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Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 11

by Suzy Shearer

  It was as if every hurt she held tight inside her erupted outward.

  Her body wracked with painful sobs, they literally burst free from within her.

  Aiden knew she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to. All he could do was murmur nonsense to her, rocking her, trying to offer a little comfort.

  Each minute that passed pierced his heart. He wished he could take her pain away. Listening to her touched every emotion he had, and he discovered he wanted to protect her, to make sure nothing ever hurt this badly again.

  Finally, she cried herself out. He felt her body limp and listless. Gathering her in his arms, he carried her upstairs and set her in the middle of her bed. He noticed the bathroom and moistened a cloth under warm water. He wiped away her tears, trying to get through to her with his touch that he meant to only soothe her.

  Kicking off his shoes, he climbed alongside her and gathered her once more in his arms, rocking her as she fell asleep.

  Aiden lay with her held tenderly.

  What had happened to her to cause this much grief?

  He would have to wait until she woke and then hope she would tell him. His eyes grew heavy and he, too, slept.

  Even in sleep, he felt her, felt her move. He opened his eyes as she entered the bathroom. He waited. She came out and stood in the doorway, looking across at the bed.

  He frightened her when he spoke. She had to come to him, he couldn’t force things. One step, then another until she reached the bed. He rolled over and took her hand, she didn’t resist so he gathered her into his arms once more.

  Determined to get to the bottom of her fear. He began questioning her. Finally, she began to tell him.

  At last!

  Haltingly, she told him, not all the details, but enough. He tried to get through to her what being a true Dom means, tried to explain that they could never hurt their sub. She didn’t seem to believe him, she believed that Doms held all control.

  Aiden got so angry when he learnt that poor excuse for a Dom had actually ignored her limits, never allowed her use of a safe word, never discussed things with her. How on earth could he do that to any woman?

  She began sobbing again. Each sob tore into him.

  Finally she told him everything.

  Oh god, what that woman had endured!

  Never in his wildest imagines could he have considered she’d endured all this. If that creature had been anywhere near Aiden at that moment, he would have surely killed him.

  To hurt a woman. Not just hurt her, but torture her!

  To hurt his Jessie!

  He felt possessive of her, wanted to protect her. He was determined if it took the rest of his life he would prove to her just what being with a true Dom meant.

  He could hear it in her voice. She was emotionally and physically exhausted. He decided to try and wash the pain away. Running a bath, he carried her in, undressed each of them and got in behind her.

  Jess had just laid there, offering no resistance. He’d finally seen all the scars covering her body. He washed her gently.

  What she must have endured?

  What she must have suffered?

  They’d been in the tub for maybe ten or fifteen minutes. He couldn’t help it, he began to kiss her scars, to kiss each one trying to heal them.

  She was amazing!

  So aroused!

  So excited!

  He could feel she couldn’t last any longer. And when he finally told her she could come, she’d screamed his name and he almost shouted exaltedly. Instead, he had dried her off and put her back into bed. She looked so relaxed but so tired. They both needed to sleep.

  Still, there was a lot they needed to talk about. He also needed to get out of the damn suit. He’d go home and collect some clothes, he could pick up his bag of tricks at the same time.

  Telling her she was to sleep, he said he would be back, but the look on her face frightened him. Maybe she didn’t feel the same way he did.

  Suddenly he was the one with the fear. He was frightened she would send him away. Aiden poured out his heart to her. If they were to try and make this work, there could be no falsehoods between them. He told her exactly how he felt about her. Then he waited.

  Would she send him away?

  “Please,” he whispered to himself, “please give us a chance.”

  He waited what seemed like an eternity.

  Finally she searched his face, whatever she read gave her her answer. She nodded.

  Aiden almost jumped for joy. He kissed her hungrily. He was so tempted to make love to her there and then but knew it was foolish. They were both so tired, plus he had no condoms, and he doubted she did either.

  Instead he reluctantly stood. He went into the bathroom and dressed, then kissed her on the forehead, telling her to sleep. She looked aroused and he turned away quickly.

  At the door he turned and promised he would try to make her happy before going downstairs. Putting his shoes on, he’d left the apartment, picking up her keys as he left.

  Going downstairs, Aiden nodded to the man on duty, a different person to last evening. He spoke quickly to him.

  “I’m Aiden Dowling, a friend of Ms. Williams. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Ms. Williams said I could park my car in her spot. Can you give me the number?”

  “Oh certainly Mr. Dowling. I saw your name in the book saying you’d arrived last night. Ms. Williams has bays one and two. You will need the security code for the elevator. If you use seven four three, the lift will be accessed.”


  Going out onto the street, he managed to hail a cab, directing it to his home. Once there, he spoke with his housekeeper, Meara Collins, telling her he would be gone for the day. He quickly changed into a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt. He grabbed a sports bag and put some clean underwear in it, another T-shirt and pair of jeans, just in case. He picked up a pair a shoes and socks, putting them in as well. He lifted up his suit bag and grabbed a suit of the rack along with a shirt and tie. Hopefully they’d go out somewhere for dinner.

  Maybe he was jumping the gun, he laughed to himself. Maybe she would still send him away.

  Going into the bathroom, he filled a wet pack with toiletries and put that into the sports bag. He looked around but couldn’t think of anything else he needed from his room. He slid a pair of slip-on sandals onto his feet and went downstairs. Once there, he went to one of the spare rooms and opened the wardrobe. Inside was a nondescript black bag. Taking it out he opened it and looked at the contents.

  It had actually been a number of years since he’d used it.

  He checked off the items. A number of hanks of silk rope, a pair of scissors and a pair of cutters. Of course if Jess said no, he wouldn’t use any of these. There was lube, a blindfold, handcuffs, and his flogger and paddle as well.

  He lifted those out and returned them to the cupboard. Until he and Jess had built up trust, he wouldn’t use anything other than his hand.

  He would have to get past all those horrors of Jessie’s before he would use anything else on her. It would be up to him to show her what delights he could give her as her Dom.

  Zipping the bag up, he picked up the sports bag and suit, then carried them down another flight of stairs, opening a door that led to his garage before realising he needed condoms.

  Rather than go back upstairs he would stop along the way and pick up a box.

  He looked over his cars. He knew he was crazy but he couldn’t help adding to his collection of sports cars. He was tempted to take the Jag but changed his mind and picked up the keys from the coded locked box on the wall for his metallic brown Porsche Boxster GTS.

  He drove back to Jessica’s. The entire drive he felt like singing. His heart was so filled with longing for her.

  Turning the sound system up high, he pushed random play on the iPod and sang along with all the tracks.

  Reo Speedwagon’s “Can’t Fight This Feeling” came on and he cranked up the car’s system and sang along w
ith it. He grinned when the next song turned out to be Foreigner’s Waiting for “A Girl Like You.” He ended up hitting replay on that one and singing along with it a couple more times.

  Then it was “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.” Each song seemed prophetic to him.

  Passing a pharmacy, he parked the car and went inside. He picked up a pack of condoms headed toward the teller, then dropped back to and pick up another box. He noticed a box of twenty Trojan Samplers. He laughed aloud. He and Jess could work their way through them. He just hoped he wasn’t jinxing himself by assuming too much.

  Taking the three boxes to the register, he paid for them and walked back to the car. He put the boxes into his sports bag then continued to Jessie’s place. Driving into the underground car park, he slid the Boxster into the number one spot, picked up his bags and took the lift up to her apartment.

  He let himself in and put her keys back on the table where he’d taken them from. Aiden would love to look around but with each step, he felt his fatigue threaten to overtake him. Instead, he slid off his sandals and quietly went upstairs.

  Jessie was asleep.

  She looked so fragile lying there. Her beautiful hair had spilt across the pillow. Carefully, he opened the door to her wardrobe and hung the suit bag inside. He put his bags on the floor near it and crept back out. Now that he was back, he realised just how tired he really was. He yawned and stretched. Quickly removing his jeans, he cautiously climbed into bed alongside Jess and pulled the covering over himself.

  He wanted to hold Jess but was worried he’d wake her. Instead he lay close beside her and yawned again. She murmured in her sleep, as if she knew he’d returned. He was delighted when she rolled onto her side and he felt her head touch his shoulder. Keeping still, he felt her snuggled closer and sigh. He couldn’t stop the smile as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  If anyone had asked, neither would have been able to say who woke first. Maybe they opened their eyes at the same time, all Jessica knew was that as she opened her eyes, so did Aiden.

  Sometime during her sleep she had put her head onto his shoulder and she had one arm flung across him. Their legs were tangled together. She gave a little start and pulled her head back onto her pillow. Aiden smiled at her.

  His smiles had the ability to turn her inside-out. He lifted her hand from his chest and kissed her fingertips.

  “How do you feel, Jess?”

  She knew he just didn’t mean was she rested after her sleep. She searched her mind and realised she felt the best she had in a long time. It had been cathartic to cry and get the truth out. She’d finally face it all and she felt it would help her to finally heal.


  “I’m glad.”

  She smiled at him shyly. His thumb was rubbing against her hand. It felt so good. He sat up and then climbed out of bed. She saw he was just wearing a pair of briefs. He walked into the bathroom and a few minutes later she heard the toilet flush and he came back.

  She was unsure of what to do. This was totally strange for her.

  He glanced at his watch. “Come on, lazy, it’s almost two o’clock. Out of bed, missy.”

  She couldn’t believe how late it was and went to jump out of bed when she realised she was naked. She blushed when she remembered he’d washed her this morning and how he had made her climax with his hand.

  “If you don’t get up, I’ll have to lift you out myself.”

  She wriggled to the edge of the bed and tried to wrap the cover around herself. He laughed and grabbed it. She pulled and somehow they ended up tangled together on the bed. She was amazed at the desire in his eyes, she had an idea it matched her own. Boldly she reached out and touched his face. He rolled slightly, taking her with him until she was lying above. He held her fast.


  He almost purred her name as he pulled her head down and kissed her. She tried to pull away—morning, or should she say, afternoon breath was not endearing to lovemaking—but he didn’t allow it. She tasted the fresh taste of toothpaste on his tongue. Well, if he didn’t care why should she?

  She kissed him back.

  “You’ve bewitched me, woman. All I can think of is making love to you.”

  She felt her eyes widened at his words. Swiftly, he rolled again, this time pinning her beneath him. One arm was holding his weight off her and he looked down into her eyes as she lay under him.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Jess. You know very well the power you have over me. Seeing you underneath me, knowing you’re naked under this sheet. Ah… sweet Jess.”

  She felt her nostrils flare as she breathed out heavily.

  He lowered his head until his mouth was at her ear.

  “Maybe I should tie you to these posts now and have you for breakfast.”

  She gave a gasp.

  “Would you like that? Would you like to be lying spread out for me? Would you like me to lick you until you came?”

  Jessica could only breathe faster at his words. They were going straight to her pussy.

  “Tell me honestly, Jessie, would you?”

  She gave a tiny nod. He grabbed her hands and held then above her head. She marvelled at his strength as he held his body off hers. Glancing down, she saw his penis straining against the cloth of his briefs.

  He followed her eyes, then looked back at her face.

  “I’ve been in a state of arousal since you first walked into my office. Today if you give me your permission, I intend to solve that problem.”

  His face lowered to hers and he kissed her again. His lips were against hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth. She lowered all her resistance and let him take whatever he wanted. The kiss turned savage as he gave in to his own desires.

  She heard him groan and his lips left hers.

  “What are you doing to me?”

  He shook his head.

  “I was going to take you out for brunch but can’t resist you. Damn! I want you and I’ll have you. Can I show you what a true Dom can do?”

  She nodded and before Jess knew it, he stood. She watched warily as he walked to the walk-in robe. She heard him rummaging in there and when he returned he had a handful of rope and something else in his hand. She felt a shiver of fear as he approached her.

  He looked down at her. “Listen to me carefully, Jess. This is very, very important.”

  Hesitatingly, she nodded.

  “I will not do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Okay?”

  In a tiny voice she replied, “Okay.”

  “Anything! Anything at all that makes you feel uneasy, you tell me. I promise I will stop immediately.”

  Aiden searched her face, trying to read her understanding. When he was satisfied, he lifted the sheet from her and she was naked before him. She went to cover herself with her hands.


  She stopped.

  All at once, the man was gone, instead the Dom was before her.

  He lifted one leg and ran his hand from thigh to ankle. Carefully he tied one end of some of the rope to her ankle then to the bed post. Then he tied the other. He looked carefully into her face. Satisfied at what he saw, he picked up one hand, kissed the palm then bound her wrist to the head post. Walking around the bed, he picked up the other. This time, instead of kissing the palm, she felt his mouth and tongue licking between her fingers.

  Finally, he tied her wrist.

  She was still frightened, but overshadowing her fear was her arousal. She was sure her juices were dripping onto the bed. As she watched, Aiden stripped off his briefs and let his cock spring free.

  For the first time she truly saw him.

  He was magnificent.

  His muscles were well-defined, a sprinkling of hair on his chest thickened as a line of it led downward. She followed that line with her eyes. She gasped.

  His penis was large and thick. It was standing proudly as if waiting for her to touch it, to admire it. />
  She licked her lips.

  He grinned at her then moved toward her. She saw the blindfold in her hand.

  Her eyes widened with horror.

  Dennis had often used a blindfold so she had no idea what he was hitting her with. Whenever he had held it out to her, she knew she was going to suffer badly. She shook her head violently as Aiden approached with it. She couldn’t even speak, her fear overtook her.

  He took one look her at and in an instance was at her side.

  “What, Jess, what is it? Shall I untie you?”

  “Blind–blindfold.” she stuttered.

  He threw it across the room.

  “Gone. Never again. All right?”

  She sighed with relief. He kissed her eyes.

  “That’s all you ever have to do, tell me, and I’ll always stop. I promise.

  “Shall I stop?”

  Jessica shook her head. Even though it had terrified her, she was still so aroused.

  He stood again, the Dom back in control.

  “Now these are the rules. One. Anytime you want me to stop you shout ‘red,’ and I promise I will stop immediately. Understand?”

  She whispered “yes,” and he smiled that lovely smile.

  “Two. Until I tell you, no matter what I do, you will not climax. I know how hard it will be because you’re out of practise, but try. I promise it will be worth it. Understood?”

  She gave a little groan as she nodded her agreement.

  “I’ll allow you to make noise, but you are not to speak unless I ask you a direct question.”

  The smile he gave her then was wicked, and she had the distinct impression that he intended she wouldn’t be able to hold out. He moved to put a pillow under her head, then walked to the foot of the bed.

  He stood there stroking himself and Jess almost came watching him. If she’d thought his cock was big before, now it was enormous. She licked her lips again in anticipation. He continued to stroke himself and she felt a tingle between her legs. She knew she wanted to feel that inside her.

  Aiden moved to the bed and then knelt between her legs. As she watched, he looked at her pussy. She felt a hand on her thigh, and it ran higher until it brushed across the wet slit.


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