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My Casey

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She wanted his kisses, needed them.

  How to get him to kiss her again seemed like a mystery to her.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, you’re wondering if I can even rebuild your dad’s engine?”

  “Not what I’m thinking at all.”

  “Oh,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “I bet you can’t even guess.” Her body was on fire. It had been a long time since she had sex, and Rusty was right. They did dance around each other when they were younger, never committing to anything, always looking, pining.

  She was tired of pining.

  Could she make the first move? Would it really be the first move if he’d already kissed her?

  Ugh, it didn’t matter to her, not right now.

  What she wanted was for him to be with her.

  “Can I have a clue?” he asked.

  She slid her tongue across her lips, but he clearly missed the point.

  “Still got nothing.”

  She rolled her eyes, moved up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him down to kiss him. It was a slow kiss, taking her time, exploring his mouth, before plunging her tongue inside.

  Pulling away, she stared up at him. “Well?”

  He gripped her ass, moving her back against the wall. “You want my kiss.”

  “Rusty, I want a whole lot more than your kiss.”

  He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I want to fuck you so badly.”

  She gasped, but he captured it as he did her lips. His fingers sank into her hair. The scent of sweat and grease were heavy in the air, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was having him. She was tired of waiting.

  “I want to go back to your place,” she said.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life.”

  He lowered her down, and she was shaking a little from anticipation. She watched him remove his overalls and rush around, closing and locking the place up. She knew he had a place just across town, and as she hiked her bag up her shoulder, he took it from her, placing it gently in the backseat of his car, as he helped her inside the passenger seat. He locked up the gate, and there was a security light shining into the street.

  She was going to do this.

  Rusty climbed behind the driver’s wheel, turned the engine over, and there was no doubt in her mind what she was about to do. This was what she wanted, and she was going to do it, finally.

  He pulled away from the curb and drove the short distance to his house. Not many people were hanging around, and as he pulled into his driveway, her heart began to race.

  “If you don’t want to do this, I can take you back home.”

  “I want this.” She opened the door and stepped out of the car.

  She grabbed her bag, and without further conversation, they entered his home.

  The scent of lemon was heavy in the air, and as she stepped into his home, he took the bag from her, placing it on the floor, and pressing her up against the door.

  “You’re in my house now, and I want you to play by my rules.”

  There were two Rustys she was starting to see. There was the sweet guy that everyone got a chance to see, and then there was this guy. The one she had only caught a glimpse of when they were kissing.

  He took her hands, placing them above her head. “I will never hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “I just … I like to be in charge.”

  “You can be.” She had no doubt he wouldn’t hurt her. It wasn’t in Rusty’s nature to hurt anyone.

  “When you’re in my house, I want you naked.” He lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor.

  She watched him, seeing the hard muscles with a few splashes of ink on his upper arms and chest.

  He kept them hidden mostly, but right now, he looked like the bad boy, not the friendly neighborhood mechanic. This was the man who she should be writing about. The guy who was every woman’s wet dream.

  His jeans went next, and he wasn’t wearing any boxer briefs. He stood before her completely naked.

  His cock was long, thick, and the tip swollen with a hint of pre-cum leaking out.

  Without waiting for him to give the order, she pulled her shirt up over her head, trying to get it off as fast as possible. Next, she worked on her jean shorts, wriggling out of them.

  She stood in just her bra and panties.

  All of her life, she had never been slim, but her mother had always taught her to love herself for who she was. She’d been bullied in school, but she’d always brushed off their bullshit because that was what it was, bullshit. She didn’t have insecurities back then, and she wasn’t going to have them now.

  Flicking the catch of her bra, she let it fall as she removed her panties.

  Standing before him completely naked, she felt a fluttering in her stomach.





  Rusty reached out, grabbed her around the back of the neck and pulled her against him, slamming his lips down on hers.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she scored her nails down his back, attacking him back with an equal passion.

  She needed this, craved it.

  There was no backing away now. She knew that.

  He lifted her up, and she banded her legs around his waist, moaning as he carried her up a flight of stairs.

  His sheer strength turned her on and made her want him even more.

  This wasn’t something she wanted to run away from. These feelings Rusty was inspiring, they meant something. They were something, and she … didn’t want to let them go.

  He carried her through to his bedroom, and she had a feeling she was never going to want to leave again.


  Tossing Casey onto the bed, Rusty grabbed her thighs and spread her legs apart, staring at her wet pussy.

  Sliding his hands between her legs, he opened the lips of her sex and leaned in close, inhaling her subtle, sweet scent.

  Unable to resist a taste of something so exquisite, he slid his tongue across her clit before going down to plunder her cunt. She was so tight, and he knew he had to prepare her to take his cock. He’d been blessed in that department, and he didn’t want to hurt her. Casey was everything, and he had to show her they were meant to be together.

  Drawing his tongue back up to her clit, he circled the swollen bud, flicking back and forth, and loving the sounds of pleasure she made. They spilled from her lips, and he nibbled on the tender zone, using his teeth to create enough pain to soothe it out with the pleasure.

  She gripped his hair tightly, and he growled against her pussy, needing her. His cock ached, and he knew with each pulse, wave upon wave of pre-cum was spilling onto his sheets. He didn’t care.

  After all this time he finally had Casey in his bed, and he wasn’t going to let her go. He could play the good guy, but when it came to sex, he’d never been good. He liked it hard, dirty, and when it came to Casey, he wanted her to hunger for him, like no other. To wipe away all memory of every single other man she could have possibly been with. The only person who should matter was him, and him alone.

  “Fuck!” She screamed his name, and he knew she was close to coming. He flicked his tongue back and forth, drawing that ending closer.

  He was going to be a selfish bastard as he didn’t know how much longer he could last without taking her.

  Over and over, he licked and sucked at her clit, until she screamed his name, and he knew she was coming.

  Before she reached her ending, he moved between her silken folds, found her entrance, and fucked her deep.

  Every single ripple and sensation flooded his cock, and he groaned her name, needing her even more.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Her hands went to his ass, gripping him tightly. />
  The pleasure was on the next level, and as he pulled out, her grip on his ass tightened.

  He had no intention of stopping.

  Pulling out of her until only the tip of his dick was inside her, he fucked her harder. Gripping the headboard, he used it for leverage and began to pound within her, going as deep as he could, riding her pussy.

  She met him stroke for stroke, both of them finding pleasure in each other’s bodies.

  Her tits were glorious as they bounced with the force of his thrusts. There was no way he was ever going to get tired of being with her, of watching her.

  This was even better than he could have imagined. She was sheer perfection, and belonged to him, all of him.

  “Fuck!” This time, he growled the word as he felt the first stirrings of his orgasm. He wasn’t going to last, and as he came, he filled her pussy with wave upon wave of his cum, flooding her cunt.

  When it was over, he collapsed against her, kissing her neck.

  They were both panting. The only sounds in the room were those of their breathing.

  “I wanted that to last,” he said.

  “Are you kidding me? That was incredible. I’ve got no complaints.” She spoke slowly, and he leaned back to look into her brown eyes that seemed to sparkle.

  “No complaints?”

  “None.” She traced her fingers down her back. “I think you need to stop putting yourself down. You seem to do it as a hobby. It’s not a healthy thing to do.”

  He kissed her lips. “We need to shower.” He didn’t want to pull out of her pussy.

  “I’m curious,” she said.


  “Which one is real?”

  “I don’t get it?”

  “The good mechanic, or the bad one?”

  He smirked. “Did I surprise you?”

  “You don’t want me to wear clothes while I’m here? You’re in charge? The ink? I can’t help but wonder what is real and what is not. I’ve watched you help kids across the street.”

  “You don’t think you can like sex and help people?”

  “Huh, I never thought of it like that.”

  “Casey, I’m both people. My private life is exactly that, private. I don’t share. I don’t kiss and tell. Buster wouldn’t even be able to tell you what I’m like in the bedroom. This is who I am. I want to share it with you.”

  “I like who you are, Rusty.”

  He pulled out of her and moved off the bed. Without waiting for her to follow, he picked her up in his arms. Each time he surprised her by his actions, she let out a little gasp, and would hold onto him.

  He liked her holding onto him, relying on him, needing him.

  There were two of him, no doubt about that. It didn’t mean one was better than the other. It simply meant he shared a part of himself no one was going to see but Casey. He wasn’t going to tell her that little part though. She was already so skittish that he was worried he’d chase her away with what he truly wanted.

  Where Casey wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted, he was. He knew the end game for him, and it was having Casey with him, all the time. To be his wife, the mother of his children, and to spend the rest of her life loving him, because he fucking doted on her. She was everything to him.

  “I can walk.”

  “Where is the fun in that?” He flicked the shower on, and even while it was cold, he slid into the stall, finally putting her on her feet as she let out a little gasp from the cold.

  “You’re crazy,” she said.

  He laughed, picking up the soap and rubbing it between his hands. “I’m not crazy. I just want you.”

  With his hands coated in soap, he started to wash her body. Working at her tits first, he massaged them, and she didn’t fight him. She pushed her chest out, and he played with her, watching her as she did the same with him.

  She picked up the soap, lathering her hands, and then she was touching him.

  He got a high just from feeling her hands on his body.

  She worked his chest, tracing over the ink. “When did you get these done?”

  “My eighteenth. I drove into the next town, and the guy there has a great reputation. I’ve not been back since. I got them all done at once.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “Stung a little, but I don’t mind a bit of pain.”

  She slapped his bottom and giggled. “Oh, my, I can’t believe I just did that. I’m so sorry.”

  He pressed her up against the shower stall and caressed her ass. “Are you wanting me to play with this ass, is that what you’d like?”

  He gripped the flesh, and she moaned.

  “I don’t know what it is you do to me,” she said.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he said.

  She spun around, and he took her hands, pressing them above her head. “I didn’t intend to go home.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to go home. Not tonight.” He wanted her to stay with him so he could fall asleep with her in his arms.

  Running his hand down her body, he cupped her pussy, plunging two fingers inside her. “Are you sore?”

  “No. I wasn’t a virgin, Rusty.”

  “Good.” He picked her up, and his cock was already hard for a second time.

  He pulled her onto his dick and plunged inside her, fucking her hard, bracing her against the shower as he took her.

  This was going to be the first of many nights to come. He’d wasted too much time waiting around for Casey to come home. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

  He would take her, again and again, and during this time, he also had a plan. He was going to make Casey fall in love with him, and with the town, in the hope of keeping her home.

  “Tell me you want me,” he said.

  “I want you.”

  Sinking his fingers into her wet hair, he knew this was just the start, but he was going to win this one way or another. He couldn’t give her up, never again.

  Watching her drive away all those years ago had crushed him. For many nights he’d lived with regret, bargaining and reasoning as to why he should let her go.

  Not anymore.

  He wasn’t going to let her go.

  Because, even after all this time apart, he knew he was in love with her, had always been, and he’d be a fool to let that go.

  Chapter Seven

  Casey was aware of the many stares she was receiving. Her eating lunch in the diner with her parents seemed to be the most interesting thing to a lot of people. It had been a week since she had shared a bed with Rusty, and even as every day she told herself she’d go back home, each night, she found herself driving home with him.

  They’d have the most amazing sex, fall asleep, and in the mornings, they’d eat breakfast. Pancakes and waffles were her favorite, with lots of syrup.

  Sipping at her coffee, she glanced over the menu. Abby kept on pointing out where there was meat.

  Her being a vegetarian seemed to have unnerved her mother, but it was fine. She could live with it.

  Ordering a large salad and a basket of fries, she waited for her parents to order, sitting, drinking her coffee.

  “Well, this is nice,” Rome said. Her father looked less than impressed.

  “What is it, Daddy?” she asked.

  “You’ve been in town for a couple of weeks now, and I feel like I haven’t seen you. In fact, I’ve learned more about my daughter’s whereabouts by other people. Tell me what is going on?”

  “Rome, we said we’d be supportive,” Abby said.

  “I am being supportive. I want to make sure Casey knows what she is doing.”

  She smiled. Her mother loved that she had started a relationship with Rusty. Casey didn’t know herself if she’d call it a relationship yet. It was hard to tell because … so far, they had sex. They shared a shower, and they slept together. Breakfast was also shared. Lunch wasn’t always. Like today, she was spending it with her parents. They did also share a meal. Rusty often made them sandwiches a
s they were normally too tired to cook anything.

  “I’m right here, Dad. What is it you want to know?”

  “Go easy,” Abby said.

  “Do you love Rusty?”

  “Dad, please, this is all new. You know I haven’t been home long enough to know if I even love the guy.”

  “So you’re just sleeping with him?”

  She winced. This was one of those reasons why she hated small towns. “Don’t.” She glanced around the diner, and with everyone watching her, she felt closed in. “I’ve got to go.” Her stomach growled at her in protest, but there was no way she could stay here, not now, not after what her father said.

  “Casey, you don’t need to go,” Abby said, but she was already on her feet.

  “I really do.” She grabbed her bag and headed out of the diner.

  She felt like eyes were following her, something creepy out of a horror film.

  When she was a good few feet away, she picked up her pace and started to run. She didn’t know where she was running to, just that she had to get away. To be free. To be away from everything and everyone.

  With her bag on her shoulder, she didn’t stop running until she made it to the lane where growing up, every kid used to go to make out. Not in cars. There were benches, and they’d sit kissing and hugging. She hadn’t ever been here before, but she didn’t know what it was used for anymore. There was no sign of kids, and she sat down on one of the benches. Again, it looked new, and she didn’t know what that meant.

  Running her hands down her thighs, she leaned back, closing her eyes, trying to gain her composure.

  This was one of the many reasons why she’d left.

  Her parents being the lovebirds they were, people talked. The town expected her to find her Mr. Right, and it wasn’t going to happen. Not to her.

  She wasn’t being a bitch or mean. She just wasn’t going to find it because she didn’t know if she believed in true love.

  Was that why she was having difficulty with her story? The romance she was writing was flowing great. The chemistry between her characters was everything she wanted to write. The sex was inspired by her time with Rusty, no doubt about it.

  He was the best sex she ever had.

  Only, if it was just about fucking, what relationship was there?


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