel might be up to.”

  “He won’t be there to cause any trouble. From what Father says, since he was disowned the family has refused to let him into the house.” Emily crossed the room and took Cassandra’s hands. “Just take a deep breath, and you’ll be fine.”

  “I wish I had your optimism, Emily.”

  Emily laughed. Then she tugged Cassandra to her feet.

  “Come on; give me a hand to sort my hair out. And then we’ll go.”

  Chapter 11

  As soon as dinner was over, Cassandra asked to be excused and slipped out onto the back terrace. It was dark outside and cooler than it had been when they first arrived, but it was welcoming. Cassandra sat on the terrace wall and let the cool air fill her lungs. Now she didn’t feel like she was stifling inside. It was far too warm.

  Cassandra was pleasantly surprised at how the evening had turned out. She and Emily had managed to get to the Tattershall estate just in time and were welcomed warmly by Lady Charlotte. The other guests were already there, a mix of young and older couples, and they made Cassandra feel immediately at home. Everyone was very inviting.

  And Percy Tattershall was there. He hovered near the window when Emily and Cassandra were led into the drawing room, but he came across to greet them as Lady Charlotte introduced Cassandra. He greeted Emily first, Emily blushing bright red and dropping a wobbly curtsy for him, and then he turned to Cassandra. His hand was warm as he raised her hand to kiss her knuckles with a slight bow. He was certainly a very handsome man. Tall like his brother with dark hair, he was slimmer in build and in the face, with brown-green eyes and a soft mouth that twitched into a slight smile. Cassandra could see him making any young lady sigh if he turned a smile in their direction.

  According to Emily, Percy was shy where Gabriel was outgoing, and kept to himself as his brother spoke openly. Not exactly what Cassandra looked for in a man, but she liked what she had seen so far.

  At Emily’s insistence, the three of them sat together before dinner and talked, Emily gently guiding the conversation. Soon, both Cassandra and Percy were talking without Emily involved. Cassandra barely remembered her friend getting up and leaving them. Once he was out of his shyness, Percy was actually a good conversationalist. He was intelligent and there was a slight twinkle in his eye when he got involved in a specific subject.

  Their talking flowed into dinner, with Cassandra sitting across from Percy. It was like they had forgotten everyone else there, much to Lady Charlotte’s amusement when she commented on it. Cassandra hadn’t had someone who wasn’t Emily to talk to about pretty much anything for a long time. It was quite refreshing.

  Even then, Cassandra felt she couldn’t completely lower her guard. She wanted to relax a little and be more like herself, but she couldn’t. Her gut said that wouldn’t be a good idea, and it made her feel a little uncomfortable. Why couldn’t she be herself for once? Cassandra was sure the Tattershall family wouldn’t mind too much. So she kept her more radical opinions to herself; she didn’t want to get into trouble for openly expressing herself.

  “Miss Seton?”

  Cassandra looked around. And then she shot to her feet. Percy was stepping out onto the terrace, his face half-bathed in shadow with the light behind him.

  “Mr. Tattershall. Have I missed something?”

  “No, you haven’t.” Percy walked towards her, giving her a gentle smile. “Miss Barrington said you went to get some air, so I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  “I’m fine, but…” Cassandra glanced over his shoulder. He was alone. “You’re out here alone? Won’t we get into trouble?”

  Percy chuckled.

  “The guests are in the library there,” he gestured at the nearby windows. There was a movement at one and Cassandra saw it was Emily. “And Miss Barrington said she would watch out for us. Although it is something of a strange role reversal.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, you’re here as Miss Barrington’s companion, and she’s the one keeping an eye on you.”


  Cassandra had forgotten that she had come as Emily’s chaperone. Knowing that she was coming here to be introduced to the now heir of a Viscountcy had overrun her initial role. Not that anyone seemed to be complaining; especially Percy.

  He had carried on talking to her, seeming to gain more confidence as time went on. Gabriel was right that he was able to talk to a woman once he was warmed up. His shyness was still there but it wasn’t necessarily getting in the way, even though Percy could be a little awkward with some of his subjects. Cassandra didn’t mind. She found it endearing.


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