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The Rock Season

Page 21

by R. L. Merrill

  I took the water from her, confused and then it all hit me. I tried to get up, but the pain knocked me back down.

  “No, don’t try to get up. Everything’s fine. Peter’s still sleeping. Patrick and I kept watch on him overnight. He’s fine, no concussion. Gretchen is bringing breakfast. All you need to do is sit here and relax, ok?” She was so good at this. I reached up for her and she knelt by my side.

  “Thank you, Stevie. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.” She smiled at me and then the pain hit me again. “Fuck that hurts! What the hell…” The rest of the night came back to me. Peter’s rearranged face, my broken knee. Six to eight weeks immobilized. No driving. Fuck.

  “Can you get the boys down here, love?”

  She smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. “Sure, baby. Drink your water. Let me go check on Peter.”

  She ran upstairs and I called for Patrick.

  “You ok,” he asked me as he came in the room.

  “I will be. Give me a hand, I need to sit up.”

  Patrick came around and helped me.

  “I need to take a leak. Did we get crutches?”

  He brought them around to me and helped me stand. I tried to get him to leave me be but he said, “No way, dude. If you fall, Stevie will kick my ass and I’ll just have to pick you up anyway.”

  I shook my head and cursed my disability.

  The room stopped spinning just about the time I got to the toilet and I was able to piss without help. I was still wearing the same clothes from last night, only they cut off my pant leg to accommodate the huge fucking cast. This sucked in so many ways.

  Patrick helped me back to the living room and I opted for the recliner this time. Stevie came in with toast and ginger ale. I accepted it from her and wondered again how I’d managed to get her back into my life. Then I frowned. So much for getting her to let me take care of her. Unfortunately, if I didn’t want my parents flying home from Ireland, I was going to need her help.

  Peter joined us, moving stiffly, and I asked everyone to sit down.

  “We need to talk about what happened,” I started. “Obviously someone has it in for you guys and I think it’s safe to say it’s somehow related to the news about the trial. This means you guys aren’t safe being out and about, especially not on your own. From now on, you guys go everywhere together and you’re home by dark. I’m going to get an alarm and cameras installed and some more lights with sensors.”

  This met with some grumbles from Peter but Patrick was stoic. Stevie pulled up a footstool and sat next to me.

  “What about Mom and Dad,” Patrick asked.

  The boys looked at each other and then at me.

  Peter spoke up. “We don’t tell them. Or at least we don’t tell them it’s about the trial. I don’t want them to come home.”

  Patrick shook his head. “Me either. Aaron, you can’t tell them.”

  Stevie started to say something but held back. I knew what she thought, but I agreed with the boys. I wanted to keep our parents out of this until we knew something real about the trial.

  “We’ll tell them what happened, but won’t mention anything about the trial. I’ll tell them Peter happened upon someone messing with Stevie’s car and that we got hurt as they were running off.”

  Stevie took my hand and squeezed. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do. I’ll stay here and take care of you. I only have three more shifts at the store. I can get them covered.” I had no choice. I had to trust her that she was ok with this. “And don’t worry about my car, baby. I’ll have Patrick help me get it into the second bay of your dad’s garage. It’ll give your dad a project when he gets back.”

  The boys chuckled and then Peter cleared his throat. “We have some questions.”

  I nodded, worried about how they were going to take all of this. I couldn’t believe I let my little brother get hurt.

  Peter raised an eyebrow and said, “Who the fuck are Heckle and Jeckle? And who is this goddess you kept talking about?”

  Oh shit. The drugs.

  “See, there’s a reason I didn’t want to take that medicine.”

  Stevie started giggling, followed by Patrick. Peter tried, but winced when his ribs hurt him. That sobered me.

  “They are cartoon characters. What goddess are you talking about?”

  Stevie leaned over towards me and said, “I think he meant me,” to the twins. My eyes shot to her. “Unless there’s some other ginger you’re in love with and want to marry and have babies with.”

  I could feel my face get hot and the twins started laughing in earnest, Peter howling in pain between peals of laughter.

  “There’s no other Goddess than you, Stevie. That’s what I called you after I met you, before I knew your name. I must’ve been thinking of that.” Shit, what the hell had I said?

  She kissed my cheek and whispered. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold you to that proposal. When you’re back on your feet, or able to kneel at least, I’ll let you try again.”

  The boys were about to start rolling on the floor when we heard a knock at the front.

  “That must be Gretchen with the donuts,” called Patrick as he ran to the door.

  Peter tried to get up fast, but fell back down onto the couch. Stevie hurried to his side to fix a pillow behind his back.

  “No fast moves for you, dude. You need to eat and take some more Advil.”

  He nodded at Stevie and gave her an appreciative smile.

  Gretchen hurried past Patrick, shoving the boxes of donuts in his hands. She started crying when she saw Peter.

  “I’m ok, Gretch. I’m fine. I’m just glad you weren’t there.”

  She held him and cried while Patrick dug into the first box.

  “Patrick? Can you grab some paper plates and napkins, please,” asked Stevie.

  He looked properly admonished and hurried to the kitchen. Stevie followed him to grab milk and glasses.

  “Gretchen, you need to tell your parents what happened and I should talk to them, too.”

  She wiped at her eyes and said, “I told them what happened. I also told them about Brittany. Aaron I think she must have left here and gone and told people about Peter and Patrick testifying!”

  “You’re probably right. We’ll figure it out, Gretchen. Don’t worry. The cop I talked to last night said he’d be by today when he starts his shift. I’ll let him know what happened.” It was easier to tell others not to worry than to let it go myself.

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. I dozed on and off, allowing Stevie to take care of me and to give me the pain meds the hospital sent home. She ran some errands and picked up everything we might need for a couple of days. She helped me make a list of all the calls I needed to make in the morning and sat with me while I talked to the police officer. He was very interested in talking to Brittany. He also took down the partial plate number and said he’d check into it. Gretchen gave the officer her phone number and her parents’ info. Gretchen stayed all day taking care of Peter and helped Stevie feed us.

  After dinner, Patrick said he had homework to do and he and Peter went up to their room. I told Stevie I didn’t think Peter should go to school like this, but I didn’t want Patrick to go alone. She said we could decide in the morning.

  “How about we go with them to school and meet with the principal in the morning? That way we can let them know what’s going on and hopefully get their support.”

  I wanted to feel optimistic about this, but I really worried about sending them to school.

  “Shit! Stevie, love, can you hand me my phone? I need to let Schroeder know I’m laid up. Hopefully in a couple of days I can get in-”

  “Aaron. You can’t mess around with this. If you do too much, you could end up having to have surgery and that will lay you up even longer.” She looked at the time. “Why don’t you have him come sit with you for a while. I need to run home and get clothes and stuff. I won’t be long, but I don’t want you getting u

  I bit back a retort. She was trying to take care of me. I was afraid she was going to quickly learn I was a horrible patient. “Ok, love. I’ll call Schroeder. I’m sorry you have-”

  I loved it when she shut me up with her kisses. “No more I’m sorrys, ok? I’ll be back in about an hour and a half, ok? Then maybe we can give you a sponge bath.” She wiggled her eyebrows, but I couldn’t even get excited about that.

  “Be safe,” I whispered and she smiled.

  She went up the stairs to tell the boys she’d be back and then paused at the bottom of the steps.

  “Um, Aaron? It seems I’m stranded here again. Can I-”

  “Duh! Of course! I forgot. Take Pops’ truck. The keys are hanging in the cabinet by the door in back. Drive safe, don’t rush. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She rolled her eyes and blew me a kiss.

  Schroeder arrived less than five minutes from when I called him. “What the ever-loving fuck happened?”

  I gave him the story and told him I felt awful, but I was going to be out.

  “No shit you’re going to be out. You’re going to be out for a while! Jesus! Did they at least give you good drugs?” I told him about my scene in the hospital and he thought it was hilarious.

  “Damn do I wish I was there! So you proposed to her, did you? Probably the smartest thing you’ve done in years.”

  “Yeah, too bad I was too fucked up to remember it! I swear, though, if we get through this shit in one piece and she doesn’t hate me, I’m going to ask her. She’s a goddamn miracle, she is!”

  Schroeder narrowed his eyes at me. “I think you better be a damn good patient or she’s going to leave you on your ass.”

  He was right.


  When I returned to Aaron’s with a suitcase in hand, he was asleep and Schroeder was watching TV with the sound on low.

  “Hey! Thanks for coming over. I just wanted to run out before things get crazy.”

  He nodded and gave me a questioning look. “I’m really glad you are here, but I have to warn you.” He gestured to my sleeping honey in the recliner and shook his head. “He’s a big fat pain in the ass when he’s sick. I can only imagine he’s going to be worse with a broken knee. I’ll help out however I can. No need to worry about the shop. Me and Callie have it covered and the Js will be fine on Saturday if I stop in. He’s going to insist he be at work. You’re going to have to insist harder.”

  I laughed a little, but I was worried. “I’m just concerned that he’s not going to tell his parents. I think Shireen and Ryan will be angry when they find out.”

  Schroeder held up his hands. “You’re right. I’ll talk to him. I’m going to give you my number. Any time he gets belligerent, call me. He sort of listens to me. I can get in touch with his parents if need be.

  I took a deep breath for courage. “Thank you, Schroeder. I’m worried if I’m too pushy, he’ll send me away but I kind of have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.”

  Schroeder laughed hard and said, “And that’s exactly why you’re perfect for him. I’m going to take off, but I’m just down the street, ok?”

  I walked him out and took another deep breath. Aaron was still out and it was pretty late. I climbed the stairs to check on the boys only to find both of them already crashed. I turned out their light and grabbed a pillow and blanket from Aaron’s parents’ room so I could camp out on the couch. I wanted to be close in case he needed me.

  I gave Aaron one last kiss on his forehead before falling asleep. I had vivid, crazy dreams and didn’t get much sleep. I shot up at dawn, trying to listen for a sound. Aaron was mumbling in his sleep and his forehead was damp from sweating. I cleaned him up gently so as not to wake him, but his eyes opened wide with fear.

  “I’m sorry I startled you. Are you ok?”

  He grabbed for my hand and exhaled. “I dreamt they got you, too. Stevie...It wasn’t your car they destroyed, it was you!” Tears spilled from his eyes as he tried to sit up.

  “Just rest, baby. I’m fine. I’m ok. It was just a dream.”

  I tried to comfort him, but the poor guy was in pain and uncomfortable. “What can I do, baby?”

  He just looked up at me, not quite awake, and looked frightened. Finally, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, falling back asleep. I sighed and figured since it was 6:30, I should start breakfast. Patrick came down at 7:00 and looked as wrecked as I felt.

  “Did you sleep, Patrick?” He yawned and shrugged.

  “Not much. Peter grunted and groaned every time he moved and I had to help him up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Did Aaron get any rest?”

  “Some. Probably only because of the drugs. His back is going to be killing him later. I’m going to need your help getting him dressed. I think he wanted us to take you and your brother into school today.”

  Patrick shook his head. “He can’t go, Stevie. He can’t sit for long, he can’t move around. I’ll just go in by myself.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with him. I figured Aaron would make a determination when he woke up. I had breakfast done a few minutes later and I served Patrick and myself, then I went to wake Aaron.

  “Hey baby, I’m sorry to wake you, but Patrick is up and ready for school.”

  Aaron’s brain was slow to come back online. He rubbed his hands over his face and tried to sit up, causing himself considerable pain. He breathed through it and then said quietly, “Can you bring him in here?”

  I did as he asked and Patrick helped him up to go to the bathroom. He was in so much pain. I wished I could make him more comfortable.

  When they came back, Aaron went to the kitchen and sat, propping his leg on a chair. I brought him a pillow to put under it and he gave me a pained smile for the effort.

  “Peter can’t go to school, dude. He barely slept and he can’t sit for long. I’ll just go in.”

  Aaron grimaced and shook his head. “I don’t like it. And I don’t think I can get down there to meet with your principal…”

  I looked between them and offered a suggestion that wouldn’t cause them to be at an impasse. “How about I take Patrick to school and meet with the principal? We can call you on speaker and you can tell the principal about your concerns.”

  Aaron looked from me to Patrick and back. “I guess that would-”

  “No. I don’t need a babysitter. I can handle it. I’ll go to school and come home.”

  Aaron frowned. “She’s not going as your babysitter, brother, and I know you can ‘handle’ it, but I don’t want any trouble for you.”

  Patrick stuck his chin out and his eyes grew dark. “I’m not afraid. Let them try to fuck with me.”

  “See, that’s exactly why I don’t feel good about you going to school, little man. I don’t want you fighting.”

  “Yeah, dickhead,” said Peter, who had just come down the stairs. “Maybe we should both stay home until I can get around and asshole over there is able to go meet the principal.”

  Patrick did not look pleased with this scenario. “I can’t get behind in my classes! Just let me go, Aaron. I promise I’ll walk away from anything that happens.”

  God, I hoped this wasn’t a mistake. “Alright. But I want Stevie to follow you and she can meet with the principal and they’ll call me on speaker. I’m not having you there without the staff knowing what the hell happened here. For all I know, the idiots in the Escape go to your fucking school!”

  Patrick huffed out a breath. “Don’t recall seeing one, but I promise I’ll keep my eyes open.”

  Aaron did not seem comfortable with this at all. The boys finished eating and went upstairs. Aaron ate some eggs and took some of his grandmother’s pain remedy. He didn’t want to be foggy any longer.

  “Maybe I should just go,” he said, shaking his head. “I hate putting you in the middle of all this.”

  I sat down next to him and covered his hands. “Aaron, would you say that to me if we’d been together for a long tim
e or if we were engaged?”

  He frowned and looked at me with his head cocked to the side. “What do you mean?”

  “You love me, right?” He nodded. “And I love you. Forget the fact that we’ve only been together for a short time. Isn’t this what we’re supposed to do for each other?”

  A smile teased the corners of his mouth. “You’re just saying that because I’m a stinky gimp.”

  I burst out laughing and stepped over to wrap him in my arms. “You are a stinky gimp! We’ll get you cleaned up today, I promise. Even if I have to take you out back and hose you down.”

  He put his hands on my arms and squeezed. “I do love you, very much.” His eyes were full of so much frustration and fear.

  I kissed his head and said, “I know. Let me get Patrick to school. I’m going to bring you your cell, ok? You’ll be ok for a little while?”

  He nodded. He looked haggard. His stubble was pretty thick, he had dark circles under his eyes… I had to find a way to take care of him when I got back.

  I dressed hurriedly and told Peter to go sit with Aaron and make sure he didn’t try to do stuff he wasn’t supposed to. I told Patrick I’d follow him in the truck so he could drive himself to school. He thanked me and apologized for earlier.

  “It’s not about you, Stevie. I just don’t want people to think I’m afraid.”

  I told him I completely understood. I pulled up in front of Hayward Catholic High School and was immediately impressed. It looked very much like the classic brick building schools one would find in other parts of the country. It had an Ivy League feel to it. I went inside the office and asked to see the principal. The secretary was very friendly and asked me to wait just a few minutes. After the final bell rang and the halls grew quiet outside, I felt my phone buzz.

  made it 2 class

  I felt so much better knowing Patrick was inside and safe. The principal, Mr. San Juan, met me at the counter and shook my hand. He appeared to be not much older than Aaron and was smartly dressed in a suit and tie.


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