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Amazon Tamer

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by Mark Summer

  Amazon Tamer

  A Lit Rpg Harem fantasy

  © 2018 Mark Summer

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  For permissions contact:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains violence & hot steamy sex between strong warriors and beautiful maidens set in a fantasy setting. Not suitable for anyone under 18 or readers without a sense of humor.

  All Characters 18+

  All Sex is consensual


  After saving an Amazon queen from death. A young Prince must use her knowledge of the forest to find the cave of evil dragon Bardi who holds the mystic dragon sword that will grant him control of the creature and win the war that has plagued his kingdom.

  In the real world Player Lisa is suspended from her job and in order to make extra money agrees to join another players harem


  Deep in the jungles of Moor lives a tribe of Amazon women. They are the most fearsome warriors in all of west Kendra. They were once part of his grand highness legion, they were praised for their fearsome courage and their desire to see that the enemy was destroyed. The royal court did not approve of their savage ways and was not to be brought up in official senate meetings.

  After the assignation of the grand emperor Maximinus by unknown traitors. The empire fell into civil war as the three sons of the emperor fought each other for the crown.

  The Amazons were once again needed and sons each went out of their way to find and recruit the Amazon sisters.

  This is where our story begins.

  A amazon by the name of Militia roams the forests ins search of game. She hunched back and spear on the ground waiting for her prey to show itself. Her skin was dark and her hair even darker. She knew the forest and its mysterious ways more than any man. She knew the names of the plants and herbs that covered the forest.

  She made her way on the ground, her steady movements were virtually undetectable to the poor creature she was stalking.

  With her spear held in her hand she waits for the right move to strike and when it comes she takes it with the skill of best hunters in Kendra.

  She hits her target and it runs and Milyte runs after it, the creature slows and eventually topples over.

  She walks up to the creature and says a quick prayer

  Goddess of Moore

  Please forgive me for this death

  I wish to eat its flesh

  But I do not wish to take its soul

  I return this creature’s spirit to your loving grace

  She then takes out her small knife and squats down and begins to butcher the creature.

  The creature was a sacred deer who started to moan a sound she never heard before. Then the fur turned deep purple and its eyes looked straight into her and it spoke. Was she dreaming, this was so strange and then the creature spat sometime up and it attached to Mylite and she feels to the ground and the spit started to crawl over her skin? Then the liquid went deeper into her and she felt it turn her insides on fire.

  She awoke a few seconds later over the creature The strange spit was gone the creature was gone. In its place was six pieces wrapped carefully in thing cloth. What witchcraft was this she picked up the meat and sniffed at it?

  If she wasn’t so hungry her sense would have picked up the scent of a Munchkin Sphynx watching her from a safe distance.


  The prince Atu was sleeping in a tent in the plans of Ledia when he was awakened by the moan of his lover in his arms. She rubbed her naked flesh against his body in desperate need. He smiled and put his hands down her back and pulled her in.

  “Atu,” she whispered because she wanted to hear the sound of his name.


  In the next hut, Atu could hear the rhythmic, soft slap of bare flesh in time with female gasps, which gradually gained intensity and lost outrage. He knew what the girl was experiencing; the surrender of her sex and soul to the power of a strong male.

  “Please!” Atu heard the faint gasp in the next hut. “You’re so big… Please go slow… UUUUgggaaaaahhhh!”

  “You’re very wet tonight,” whispered Atu, urgently into the young girl’s ear. “You

  need Atu badly.”

  “Yessss,” she hissed, flushing warm at his intimate caresses. “I need you, my


  “Uhhhh, uuuuuggg, uuuuhhhhh… So big! Uuuuggggg… Please! Ahhhh uuuggghh,” murmured the timid voice of the new girl in the next hut. It was punctuated with manly grunts.

  Atu and the girl kissed deeply and he moved his hips between her open legs.

  He held her closely, tenderly as they lay together. He rested his head against her

  collarbone and she ran her hands affectionately over his smooth chest.

  The girl moans turned to whimpers as he squeezed her backside. Then she rolled on top of him and wrapped her long tan legs across his strong body. He entered her and she twisted her body and rode him with abandon. He grabbed her breast and pulled her near and bit her breast. He fucked her short and then threw her off when he heard the battle horn. He ran out of his tent half naked. Then to his amazement, he saw the great dragon. Bardi, the dark one. He screamed at his loyal Captain Kotter

  “Quick has the archers fire”

  A squad of the prince’s best archers ran out of their tents and aimed their bows at the flying dragon.

  The archers were armed with Silver Arrows made of Jewel wood, the only arrows that can pierce dragons, armor skin.

  Bardi the dragon was carrying a sword if a human could get his hand on such a blade he would be able to control a dragon and have a huge advantage against his enemies. That is why Atu was out here in the cold planes of Ledia. Instead of the luxurious palaces of the capital. His father’s death was something he came to terms with but the damage was done. The traitors will be brought to their knees and if that means going to war with his brothers, Lut and Oto than so be it.

  Bardi let out a roar that made the everyone that heard of it think of their own mortality. She didn’t produce fire because she was still young for that.

  “Soot the bitch, I want that sword”

  The archers fired their bows as the dragon flew this way and that using her wings as a shield from the arrows she produced. It then it flew toward the west.

  Atu ran to his horse his captain ran up to him and gave him his royal crossbow.

  “Be Careful we will be right behind you”

  Atu knew in his heart this was not true he hit his horse and off he went toward the west


  Militia returned to her village with the meat wrapped and around the cloth and she carried it on her back eventually she feel in the grand circle as her sisters came out and helped her. They all hugged and kissed her and some even started singing her birth song. There would be festive and dance at night. But first Milyte had to give the meat to the grandmothers of the tribe. She entered the hut of the blind grandmothers/. They all sat on mats and were wearing long dresses of bright and beautiful colors. Militia entered the hut and kneeled in front of the grandmothers she offered the biggest piece to them. They did not speak but she knew they must have smelled the food.

  “My mother's I have brought the tribe the meat of the deer that I have killed I pray you to approve”

  “This creature is a bad omen you must destroy the meat,” said one of the mothers

  “Why do you say this, i
t seems like a gift of the goddess”

  “This is no gift if you eat this meat you will lose your humanity and become like a beast of the underworld”

  Militia heart feel cold

  “How do you know this true”

  “Young one you must take the meat far away from here”

  Militia got up from where she was kneeling

  “I refuse, our tribe has been praying for food, and you wish to take that away from them, we will surely starve. The heard is moving away from this forest and we might not be able to get enough before winter”

  “You may refuse it is your right as the queen of your people but there is a reason we were trusted by the queen before you, we are never wrong”

  Milito took the meat from the floor and walked out of the hut

  The villagers gathered around the meat and waited for Milyte to return her best friend and lover Era walked over to Militia and stood next to her arm around her neck she pulled her close and kissed her ruby red lips.

  My queen has returned the people wish to eat but they want the permission of their queen.

  “The mothers think the meat is a curse”

  “A curse but it looks so fresh and inviting”

  Militia smiled

  “I don’t know what to do”

  She looked around her sisters and saw the large eyes of hunger in their faces

  “Curse them, they were always envious of my reign, eat and fill your stomachs with the meat I brought you”

  Milito then took her seat at her throne of wood and leaves and heard the drums and the sisters began to cook the meat over the fire.

  She smelled the fresh food as We started to lick her ears.

  Are you hot for me my queen?

  Militia turned to her lover and kisses her deeply. Eta stood and started to dance shaking her tan body in front of the queen who felt the warmth between her legs. She would do wild things to the young girl. But something else was on her mind the meat what if she was wrong about the meat.

  Eta continues to dance her only clothing a short loincloth covering her sex.

  The drums hit a high point and Milyte grabs the girl and takes her into her hut.

  Inside she lays the girl on the floor and strips her of her loincloth.

  The soft rose of her sex is dripping wet

  She forgets about curses and warnings for the night and makes the girl moan her name.


  Lisa heard her alarm ring and she took off her MoonRock headset.

  “Shit I got to get to work”

  Her body was sweating and she would have to take a quick shower.

  This was to be her second time being late since playing Dragon Swords. Her roommate bursts in while she started to think about the what happened in the game.

  “Man you are really hooked on that thing

  “It's a ball and chain, I think I’m going to have to give it up,” said Lisa with a sad tone

  “Why I thought you're doing really well”

  “How do you know, have you been watching me”

  “Very closely and I like what I see”

  “Stop being creepy”

  “No really you are doing really well, I haven’t seen a player ever chose to play an Amazon”

  “Why amazons are sexy and cool”

  “Yes but you do know what happens in the game to your character”

  “I don’t want spoilers”

  “Ok let's just say you don’t stay queen forever”

  “I have to take a shower”

  “Ya about that you never paid for the water so they shut it off”

  “What are you talking about”

  Lisa ran to the bathroom out the hall and turned on the pipe and nothing came out

  “Shit just what I need”

  Her roommate whose name was Kevin put his hand on her shoulder

  “Listen, buddy, I got some bottled water if you need it”

  “I need to take a shower, Look at me I’m all wet”

  “That you are’

  “You know when you speak, it really puts shivers up my spine”

  “I don’t mean anything by it, I just think you have a beautiful body”

  “It’s not something you say to your female friends”

  “I say it to my male friends, I don’t mean to be rude, but if you need a bath I can give you one.

  “How would you do that”

  “Sponge bath, it’s how the Victorians used to bath”

  “Pass, I’ll just drive to the gym on the way”

  Kevin continued

  “Why do you have to go to work”

  “Because of money”

  “You hate it there”

  “Again because money, we all don’t have trust funds”

  Lisa ran to her car and drove to the gym but it was too crowded so she decided to bite the bullet and go to work.

  When she arrived she found her computer in her office was locked.

  Her phone rang a message appeared

  This isn’t good


  Prince Atu followed the dragon, into the Forest of Moore. But the dragon was too fast for his loyal steed.

  He saw the large creature make its way into the dark mountains, but he dared not follow unless he wished an early death.

  He stopped sensing he was growing thirsty. Stu climbed off his house and lead him by rope down to a small stream. It was growing dark and Stu felt hunger rush through him.

  He opened his rations out of his pack and dug in. The food was salty and stale. War had been hard on his supply lines. The capital was still under siege by no other than his brothers. Each wanting the throne, not showing respect to their father wish that Atu was the proper heir.

  Atu washed his face in the water and sat back chewing on his meat. He couldn’t go on with rest and proper diet.

  “I sense the young prince, is hungry,” said a mysterious voice

  Atu turned and saw sitting on a tree branch was a Sphynx part cat part man

  “What demon are you”

  “No demon, I’m a friend to your majesty”

  The sphinx sprang down with the gracefulness of a lion

  Atu drew his sword

  “State your intentions creature”

  “My intentions are to offer the young prince food”

  Then the sword turned into a piece of meat

  Atu dropped it to the ground

  “Are you a wizard”

  “My name is Orluf, I served your father in the imperial campaign”

  “Orluf, how is it you are out here in the wilderness”

  “After your father’s death, I fled for my safety but do not think me a coward I simply knew that I would be no use to whoever took the throne”

  “You do not need to be ashamed, I heard of your adventures with my father and in my mind, you are a loyal friend to the throne”

  “Thank you, young prince, may I ask then why you are in the forest”

  “I’m after Bardi and her sword”

  “I see, well then we should team up, I too want to return to capital and I see that you will make a great king”

  “Thank you, Orloff, I could use some company besides my house the forest was starting to feel lonely”

  “Very well, I offer my services to your majesty”

  The sphinx did a bow and then lifted its head to meet Atu its eyes were golden and his fur was dark brown.

  He had the face of a handsome man of forty and his hair was styled like a nobleman. Certainly a creature of high stature.

  “Would you be able to carry me then’

  “Of course my lord”

  “Then I may set my horse free”

  “If you wish”

  “I’m afraid he may be killed out here”

  Orluf walked to the horse and whispered something into its ear. The horse nodded as if it understood. It walked to Atu and licked nuzzled its face against his shoulder and walked away.

  “Your horse will be saf
e, I have given him safe passage”

  “Thank you friend”

  Atu watched his horse walk off and turned to the Sphinx

  “So Orluf could you tell me where will we venture now”

  “This forest is a tame place but on the edges live the Amazons they rule the forest, it would be wise to meet with them. Although I should warn that they are very distrustful of strangers .”

  “Amazons you say well they might know where this dragon sleeps”

  “Yes their queen is a vicious warrior by the name of Militia”


  The message Lisa could you come to my office popped up on her phone.

  “What is it now”

  Lisa groaned as she pulled herself out of her chair and walked to her bosses office.

  Her boss was Luke Nole a handsome man in his late thirties. Lisa had always been intubated by him and had a small crush on him as well.

  “Hi Lisa, please close the door and have a seat”

  Lisa does what she is told

  “So there is no easy way to say this but it has come to my attention, that you have been looking up pornography on company time”

  “What, sir I never have done that”

  “The following websites turned up by our security team”

  Lisa looked at the sites listed

  “Sir those aren’t porn sites they are fan sites for the game Amazon Tamer”

  “There is a lot of flesh Lisa, I’m sorry but we are going to put you on suspension and for you to see a therapist”

  “Is that really necessary”

  “I’m afraid so”

  Lisa left her bosses office with more questions than answers

  She drove home midday, without much to do she started to play Amazon Tamer again


  Militia awoke in the dark alone. She saw her lover squatted down her back turned to her. Militia called out to her but when she saw that the young girl, her heart feel cold. “What in the goddess had happened”

  The young girl snarled at her like a beast dropping a strange piece of meat


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