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Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 16

by Suzy Shearer

  “Lie down.”

  She complied. He looked at her, lying there with her face flushed from her recent orgasm, the clamps still tight on her nipples. Her legs slightly apart, he could see her juices covering the top of her legs. He’d never tire of seeing her like this.

  He quickly stripped off his jeans. His cock, freed at last, gave him a little relief. It had been painfully pressed tight in the confines of his clothes. He pulled a condom out of his pocket and threw the jeans across the room. Thank goodness he wasn’t the one holding back his orgasm, he doubted he’d be able to last one minute, let alone ten.

  He’d need to get those clamps off.

  He climbed onto the bed. Tugging on one clamp he looked down at Jessie.

  “Now you have to be punished.”

  He pulled harder, she groaned.

  “Tell me, is it good?”

  “Sir.” She panted. “Yes, Sir.”

  He squeezed one breast, holding it firm. Bending he placed his mouth over her nipple, clamp and all. He bit down softly. She moaned. He moved his mouth off it then pulled off the clamp, she gave a little scream as he took it back into his mouth and sucked on her nipple. His other hand straying to the trimmed hair around her cute pussy. He was glad she didn’t shave it. He would have ordered her to let it grow if she had.

  Turning his attention to the other clamp, he did the same thing. Then he looked at those gorgeous nipples. So red, so hard. He massaged them, massaged each breast, pulling and squeezing. His cock was rubbing against her.

  “Ten with my hand,” he told her. “Move to the edge of the bed.”

  She began to wriggle forward.

  “On your knees, arse in the air.”

  She moved swiftly. He almost groaned aloud. Her bum in the air, those tits hanging, her wet pink cunt just waiting for him.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  He got off the bed and slapped her once.

  “One, Sir.”

  He raised his hand and hit her again.

  “Two, Sir.”

  With each slap, her voice got lower, sexier, more aroused. He saw her juices running down one leg. He made sure his slaps weren’t hard, but instead used them to arouse her even more. He reached the tenth slap.

  “Te…ten, Sir,” she gasped.

  “What else do you say?”

  “Thank you, Sir. I’ll try harder next time.”

  He rolled on the condom then lay down on the bed. He wanted her above him, riding him, fucking him.

  “Straddle me.”

  Swiftly, she crawled to him and put one leg over his body.

  “Take me.”

  She took his cock in one hand and lowered herself onto it.

  “Fuck yourself on my cock.”

  Her head fell back, her mouth opened as she began to ride him. Aiden soon caught her rhythm and began to move in time, lifting his hips to coincide with her downward motion. He put his hands on her tits, pulling and squashing them with his fingers. She sped up.

  “You may come when you make me, not before.”

  She grunted “thank you, Sir” as she bounced up and down on his cock. Aiden was so close. He wished he could last longer, but she was driving him crazy. He gave up and grabbed her shoulders to take control, increasing the speed and pulling her down harder onto his cock. His thrust his hips upward and pulled her down, driving his cock deep inside her.

  He felt it, felt the burst of his cum filling the condom.

  Grunting loudly, he called her name as he shook and shudder inside her. It was the signal Jess had obviously been waiting for. She screamed and, painfully, her muscles grabbed his cock. Her climax rippled through him via his cock. It felt unbelievable.

  He pulled her forward onto his chest. They lay together, sweaty and trying to catch their breath.

  How long? he thought. How long have I known her? Was it really only a couple of days?

  Suddenly he couldn’t imagine his life without her. He tightened his arms around her, not wanting to let her go.

  “Jessie,” he whispered. “My Jessie.”

  They lay together another ten minutes and he shook himself. He needed to clean her, care for her, and get rid of the damn condom. He reluctantly laid her on the bed and stood. Maybe they should have a bath instead.

  Going into the bathroom, he got rid of the condom and turned on the taps to the large spa bath he had. He returned. She was lying on her side and her arse cheeks were bright red with his hand prints. He gave a laugh. He felt he was branding her.

  He tugged on her foot. She rolled over and he pulled her into his arms, carrying her into the bathroom. He stepped into the bath and lowered them both into water. He turned Jess so she could lay against his chest and settled himself against the curved end of the tub. He lifted the braid so it wouldn’t get too wet. He felt Jess sigh and nestle into him.

  They lay in comfortable silence for a while then Aiden washed her and himself. That done, he moved her back into his chest again and laid his head on the top of hers.

  “It would be so easy to stay like this.”

  “Mm,” she murmured languidly.

  “Unfortunately, we both have to go to work tomorrow. I’ve got damn meetings, and this week is so goddamn busy!” He sounded frustrated and Jess turned her head to look at him questioningly.

  “I’d rather spend it with you.”

  She’d smiled at him and his heart leapt.

  “I have a meeting tomorrow too.”

  “We’d better get dressed, otherwise Mrs. Collins will be serving us dinner in the bath.”

  Jessica blushed. He loved that about her. She was so damn sexy, yet at times she seemed so innocent. They got out of the bath and Aiden dried her and wrapped her in a towel before drying himself. He dragged on his jeans and watched as Jess dressed. She seemed self-conscious, but at the same time it seemed she enjoyed knowing he was watching her.

  Taking her hand, he led her into the sitting area and sat her down on one of the couches close to the glass wall. He pressed a button and part of the glass slid back, allowing access to the deck.

  “Oh wow! That’s wonderful, just like being in a treehouse.”

  “The centre window in the bedroom does the same thing.”

  “It’s perfect. All those trees.”

  “You can come here any time you like and enjoy them.”

  She glanced at him shyly and he saw the pleasure in her eyes as she said, “Thank you.”

  “You really do love it, the trees.”

  “I do. There’s something so magical about them. For some reason they make me feel relaxed, content. I feel free.”

  She looked as if she wanted to add something. He waited.

  “I used to pretend.” She gave a huge gasp. “When I… when he would. When the pain got so bad I’d pretend I was in a forest. I’d pretend the trees were all around me, caring for me, protecting me from the pain.”

  She blushed, embarrassed that she’d shared such an intimate thought.

  “Thank you, thank you for telling me how much they mean to you.”

  They were silent for a while, just enjoying the view. Mrs. Collins came into the room from behind them.

  “Would you be wanting to eat here, Mr. Dowling, or downstairs?”

  “Here would be lovely, Meara.”

  “Right-o then.”

  She left. Jessica looked around.

  “Did she come up the stairs?”

  “No. There’s an elevator at the back of the house.”

  “So does she cook as well, or just keep house?”

  “She’s a jack of all trades. Her husband cares for the grounds and she runs everything else, including him and me.”

  Meara returned pushing a trolley. She set out dishes on a table near the couch Jess was on.

  “So, Meara, this is my girlfriend, Jessie Williams. If she ever wants anything just get it for her. She’ll be here often.”

  Jess looked surprised at his words but didn’t contradict a
nything he said.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Ms. Williams. ’Bout time the lad found a lovely girl.”

  Aiden laughed so loudly. “Well, now I have, Meara, and I intend to keep her.”

  Jess looked askance at his words, but as he spoke them, Aiden realised he truly meant them.

  “That’s very good, Mr. Dowling.”

  Meara Collins left them then and he and Jess tucked into the meal she’d made of chicken and mushrooms wrapped in filo pastry. There were sides of fresh green beans, asparagus and glazed carrots. It was delicious. There was fresh coffee and tiny little cakes for dessert. They ate leisurely and talked more about how he’d come to build the house. Jess picked up one of the little cakes and bit into it.

  “Heavens, Aiden, if you eat like this all the time, it’s a wonder you ever want to eat out.”

  “She’s an amazing cook, I know.”

  “This is delicious and those puffs were lovely. Wonder what she put in them?”

  Aiden had shrugged his shoulders but he was pleased Jess was enjoying them. Meara Collins had been with him since he was thirty two. His father had suggested he get a housekeeper and had offered to find a couple for him. Meara and her husband Eamon had been found. They fit into his lifestyle so easily. Meara had been forty-five and Eamon forty-six when they started working for him. They had two children, grown up and married. The arrangement had worked out perfectly for the three of them and now Aiden couldn’t imagine both having them around. They were friends as well as employees.

  By the time they’d finished their coffees, it was after nine o’clock. Aiden stood reluctantly.

  “Guess I should get you back home.”

  “I think so.”

  He went into his room and pulled on a shirt, then went back to join Jess.

  “I’ll show you where the lift is.”

  Taking her hand, he led her to the back of the room and they descended down to the ground level. They walked back toward the car.

  The drive back to her house was quiet. Aiden was regretting it was Sunday night. The next week was busy for him and he knew he wouldn’t be able to see Jess until Friday. It upset him more than he thought it would. He pulled the Boxster into her parking spot and they rode the lift to her door. Once inside, Aiden went upstairs and collected his clothes. He decided to leave his bag of tricks in the wardrobe, just transferring one of the condom boxes to his sports bag. Going back down stairs, he found Jess standing outside, looking up at the mountains.

  He put down his bags and went out to her, wrapping his arms around her as he stood behind. She leaned into him.

  “Can we see your house now?”

  He searched the mountain then pointed out a faint dappled light coming through the trees at the top.

  “That should be it.”

  She sighed. He looked down at her.

  “From now on when I lie in bed, I will watch over you.” He meant every word he spoke. He wanted to protect her from then on, keep her safe from harm. She turned in his arms.

  “I’ll miss you.”

  Her voice sounded surprised, and he knew it had taken a lot of courage for her to admit that.

  “And I’ll miss you.”

  He kissed her, and she twined her arms around his neck and held his head tight to hers. Aiden wanted nothing more than to take her back upstairs and make love to her all night. But it was late. It would be getting close to eleven by the time he got home and the first meeting in the morning was at eight. He would have to leave home by six thirty to make sure everything was organised for it.

  They clung to each other, neither wanting the kiss to end, but it did eventually.

  Holding her hand, they’d walked back inside and gathered his bags as they walked to the door.

  “I’ll ring you tomorrow.”

  He kissed her again, then opened the door and left. When he entered the lift and looked back, she was standing in the open doorway. He smiled as the doors shut and he descended back to the world without Jess alongside him.


  Chapter Fifteen

  Over the next few days, Aiden and Jess were both caught up with work and meetings. They agreed to speak on the phone each night, if only to just say hello. In a way it was good, because they ended up learning a lot more about each other without the sexual temptation.

  It surprised Jess how easily she slid back into the role of a submissive, although this was nothing like what she had believed a submissive was. Maybe that was why it was so natural for her to accept it.

  She read up on subs and Doms and discovered so much she’d never known. She was pleased to learn that those floaty feelings and feelings of being out of body were sub-space. They were so amazing. There was nothing truthful in what Dennis had told her. What she was now experiencing with Aiden was how it should be.

  She wondered if she’d known the truth years before, would she still have sought out those dull men? Something inside her said yes, even if she’d known, she still hadn’t wanted to face the raw truth of what had happened. It had taken a strong man like Aiden to push past her wall and make her face it all—helping heal her in the process.

  These few nights of talking on the phone meant Jessica was discovering that she and Aiden shared many likes and dislikes. Both had been so caught up with their businesses that neither had much time to pursue leisure time hobbies and activities.

  Apart from reading and chess, Jessica was pleased to know that Aiden wasn’t a great fan of television, but did enjoy watching DVDs, usually of murder mysteries and British dramas. Jessica had always enjoyed those too as well as British comedies. Aiden admitted he hadn’t seen many but did enjoy The Life Of Brian. Jessica promised to introduce him to the world of Monty Python.

  Jessica’s father rang to arrange the meal for Friday night. Gray was due back in the country late on Wednesday. Jessica promised to book a table for them at his favourite Italian restaurant.

  Wickedly, Jessica asked if her father would be bringing a guest. He muttered something and said no, so she asked him if he was sure. Surely he must realise that she knew about Isabella. Maybe he thought she would be unhappy. Jessica decided she’d have to have it out with him and let him know that she knew and was pleased as soon as possible.

  She confirmed the meal with Aiden, who told her he was looking forward to it, and more importantly, he was looking forward to seeing her.

  On Wednesday, she’d just finished discussing finance with Brooke Fuller, the staff accountant, when Bess buzzed her.

  “You’ve got a delivery.”

  “A delivery? I wasn’t expecting anything.”

  She gave a funny sort of half laugh. “Well, you’ve got something.”

  “Have them leave it with you and I collect it later.”

  “Ah, I think not. They have orders to put it into your office and it looks really heavy.”

  Intrigued, Jess told her to send them through. She was stunned when two men came in wheeling a huge bonsai garden on a low wooden Japanese-looking stand.

  It was a forest, a tiny miniature forest!

  “Ma’am, we have orders where to place this. Can you sign here please?”

  One of the men held out a clipboard with papers on it. As she watched, they manoeuvred the forest around her desk, between the couches and set it up. Within five minutes they had it arranged to their satisfaction. The one who had given her the clipboard took it from her once she’d signed. He then gave her a small brochure telling her the trees were Japanese Larch.

  “This will give you watering directions. Twice a month one of our servicemen will be in to care for it.”

  Jessica was lost for words as they left the room.

  All the staff crowded in to see the wonder.

  So many questions were fired at her at once. “Where did it come from?”, “Who sent it?”, “Any ideas Jess?”

  “I have a good idea.” She smiled to herself.

  Who else but Aiden would send her a forest?

p; She knelt down in front of it and looked.

  It was about a metre long and half as wide. There had to be at least twenty tiny trees growing on it at different levels. There was a large rock that was majestically crowned with three trees.

  It was breathtaking!


  And utterly amazing!

  Once everyone had left the room, she rang Aiden. Fortunately, he had just finished the staff meeting and was in his office.

  “Aiden! It’s… it’s wonderful!”

  He tried to act innocent. “What are you talking about?”

  “My forest.”

  She heard him give a soft laugh. When she sat at her desk, it dominated her view. It gave her a sense of peace and serenity.

  His voice turned soft and caring. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Oh, Aiden, I love it! It’s just so amazing.”

  “Now you’ll always have trees with you.”

  They talked for another ten minutes until she heard the infamous Margaret in the background telling him he had another appointment and she had files for him.

  “Got to go, my sweet Jess. I’ll ring tonight.”

  “Okay. Bye and thanks. It… honestly, Aiden, I love it!”

  “Bye, my love.”

  Later in the day, Carl walked in. He looked frustrated.

  “Think our new client’s going to be a pain.”

  “Which client?”


  “Aiden… I mean Mr. Dowling, why?”

  Carl looked at her shrewdly. He’d seen that something was going on between them last week, now she’d slipped and called Aiden by his first name. He looked over at her forest then at her. She blushed and he shrewdly guessed who had sent it to her.

  “I’ve done a preliminary report. Rang him to tell him I’d e-mail it over. You know what he said?”

  Jess shook her head.

  “Have Ms. Williams deliver it to me at nine-thirty tomorrow morning. I have an appointment later but can see her then.” He rolled his eyes. “His lordship demands your attendance.”

  Jess tried to hide a grin behind her hand. Carl wasn’t far from the truth.

  “I guess we’ll just have to keep him happy, after all, he will be paying us a lot of money.”


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