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Claiming His Queen

Page 2

by Goode, Ella

  Likely it is bigger and nicer than anything Cora is used to. Vieth’s orphans are compensated well but not this well.

  I sit back and take my cock out of my pants. I might live like a monk in some ways, but there’s nothing dangerous about a good bout of self-love. It takes the edge off and keeps my temper even.

  “Turn around, girl. Show me your goods.” I stroke myself lightly, wanting to see her face. As if she can hear me, she pivots slowly, her hands falling to her sides. She brings one up and sweeps the heavy fall of her hair away from her face. Her eyes search the room and then pause on the mantel above the fireplace. She walks over and stares at the large picture hanging above of a young woman with a large hat and golden curls. It’s a Rembrandt, one of the ones featuring his wife, Saskia. He’d loved her the short time that they were together. She died only six years later, and her death drove him to his ruin. You can see his love for her in every stroke of his brush. I didn’t love this painting when it was gifted to me because of its art but because of the placement of the camera hole in the frame. Everyone stares at the Rembrandt, and while they are looking at the painting, I’m studying the viewer, looking for weaknesses and flaws.

  Only not this time. This time, I’m taking in a true beauty and imagining that her slightly parted lips are pushed open farther with the broad head of my cock. This time, I’m imagining pushing her to her knees, filling her mouth and then her throat with my shaft, pulsing in and out of her until cum overflows her lips and drips down her chin. I spend in my hand, choking out a soft curse.

  With a shaky laugh, I clean myself up. This seven days might just be hell.

  * * *

  Outside of the tower room door, Bran and Hunt stand guard. “Go to bed,” I tell them. “I’ll watch her until the morning. Keep the guards at the bottom and turn the elevator off.”

  Bran hesitates. “But what about you?”

  “If I can’t handle a Vieth orphan, then I don’t deserve to sit behind the desk, do I?” I press my palm against the security sensor and wait for the lock to disengage. Without another word to my men, I go inside. Cora is no longer at the window. Instead, she’s in the eating nook off the side of the living room. A dinner cart with a lone domed plate sits in the corner waiting for her to finish.

  She raises a plastic fork when she sees me. “I guess I should feel complimented that you think I’m so dangerous that I can’t be trusted with metal utensils.”

  I take a seat across from her and pluck a roasted potato from her plate. “We should’ve gotten you finger food. For all I know you could kill me with the plastic fork.” I pop the potato into my mouth and savor the delicate seasonings. My chef is incredible. Cora watches as I remove the place setting from the dinner cart and set it opposite her at the small table.

  Cora frowns.

  “Are you unhappy you have company?” I ask, digging into my steak.

  “I thought that was my dessert,” she replies.

  A laugh from my throat takes us both by surprise. “Some women don’t eat dessert.”

  “I’m not some women,” Cora replies tartly. She sounds offended, as if I’ve insulted her, or perhaps it is the notion of dessert she thinks I’m disparaging.

  “Certainly not or you wouldn’t be here as Vieth’s parlay.”

  Cora makes another face. I set down my fork. “What did I say wrong this time?”

  “I’m not my m—Karin Vieth’s property. I’m my own person. I chose to come here.”

  “Good.” I resume eating. Everything I do to Cora is welcome then, despite Karin Vieth’s admonition that Cora must return to the Vieth stronghold untouched. Cora is not here by force or coercion. She knew what she was volunteering for when she offered herself up as hostage. In fact, I’m sure she’s here to seduce me—and what a rich and delicious prize she is with her cherry intact. An unsullied maiden is rarer than the Hope Diamond in this world. What a magnificent temptation. I tip an invisible glass toward Vieth and this girl. They’ve set their trap perfectly, but I’m not entirely certain why unless it is just to cover up a killing.

  “What’s the name of the girl Poppy hurt?”

  “Sarah Bomi,” Cora answers immediately.

  “How did he hurt her?”

  “Can’t say.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  Cora lifts one shoulder slightly in a dismissive shrug. “They are the same, but in this case, I don’t know, so anything I would say would be only rumors and I won’t share those.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they’re rumors and might not be true. Why start a war over rumors?” Her chin juts out, and I can tell she’s done with this topic. I hide a smile.

  “Tell me about yourself,” I invite. “How is it that you came to be one of Vieth’s girls?”

  “I was born into it.” So she is sticking with the daughter lie.

  “I assume that you are here to seduce me, thereby making me renege on my deal with your mother. It would be easy to avoid you for seven days”—Now who’s lying? I couldn’t stay away more than thirty minutes before my feet found their way to the elevator—“but that didn’t seem very sporting of me, so here I am.” I spread out my arms. “Please, do your very worst.”

  Cora stares at me, her light brown eyes flicking over my large frame. As her gaze wanders and lingers on my lips, my chest, and my thighs, I feel my chest tighten and my cock thicken. She has a sense of fearlessness that I like. Her earlier timidity has been swallowed by resolve, and the resulting confidence fires my lust like nothing else.

  There are plenty of women who would come running to me, I remind myself. I have the money and the power to draw nearly anyone from famous celebrities to a random stranger on the street. There’s no reason for me to break my vows with this one no matter how golden her eyes appear under the chandelier and no matter how pretty her lustrous brown hair would look spread over a snow white pillow. If I wanted a woman, it does not need to be this woman. It cannot be this woman.

  You don’t place a gambler to guard a roulette table. I push away from the table and stand.

  “Aren’t you going to finish your dinner?”

  “I’ve had enough.” We both look at my barely eaten steak. My stomach chooses to growl at this point, and my cock is none too happy either. They both want to be fed. “I’ve things to do. I can’t sit here for seven days and entertain you.”

  “I never asked to be entertained. You’re the one who came to my jail cell,” she points out.

  Irritated at being called out, I lash back. “This is the nicest place you’ve ever laid your head, so I hardly think it’s any real trial to spend a week here.”

  “Karin Vieth is my mother,” Cora retorts. “We live quite nicely, thanks very much. And what happened to making yourself available so that I can seduce you?”

  “So you admit it,” I snarl.

  “Of course I admit it,” she cries. “I’m here to fuck your brains out!”

  My hands clench and unclench at my sides, wanting nothing more than to drag her across the table, rip her clothes off, and drive my cock so deep and hard into her that the shape of my shaft is imprinted permanently into her cunt. Nostrils flaring, I stomp out, slamming the door behind me. I don’t trust her or myself at this point.

  Chapter 4


  I stare up at the beautiful coffered ceiling, bored out of my mind. I’m used to being hidden away. It’s how I’ve spent most of my life. My mom keeps me tucked away from the rest of the world. Usually if there is something I need it’s either brought to me or I’m whisked away in the back of a blacked-out car to get it, then brought right back before anyone could see me. What I’m not used to is being alone all of the time.

  I’ve been alone since that woman Kailler showed up an hour after Aidon stomped off to bring me a tray of lovely desserts last night. I’d eaten them and passed out from boredom. When I woke up, a breakfast cart was waiting. It was a small feast that included a few breakfast desserts. I’d found
myself waiting to eat, thinking Aidon was going to join me, but he never did.

  I know I shouldn’t expect him to, but for some reason I enjoy his company. I should be scared of him and the stories I’ve heard, but I don’t feel that in the least. Instead, I find myself wanting to verbally spar with him and push him. I’m curious about him. I’ve never spent this much time with a man before. It’s turning out to be more interesting than I thought it would be.

  Yawning, I sit up, still trying to think how I’d gone so wrong. My mom told me it would be easy for me to seduce Aidon. What if the plan is for me to fail or there isn't a plan at all? I could be her last resort. Maybe she doesn’t think I can seduce him, and really she’s only buying time. If I fail, she dies.

  I wouldn't put it past my mom for her to be getting things in order for her death, making sure everything is in place and that her empire doesn’t crumble if she no longer exists. I swallow the knot in my throat, not wanting my mind to go there. If I think about Aidon killing my mother, I will never be able to seduce him.

  The loud ding of the elevator has me springing to my feet. Someone is here. A mix of nerves and excitement bubbles up in my stomach. When the elevator opens, two big men step off, carrying the large vintage trunk that usually sits at the end of my bed at home. The moment of disappointment I felt at it not being Aidon washes away briefly. At least I have some of my things. It’s a small comfort, but I’ll take it.

  They walk a few feet into the room and set the trunk down on the floor. I notice the lock is undone. “You opened it,” I accuse them.

  Neither of them responds to me. I head over to it and flip it open. I immediately see my clothes and a few books. I grab one and pick it up.

  “Where is my Kindle?” I sound like a spoiled brat who got her favorite toy taken away from her. I suppose I am, but it’s not the Kindle I’m really interested in.

  “Kindle?” the taller one asks. I wonder if all men are this big, or only the ones that work for Aidon. On TV they aren’t this massive; they seem to come in all shapes and sizes. I would definitely consider these men to be in the XL category. None of them are as tall as Aidon, but these two are built. It amazes me that the girls back home can have men like them on their knees with a few laughs and smiles. At least that’s how I imagine they do it in my head from some of the stories I’ve heard.

  “Never mind,” I mumble. The shorter man walks over to my untouched breakfast cart. He begins to lift the lids, inspecting them to see what I’ve eaten. It’s a strange thing to do. Why would anyone care how much or what I’m eating?

  “Aidon wants to see you in his office.”

  I perk up at that. The thought of getting to leave this room, even if it’s only for a few minutes, makes me happy.

  “Okay, let me change.” I reach for the hem of my dress to pull it off and put on another. Both men curse and spin around, giving me their backs. I open my mouth to apologize but stop myself. I’m used to being surrounded by women who will change and walk around naked like it’s nothing.

  I grab another dress and put it on. “Bathroom,” I tell them before I dart off. I turn on the light and give myself a quick look over in the mirror. I look like me, plain old me. There’s nothing about me that screams sexy siren. I huff because there is nothing that I can do about it. It is what it is. If my mom was going to send me clothes, the least she could do was include some sexy stuff. I have a mission here! One that I’m obviously ill prepared for.

  I look down at my chest. I need one of those push-up bras. I don’t have much and often go without wearing a bra at all. I turn to the side, sticking out my chest. I suppose I could bend over a bunch. Bend over and giggle. Is it really that easy? May says men are all dumb, but I think Aidon is the exception to this rule.

  I flip my hair for good measure before I exit the bathroom. “Okay, boys. I’m rea—” my words trail off when I see Aidon standing there instead. The other men are nowhere in sight.

  His arms are folded over his chest as he glares at me with those dark eyes. He’s in a suit, the same as yesterday, but I think he might have slept in this one.

  “Are you trying to seduce my men too?” he grits out, sounding madder than he was yesterday. I don’t think he wants to fuck me. In fact, he looks like he wants to strangle me.

  “There is a lot I would do for a Kindle,” I try to tease. It’s the wrong thing to say. He moves faster than should be possible for a man his size. My feet leave the ground as he pins me to the wall. I gasp when I feel every hard inch of his cock press into my stomach.

  Or maybe it was the right thing to say after all.

  Chapter 5


  “Have you been sent here to seduce all of my men or just me?” I grind my cock against her, and I swear I can feel an answering heat. Cora glares at me and for a second something I might interpret as fear in another woman flits across her face, but I know I’m reading her wrong. This is a Vieth orphan and they are fearless, especially when it comes to men. They’re trained to seduce the opposite sex into mindless pools of want who will do anything to get a little taste of their snatch.

  “You, of course,” is her sultry reply, erasing any doubt in my mind. Her breath whispers by my cheek, turning my already hard cock into a bar of steel.

  “Then what the fuck are you doing undressing in front of my men? If you want a dick so bad, I’m right here.”

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to touch me?”

  My hand drifts down to her core, and I press my palm hard against the pubic bone. She gasps and clenches me tighter. “Who’s going to know?”

  “I’m not gonna lie to my mother.”

  A sigh slips from me, and I let my hand drop away. “So we’re back to that, are we?”

  “Why would I lie about her being my mother?”

  “To gain sympathy.” Having that woman raise you can’t be a picnic.

  “As if you would give it to me,” Cora scoffs, running a hand down her neck and turning away from me, the fabric of her skirt flaring enticingly around her legs. She looks like a flower in the winter. “That’d be so dumb to believe that.”

  “Then why are you undressing in front of my men?” Jealousy is riding me hard. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so agitated. Fuck, I hate this.

  “Because I live with a bunch of women, and we don’t care about wearing clothes or anything!” she twirls and shouts at me. Her eyes are shooting flames, and her color is high in her cheeks. The dress that hints at her figure falls against her curves like a loving hand. I want to tear it off and devour her. I drag a heavy hand down my face.

  What the hell am I going to do? She wants to seduce me, and I want to be seduced, only I can’t touch her or the deal between Vieth and me is off. I won’t get revenge for Poppy, and Vieth will think I’m an easy mark. Giving in to this woman could mean the end of my people, the end of me, but to spend seven--now six—days and not fuck this girl? It’s an impossibility.

  I drag a chair and sprawl in it, my legs spread wide to give my aching cock and balls some breathing room. “All right. You know what the rules are, and I’m not to touch you, and none of my men can either, but there’s no prohibition for you touching yourself.”

  “What?” She appears taken aback by the suggestion as if she had never entertained the thought of self pleasure let alone actually done it. Again, a small voice whispers the suggestion this girl might be an innocent, but I shrug that ludicrous idea off.

  I check the time. Thirty minutes until my next appointment. That’s plenty of time for Cora to give me a show.

  “You want to please me? Sit on the bed, pull up your skirt, and fuck yourself.”

  “I’m not--” she starts to protest like an outraged maiden and then halts, suddenly remembering her purpose here is to seduce me. I sort of like her on-again/off-again innocence. There’s a charm there. I fold my hands behind my head.

  “Better get a move on. You don’t want me to go to my meeting unhappy.”

nbsp; “Why do I care about that?” She flounces over to the little dinette and sits in one of the chairs in direct defiance of my order.

  “Because I might kill someone if I’m in a bad mood but if you want to be responsible for someone’s death, that’s fine.” I start to get to my feet.

  She flies off the chair and rushes over to stop me. “I never said that. Sit. Sit.”

  I settle back and wait for her to decide what she’s going to do. My cock wants her on her knees with her hot mouth sucking my dickhead into the back of her throat. My head tells me to get the hell out of here and to not return for the next six days. Seeing as my ass ain’t moving, we know which head is winning this argument.

  “How about I kiss you?”

  “Your mom said I couldn’t touch you.”

  “Right. Keep your hands to yourself then.”

  “There’s no way you can come over here, put your ruby red lips on mine and not expect me to touch you--not unless you plan on cutting off my hands before then, and I know you don’t want to do that. Go sit on the bed like a good girl and do as I tell you.”

  We stare at each other for a long, heated moment. She doesn’t want to do as I order, but she also is afraid that I’m a ruthless asshole that would put a bullet through someone’s brains just because I didn’t get what I wanted.

  I’m not that type of man, but if she believes it...maybe that’s for the best. She rubs her lips together, trying to figure out her next move. Her fingers twitch against her skirt. I hold my breath as the material slowly starts to creep up, baring her knees and then her golden thighs. A light pink appears at the V of her legs, slightly darker in the front, betraying the wetness of her pussy.

  My head grows light and my balls heavy. If she was closer, I could smell her. “Come ‘ere,” I say thickly.


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