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Love of Truth

Page 4

by C. T. Oliver

  His smile fades a little. “Okay, I guess I’ll see you later on then,” he says as he heads down the porch.

  I put Larry down on the couch and head into the kitchen for breakfast, but a part of me feels a brief moment of loneliness. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. Possibly not since after my breakup with Trey. Maybe I wanted Craig’s company and should have just invited him in for breakfast. Looking down at my clothes and after a few sniffs under my arms, my regret at my lack of hospitality is gone.

  A quick breakfast of fruits and Greek yogurt for myself and a handful of kibble for Larry and things start to feel back to normal. Looking outside, I decide a run might just be the thing to calm the nerves from such an eventful morning.

  Feeling refreshed from my run on the beach, I spend the rest of the morning organizing my things in my room. I want the house to be neat and organized when Pen and Blu get here. They are the only two people on Earth who truly understand me, know my fears, and are actually there without judgment when I fail. They are my true family.

  During my late lunch with Larry, cuddling with his hippo next to me on the couch, I decide to get a head start on planning Blu’s birthday dinner the following Tuesday. After deciding to pawn the birthday dinner for Pen to cook so I can focus on all the dessert, I start to freshen up my baking skills.

  With Larry on the island top, I turn up Lady Antebellum and dance around the kitchen singing about not going downtown and being a good time tease. It reminds me of the once excited teenager I used to be, who was always open to hanging out and meeting new people. Dancing around while measuring out flour and sour cream for my self-proclaimed award winning coffee cake, I wonder if Craig is someone I can open myself to. Can I get to know him without him taking advantage of me and possibly hurting me?

  “Getting ahead of yourself, don’t you think? Especially since we don’t know anything about him other than his first name,” I chuckle to myself. Larry lays his head on his hippo’s tummy and gives me an adorable head tilt.

  Two-dozen coffee cake muffins later, the idea of having to cook dinner is not so appealing. I decide a night on the town and some entertainment is what I need. I shower and dress in a pair of black skinny jeans and a mint green long-sleeve button up shirt. I twist my hair into a messy bun, add some mascara and blush for color and wrap myself in an infinity scarf Blu knitted for me.

  After getting Larry tucked in for the night, I enjoy a leisurely walk into town to my favorite restaurant, Chowder House, for their famous clam chowder and fifty varieties of Oregon microbrews. I hope the stage for Karaoke will be open for entertainment. There is nothing funnier than a drunk two pints in getting in touch with his inner Britney Spears.

  Mary, the owner, greets me right at the door and she immediately seats me at with the best booth in the house with a microbrew of my own. Looking around the familiar restaurant, I’m catapulted back to when I met Mary. I was too young to appreciate good chowder and thought it tasted fishy, until Mary tricked me into tasting it. I sometimes have cravings so intense, I’m ashamed to admit I have driven the two hours to Chowder’s for a bowl and a side of Mary’s no-bull-shit personality.

  I smile as my eyes take in all the familiar framed newspaper clippings featuring the restaurant, family portraits, and nautical paintings that decorate the walls. This place has not changed over the years. Being at Chowder’s always brings back childhood memories of being with my uncle. This is where we came after a long day of clamming or fishing.

  Half way through my first pint, I feel as though there’s a set of eyes watching me. It doesn’t take long for me to pinpoint the teal-grays as they sweep over me, and the much too charming grin that accompanies them. As the grin starts to approach, I can feel my cheeks scorch, and it’s not from the beer.

  Chapter 8

  Coming back from an eighteen-mile hike, the only thing I want is a decent dinner and a nice cold beer. After showers to wash off all the sweat, mud, and tears from laughing so hard after Cory got spooked by a fox then screamed like a girl, we jumped into the truck and headed to Chowder House. Ever since Monday, night when we got into town, I’ve been thinking about the chowder here. It’s thick and delicious, and for a soup it fills me up, which is rare.

  During the hike today, I may have also been thinking about my neighbor more than a few times. In the middle of hiking up 5,000 feet of elevation, I may have let my mind drift to the way she smelled this morning. For the life of me, I couldn’t place the elusive scent. I was in the middle of the forest when the fresh breeze brought the scent of plants and trees wafting past me and it comes to me. Mint. She smells like mint.

  The moment I walk into Chowder House, my eyes are drawn to her. Tucked into the back of the restaurant, she’s deep in thought with a cute little smile on her lips. I can’t help but smile back just as her gaze meets with mine.

  I head over to her table without a second thought. I am going to get to know my adorable neighbor tonight even with the distractions of the Cory and Ben tagging along.

  “Hey, do you mind if we join you tonight. Looks like they’re out of tables.” Good thing Cory’s whining about no open tables penetrated. She is so lovely. Her light green shirt makes her skin glow. She looks stylish yet laidback. This girl definitely has me curious enough to want to know more.

  “Oh,” she says, her beautiful lips form a perfect O. Her eyes widen and she looks up at us with a blush staining her cheeks. “Oh, sure. I guess it’s unfair of me to hog a whole booth when there are others waiting,” she smiles sheepishly.

  I slide in next to her before anyone else decides where to situate themselves.

  “To be honest, I’m not that sorry to have the best seats in the house. The entertainment is worth getting all those dirty glares from the people without a table,” she says in a hushed whisper to everyone at the table with a big smile across her face. Seeing her relaxed and happy brings this strange satisfied feeling to me.

  “Well, it’s a good thing we made it in time to share the burden with you,” I whisper near her ear. I didn’t miss her sharp intake of breath when my lips lightly touched her ear.

  She turns to Cory and offers her hand. “Hi, I’m Amelia.”

  “Hi, Amelia. I’m Cory, the better looking brother,” he says in the voice he uses especially to charm girls. I’m really going to have to kick his ass later.

  She laughs off Cory’s charms as she turns to Ben and offers him her hand. Ignoring Cory’s flirting just made her shine brighter in my eyes.


  “Ben. So what’s this entertainment we have the best seats for?” he asks, pouring beers from the pitcher the waitress just brought to the table.

  “I’m not sure how it would measure up to your friends, the Oompa Loompa Barbies, but I’m pretty sure we’ll get a few good laughs out of it,” she jokes with a grin she is trying to hide. The second the words leave her lips, Ben can’t contain his laugh during mid-sip.

  “I know!!” Ben tries to say while coughing and clearing his throat. “So orange,” he manages to choke out.

  Cory laughs even though the joke is at his expense. “I like her,” he says, looking over at me.

  Oh Bro, you have no idea how much I like her.

  “Why, thanks!” she smirks.

  A waitress with a few no. 2 pencils sticking out of her ponytail saunters over to our booth with a disapproving look on her face. “These boys botherin’ you, Melia? I can refuse their service. You say the word,” she says, glaring at me then over to Cory, who tries to give her his most charming boyish smile.

  “No, no Mary, they’re fine. They are very entertaining,” Amelia smiles politely at Mary, but she’s trying hard to keep her composure. Her eyes are glossy with mirth.

  “Well then, what can we get for you boys,” Mary asks, eyeing Cory warningly then taking a pencil out of her hair.

  “Chowder in the bread bowl, please!” All four of us say in sync.

  “Can you fill my bowl to the brim, please?” C
ory asks. He is looking at Mary dreamily, flirting for a little more of the best clam chowder ever. Mary shakes her head and chuckles as she walks away.

  “Okay, I’m very curious now. What’s this entertainment?” Ben asks as he leans back in his seat.

  “Let’s just say that there is a fine line between wanna be superstar and tone deaf, and that line is an extra glass of amber ale,” she points to the stage where a stout man is flipping through a song book.

  I chuckle at the sight. “So how’s Larry doing?” When I turn to face her, I see her shifting slightly, inching closer to me. I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous around a girl.

  “He’s fine. Slept all day, which means he’ll probably be up all night,” she shrugs and her shoulder slightly rubs against mine. It takes all of my self-control to not put my arm around her and pull her closer to me.

  “So Amelia, tell us about yourself,” Cory says with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “I’m a student. I’m working on my Master’s degree in Chemistry,” she says looking into her beer glass and shrugging. “Pretty exciting shit.”

  “I’ll say. Some of the new formulations chemists are coming out for new renewable fuels and energy are mind blowing,” Ben enthuses. His eyes are dancing with excitement and I can see him forming a business plan in his mind.

  “Okay! Then Ben, one of these days I’ll take you to my lab and let you go buck wild. I’ll even let you pick my advisor’s brain. He heads the state’s Alternative Energy Frontier group,” she smiles proudly.

  “Your advisor is Dr. Derrick Edson?” Ben’s eyes widen and his eyebrows climb his forehead.

  She lets out a nervous laugh. “Yes,” she whispers seeming nervous at what Ben would do if she acknowledges the truth loudly. “Is he going to be okay?” she asks Cory.

  “He’s just having a man crush moment,” Cory rolls his eyes at Ben as he takes a sip of his beer. “Ahh! Finally. I’m starving. If you guys are going to talk about nerds, I’m going to need sustenance,” Cory hollers. He jumps up as he sees Mary coming towards us carrying a tray twice her size and helps her make her way to the table.

  “You boys are lucky you’re friends with my Melia or you wouldn’t be in the presence of wings or fish and chips with your chowder,” Mary shakes her head at Cory who is tearing his way through his bowl.

  “Thank you, Mary and Melia,” Cory mumbles through a mouthful of bread and winks at them.

  “Thank you, Mary,” Amelia smiles politely while we all nod our thanks.

  “So, you’re from Portland then?” I casually ask, as the food is being passed around.

  “Yes, how about you guys?”

  “Well, ma’am,” dragging out my drawl, “Austin, Texas but we’re very much West-coasters. As you would say, we prefer this shindig very much.” Seeing her eyes line with a bit of shock as I recall her earlier phrase pleases me in a way. I like this little game that I can play with her.

  Pulling herself together quickly, she looks at me with excitement in her eyes. “Well, I can’t imagine there being a lot of waves to surf on 6th Street.”

  “No, no waves on 6th Street.” I say, looking into her beautiful eyes. Her cheeks rose up. She’s so pretty when she blushes. “No, that’s why we’re from Portland, too.”

  Our conversation is cut short when people start their acts, and the beer flows freely. A couple of acts in, I feel Amelia leaning into my shoulder. Self-control is now a thin sheet after an hour of sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the room. I raise my arm and pull her into me. She slides in willing. As the acts come and go, but all I notice is Amelia. Her sweet mint scent and the way she fits next to my body. I can hear her periodically sigh in contentment.

  Around eleven o’clock, we call it quits and make our way out into the crisp night air. Looking over at Amelia, I see her holding her face up to the night sky, with her eyes closed and a smile dancing on her lips. She is heavenly beautiful when she stops to take in moments like that. I look around to see her SUV isn’t in the parking lot. “Where’d you park?”

  “Oh, I walked. I’ll see you guys around. Remember, dinner at my place sometime this week, though, probably not tomorrow. I’m going to hike the Cave, and might not be able to prep a proper dinner fo—”

  “WHAT! You’re hiking the Cave?” Ben exclaims. He can’t contain his usual composure now that he’s a little buzzed.

  “Well, yeah. They’re only open until the end of the week, so I thought I’d get in one last hike before the season is over,” she says quietly, seemingly a little taken aback by Ben’s excitement.

  “We know that. Badges have been sold out for three months. How are you able to get one?” Ben asks with excitement oozing out of him.

  She grins mischievously. “Well, there are perks to being a chemistry nerd. I am given unlimited access for research into regulating the Cave’s pH, but mostly I use my access to roam around and look at the pretty colors.”

  Cory chuckles. “Have I mentioned how much I like her?”

  Amelia laughs to herself, while trying to look innocent. “Did you guys want to come along?” she asks with her eyes wide with mischief.

  “YES!” we yell.

  “Okay, bus leaves at seven AM boys. Get your beauty sleep,” she tosses over her shoulder as she starts to walk away.

  “No, huh-ah. Where do you think you’re going, lady?” I ask.

  “Home,” she says with a confused look on her face.

  “Do you have any idea what our moms would do to us if we let you walk home alone, when we are perfectly willing to drive you? Do you want a tongue lashing from my mama? I sure as hell don’t. Now, get in,” Cory says. Charmer he is, but at least a gentlemanly charmer. As designated driver for the night, he’s a little annoyed he didn’t get to enjoy some of the alcohol-induced fun like the rest of us.

  “Did your mama also teach you to not get into cars with strangers?” she smirks.

  “Well, mama told me never to go into dark caves with strangers but I’m sure as hell going with you tomorrow. Now, get in the truck lady. I need my beauty sleep,” Cory fakes a yawn.

  “Come on, it’s fine. I need to walk to cool off from all that laughing,” she says with a wink knowing it would annoy Cory. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I walk this town all the time.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll walk with her. You guys head home,” I give her wink knowing it would make her blush.

  Amelia turns on her heel to head out of town as I catch up to her. “I like your brother.” She laughs and waves enthusiastically when Cory drives by with a glare.

  “I’m sure he already stated how he feels about you a few times tonight.”

  She looks over at me with a smile that brightens up her face. “So tell me about yourself, Mr. Craig.”

  Sometime during the night, she had taken her hair out of its bun, and it is flowing with every step she takes. Just like Superman, she turned from elegant, studious chemist to sexy and playful right before my eyes.

  “Well, the last name is Patrice for starters.” I reach over, taking the few strands of hair that are flying in her face and tuck it behind her ear. The wind flows by us and I can catch the hint of mint lingering around her.

  “Patrice, I like it,” she brushes a few strands of hair out of her eyes as she looks up at me. She’s so petite and cute, I want to pull her into my arms and protect her from all things bad.

  “Well, thank you. I’ll make sure to tell my ancestors later on they’ve chosen well.” Her eyes are so blissful and bottomless. It’s like looking into a dark well with the reflection of water sparkling light back at you. “And you?”

  “Adler. So Mr. Patrice, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m in my last year of law school. After this year, I’m going to head up to Seattle with Cory and Ben. We’re going to be working for a firm there.” No need to share that the firm is dad’s.

  “Cory and Ben are lawyers as well?” she asks with a confused look.

“No,” I chuckle at the thought. “God no. Cory doesn’t have the discipline and Ben…God, Ben would take years to finish a trial with all the information he could bring up to try to make a point.” She laughs as she bumps into my shoulder. Fuck it! I reach out my left hand and grab onto her right hand. It’s so small and fragile. I run my thumb back and forth on the delicate skin on the back of her hand just for a taste of how soft her skin is. Holding her hand is the most natural thing in the world and it feels right.

  She looks down at our hands and grins shyly, warming my heart.

  “No, I can’t see Cory as a lawyer either, but he’s charming enough. Knows how to use his looks,” she winks up at me.

  “That’s why he’s using his looks and charm to help Ben build his business, and merge it with the firm I’ll be working for.”

  “I can’t imagine Ben needing help in the charm department and he’s very good looking.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” I say with a laugh thinking about Ben. “But he can be a bit intimidating with his vast knowledge. He doesn’t quite know how to read people, and that’s where Cory steps in.”

  “I can see that. So tell me, what type of law is Mr. Patrice getting into?”

  I’m finding myself rather interested in this girl, someone who doesn’t want to talk about herself, but is interested in getting to know others.

  “Health care. I believe that patients and doctors both have a right to fair representative,” I state proudly. After coming back from duty, I saw too many of my buddies getting shitty health care because doctors have their hands tied due to legal obligations. I knew then where I was needed.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be for one or the other?” she asks.

  “No, there are different ends to the spectrum. It would be obtuse to just stick to one side.”

  “I can’t argue with that,” she says looking up at me with an enchanting smile.

  We walk up towards the residential neighborhoods. “And you, why chemistry?” I ask.

  She seems to ponder her answer. For a few minutes, I wasn’t sure she was going to answer. “When people change, they lie, people lie; when science changes, reacts…” she sighs. “When chemicals react, they can only offer one result—the truth and it can’t lie to you.” And when she finishes, she lets go a sigh of relief. I can see on her face the truth to her words. She’s beautiful because she doesn’t surround herself with a façade like others do. She only wants pure truth and happiness around her. As if she knows she let a little too much show, she quickly turns away and continues walking.


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