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Taken (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 2)

Page 7

by Madison Johns

  “How were you able to feed?”

  “We lived in the mountains and I became quite good at hunting wildlife until that fateful night in 2002 when I was caught feeding on a tourist. Later, they found quite a few others that I had fed on, leaving quite a body trail. I hadn’t planned to feed on humans and kill them, but if I simply fed on them, there would be far more vampires then there are now. I was caught by the locals, but once they figured out I was a vampire, they came up with the perfect punishment. They took me to Devil’s Tower here in Wyoming and threw me into a hole that was impossible for me to escape from. I was trapped beneath a large rock they threw down on top of me and all I could do was stare high above at where the sun would burn me alive when it rose. Luckily, though, I was lying in the shade, but the humans didn’t stick around to find out. I’m not sure how long I was there, except that I fell into a deep sleep and went into a brumation like the lizards do. It’s like hibernation. I didn’t wake up until Brendan and Chase freed me. The blood from their fresh kill awoke me, and when I fed from the deer carcass, they never even flinched.”

  “Why would we?” Brendan asked. “You’re not so different than us. Well, possibly a little,” he laughed.

  “I owe my life and future to you and Chase. I’m so sorry I disappointed you all when I bit Tessa, but I didn’t have much of a choice once I bit her. It’s not like I could kill her.”

  Tessa stretched. “So you knew I’d be turned and you still bit me anyway? What kind of monster are you?”

  Paige shook her head. “I know. It was a rash decision, and I’ll do everything in my power to help you adjust.”

  “What about the others you bit? What happened to them? Are they, too, vampires?”

  “Some managed to escape, and yes, I believe that they are, but others I killed so they couldn’t tell anyone what I was. I’m ashamed to admit that I did that, but the thing is that I was in survival mode. I know now that it was wrong.”

  “I bet Gerome is a very unique vampire and when he bites a human, they are turned, and he passed that on to you, Paige,” Katlyn said.

  “I know. That’s why I killed my victims. I just didn’t want to damn them to the life I have, or undead life, as it is.”

  Tessa glared at Paige. “And what of Gerome?” Tessa asked. “Have you ever seen him since London?”

  “No, but it’s strange. I keep expecting to see him just jump out of the bushes at me, but I guess I’ve managed to slip away.” Paige frowned as she met Tessa halfway. “I’m so sorry. It’s been so very long since I’ve had anyone like me to talk to, and now I’ve all but ostracized you.”

  “Actually, I am very angry with you still, but I just couldn’t face you after we fed on those people who came to the house looking for Katlyn. I’m so glad the Shifter Patrol is squashed, but I’m shocked how I behaved that day. It was a vicious attack.”

  “Yes, but if you hadn’t done that, they would have taken you with them, or murdered you since they were quite capable of doing that as revenge for Katlyn slipping away from them. Or they certainly would have tried to kill you.”

  “It’s so hard to accept. I’ve done what you told me to, but the medication makes me so sick.”

  “Tessa has horrible lesions on her arm, too,” Katlyn added.

  Paige’s eyes widened. “Show me.”

  Tessa tugged up the sleeves of her shirt and her entire forearms were covered with lesions now. “How long has this been going on?”

  “Those look horrible.” Katlyn said, shocked.

  “Ever since I began taking the medication and feeding off the blood from the blood bank. I also have bad headaches.”

  “I need to see your medication. This shouldn’t be happening. I get that medication from Germany from a vampire I’ve known for over fifty years. The ingredients are pure. I’m sure of it.”

  “Would it have anything to do with my strength? I tried to attack a wolf and I was easily overpowered. He wound up to be the werewolf alpha, Raphael. I thought as a vampire my strength would be off the charts. Sometimes, I’m too weak to do much of anything. That’s why I wanted to hunt for an animal. I hate the taste of the blood from the blood bank. It tastes metallic to me.”

  “You should have told me this before. Let’s go back to your cabin, Tessa, and check it out right away.”

  They all left the main house and soon were standing in Tessa’s kitchen. Paige first took the medication and dumped the pills out on her palm and smelled them, putting them back in the container. Tessa took out the bag from the blood bank and handed it to Paige, who opened the cap to smell the blood first, and then dumped a drop on her finger, tasting it. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she read the label on the bag. She then tossed the bag into the sink, the blood splattering the walls.

  “Sorry,” Paige muttered, “but Tessa and I need to take a trip into town to sort this out. “This is not the same supply I have at all.”

  “I want to come, too,” Katlyn said.

  “I’m sure you do, but this involves us, not you. Besides, you’re pregnant and I’m sure your mates don’t want you involved in our affairs.”

  “She’s right,” Brendan said. “Let them attend to their business.”

  “But Tessa, are you sure you want to go with Paige?”

  She nodded. “It’ll be fine. Paige is right. We need to handle this on our own. I won’t have you involved.”

  Katlyn was led from the cabin and Brendan commented on the stars shining overhead, pointing out the big dipper. “If you’re trying to distract me, this isn’t working.”

  “Fine. How about stopping by to see if Carrie has sobered up yet? You can check on Melody.”

  She nodded her head as she smiled. They certainly knew how to get her mind off things. She was worried about Tessa now, though, but since Paige was going into town with her, Katlyn felt sure that it would be okay. She just knew that when they got back, she’d come straight back to Tessa’s to find out what had happened.

  Chapter Eight

  Katlyn settled herself in the pickup and Brendan drove out to the cabin where Melody lived with her mother, Carrie. Chase was also along for the ride. How would he not be since he was her mate, too? It seemed that everything the three of them did, they did together—most of the time. She had no choice but to forget about where Tessa was going now, but she sure was curious about what Paige thought might have happened.

  “Do you think the blood Tessa received was tainted?”

  “No sense in thinking about it, Katlyn. We’ll find out when they get back,” Brendan said as chase took her hand in his. “Brendan’s right. I know Paige will take care of it if any wrong-doing has happened.”

  Katlyn didn’t know if she wanted to think about what ‘taking care of it,’ might mean to Paige, but her story about her life was certainly interesting. She wasn’t just randomly bitten; she was chosen to be the mate of a vampire that she didn’t want. How could she desire a man that was responsible for her sister’s death that night? She just hoped that this Gerome never found Paige here at Shadow Creek, but it had been so many years, it wasn’t likely. If he were able to track her, he would have found her years ago. It was a little unsettling to think about how Paige had to kill to survive, but perhaps she had learned something when she was thrown in that hole as punishment. A vampire frying under the bright sunlight certainly didn’t sound good at all.

  “Earth to Katlyn,” Brendan said with laughter in his voice. “Where were you?”

  “Just thinking about Paige’s story about her life. Do you trust her?”

  “Of course I do. She’s never tried to bite anyone from the ranch.”

  “Until Tessa, you mean, right?”

  “Well, yeah. That was bad and she knows not to ever do that again. Paige and Tessa really need to learn how to get along now. I just hope they realize how much they need each other.”

  “I agree with that. Who else but a vampire would understand another vampire? I’ve spoken to Tessa and she told me to leave, th
at she might not be able to control herself. What if that medication is causing her side effects? What would any of us do if she can’t control her cravings to feed?”

  “Let’s cross that bridge if and when that happens. Right now, we’re not sure of anything and won’t be until tomorrow.”

  Katlyn followed Brendan out of the truck and they knocked on the door of the cabin, rattling the knob when nobody answered it. It finally opened a crack and an impressive golden eye looked through the crack in the door. Brendan pushed the door open and a rail-thin woman rushed out of the way so the door didn’t topple her over.

  The woman’s kinky hair framed her face, and she shouted, “What’s the meaning of this?”

  “Oh, come now, Carrie. You knew we’d be by soon. I hope you’re sober now, at least,” Brendan said.

  “Perhaps we should have this conversation outside. I’d hate to upset Melody,” Katlyn said.

  “Melody’s my concern, not yours, teacher. Smells like you have a belly full already.”

  Katlyn didn’t want to let her know her barb struck home. Of all the nerve. It was bad enough this woman smelled like a brewery.

  “I’d hate for Melody to miss any more school.”

  “Who says she needs school, anyway?”

  “Just because you’ve decided to live in the saloon nursing a beer bottle doesn’t mean that Melody doesn’t deserve a future.”

  “Don’t you dare be so judgmental,” Carrie said as she pointed her bony finger in Katlyn’s face, which only further infuriated Katlyn.

  “Look, I’m not here to judge you at all. I just want Melody to be happy and not miss any more school. Did you know she jumped out of a tree trying to learn how to fly?”

  “Course I know. That’s the only way a hawk learns how to fly.”

  “So you’ve encouraged her?”

  “What if I did? What’s it to you?”

  “Well, we did take her to see Dr. Evans when she injured herself—while you were at the saloon, I might add. Don’t you think you should be a better example for your daughter?”

  “My life isn’t any of your business. Just because you have two mates now doesn’t mean that will always be the case. You’ll find out for yourself when you’re left in the dust after they go off chasing another skirt—like Wenise, maybe.”

  Katlyn sighed. “There’s no sense in doing this, Carrie. Melody needs her mother. You’re all she has.”

  “No, she has her sister, Ariel. She’s plenty capable of taking care of Melody when I’m gone.”

  “Looks like Ariel is coming of age to find a mate of her own. It’s not her responsibility to take care of her sister all of the time, is it?”

  “I was coming home soon,” Carrie whined. “You didn’t need to send that brute, Angus, to fetch me.”

  “Angus isn’t a brute. He’s a very caring shifter.”

  “Yeah, a llama,” she laughed.

  Katlyn clenched her hands until they were fists. Angus didn’t deserve to be spoken about this way. He was a gentle giant that would give the shirt off his back to help someone in need.

  “So, what’s your deal? Who is so appealing to you that you stay gone for so long?”

  “I wasn’t gone that long.”

  “It was more than just a few days. You were gone going on three. So, who’s the man?”

  “Men—she means men, as in more than one,” Chase choked out. “You make me sick.”

  “Look who’s calling the kettle black. You share this teacher with Brendan. If you ask me, she’s no better than a whore!”

  “Stop it! Stop it, this instant!” Melody shouted, making her way into the room. “She can’t help it that she’s sick. She’s an alcoholic and that’s a disease. She might not look like much, but she’s still my mama and I love her.” Melody wrapped her hands around Carrie’s waist, but she was quickly pushed away.

  “You heard my kid. Get lost.”

  “Not until you quit cavorting with Jason Traxler. He’s no good and you know it, Carrie. He’s abused every woman he’s ever been with,” Chase said. “I bet he’s already abused you, from the looks of that bruise on your arm.”

  Carrie hid her arm behind her back. “It wasn’t him. I ran into a door, is all.”

  Katlyn felt bad for Melody, now, since her mother just didn’t want to wake up and be the mother that she deserved. Katlyn had wanted them to go outside and talk. Now, Melody wouldn’t look at her teacher in the same way again, if she ever came back to class. She didn’t like who Carrie was, but she felt twice as bad if she had been abused, too. What would it take for this woman to just wake the hell up?

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to argue with anyone or judge anyone. My life might be different than yours, but I just know that I intend to be the best mother that I can. I know it can’t be easy taking care of a child all alone, but Melody needs you to be in the present with a clear mind,” Katlyn said. “I’m sorry that you heard us arguing, Melody.”

  “I-It’s okay, and I’ll see you at school tomorrow if you can pick me up. There’s no way I’ll be able to walk that far.”

  “I can do that if it’s okay with your mother.”

  “Oh, why not? I need my free time from the brat, anyway.”

  “If I find out that Jason has laid a hand on you, Carrie, you won’t have to worry about ever seeing him again. That I promise you. I won’t allow any woman that resides at Shadow Creek to be abused,” Brendan said.

  Carrie didn’t respond as she led them to the door, slamming it shut behind them.

  Once they were back in the truck and on their way home, Katlyn was burning mad. How dare she call her a whore? Katlyn might have two mates, but she just didn’t see her life like that, and she hated the way Carried tried to turn the table on her.

  “About Wenise, Katlyn—”

  “I know. Ivan told me you used to date her, Brendan.”

  “Oh. Well, that was a long time ago. There’s nothing between us anymore. She made her choice long ago and we both have to live with what happened. She chose another over me and I don’t ever think that I’ll ever really forgive her, but I have gotten over it. There was a time that I wished things were different, but that was before I met and fell in love with you, Katlyn. I’m committed to you and our babies. Don’t ever doubt that or allow anyone to fill your head with nonsense. I’ve tried to help Carrie the best that I could. She was injured when I found her and it was a miracle her child survived, but Dr. Evan made it happen.”

  “What about the father of her child?”

  “I have a few ideas, but I can’t be certain.”

  “So, what’s the story about Seth? Was he the other man in Wenise’s life?”

  Brendan clammed up now, but finally said, “Fine. I’ll tell you when we get home.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Grab a cloak,” Paige said. “Just in case we’re gone too long.”

  “Cloak? Are you sure you’re from 1952 and not 1852?”

  “Okay, then something with a hood just in case we don’t get back before sunrise.”

  Tessa waltzed to the closet and found a jacket with a hood. “What about you?”

  “Don’t worry, I always keep extra clothing in my Jeep that I’ll have to put on before we head into town. I’d rather we weren’t identified while we’re there. I’d hate for folks wondering why we’re at the blood bank so late.”

  Tessa put on her jacket, putting the hood up and over her head while Paige put on a black jacket with a fur-lined hat. When she began to put on gloves, Tessa asked, “What are you wearing gloves for?”

  “Just in case.” She handed Tessa a pair from her bag that were leather. “Here, put these on.”

  Tessa wondered what on earth Paige really planned to do in Creeksboro, but there was no point in questioning her if the end result would make her feel better.

  “That bag of blood wasn’t labeled properly,” Paige said. “How is it that you haven’t gone through that bag yet?”
  “Be-Besides that I hate the taste? It sure didn’t taste like it does when you bite someone.”

  “No, it doesn’t, but it’s your only blood supply. If you didn’t drink enough, it might explain why you are having problems with your strength. You need to eat, Tessa.”

  “Would that explain the lesions?”

  “I’m not sure. I just hope that you’re not allergic to the medication. I don’t think Creeksboro is ready for a hungry vampire roaming the countryside.”

  Tessa nodded, remaining silent for the remainder of the trip to town. Paige could be hard as nails, but tonight she showed that she had a soft spot, too. It had taken the memories of losing her sister to bring them out, but it was good to know that she had some human qualities. She came off as so domineering and controlling, at times.

  Paige roared into town and parked behind a lone white building on the edge of town that housed the blood bank, unbeknownst to be supplying blood to vampires by the locals. This blood bank catered to the vampire population exclusively, Paige had mentioned once. Although she insisted that not many live near Creeksboro, they shipped blood products all over the state.

  They climbed out of the Jeep and Paige pulled her hood over her head further, knocking on the door with three raps. They waited for someone to answer, but when nobody came to the door, Paige rapped again. This time, a light came on and footsteps approached the door. Metal scraped against metal as it unlocked and the door was jerked open. A thin man wearing a white coat answered the door. “Can I help you?”

  “We need to talk,” Paige said.

  His eyes widened in recognition. “Now isn’t a good time.”

  Paige’s fangs extended and she snarled at the man, who then opened the door wide. “Come on in. No need to get testy.”


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