Trotsky, Leon. The History of the Russian Revolution. 3 vols. Translated by Max Eastman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1932. Accessed May 16, 2013.
van Tuyll, Hubert P. Feeding the Bear: American Aid to the Soviet Union, 1941–1945. Contributions in Military Studies 90. New York: Greenwood, 1989.
Vishnevskaya, Galina. Galina: A Russian Story. Translated by Guy Daniels. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984.
Volkov, Solomon. Shostakovich and Stalin: The Extraordinary Relationship Between the Great Composer and the Brutal Dictator. Translated by Antonina W. Bouis. New York: Knopf, 2004.
______. Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich. 25th anniversary ed. New York: Limelight, 2004.
Vulliamy, Ed. “Orchestral Manoeuvres.” The Observer, November 24, 2001.
Wang, Dajue. “Shostakovich: Music on the Brain?” The Musical Times 214, no. 1684 (June 1983): 347–348.
Watt, Donald Cameron. “Who Plotted Against Whom? Stalin’s Purge of the Soviet High Command Revisited.” Journal of Slavic Military Studies 3, no. 1 (1990): 46–65.
Weinstein, Larry, director. The War Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin. Documentary. IdtV Cultuur, 1997.
Weintraub, Eugene. Papers. New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division. JPB 12-02, Boxes 1 & 2. Telegrams relating to the microfilm transfer are in folder 2.8; later memoranda relating to the transfer and premiere are in folder 2.9. The full titles of these memoranda are as follows: “Shostakovich: Seventh Symphony: Some Facts Relating to the NBC Broadcast July 19, 1942” (fol. 2.9); “Some Additional Notes About the Shostakovich Seventh Symphony” (fol. 2.9); “The Shostakovich ‘Seventh Symphony’ in America” (fol. 2.9); “Volkov’s ‘Testimony’” (fol. 2.9); “Letter to the Editor,” MS, dated 1990 (fol. 2.16). Another document cited, “Some Notes on the Shostakovich Seventh Symphony,” is missing its first page in the New York cache (fol. 2.9) but exists in a complete version in the VOKS archives in Moscow (GARF, f. 5283, op. 14, d. 132).
White, James D. The Russian Revolution, 1917–1921. London: Edward Arnold, 1994.
Wilson, Elizabeth, ed. Shostakovich: A Life Remembered. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Ziemke, Earl F. The Soviet Juggernaut. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life, 1980.
Page numbers refer to print edition.
AKG-Images: 124 (top left), 192 (top), 269 (top right)
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AP Photo: 151, 211, 241 (bottom)
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Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-B17220/Hugo Tannenberg: 275 (top)
Collection of Charlotte Douglas, New York: 38 (bottom)
Deutsches Filminstitut, Frankfurt: 51 (all)
DSCH Journal: 231 (bottom), 258, 374
DSCH Publishers (Moscow): 66 (top), 136, 144 (top and bottom), 145 (top and bottom), 311 (top)
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Mary Evans/Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo: 158 (top)
Mayakovsky Museum: 41
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National Archives: 3, 158 (bottom), 276 (top)
M. T. Anderson: 378 (top)
RIA Novosti: 62 (bottom), 73, 78 (top), 187, 190 (top), 195, 201 (bottom), 207, 220 (bottom), 221 (top), 224, 234, 247, 250 (top), 253 (bottom), 269 (bottom), 274 (bottom), 289 (top and bottom), 299 (bottom), 335, 353, 378 (bottom left)
RIA Novosti/Lebrecht Music & Arts: 346 (bottom)
Richard Southern Collection/University of Bristol Theatre Collection/ArenaPAL: 63 (top)
Shostakovich Association (Paris) & DSCH Publishers (Moscow): 15, 55 (bottom), 85 (top), 237, 347 (top)
Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Getty Images: 101 (bottom), 124 (bottom)
Time magazine, July 20, 1942 © 1942 Time Inc. Used under license: 328
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Copyright © 2015 by M. T. Anderson
Cover illustration copyright © 2015 by Kikuo Johnson
Map illustrations copyright © 2015 by Karen Minot
Photography and image credits appear here.
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2015936915
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