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The New Pot Enlightenment

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by Steven Hager

  Part of the New Enlightenment is a realization the CIA Executive Action Program run by Bill Harvey and supervised by James Angleton was responsible for assassinating President John F. Kennedy, and another part is realizing the truth about 9/11 has been withheld by the Pentagon, and whatever that truth may entrail, those three buildings could not have come down at near free-fall speed without the use of explosives, and the manuvers of some of the planes defy normal human abilities, just as no one could have fired three bullets so accurately from a cheap Italian rifle so quickly as Lee Oswald was accused of having done.

  Educate yourself on deep political events and understand major crimes require major coverups. Study those coverups. In regards to the JFK assassination I recommend Evidence of Revision; and for 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor, both documentaries around five hours in length and well worth watching.

  And finally, the most important aspect of the New Pot Enlightenment is a willingness to learn from the ceremonies and rituals of all cultures without having to submit to any of their dogmas. Just as plants achieve hybrid vigor, so do cultures when ceremonies are allowed to mix freely. I like ceremonies improvisational and prefer to allow the role of High Priest move around as much as possible so that everyone gets an opportunity to wear the big hat. That’s another key to the New Pot Enlightenment: everyone has the same access to the Great Spirit, and access is not based on intelligence or special abilities. The true Bible is written in all our hearts, and easy to find there provided we have not been abused. And if we have been abused or suffer from trumatic stress, cannabis can be the best possible medicine for alleviating those symptoms, just another proof of its magical and sacramental powers.

  I started my own corruption-free religious institution recently: The Pot Illuminati, a non-violent organization devoted to improvisational creativity, inspired in large part by James “Chef Ra” Wilson. After organizing counterculture ceremonies for High Times for 25 years, I learned a lot about ceremonial magic and needed a place to park some wisdom so it can be handed down. I came upon the idea of a secret Masonic-style lodge that accepts all cultures. We pass the big hat around and there is no dogma: do what you want, just don’t hurt anyone. I am stealing the sigils of the evil Illumnati and turning them to sigils for good. I call it the Grand Lodge of the Pot Illuminati. If you want to learn more, send an email to, explain your path and what asset you offer the lodge.

  But part of the New Pot Enlightenment is understanding we can all create pot-friendly congregations and it’s a good idea to organize in groups so we can establish a ceremonial culture that can be passed down to the next generation. Only this time around, let’s make it corruption-free and more democratic than your average religion? And please don’t make it all about a bunch of stoner dudes getting high. There are deeper and more meaningful trails to follow. So I encourge everyone to start their own cannabis societies and religions to honor the vast ceremonial powers of cannabis. Just keep in mind the most important thing I learned from 25 years at High Times: The less you do, the higher you get. If you want to treat cannabis with respect, there can be much magic, but if you want to abuse her powers, she can just as easily transform into an expensive habit with no magic at all. It’s not about who can take the biggest bong hit, but who can get the most benefit from the least amount.

  Manifesto of the Pot Illuminati

  Cannabis has been a constant provider of human welfare throughout humanity’s long journey. The time has come for the Pot Illuminati to gather and take our place as stewards of Cannabis. We seek to help dissolve the oppressive laws against our sacrament. We also seek to harness the power and energy of Cannabis for the welfare of the world.

  We have long celebrated the great gifts this unique plant offers such as medicine, food, fuel, paper, cordage, paints, plastics as well as the sacramental key to higher realms of consciousness (if used wisely and in moderation). We have patiently waited for humanity to awaken from the ignorance caused by forgetfulness and many of our members have suffered great persecution just for their acknowledgement and love for the many blessings Cannabis has bestowed upon us.

  But we now stand at the threshold of a Great Cannabis Re-awakening, a Phoenix rebirth of the mighty healing spirit of Cannabis. The Pot Illuminati, as faithful stewards and advocates of Cannabis, claim our right to determine, shape and protect the future of Cannabis from state and corporate domination and exploitation.

  The Pot Illuminati Lodge is a non-political entity that embraces all people regardless of race, religion or national origin. We seek to blend all the great religions, many of which have been perverted to manifest war for profit.  We also seek to disarm the dark lords who support Prohibition and we will do this by stealing their sigils, their names, their totems, and bending them all to our vibrations of peace and respect for Mother Earth.

  Induction into The Pot Illuminati Lodge is by invitation only.

  The Pot Illuminati Grand Lodge: Rules and Dogmas

  There is no dogma: Do anything you like, just don’t hurt anybody. However that does not mean we do not study and celebrate the poetry and myths of past religions. We do. However, we feel free to merge concepts from all religions because they are rivers flowing into the same sea.

  Improvisation is encouraged at all times: always allow the inspiration of the moment to manifest and trust your instincts because they prove your heart is pure.

  The main vibration to manifest is love and when we share it, it fills our Temple with a palpable vibration that can be used to heal damaged souls and one can feel that energy later in the empty Temple long after everyone has left.

  The second vibration is fun, as much fun as possible, and pranks and jokes are totally fine, provided everyone laughs when it’s over, because if anyone cries, you just created a stain on your karma.

  When the Pot Illuminati gather for an improvisational ceremony, no anger or evil telepathic desires should manifest in the Temple, and if someone’s energy is not correct, an Illuminated Master must rectify the situation quickly, often done by inviting the person to share some Cannabis.

  If someone yells, or starts a violent confrontation inside the Temple, it must be cleared immediately, and everyone should vacate while an Illuminated Master solves the situation. Members should not return until the perpetrator(s) have either left the Temple or been excused by the Illuminated Master, and the room should be blessed with sage and ceremony and members should pray in silence until the proper vibration returns and normal Temple functions can continue.

  No member should ever lie, cheat or steal, and if caught doing so, they should be expelled. Such matters involve the entire membership.

  A small jar of Cannabis should be placed on the altar in the Temple at all times in case of medical emergencies. Members always know they can come to the Temple should they require medicine. White powders, hard drugs, and alcohol are not permitted in the Temple. Do not bring weapons of violence into the Temple and the penalty for this violation is permanent expulsion.

  Please never carry more than one ounce of Cannabis into the Temple. It is your responsibility to help protect the Temple and the members from persecution. We seek to create a refuge from the storm so our members can share the sacrament in peace, but we cannot allow that peace to be shattered because of excessive amounts of cannabis brought into the Temple.

  There are no degrees in our society as all members are equal Do not apply or seek membership if you have a history of hurting people or have been arrested for violent activities.

  Once you are inducted into our society, you will be given a pin to wear, which you can display or hide. However, you should never brag or boast about your membership, nor draw attention to your pin, but if someone asks what that is, feel free to whisper the words: “Pot Illuminati” and then put a finger to your mouth and go “shhhh” and say no more on the subject.

  This is a work in progress, and you can help my making suggestive comments.

  I’m a writer, journalist,
filmmaker, event producer and counterculture and cannabis activist, and was born and raised in Urbana, Illinois. I started out writing black comedy, but I'm best known as the first reporter to document hip hop and the instigator of the film Beat Street. I also founded the Cannabis Cup, organized the first 420 ceremonies outside of Marin County, while launching the hemp movement with Jack Herer and writing some landmark conspiracy articles. Some of my other books you might enjoy:

  "The best article on the assassination," --Judge Jim Garrison. The Executive Action Team James J. Angleton assembled to kill Castro (William Harvey, Johnny Roselli) was diverted for the Kennedy hit, and immediately afterwards, a trail of dead bodies began appearing around Angleton, one that included Roselli and Sam Giancana.

  Why was Lincoln left unguarded when the War Department knew there were serious plots afoot against him? Why was Booth killed when he was locked in a tobacco barn and surrounded by 25 soldiers. Why were two innocents swiftly hanged by a military tribunal and not allowed to even testify in their own defense. You will find the answers in this explosive book.

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