Book Read Free

The Rock Season

Page 10

by R. L. Merrill

  “What I want and what I’m ready for might be two separate things. I want a helluva lot more of you, Aaron. Right now I’d love for you to walk me to my car and kiss me some more. Does that work for you?”

  He smiled at me, his lips pink and glossy from kissing me. I giggled, knowing I was probably quite rosy from his heavy stubble. He had the kind of beard that probably needed to be shaved every day and would still look like it had been a day or two. His white teeth were gleaming in the dark.

  “I’m definitely walking you to your car. As for what happens when we get there, I will be ok with whatever. I told myself, promised myself, I wouldn’t push you. I’m promising you the same thing, ok? But damn, woman,” he said in a gravelly voice. He took my hand and I looked around only to realize that my purse was gone.

  “Oh no! Aaron! Someone must have taken my purse! Dammit! I knew better than to leave it in my seat.” I could see how angry he was with himself.

  He squeezed my hand and said, “I am so, so sorry. What kind of a shitty security guy doesn’t notice something like that?” His eyes were dark and I could see him looking around but most of the crowd was already gone.

  “The kind of security guard that was madly making out with me. That’s what kind,” I said with a giggle. I could see he was blushing. But then his smile fell.

  “This is awful! Did you have anything irreplaceable in there?” He was pulling me out of the seats and onto the ramp. “Let’s get you to security and you can make a report with the police.”

  I giggled again. “Aaron, it’s fine! All that was in there was my license with my wrong address, my key to my right address, and my car key. And my breath mints. You were right. Security didn’t hassle me about them.” I couldn’t help giggling and I could see he was trying not to laugh.

  “Yeah, but what a pain to get your keys replaced and your license.”

  I shrugged. “It’s no big deal,” I said seriously. “I really don’t get bothered about that kind of thing. I’ve lost my keys more than once. The only problem I have right now is that, um, I can’t go home.” I looked up at him and may have batted my eyes and possibly bit down on my lip.

  His eyes flared and he pulled me in for a hug. “Stevie I would love for you to come to my place, but I have to warn you...We’ll likely have no privacy. I mean, I have my own place, but I sort of live with my family. I have an apartment out back, but my brothers don’t always respect it and...”

  I reached up on tiptoe and kissed him again, his arms coming around my back. “It’s ok,” I said. “As long as you don’t mind taking me home tomorrow. Oh. Or bringing me back here to get my car? Wow, I’m sorry I’m putting you out. I-”

  He cut me off with his kiss and this one was down and dirty. His hands grasped my hips and pulled me in tight. So tight I could feel him hard against me. I believed Maryland was right in her prediction.


  My head was swimming and my body all loose-limbed as I listened to Stevie tell the cops about her purse. They asked her if she was missing a credit card or anything. She shook her head and then...Fuck me, she reached in and pulled it out of her bra with a smile. I did that stumbling thing again. Any more from her and I was going to need the defibrillator! Scratch that, I needed one STAT! Because then she pulled her phone from her other bra cup! I had to step away and get a drink of water from the faucet. I walked back over rubbing the back of my head, trying to remember not to scratch where I’d just had my stitches out.

  “Miss Wilson, I’m so sorry about your purse. Here’s my card. If you remember anything else, please give me a call. You can call in 48 hours for a copy of the report for your insurance.” I watched as the fucking cop lingered handing her the card. She had to tug on it and she was frowning as I stepped next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. The cop, who was probably not a day over 25, looked way up at me and said, “Hey, McShane! Are you, um...”

  “Thanks, Scott. Are you ready,” I said softly against Stevie’s hair and she melted into my side, still smiling. We walked away, completely wrapped up in each other. I didn’t even notice Tyson, who yelled to me.

  “McShane! See you next week?”

  I waved to him and rolled my eyes at his expression. Stevie must have seen me.

  “Is that your boss,” she asked, her thumb hooked through the belt loop on my jeans like it was the most natural position in the world.

  “Yeah. He’s more of a friend, though. We’re closer to the same age working with a bunch of young guys so I guess he needs someone to bullshit with.” We walked out to Pops’ truck, quiet the rest of the way. When we got there, she giggled again.

  “Hey, where do you live? Should I leave a breadcrumb trail or something?” She seemed nervous all of a sudden so I gave her some space.

  “Stevie, if you’d rather, I can get you a hotel room closer to where you live and come back for you in the morning. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  She beamed up at me, raised up on her toes, and...rubbed noses with me? “Just you saying that makes me feel comfortable. Next, you’ll probably tell me you have a spare room, or that you’ll sleep on the couch.” I laughed, twirling the keys around my finger.

  “No spare room, unless you want to bunk with one of the Grandmas or my little brothers. Ew, no way.” I shook myself for even saying so and she laughed.

  “That’s right, they’re how old?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seventeen. It’s constant drama.”

  She laughed and tugged on my shirt to bring me closer. She had her back resting against the truck bed. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and I touched my forehead to hers.

  “You can’t be real,” I whispered.

  Her eyes went wide and she smiled, biting down on that damn bottom lip. “I am real, Aaron. Can’t you feel me?”

  Oh my aching soul, did I feel her. She was liquid heat under my hands, which I ran from her narrow waist to her curvy hips and back up to her elegant shoulders. She gave a soft sigh and I had to taste those lips again.

  “Mmmm, Aaron. You’re touchable and kissable.”

  Did I just growl? Shit, I couldn’t get close enough to her. Without coming up for air I reached over and unlocked, then opened her door. I guided her over so I could get her seated in the cab. I lifted her with ease and whispered, “Duck your head.”

  She did with a giggle and then she was perched there facing me, wicked temptress that she was. Pops wasn’t kidding about the handful. She was more than a truckload of I’m-going-to-fucking-lose-it.

  She let her knees fall to the sides and pulled me in closer. I was in such a daze it was all I could do to not climb in on top of her and push up that lovely dress of hers. I rested one arm on the seat next to her and wrapped the other around her back. She started kissing me with a purpose and I swear that purpose was to kiss me to death. But what a way to go! She dropped her head back and presented me with her resplendent throat. I had to kiss her there, had to taste her.

  “Aaron,” she whispered and then moaned happily in my ear. She was making me insane. I pulled back before I was lost in her completely. I stood there, panting, trying to get my brain back online.

  “You ok,” she asked quietly.

  I shook my head. “I’m more than ok, Stevie. But I’ve gotta stop or you’ll have to have me committed. I’m 5149 and ½.”

  She frowned, taking a minute to get the reference. Being around cops, I’d always laughed when they used that term to refer to someone who was almost 5150, or crazy enough for an involuntary psychiatric hold. When she did, her face lit up and she covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to maul you like this, but I have to confess...It’s been ages since I’ve been touched and I’ve never been touched like you’re touching me.”

  My turn to frown. “Then whoever he was had no comprehension of perfection. Because you’re perfect, Stevie. You’re so fucking crazy perfect.”

  Now she was really giggling and it was all I could d
o not to launch myself at her. Instead, I stepped back and rubbed my hands on my jeans.

  “Is it ok if I take you home now?” I didn’t want to rush her or scare her. She playfully shoved me backwards, grabbed the door and slammed it shut, giving me a wink from inside. All I could think of was that if I ever managed to get her in bed, I might not survive.

  The drive home took forever, but I was content to have her sitting against me on the bench seat, her feet tucked up under her. She played with the radio, trying to find the perfect music. She stopped on Live 105, which was playing...the Beastie Boys? I laughed as she sang all the words to Girls.

  “I love it,” I said when she ran out of steam.

  “You have superb taste in music, Miss Wilson.”

  She smiled and leaned her head against my shoulder, humming along to The Cure.

  “I want to see your music collection,” she said.

  I looked down at her and smiled. “Well, you’ll have to come to the shop for that. I’ve got it all over there. I didn’t have enough room in my apartment.” I chuckled. “I have to warn you, when I said I have an apartment, it’s not much more than a studio. So I hope you aren’t expecting luxury-”

  “I live in a studio. Trust me, I could give a shit where you live as long as there are no rodents running around or other women in your bed.”

  I coughed out a laugh, something she made me do quite often, and sputtered, “Every time you open your mouth I am more and more intrigued by you. It’s so rare I get surprised by people, but with you I feel like...I don’t know how to explain it.”

  She drew her finger along my thigh and said, “You feel like you’re in a horror movie and things keep jumping out at you?”

  Again with the coughing. I covered her hand with mine, worrying that if she kept that up I was going to split a seam.

  We pulled up to the house after midnight and the Camry was parked in the driveway. Aziz’s BMW was gone, meaning he was still out. People might come calling. That did a lot to kill my good mood. Stevie seemed to pick up on it and when we got to the top of the stairs, she turned me to her and grabbed my face.

  “Aaron, am I making things uncomfortable for you? I don’t want-”

  “No, love. It’s not you. I just have this sick feeling we’re going to have visitors and I don’t want them to embarrass me, which they love to do.”

  She didn’t seem to understand. “So? You have a big crazy family. So what? Unless you’re worried what they will think of you bringing a woman home-”

  I cut her off with a kiss. I slammed the door open, pushed her inside, and then backed her up to the door. It was all I could do to not rip her clothes off and she wasn’t doing anything to stop me. No, not at all. She hopped up in my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist. I groaned loudly, which made her laugh.

  “Why are you laughing,” I asked her and she giggled some more.

  “Because! You sound like a hungry beast about to devour me.”

  I searched her eyes with mine, knowing she had no clue just how close to the truth that statement was.

  “Stevie,” I said between clenched teeth. “You’re not far off the mark. I do want to devour you.” The playfulness left her eyes only to be replaced by desire.

  “Then have me, Aaron. If you’re sure that’s what you want, then have me.” She smiled warmly at me, tracing her finger down my cheek. Then she got a little shy. “As long as you aren’t really needing perfection. After Nancy, I’m not-”

  I kissed her softly. My eyes open to gauge her reaction. “You are perfect. You’re a goddess, love. Let me show you how it feels to be worshipped.”

  Her eyes grew wide as I carried her over to the middle of the room. I was standing between the couch and my bed. I looked at her questioningly and she gestured with her eyes and her head towards the bed. Laughing I ran with her in my arms, making her squeal, and fell on the bed with her on top of me. She sat up, straddling me, and that playful smile was back.

  “Can I touch you, Aaron?”

  All I could do was nod. I was completely stupefied now. I don’t think I could have strung together the vowels and consonants to respond. She took my hand and pulled on it, trying to get me to sit up. When I complied, she pulled my shirt off over my head and then pushed me back gently down on the bed. She undid her hair and let it spill all over me. She was ethereal. I was helpless underneath her. All I could do was watch as she traced the curves of my chest and stomach, smiling as she read my tattoo. She leaned down closer and hovered over my skin, just breathing. I gripped the bedspread to keep from screaming. It felt so good. When her lips enclosed my nipple I jacked up off the bed and cried out...And the fucking door banged open.

  Stevie’s eyes went wide as she turned to see my two brothers come barging in. She crawled off me and hid behind me with a laugh. I exhaled loudly. She stage whispered in my ear, “I guess we forgot to lock the door?” She wrapped her arms around my waist and I covered her hands with mine.

  “Wouldn’t matter. They bust it every time they do that. Boys, this is Stevie. Stevie, my brothers Peter and Patrick.”

  The twins were frozen in place, their eyes wide, and at least one of them had a boner. I raised an eyebrow and said, “Well?”

  They blinked. Peter elbowed Patrick, who said. “Bro, we are so, so sorry, but we had to talk to you.”

  I realized that they weren’t being their usual pestiferous selves and gestured for them to sit down. I stood up and turned to Stevie, who looked concerned. I gave her a look of apology and she shook her head.

  “No! No, it’s fine. Mind if I use your bathroom? Maybe steal a t-shirt?”

  I smiled and pointed to the door. “Bathroom’s in there, t-shirts are in bottom drawer, extra toothbrush in the cabinet if you need it.”

  She stood and reached up to kiss me on the cheek.

  “Take your time,” she whispered. “They look like they need you.” She walked away and my heart actually hurt from the feelings she evoked in me. God damn if I wasn’t in love with her already…

  “We’re so sorry,” Patrick said as soon as the door closed. “We didn’t mean to interrupt that, um-”

  “She’s beautiful,” Peter said, his eyes so wide I could see the whites all around.

  I laughed and said, “I know. And I have no idea what she’s doing here.”

  They frowned at each other and then shook themselves.

  “We had to come tell you because we gave your number to the police.”

  Any story that started out like that had to be bad. I bit back my usual retort of ‘what the hell did you do now’ because they looked scared to death.

  “Ok. What happened?”

  They looked at each other and Patrick nodded at Peter to talk. He took a deep breath.

  “We were at a party at Tina’s with a bunch of other people. Like hella people. Anyway, I was with Gretchen, um, going to the back of the house? Anyway, Tina came running out screaming that a girl was getting raped back there. Patrick wasn’t too far behind me and so me and him busted the door open and...” His eyes were even wider and I knew this was beyond awful. I was sitting on the coffee table and them on the couch. I reached out and touched his knee.

  “I’m sorry, Peter, but you need to tell me what else.”

  He nodded and looked at Patrick, who had angry tears streaming down his face. “Well, Patrick grabbed the first two guys and threw them into the wall. I socked the guy who was, uh, on top...Fuck, Aaron. It was awful.”

  He broke down in tears and I pulled him into me. Patrick threw his arms around him, too. I sat there holding my little brothers, wishing they hadn’t seen something so ugly. When they could breathe enough to tell me what else happened, I patted them on the backs and encouraged them to keep talking.

  “Gretchen called 911 on her phone and the guys tried to run. Patrick tackled two of them and some other guys came and helped. They kind of beat the shit out of the three of them. I tried to cover up Anita as best as I could. She was totally pas
sed out and she had...” He choked back a sob and took a deep breath. “She had blood all over, you know, down there.”

  I dropped my head in my hands just as I felt hands on my back and realized that Stevie had joined us. She was just wearing one of my black t-shirts that fit her like a dress. My Motorhead t-shirt to be exact.

  She asked the boys, “Can I make you some tea or something? Aaron, do you have any?”

  I couldn’t speak. I pointed to the Keurig and the rack next to it with assorted teas. The boys were still staring at me.

  “Ok, so the police came and then what?”

  Patrick looked at Peter and said, “Well, that was it. We told them what we saw and they took down our information. They took Anita to the hospital. Tina’s parents got called and they looked at everyone’s IDs. It was fucked up, Aaron. There were a lot of kids there that were high, a lot of drugs. I had no clue some of those kids were into that shit.”

  I blew out a breath and wiped my hands on my jeans. I really didn’t think my heart could take much more of this. I was dealing with too much stress and I probably wasn’t too young to have a damn heart attack. Or a stroke! But then those gentle hands were back on me, grounding me.

  “Alright. I’m guessing they didn’t find anything on you guys, that you didn’t drink and drive, any of that? Anything else I need to know?”

  They shook their heads. “No, man. Gretchen drove us and then brought us back. She’s a mess, too. Anita’s her friend. She’s blaming herself.” Peter was obviously worried about his girlfriend.

  I clapped him on the back. “She’ll be ok, little man. Maybe she should talk to a counselor, though. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt for you guys...”

  They were frowning at me like I was the crazy one. “We’re fine. What the fuck are you talking about,” Patrick said.

  Always the tough one.

  I smiled at him. “Well, I’m proud of you both. Seriously. You may have saved that girl’s life tonight.”


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