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Bella Mafia

Page 48

by Sienna Mynx

  At first the road was swallowed by the forest, but Armando continued on until they reached a clearing. He stopped the bike and dropped the kickstand. Catalina’s bum hurt from the bumpy ride, and her arm hurt from clutching the basket overloaded with delicious treats and wine. But they made it. She got off the bike and Armando came after her with the blanket. He laid it out flat for her. The trees prevented the wind from being harsh, but a cool breeze still soothed the mid-day heat. She dropped on her knees and dug out the goodies that the restaurant had packed away.

  Inside she found pane e pannelle. It was chickpea fritters served between bread like a sandwich. And then there was caponata. Eggplants that were chopped and fried. They were seasoned with sweet balsamic vinegar, capers, pine nuts and raisins. The mixture made a sweet-and-sour salad. It was scrumptious served with sandwiches. There was also a desert. A sponge cake soaked in liqueur that she has never tried. She served Armando first. It was expected. And she enjoyed doing it. He was her Don after all. He watched her while lying on his side. His sunglasses were off, and she could see his eyes. The future she envisioned was different now.

  “Grazie,” he said and accepted his plate.

  Catalina winked and fixed her plate next.

  The mere idea of her suffering another moment of pain because of him was not acceptable. He even considered the unthinkable. Giving her the life that would tear her away from him. Sending her home to mend her relationship with the family.

  But the selfish part of him refused. He’d give her the next best thing. A new life. One where she’d be treated like a queen. Armando ate his sandwich and gobbled down his salad. He ate like a wolf. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand and swallowed big bites. Catalina chuckled.

  “What?” he asked with a mouthful.

  “There’s plenty. Slow down.”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Why did you make us wait?” she asked with concern. “We could have eaten at the cafe.”

  “I want what you want. To be here. Away from people.”


  He stopped chewing. There wasn’t distrust in her voice. He didn’t know what it was he now heard in her voice, but it felt genuine. Armando dropped his sandwich and pulled her down for a kiss. Her mouth was drugging him. It worked in tandem with the already weakened state of his heart. The kiss was brief, but it was the sweetest thing on the menu, her lips. She sat back on her haunches and stared down at him. Her clear blue eyes had rings of violet in her irises.

  “I think I was wrong about you,” she said. “I think.”

  “I’ll prove you were wrong,” he said.

  “After we finish eating...”

  “Now,” he reached for her and drew her over to him. He rolled her off the blanket into the grass. He pinned her beneath him. Armando moved her hair from her face. He wanted to see all of her. Satisfaction dawned across her pouty lips. Her lashes fell and fanned out evenly upon her cheeks. She looked at peace, she looked happy. His kiss went to her neck and then he went lower. She parted her knees with her feet flat to the grass. The panties she wore were no barrier to him. But she lifted to pull them up and off her ass, thighs and legs. Then tossed them over to the picnic blanket.

  His eased on top of her.

  Pleasure built up in her with unrelenting force. He was inside her, loving her with hard and fast strokes. She opened her eyes and the world above was spinning. She closed them again. The climax happened so fast she barely recognized the crushing feeling in her pelvis. And he was stretching her vaginal walls with thickness. The grass and earth scraped and tickled her bare buttocks, while he possessed her. Her knees trembled and her legs locked around his waist. The pleasure spiked like a shot of electricity into her veins. Yet it grew past the point of tolerance. She nearly objected. Armando was fucking her harder and harder. But his tongue filled her mouth and kept her quiet. The salty, sweet, taste of herself on his tongue wasn’t distasteful. The action, the way he fucked her in the grass, felt so wicked she blushed and pushed at his chest to retreat.

  She wanted him.

  She should stop.

  She needed him.

  What would happen if she didn’t stop?

  She wanted him.

  Armando rolled to his back and she was put on top, before he pounded her pussy into oblivion. She tossed her hair over to the right side of her face and kept moving on his dick. Rising and falling, and digging her nails into his chest to keep him pinned down. The tension in his features built as her pussy walls squeezed down tighter and tighter on his invading dick. He bucked, but she rode him and forced him to submit. His lips parted to draw in a single breath, and she knew he was there. He was close. She wanted him inside of her, all that power he wielded, she wanted it unleashed inside of her. He slowly blew out a single breath and his body convulsed. She could feel his dick jerking and melting deep in her channel. And she rode him until he went still.

  The corner of her mouth curled up. Armando’s face was covered in sweat. His shirt was stuck to his sweaty body. He baked within in his skin. He looked up at her and she saw some of the darkness removed from his eyes. She saw the man. And she liked him. She liked him a lot.


  The hike Catalina and Armando finished was short. They could have driven the bike up the path but chose against it. She enjoyed the stroll, though every road they took felt as if it was an ascent, instead of a descent. She held his hand as they approached a church. She could see the bell tower above the fences.

  “I want to say a prayer for my brother.” Catalina said.

  “Okay,” he agreed.

  She glanced over at him. “Will you pray with me?”

  Armando didn’t look her way. He stared at the eight-foot tall gates. He then cast his gaze to her. “I’ll say a prayer with you.”

  Catalina smiled. They went inside the gates and to the church. She expected to find a modest relic of a time from long ago, like all the other relics that were preserved along these hills. But it was far from it. The interior boasted hundreds of square feet paved in gilded Byzantine mosaics from centuries before. The altar to the front of the sanctuary had several candles lit and unlit underneath a beautifully gothic watercolor painting upon plaster, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus. She held him to her bosom with a halo around her head. Catalina’s hand dropped away from his. It was so close to the tattoo on his back, she knew he had to have seen it before. She started toward the altar, transfixed on the image, humbled by it. Catalina went to her knees at the altar and bowed her head in prayer. At some time, Armando joined her. When she finished her prayer for redemption, salvation, and forgiveness, she asked the Virgin Mary to help her brother. She prayed harder than she ever had in her life, and every word uttered was from her heart. She stood and saw that Armando had already lit a candle for his prayer. He handed her the matchstick. She then lit another candle.

  “You’ve been here before?”

  “It is where my mother and father were wed. This is the village she was from.”

  “Really?” Catalina asked. “And that tattoo of yours?”

  Armando glanced to the painting. “That was my mother’s gift to the church after she married the powerful Don Mancini. She loved it. When I was a boy she’d take me away and bring me here. Pray over me here at this altar.”

  “I don’t remember your mother, never met her,” Catalina said.

  “She would have loved you,” he said.

  Catalina smiled. “I’m not so sure.”

  “My mother loved everyone. Even my father who never deserved her.”

  “Benvenuto,” a voice spoke behind them.

  Catalina turned to see a man in a monk’s robe. He approached with his hands hidden to the front of his robe. He nodded at Armando first and then her.

  “Welcome to St. Mary’s. Are you foreigners?”

  “No. We... are from Sicilia,” she said in Sicilian.

  The monk smiled. “Ah, newlyweds then? You have that glow
about you.”

  “Newlyweds?” she laughed. “We are just friends. I wanted to pray for my brother. This cathedral is so beautiful, so peaceful.”

  “It’s over six hundred years old. The village is small, but we have a good fellowship. Would you like a tour?” he asked and paused. For whatever reason he was struck with recognition of Armando. “Perdonami, Don Mancini. I didn’t recognize you, it’s been so long.”

  Armando shook the monk’s hand and then kissed both cheeks. “I think we’d like that tour. I haven’t been here since my mother died.”

  The monk readily agreed. There wasn’t much to see, but what treasures lie in the heart of the cathedral were open to them. Catalina felt humbled by it all. After the tour they bid the monk and another priest who later joined them goodbye. But Catalina didn’t want to leave. The feeling of rebirth was so heavy on her, she wanted to carry it with her forever.

  Armando stopped at the doors of the cathedral. Did he feel it too? He went to his knees and took her hand. The Priest and the Monk observed. Catalina frowned at his bowed position. It wasn’t until he spoke that she understood his intentions.

  “I know I am not the man you’ve intended to give your heart to. But I am a man who has fallen deeply in love with you. I am a different man when we are together. I’m whole. And I want to be forever, with you. I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife. Catalina, volete sposarmi.”

  “Marriage? Marry you?” Her mouth gaped. She couldn’t speak another word.

  “Give me your heart and you will never regret it. Marry me. Say yes, Catalina. Say yes.”

  She glanced to the priest and then to him.

  “Me and you forever?” she asked.

  “You want to heal your family, bring this war to an end between your brother and Lorenzo? Force us to become one. You can do that, by stepping to my side and making our families unite. They will all accept it in time,” he said.

  “Because we’ll make them. Together,” she smiled. “Yes, Armando. I will be your wife.”

  Armando stood with eyes stretched as if he didn’t believe her answer. She hugged him. “I’ll marry you and we’ll stay here forever.”

  He lifted her into his arms and swung her around. She hugged his neck. She couldn’t think of anything to bring her more joy in life.

  Marietta sat up in bed when the door opened. She expected Zia to arrive with some home remedy or another plate of food. The old woman had stopped speaking to her after overhearing her plans to reach out to Lorenzo. For all Marietta knew Zia had already gone back to the house and told Mirabella all about it.

  It wasn’t Zia at the door. Minnie arrived. Marietta let go a deep sigh of relief.

  “Hi, Minnie!” Marietta said with as much cheer as she could muster.

  “How you feeling, sweetheart?” Minnie asked.

  “Better. Stronger. Did you see Mirabella? Give her my letter.”

  Minnie lowered her gaze. She stood at the door for a brief pause, and then came inside and closed the door behind her. Marietta’s heart sank. She didn’t have to hear Minnie say the words. She knew in her heart of hearts that Mirabella would tear the letter up upon sight. Minnie walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. She patted Marietta’s leg.

  “Your sister is in a lot of pain right now.”

  “I know,” Marietta said.

  “She’s dealing with a lot. Everyone has turned to her. She’s doing what she thinks will protect her husband. She sees us all as enemies. After everything she’s been through, can you blame her?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “She does love you. That much I know fo-sho. She done hired the best doctors and told me she wants me to keep you calm. That right there proves she cares.”

  “Minnie? Does she understand that I can’t deliver my baby here? That it’s dangerous for me and my child?”

  “I told her what the doctor said. That the baby will come early. And needs to be in the hospital.”

  “And? She’ll let me go to the hospital right?” Marietta asked.

  “I don’t know.”


  “I tried.”

  “Try harder!” Marietta said. Minnie blinked at her with surprise over Marietta’s tone. “This is my child’s life! I can’t stay here!”

  “Hey? Stop it. You gots to remain calm.”

  “I have to get the hell out of here, Minnie. For the love of God someone has to help me!”

  “Shhh...” Minnie drew her into her arms.

  “You have to get a message to Lorenzo. He needs to know I’m in trouble.”

  “Why you come back here? If you know they blame you?”

  “I didn’t know. I mean... I knew they blamed Lorenzo, but I came here to make peace. I thought I could.”

  “You knew it was a risk.”

  “Minnie! I’m her sister. I’m pregnant. She almost died giving birth to the twins. She knows our mother’s history with having us. This is serious. You think I would come here to play games when I need to have my family together? Never. I came here because this is my home and our husbands war is going to get more people killed.”

  “I will. I’ll try. I swear it.” Minnie cupped her face. “But you got to relax. Okay? Can you do that?”

  Tears dropped to her cheeks. Then Marietta glanced up. Her eyes stretched. “Minnie! I know what will help. The record, the journal, I left it at the lemon house. You tell Carlo to get it and give it to her and she will...”

  “I thought you said he couldn’t be trusted?”

  “Never mind that now. Tell him to get it!”

  Minnie shook her head no. “She has it already.”

  “Who does? Mirabella? How?”

  “She thinks I gave it to you in secret, and that you hid it from her.”

  “Why would she think that?”

  “Did you tell her about it?”

  “I... I tried but, we never got a chance.”

  “She’s got it all worked out in her head. How you never cared for her husband. How you only care about Lorenzo, and think she’s stupid. How you kept secrets, even your mama’s record. Lord, that’s my fault.”

  Marietta wiped her tears. Mirabella was never that intuitive. Her sister in the past was led by her heart. It was because of this, Mirabella told her to call Armando to come in and save them. Her help saved Lorenzo’s life. But she had to know now that it also put Giovanni’s life in jeopardy.

  “I need to apologize to her. Face to face. A real apology. I made some bad mistakes, Minnie. What she says about me isn’t a lie. I’m selfish, and I can’t help it. Mirabella had our grandparents. I had nothing, from day one, nothing. I’m so used to having nothing. I scrape and hide away everything I get. Even what I should share. Tell her, Minnie. Tell her that I want to see her, to tell her the truth. Please.”

  “I will. But you have to regain your strength. Do you understand? That baby’s life depends on it. You’re a mother now, that has to be the most important thing. Okay?”

  Marietta nodded. “Okay.”

  Minnie gave her a tight squeeze and then let her go. She smiled and kissed her brow. “I’m going to get dinner started.”

  “Is Zia still here?”

  “No, she left when I came. I think she still a bit sore at ya.”

  “I still think we should try to get in contact with my husband.”

  “If I do this and I get caught, I will break Mirabella’s trust. Then what happens?”

  Marietta nodded. “You’re right. The best way is for me to talk to her. I know if I can I’ll help her understand.”

  Minnie winked. “Let me work on her a bit more.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Belinda the Explorer

  Amalfi Coast

  I’m free...

  I’m free...

  I’m free...

  The words kept repeating in her head. She didn’t think it would work. And if it were to work she definitely didn’t think it would happen so fast. But it did.
/>   “You hear me talking to you, girl?”

  Belinda’s gaze switched to her mother who stood at the door glaring at the tangerine bikini she wore. Belinda pulled up her shorts and reached for her long sleeve shirt. “Yes, mam.”

  “I want you back before it gets dark!”

  “Yes mam,” Belinda said as she stuffed all she could take into her straw beach bag.

  “And don’t you dare give him any problems. Stay away from strangers, I mean it Bee. I don’t need to worry about you when I got so much going on now with Marietta.”

  “Is she okay? I heard she was sick out there in that red house,” Belinda fastened her sandal. Her mother walked into the room.

  “She’ll be fine, if we get her out of there to the doctor. But don’t you worry about that. I got it under control.”

  “Love you Mama!” Belinda leapt up and grabbed her mother. She planted a kiss to her jaw and squeezed her. Minnie fought off the affection. Belinda was able to make her mother smile before releasing her.

  “Wait a second girl! Wait a second. Let me go.”

  Belinda sighed. “He’s waiting on me. I gotta go.”

  “I know. I know.” Minnie grabbed her arm and kept her from the door. She pulled Belinda over and then went to her purse to fish out her wallet. She located her credit card. “Use this. Your daddy said the limit is up to a thousand. You can get yourself something nice.”

  The credit card was pressed into her hand. Belinda looked at her mother surprised. Minnie was never one to splurge. They always lived on a budget. Even with a millionaire fashion designer in the family. “Thank you Ma.”

  “Mirabella probably will offer to pay but we pay our own way. Don’t you go spending money that ain’t yours.” Minnie grabbed Belinda’s chin and lower jaw. “It broke my heart when you got yourself kicked out of school. But that was months ago. Your daddy said I should let it go and trust you again.”


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