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by Serhii Plokhy


  education and, 106

  foreign policy and, 250, 267, 321–322, 329

  monks with, 95

  Orthodox Church and, 284–285

  peasants with, 215

  poisonings and, 324

  in Poland with uprisings, 95–101

  See also elections

  Polotsky, Simeon. See Simeon of Polatsk

  Pontic Slavic dialect, 125, 126


  growth, 300, 306

  Russian-language speakers, 295–296, 304

  Russians, 306

  populism, 127, 133

  Pora! (It’s Time!) (youth organization), 324

  Potapov, Aleksandr, 144

  Potemkin (battleship), 159

  Potocki, Seweryn, 92

  Pozharsky, Dmitrii (Prince), 75, 253, 265, 270

  Pravda (Truth) (newspaper)

  role of, 147, 150, 216, 255, 273

  Stalin in, 245–246, 265

  presidency, creation of, 301–302

  Primakov, Yevgenii, 318, 321, 336

  prince families

  Kyivan, 12

  Mongol Empire and, 5–7

  of Moscow, 3–4, 7–14, 22

  of Rurikid dynasty, 4–5

  of Tver, 7

  Prokhanov, Aleksandr, 342–343

  Prokopovych, Teofan (Archbishop), 43–44, 45, 84

  Prosvita (Enlightenment), 149

  Protestant Church, 30, 35


  in the Balts, 307

  against corruption, 336

  against Georgian language, 303

  labor, 158–159

  See also uprisings

  Prus (legendary figure), 14, 15

  Prussia, 63

  Pushkin, Aleksandr, 79–80, 83, 148, 249, 328

  Pussy Riot, 334

  Putin, Vladimir, vii–viii, 348

  Crimea and, 337–341

  elections and, 320–321, 323–324

  foreign policy and, 321–322

  NATO and, 325–326

  oligarchs and, 322–323

  with Olympic Games, 333–335

  rise of, 317–318

  with rivals, political, 324

  Russian World and, 327–330, 336, 345

  Ukraine and, 326–327, 331–332, 335–337, 345–346

  Yeltsin, B., and, 317–318, 321

  Puzyrevsky, Ilia, 143


  Belarus and, 203–205

  Bolshevik Party and, 196–197

  Germany and, 201

  growth of, 194–196

  Rada (Council) (newspaper), 182

  Rakovsky, Khristian, 223–224, 230

  Razumovsky, Aleksei (Rozumovsky, Oleksii), 46, 47

  Razumovsky, Kirill (Rozumovsky Kyrylo) (Hetman of Ukraine), 47–48, 57, 58

  Reagan, Ronald, 300, 301

  rebels’ manifesto of intentions, 87–88

  Reformation, Protestant Church, 35


  Alexander II with, 123

  economic, 323

  education, 249

  election, 301–302, 308, 314

  Hetmanate, abolishment of, 58–59

  Khrushchev, 281, 286–290

  language, 48–51

  in Orthodox Church, 30–32

  Poland, 62

  Putin, 327


  conversion, 66–69, 96–97, 160, 180

  suppression of, 271, 285

  See also Orthodox Church; Protestant Church; Roman Catholic Church; Uniate Church

  revolts, peasants, 158–159, 195

  See also uprisings

  Riazan, 5

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 259–261, 263, 267, 274

  Rigelman, Nikolai, 143–144, 147

  Roman Catholic Church

  attitudes toward, 97

  in Belarus, 130–131

  influence of, 31

  Orthodox Church and, 21–22, 29, 33–34, 151, 169

  in Poland, 95

  Protestant Church and, 30

  religious conversion and, 97, 160

  with religious suppression, 285

  Second Vatican Council, 285

  in Ukraine, 330, 331

  Uniate Church and, 29, 98, 160

  Romanov, Fedor (Filaret, Patriarch of Moscow), 29–30

  Romanov, Mikhail (Tsar), 27, 29, 30, 253

  Romanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (Grand Duke), 177–178, 181, 184–185


  ancient, 14

  Moscow as Third, 23–26, 34–35

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 273

  Rose Revolution (2003), 324–325

  Rosiiskii magazin (Russian Magazine), 60

  rossiiskaia nation, 313–314

  Rozum, Oleksii, 46

  Ruban, Vasyl, 60

  Ruffo, Marco, 4

  Rurik (legendary figure), 4, 9, 14

  Rurikid dynasty, 4–5, 9–10, 26

  Rus’, 5, 6

  See also Kyivan Rus’


  citizenship, 290, 314–315, 319, 349

  in Commonwealth of Independent States, 318–319, 336

  See also Great Russia; Little Russia

  Russian Academy of Sciences, 131

  Russian Communist Party, 230

  Russian Federation, 302, 309–310, 313

  attitudes about, 327, 341

  citizenship, 319

  flag, 338

  identity and, 319–320

  Ukraine and, 319, 331–332, 341–345

  Russian Herald, 143, 144

  Russian History (Ustrialov), 91

  Russian language

  culture and, 165–167, 287

  education and, 179, 289

  with Russian World, 329–330

  speakers of, 295–296, 304

  Russian Magazine. See Rosiiskii magazin

  Russian Revolution, ix, 173

  in context, 191–194

  Rada and, 194–197

  Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. See Bolshevik Party

  Russian Thought. See Russkaia mysl’

  Russian World, 327–330, 336, 345

  Russians, population of, 306

  Russification (obrusenie)

  criticism of, 293

  culture and, 87, 290

  influence, 86, 87–88, 134, 234, 243, 295–296

  Russkaia mysl’ (Russian Thought) (journal), 166

  Russophile movement. See Muscophile movement

  Russo-Ukrainian war, viii

  Rusyns, 88

  Ruthenians, 98–99, 147–148, 149

  Ruzsky, Nikolai, 188

  Rypiński, Aleksander, 130

  Saakashvili, Mikheil, 324

  “The Sacred War” (Aleksandrov, A.), 271

  “The Sacred War” (Lebedev-Kumach), 269

  Šafárik, Pavol Jozef, 125–127, 147

  Sakharov, Andrei, 304

  Sakharov, Ivan, 124–125

  Samoilovych, Danylo (Hetman of Ukraine), 51

  sanctions, economic, 346

  Savenko, Anatolii, 172, 208

  Savior’s Tower. See Spasskaia Tower

  Sayings of the Russian People About the Family Life of Their Ancestors (Sakharov, I.), 125

  Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, 81–82, 84

  Schmidt, Edward, 231

  Schulenburg, Friedrich Werner von der, 261

  Scythians, 75

  Second Vatican Council, 285

  Semashko, Iosif (Metropolitan), 96–100, 123, 132

  Severnaia pchela (Northern Bee), 110

  Shakhmatov, Aleksei, 162, 183

  Shaliapin, Fedor, 176

  Shchedrovitsky, Petr, 328

  Shcherbytsky, Volodymyr, 294

  Shelepin, Aleksandr, 293

  Shelest, Petro, 293–294

  Sheptytsky, Andrei (Metropolitan), 180

  Shevchenko, Taras, 150, 168, 172, 231

  language and, 139

  Ukraine and, 105, 106–107, 109–110, 113

  Shevyrev, Stepan,

  Shishkov, Aleksandr, 75

  Shmelev, Ivan, 327

  Shostakovich, Dmitrii, 277

  Shpilevsky, Pavel, 131

  Shtakelberg, Ernst, 147–148

  Shuisky, Vasilii (Tsar), 27

  Shulgin, Vasilii, 187–189, 195–196, 198–199, 201

  indigenization campaign and, 231, 238

  in Soviet Union, 227–228

  Ukrainian language and, 230–231

  Shulgin, Vasilko, 202

  Shumsky, Oleksandr, 232, 233, 236, 242

  Shushkevich, Stanislaŭ, 313

  Sigismund III (King of Poland), 27

  Simeon of Polatsk (Polotsky, Simeon), 38, 40, 41–42, 44, 51, 100

  Simonov, Konstantin, 277

  Single Economic Space, 323

  Skirmunt, Raman, 205

  Skoropadsky, Ivan (Hetman of Ukraine), 43, 205

  Skoropadsky, Pavlo (Hetman of Ukraine), 201–202

  Skrypnyk, Mykola, 233, 242, 293

  Slavic Benevolent Society, 147

  Slavic Ethnography. See Slovanský národopis

  Slavophiles, 107–108, 111, 113–114, 116

  Slovanský národopis (Slavic Ethnography) (Šafárik), 125, 147

  Slovo (Word) (newspaper), 146, 148, 150

  Smetona, Antanas, 239

  Smolich, Arkadz, 206

  Sobchak, Anatolii, 312

  Solari, Pietro Antonio, 4

  Solidarity, 300

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, viii, 291–292, 303–304, 305, 327


  nationalism in, 269, 271

  patriotism and, 321

  Sosiura, Volodymyr, 280

  Soviet secret police. See GPU

  Soviet Union

  birth of, 211–213

  economy, 299–300, 301

  formation of, 217–225

  Hero of the Soviet Union, 294

  population growth, 300

  Russian Federation and, 302

  Shulgin in, 227–228

  Ukraine and, 218, 282–284

  See also “Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People”

  space race, 286

  Spasskaia (Savior’s) Tower, 4

  Special Council, 144–145

  Sreznevsky, Izmail, 109, 110–111, 117, 126, 127

  St. Sophia’s Cathedral (Kyiv), 5

  Stalin, Joseph, 175, 214, 231–232, 242

  on Belarus, 234–235

  Bolshevik Party and, 193, 197

  Engels and, 249–250

  foreign policy and, 267

  “Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People” and, 269–273

  with history, revival of, 249

  Hitler and, 260, 262–263, 268, 269, 272

  indigenization campaign and, 229, 239

  legacy, 277–279, 281, 284–286

  Lenin and, 212–213, 219–225, 260

  Molotov and, 278

  in Pravda, 245–246, 265

  Soviet Union and, 219–221

  subversion and, 251–252

  toast from, 275

  on Ukraine, 248–249

  Stalin Prize, 265, 273–274, 275

  Starina i novizna (Antiquity and Novelty) (journal), 60

  Stolypin, Petr, 171

  Strategic Defense Initiative, 300–301

  Strategy for Russia: Agenda for the President—2000 (Council for Foreign and Defense Policy), 321–322

  Struve, Petr, 166–167, 171, 173, 182

  with culture, 207, 340–341

  influence of, 183

  Stus, Vasyl, 293

  subsidies, for media, 146–147

  subversion, 251–252

  suicide, 241, 242, 257, 293

  Sumarokov, Aleksandr, 49, 50

  Suvorov, Aleksandr, 63, 272

  Sweden, 16, 17, 42–43, 47, 172, 254

  Synopsis (Kyivan Cave Monastery), 40–41, 48

  Tadzhikistan, 306

  Tale of the Princes of Vladimir, 14

  Tatars, 5–6, 8–9, 10–11, 17, 315

  Teheran Conference, 273

  Teplov, Grigorii, 47

  Teutonic Knights, 16, 254

  Theses on the Reunification of Ukraine and Russia, 293

  Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), 30, 34

  The Three Capitals (Shulgin), 227–228

  Tikhon (Archimandrite), vii–viii, 327

  Time of Troubles, 27–30, 35, 75

  Tishkov, Valerii, 313–314, 328–329

  “To the Slanderers of Russia” (Pushkin), 79

  Tolstoy, Aleksei, 254

  Tolstoy, Leo, 328

  treason, 96, 196, 249

  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918), 204

  Treaty of Rapallo (1922), 217–218

  Treaty of Riga (1921), 234

  Trediakovsky, Vasilii, 49, 50

  Trenev, Konstantin, 253

  Tretiakov Gallery, 254

  Trotsky, Leon, 197, 214, 223, 229, 238

  Truce of Andrusovo (1667), 39, 40, 124

  Tumansky, Fedir, 60

  Turkmenistan, 325

  Tver, 7

  Twelfth Party Congress, 223–224, 229, 230

  “The Two Rus’ Nationalities” (Kostomarov), 128–129

  Tychyna, Pavlo, 293

  Tymoshenko, Yulia, 335

  Ukraine, 6, 88, 105, 129, 133, 293, 348–349

  annexation of, 263

  attitudes toward, 66

  Bolshevik Party and, 214–217

  citizenship and, 201

  Crimea and, 283, 284, 319

  economy, 287, 323

  Great Ukrainian Famine, 241–242

  identity and, 350–351

  indigenization campaign and, 241–243

  literature, 108–111, 138–146, 280

  nationhood and, 106–120, 127–128, 151–153, 194–199, 200–202, 207, 312

  natural gas and, 325

  Orthodox Church and, 330–331

  population, 307

  Putin and, 326–327, 331–332, 335–337, 345–346

  Rada and, 194–197

  Roman Catholic Church in, 330, 331

  Russian Federation and, 319, 331–332, 341–345

  Russian-language speakers in, 295–296

  Soviet Union and, 218, 282–284

  Stalin on, 248–249

  Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, 241, 248

  “Ukraine” (Kostomarov), 128

  Ukrainian Helsinki Group, 304–306

  Ukrainian Herald. See Ukraïns’kyi visnyk

  Ukrainian language

  education and, 165, 173, 230, 233, 288–289

  identity and, 230–231

  literature and, 108–111, 138–146

  role of, 117–119, 148–151

  Special Council on, 144–145

  support for, 228–234

  suppression of, 137–146, 150, 162–163, 179–180, 207–208


  culture and, 233, 265

  education and, 266

  language and, 232

  media and, 266

  role of, 229–230, 234, 238, 241

  termination of, 242

  Ukraïns’kyi visnyk (Ukrainian Herald), 164

  underground journals, 304

  UNESCO, viii

  Uniate (Greek-Catholic) Church

  with conversion, forced, 67–68, 96–97, 160

  Orthodox Church and, 97, 98–100, 180

  Roman Catholic Church and, 29, 98, 160

  with uprising in Poland, 95–96

  Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, 241, 248

  “Union of Autonomist Federalists,” 165

  Union of Polatsk (1839), 100

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), ix–x

  Union of the Russian People, 169–170

  unions, labor, 300

  United Baltic Duchy, 200

  United Nations Organization, 273

  United States (US), 270, 286, 299, 301, 326, 336

  economy, 300

  with sanctions, 346


  Decembrist (1825), 87

  peasant revolts, 158–159, 195

  Poland and, 63, 65, 68, 79–80, 95–101, 122–123

  protests, 158–159, 303, 307, 336

  US. See United States

  USSR. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

  Ustrialov, Nikolai, 91, 120, 142

  Uvarov, Sergei, 81–84, 89–91, 115

  education and, 92, 93

  nationality and, 134–135

  Valdemar (Prince of Denmark), 30

  Valuev, Petr, 137–138, 140–141

  Vasilii II “the Blind” (Prince of Muscovy), 7, 22

  Vasilii III (Prince of Muscovy), 14

  Veche (journal), 304

  Venelin, Yurii, 127

  Viazemsky, Aleksandr 59

  “village prose,” 291, 292, 303

  Virgil, 108

  Vishnevsky, Vsevolod, 253

  Vladimir (Bogoiavlensky) (Metropolitan), 198

  Vladimir (Prince of Kyiv). See Volodymyr the Great

  Voikov, Petr, 240

  Volin, Boris, 255

  Volodymyr the Great (Prince of Kyiv), vii–viii, 5, 9, 38–39, 94–95, 252

  Voltaire, 71, 81

  Volunteer Army, 206, 208

  Vorotynsky, Semen (Prince), 13

  Vsiakaia vsiachina (Anything and Everything) (journal), 60

  Western Committee. See Committee on the Western Provinces

  What Every Belarusian Needs to Know (Lastoŭski), 205–206

  “What the Dismemberment of Russia Promises the World” (Ilin), 327

  White Movement, 199, 206–208

  White Rus’, 38, 41, 61, 135

  Władysław IV (King of Poland), 27

  world, end of, 23

  World Council of Churches, 285

  World War I. See Great War

  World War II, 260, 270–271

  attitudes toward, 263–264

  “Belarusian Front,” 273

  See also “Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People”

  Wrangel, Petr, 208, 220, 228

  Yakemenko, Vasilii, 324

  Yakovlev, Aleksandr, 292

  Yanukovych, Viktor, 323–324, 335–337

  Yaroslav the Wise (Prince of Kyiv), 5, 94

  Yavorsky, Stefan (Metropolitan), 45

  Yeltsin, Boris

  Commonwealth of Independent States and, 313, 318–319

  coup and, 310–311

  criticism of, 314

  elections, 309–310

  Gorbachev and, 310, 311–312

  oligarchs and, 322

  Putin and, 317–318, 321

  rise of, 309–310

  Yeltsin, Naina, 310

  Yenukidze, Avel, 235–236

  Yurii of Vladimir (Prince), 5

  Yushchenko, Viktor, 324–325

  Yuzefovich, Mikhail, 144, 147, 150

  Zatonsky, Volodymyr, 198, 240–241

  Zavadovsky, Petro, 59–60, 92, 93

  Zavtra (Tomorrow) (newspaper), 342

  Zealots of Piety, 30–31

  Zhdanov, Andrei, 274, 279–280

  Zhemchuzhina, Polina, 278

  Zhukovsky, Vasilii, 79–80, 94, 109

  Zinoviev, Grigorii, 224, 229, 238

  Zosima (Metropolitan), 23


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