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The Middle of Nowhere

Page 16

by Piper Phoenix

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked as my heart fluttered against my will. After he’d stopped things telling me this just didn’t seem fair.

  “Christ Josie,” he said looking deep into my eyes. His eyes were glassy, and I didn’t know if he’d even remember anything he was telling me. “If I could physically do it, I’d bend you over this bed right now and finish what we’d started.”

  His words were like fire. They ignited my blood, and it started flowing quickly through my veins. Every part of my body was started to fire up in response and he hadn’t even had to touch me.

  When I looked down to avoid eye contact with him, I could see that he was feeling the same. His body was working just fine even though he was on pain killers and was just out of surgery.

  I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his being careful not to pull on any of the tubes or wires he was connected to. My fingers lightly twirled into his hair before I pulled myself away.

  It felt like I was losing my mind. I wanted him so bad, yet I wasn’t going to let it happen. I couldn’t. Everything felt like it was spiraling out of control. I was helplessly falling for him and I knew it the minute I had heard he was in the hospital.

  “I need to get back to work,” I said standing up and awkwardly moving towards the door.

  “But your dad is the boss. He’ll give you time off,” he said as if that would somehow change my mind. Instead, it only reminded me of every reason this should go any further.

  What it my mom and dad would have walked back in and caught us kissing? My dad would have tried to strangle him right on the hospital bed. At least he would be in the right place for when my dad attempted to murder him. But my dad was probably quicker than the hospital staff and Stone would be dead before their monitors even alerted them to his distress.

  “Sorry you were shot… get well soon,” I said and slipped out of the room. I wanted to hit myself for saying something so dumb. Thank God he was drugged up and probably wouldn’t remember anything I had said anyway.

  Since my parents had been my ride to the hospital I had to wait for them in the waiting room. Some of the Brother’s came in and out but no one went down the hallway to see Stone.

  The hospital probably wasn’t allowing them back to see him because they weren’t technically family. They had only made an exception for my dad because of who he was. But it wasn’t like they could let the whole club in.

  I was about to call my dad when Pike sat down next to me. “He left with your mom like thirty minutes ago,” Pike said as he adjusted his bandana.

  “Oh… great. Of course they did,” I said trying not to show just how pissed off I was that they just left without telling me.

  “He told me to bring you home,” Pike said in his low, gruff voice. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready,” I said standing and taking several steps away only to notice he wasn’t following me. “Pike?”

  He forced a smile. His mind was probably on his best friend. I wasn’t even sure if anyone updated him on Stone’s condition.

  “He’s going to be fine,” I said softly.

  “You know he talked about you the other night,” Pike said keeping his eyes focused on the floor.

  “He did?”

  “Yeah,” Pike said with a sigh. The way he was acting it didn’t seem like whatever they had talked about had been good. “I don’t want him to get in trouble with your old man, you know?”

  “Of course. I don’t either,” I said with a nod. I didn’t really understand what they had talked about, but I did know my dad. I didn’t want there to be trouble in the MC.

  This just solidified everything I had already known… getting involved with anything MC related would be a mistake. Pike knew it too. He was just trying to warn me… what he didn’t know was that I already knew better. He’d probably seen women go down this path with Stone a thousand times. But I wouldn’t.

  “Ready?” I said gesturing towards the door. The sooner I was out of here the better.

  Chapter 7

  I had been managing to avoid everything club related and Stone related for several days until I heard my dad talking to someone in the hallway outside of the office. There was a pile of work waiting for me and I tried not to listen but I couldn’t help it.

  “He’s been released. I want you to head over there later to check in on him… he’s got no one you know?” my dad said trying to keep his voice hushed. I couldn’t hear the response of the person he was talking to, but I assumed whoever it was would go because my dad asked him to.

  I was glad Stone was well enough to be at home, but I didn’t like the idea of him being there alone. There wouldn’t be anyone there to help him. It wouldn’t hurt anything if I stopped by to offer him help or bring him some food.

  When lunch time rolled around, I went into the kitchen to make a couple sandwiches. I packed them up as I ignored the voice in my head telling me to go back to work.

  The voice told me that if I went I was breaking my rule. If I was done with Stone, I had to really be done. I told the voice to shut up, this was different… he needed help… he’d be shot.

  My car almost didn’t want to start when I turned the key. It was almost as if it was trying to send me a message. But I had already made the sandwiches, so I felt committed. I didn’t want the food to go to waste. At least that’s what I told myself.

  When I pulled up to the curb, I saw his ex storm out of the house. I could even hear the door slamming from inside my car. She was shouting something as she walked away from his house.

  It wasn’t a big deal that she was there again. I wasn’t jealous. It was probably a good thing she had stopped by to check in on him. He needed people to help him right now. Although of course I didn’t know how helpful she’d been if she was leaving this angry.

  I stayed inside my parked car slouched down until she turned the corner. The last thing I wanted was his angry ex bombarding me with questions. Maybe she knew my dad, and she’d tell him I’d went to Stone’s house. It was better to just wait until the coast was clear to bring him his lunch.

  A random car came down the street and I waited until that one was out of sight too before I jogged over to Stone’s place. I knocked on the door and tapped my foot wondering why it was taking so long. But then I realize he probably wasn’t up and about to answer the door.

  I knocked again, harder and opened the door a crack, “Hello?”

  “Who is it?” he said, sounding as if he was in a bad mood.

  “It’s Josie,” I said trying to keep my voice soft. I felt paranoid everyone in the neighborhood was documenting my visits. It wasn’t like I was doing anything wrong by coming here to help. It was purely innocent.

  “Come in,” he said and I let myself in. He wasn’t on the couch so I figured he was in his bedroom. His house wasn’t very big so it would probably be easy to find. “I’m in here.”

  I stopped in the doorway and saw him laying uncomfortably in bed. His pillows were all over the place and there were beer cans scattered all over the floor. It looked as though a small tornado had gone through his bedroom.

  “Yeah, sorry,” he said with a small frown.

  He was laying there shirtless which only made the blood that stained his bandage stand out even more. At first I was distracted by all of his muscles. Muscles I didn’t even know a person could have, but then I came to my senses and set down the plate of wrapped sandwiches in front of him.

  “Is someone going to help with that?” I said gesturing towards his bandage.

  “A nurse is going to check on it later. It’s fine,” he said waving his hand as if he barely even noticed it was there.

  My eyes went back to his solid abs, down to the sheet draped over his hips. I wondered if he was wearing pants, or underwear for that matter. It would have been difficult for him to get dressed, or at least I imagined it would have been. But I tried not to think about any of that as I unwrapped a sandwich for him.

fucking starving,” he said as he took a large bite.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” I said unable to resist looking at the aluminum cans strewn about.

  “Water,” he said between bites. I left the room to go into his kitchen and search his cabinets for glasses. He had three glasses and a mug inside, so I took one of the glasses and filled it with water from his sink.

  I walked back to his room and handed him the glass. He grabbed it and drank down the whole thing in one drink.

  “Was thirsty too,” he said with a smile.

  I took the glass from him and set it on his nightstand. Without giving it much thought, I started to pick up the beer cans off of the floor and stacked them next to the glass.

  “Sit,” he said as he unwrapped the second sandwich. He waved it at me as if he was offering me some of it. I shook my head, and he was already taking a second bite before I even sat down.

  “I saw your ex leaving. Did she stop by to help you?” I asked hoping I didn’t sound too nosy. I just hadn’t known what else to say, so I said the first thing I could think of. “You don’t have to answer that.”

  He laughed and eyed me as if he wasn’t sure if I was being serious. “Yeah… she was just here asking for money again,” he said pointing at his bicep as if he was injecting himself with something.

  “Oh. I’m sorry… I didn’t know,” I said feeling as though I was stepping into territory that was too personal and quite frankly none of my business. I tried to change the subject, “They are all still looking for Stretch.”

  He stopped eating and looked at me funny. His left eye scrunched up in an odd way.

  “Yeah, I guess he still hasn’t checked in or gotten back to anyone. The whole club is pretty worried,” I said not realizing he hadn’t been told about Stretch yet. “Oh shit. Shit!” I said knowing my dad was going to kill me.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Stretch is gone? Why hadn’t anyone told me? And I’m sitting here lounging around in bed when I should be out there looking for him!” he said putting the last three bites of the sandwich down on the plate. He started trying to get out of bed.

  I stood up and put my hands on his shoulders to stop him from getting up. But he was still strong enough that I wasn’t able to stop him. He was on his feet in no time at all wearing nothing but a pair of thin fabric boxers. When he tried to straighten himself he looked as though he was about to fall. He was probably weak, tired and full of painkillers. Stone started tipping forward, but I caught him and helped him back down on the bed.

  “They are taking care of it,” I said lightly putting my hand on his shoulder. “If anyone will find him, it’ll be the Brother’s Rebellion.”

  And if they didn’t find him, they would most definitely retaliate. They’d probably retaliate just for them having kidnapped him. I knew things weren’t going to be good between the Brother’s and the Henchmen.

  After what Stone had been through, it was better that he didn’t get involved. Since he had just been in the hospital with a gunshot wound, I assumed it was very likely some of the police force the few that weren’t with the Brother’s would be watching him. He wouldn’t be able to help without getting into some kind of trouble whether it be with the law or The Wild Henchmen.

  He looked down at his feet as he tightened his hands into white-knuckled fists. I could tell he was frustrated and angry.

  “He needs me,” Stone mumbled.

  “He needs you to get better first,” I said trying to help him get comfortable again. I sat on the side of his bed and folded my hands into my lap. “What happened anyway?”

  Stone stretched his neck forward, “We got caught somewhere we shouldn’t have been. I remember running with Stretch, then I remember laying on the ground in pain as I shouted at Stretch to run. Guess they left me and took Stretch.”

  “Oh,” I said assuming I probably shouldn’t ask for details about where they were. The less I knew the better. I didn’t want to get interrogated if things got worse.

  My dad probably knew in detail everything that had happened to Stone and Stretch. Every word that had been uttered. Every single detail. He had probably been the one to send them there.

  “I should go,” I said abruptly. I stood up but Stone quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bed. He’d pulled so hard I flopped forward and my chest was pressed down against his. Our faces only inches apart.

  My hand rested on his solid chest and I wanted more than anything to glide it up and down his silky skin. I wanted to feel his muscles with my fingertips. The feeling was so powerful I didn’t know if I’d be able to push it back down. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to deny my desire.

  “I don’t want you to go,” he breathed as he looked directly into my eyes. The intensity of his gaze was nearly too much for me to handle.

  “But I really….” I couldn’t think. Why was I denying myself time with him again? My dad didn’t ever need to know.

  “Josie,” he said and paused. He didn’t say anything else. My name had been all he wanted to say. I took a deep breath and watched my hand as it slid across his chest. His skin was so soft and the muscles underneath so solid… it was perfect. Being here with him felt like I was doing something wrong, but I couldn’t stop.

  Stone put his finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him. My heart pounded so loudly in my chest I was sure he could hear it. Even though it probably caused him pain, he moved forward and pulled me closer to him. He held my face so I wouldn’t pull away as he pressed his lips to mine.

  At first I knew I should pull away, stop things… but when his tongue slipped inside my mouth to find mine, I melted into him. In that moment I was his, and he was mine. I could feel his passion… desire… his need in his kiss, and it matched mine completely.

  It was like something took over when I carefully climbed up on top of him. My fingers were on his chin, in his hair, and down his abs towards the waistband of his boxers. I kissed him as if he were my oxygen. He was the only thing keeping me alive.

  I wanted him.

  I need him.

  I craved him. Every fucking inch of his rock hard body.

  Stone’s fingertips glided down my neck and then over my shoulders. I shivered lightly under his touch. When he moved his fingers down towards my breast, I couldn’t help but gasp. My head tipped back as if it weighed a hundred pounds. My whole body came alive as he lightly ran felt around the curve of my breast.

  He pulled his head away from mine ever so slightly and looked into my eyes as he firmly cupped my breast. His thumb grazed my nipple lightly and when I parted my lips he thumbed it again, never taking his off of mine.

  Stone watched me as he stroked my nipple and moved his other hand down and around to grab my ass. His hand kept moving forward until I was sure he could feel my wetness. I moaned and closed my eyes when his fingers found my clothing covered folds.

  “Oh God,” I purred and my body jerked as he rubbed against the clothing.

  “No, it’s just me baby,” he said in his cool, confident voice.

  When he spoke it was as if I remembered where I was and who I was with. I should have moved away, thought things through, but he held me closer and stroked me again and again as his thumb repeatedly harassed my nipple. I felt dizzy under his touch.

  “Stone,” I moaned as I rolled my hips into his hand, but then I tried to pull away. It wouldn’t take long, at this rate he was going to bring to my body to the edge. I wanted his touch to last forever. He knew how to touch me in all the right ways.

  “Yeah, baby?” he said softly as he pressed his fingers into me. I could feel his eyes watching my every reaction.

  “This… shouldn’t… happen,” I said between heavy breaths but I still hadn’t been able to pull away from him.

  He stared at me as if he was trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. After a long moment, he sighed and looked down into the small space between us.

  I don’t know how I did
it, but I managed to pull myself away from him. I backed away from him to the far side of his bed so our bodies were no longer touching. The look on his face was almost tortured, but it also had a hint of understanding. My expression probably matched his identically.

  “I’m sorry,” I said shaking my head. “It’s just my dad… and stuff.”

  “I get it,” he said as he shifted eyes towards me. “But the things I’d do to you. Mmm, baby, I’ll be thinking about all those things the minute you are out the front door and there’s nothing your dad can do about that.”

  It took everything I had not to rip my clothes off and jump on top of him. I forced myself to stand up and straighten my clothes. “Well, I really should get going.”

  I paused in the doorway as if I have expected him to beg me to stay. But he didn’t. I waved at him awkwardly and turned to leave. But I only made it one step before he called after me. If he asked me to stay… I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to make my legs work.

  “Josie,” he said sharply. I took a step back so he could see me waiting, but I couldn’t look up at him. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, I did, but if I saw him, I wouldn’t be able to stay strong.

  I could do whatever I wanted and take whatever my dad dished out, but it wouldn’t be fair of me to do that to Stone. Because what my dad would dish out to him would be far worse than anything he’d do to me.

  “Yes?” I said softly.

  “Will you keep me posted on the Stretch situation? Since no one else in the fucking club is bothering to tell me anything.”

  I wanted to tell him I couldn’t. Because that would mean I’d have to talk to him again… see him again, and then all of this would just start up again. I needed a long time to gather my thoughts to make sense of everything. The last thing I wanted was to be in this position, and of course it was the exact position I had put myself in.

  “Sure thing,” I said, and I wanted to smack myself. Instead, I forced my legs to move forward and take me out of his house.


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