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by D Kershaw

  I Caused the Holocaust

  by P.C. Darkcliff

  When I dropped my pants, Eva gasped into the silence of her bedroom.

  “Not bad, huh?” I grinned.

  “Average!” she barked. “But—you’re circumcised! Adolf would kill me if he found out.”

  “You said he doesn’t mind your affairs.”

  “That’s true, when I cheat on him with Aryans!”

  The door flew open, and Adolf strutted in. We all froze. His eyes filled with wrath at the sight of my circumcision. Although he wanted to attack me, he stomped out: the world’s biggest bully was cowardly without his thugs.

  Adolf got his revenge years later, though...on me and my people.

  P.C. DARKCLIFF is the author of two novels, Deception of the Damned and The Priest of Orpagus. In September 2020, he’s going to launch Celts and the Mad Goddess, the first installment of The Deathless Chronicle.

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  Final Edit

  by J.D. Bell

  Too many adjectives. Weak characters. Poor dialogue. On...and on...and on. There is no satisfying her. She has no appreciation for the time and effort I put into my story. None whatsoever.

  I wonder how she liked my latest work? The tale of the editor who has no heart. The editor who destroyed the dreams of a passionate writer. The editor who cried like a whimpering child when she learned of her fate. I will never know. The knife penetrated deep and blood is pouring from her gaping wound. Is this what she meant by show, do not tell?

  J.D. BELL is an award-winning, internationally published, author of flash fiction and short stories. He recently retired from the world of writing advertising copy and is now enjoying the universe of creative fiction.

  Facebook: jim.writes.stories

  Twitter: @JimBell58

  A Controversial Opinion

  by Ali House

  The glowing flames illuminated his face as he stared at the burning fields, the warm Brazilian night made warmer by the blaze. Although he delighted in the sight, he wouldn’t allow himself to smile. He’d travelled so far, and yet he wasn’t done. There were more fields to burn.

  One day he would be rid of them, and on that day he would rest. On that day he’d smile wide and happy, knowing that all of the pineapple farms had been destroyed. He’d show the world—he’d show everyone—and there would be no more pineapple on pizza ever again.

  ALI HOUSE is the author of sci-fi/fantasy novels The Six Elemental and The Fifth Queen, along with various short stories in the “From the Rock” series published by Engen Books. She is a traveller, baker, and fan of the Oxford comma.


  A Scream in the Silence

  by J.W. Garrett

  Scott heard footfalls. Then not. After a divergence in the path, Brian no longer followed. The trap had worked. He’d headed deeper into the mine’s depths. Now Scott might not even be able to find him. The bowels of the mine were maze like. Scott knew them well but didn’t venture into the centre without a buddy.

  A scream echoed.

  About now Brian would be surrounded by pitch black, scared, hope fading, disoriented, despair sinking deep into his gut. Scott understood from Brian’s daily torment...laughing at him, watching him bleed.

  Emerging alone, Scott heaved a breath and headed home.

  J.W. GARRETT has been writing in one form or another since she was a teenager. She currently lives in Florida with her family but loves the mountains of Virginia where she was born. Her writings include YA fantasy as well as short stories. Since completing Remeon’s Quest-Earth Year 1930, the prequel in her YA fantasy series, Realms of Chaos, she has been hard at work on the next in the series, scheduled to release August 2020. When she’s not hanging out with her characters, her favourite activities are reading, running and spending time with family.


  BHC Press:


  by Brandi Hicks

  My boss—my ex-boss—lay naked and spread-eagled on the table, mumbling something. I didn’t care what he was trying to say, that’s why I had him gagged and his arms and legs strapped tightly to the table. I leaned over so I was face to face with him.

  “You thought you could just grab my ass and make passes at me, then have the nerve to fire me? No way, you vile excuse for a man. You’ll never harass another woman again.”

  I grabbed his shrivelled dick, brought my scalpel up to it, and began carving my name: S...

  GROWING UP IN WEST Virginia, Brandi Hicks loved to have her nose in a book, her eyes toward the night sky and putting a pen to paper. Her imagination was always sparked by her grandfather and her mom taking her to new places and teaching her about the unusual. She loves fantasy, sci-fi, and learning about science and history. She has two beautiful children, and hopes to instill creativity and a love of reading in them. Finding new crafts to try keeps her busy when not playing with her kids or working.

  It’s Heart to Hate You

  by Michael D. Davis

  I have the heart of a small child, the heart of a middle-aged woman, and the heart of an elderly man all on my bookshelf. The kid spat at me, the woman cut me off in traffic, and the old bastard was just being an old bastard. It doesn’t take much to hate a person, it takes even less to kill one.

  The newest heart is on my nightstand right beside my bed. At night with the moon coming in through the window, the heart looks so beautiful. This is the only way my wretched husband will ever be beautiful.

  MICHAEL D. DAVIS was born and raised in a small town in the heart of Iowa. Having written over thirty short stories, ranging in genre from comedy to horror from flash fiction to novella he continues in his accursed pursuit of a career in the written word.

  Kill Me Slowly

  by Umair Mirxa

  Katrina stood in the shadows, observing from behind a tree. Here, at long last, her decade-long search was at an end.

  She waited until he turned away. The throw was practised, her aim perfect. He staggered and fell to his knees.

  “You took from me,” she said, looking down at him in contempt. “All I ever loved.”

  “Ah. So, you have come for revenge. Have at it, darling. Kill me slowly.”

  He smiled up at her look of surprise, but it lasted only a moment. Katrina took a second stake from her belt and plunged it deep into his heart.

  UMAIR MIRXA LIVES and writes in Karachi, Pakistan. His first published story, ‘Awareness’, appeared on Spillwords Press. He has since had stories accepted for publication in anthologies from Zombie Pirate Publishing, Blood Song Books, Black Hare Press, Iron Faerie Publishing, Clarendon House Publications, Fantasia Divinity Magazine & Publishing, and The ReAnimated Writers Press. He is a massive J.R.R. Tolkien fan, loves everything to do with mythology, fantasy, and history, and wishes with all his heart that dragons were real. When he’s not writing, he enjoys reading novels and comic books, playing video games, listening to music, and watching movies, TV shows, and football as an Arsenal FC fan.


  To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

  by Jason Holden

  It’s hard enough to sleep after a night shift, without that idiot revving his car, blasting his “Gangster” rap while showing off to his mates.

  Today was the last straw. We’d had the usual morning ritual, me trying to sleep. Him noisily revving his engine before setting off for a joy ride.

  His dog kept barking. I went, shouted at it. It barked more.

  I kicked it. Kicked it. Kicked it until nothing was left but bloody pulp.

  I dragged it to the front and smeared “SHUT UP!” in bloody letters across his drive. Maybe now he’ll get the message.

  JASON HOLDEN is a human. He lives here and there in the UK, always with his wife, daughter and fur baby. His primary goal is to raise his dau
ghter to adulthood without any major damage. When he can, he writes. He thinks he does it well, but you can be the judge of that. He has been published in a few anthologies here and there, has been praised and put down for his writing. You can find and follow him on Facebook, although he asks you only follow him on Facebook and not through the streets. That’s just creepy.

  Facebook: Jason Holden-Author

  Skin Peeler

  by Terry Miller

  Hugh was sick of trying to prove himself. He figured he might as well be the monster Chloe feared him to be since he’d never be free of her suspicions. Truth was, HUGH WAS SICK. A lifetime of rejections and heartbreaks gave him quite the distaste for the female gender as a whole.

  The potato peeler sliced strips of Chloe’s flesh as she screamed into the shirt stuffed in her mouth. Hugh wasn’t heartless though—he did cleanse her wounds with alcohol. Wouldn’t want them to get infected, right? After all, he was just beginning to enjoy the muted cries.

  TERRY MILLER lives in Portsmouth, Ohio. His work has been featured in Sanitarium Magazine, Devolution Z, Jitter, Rhysling Anthology 2017, Poetry Quarterly, Sirens Call Ezine, The Horror Tree’s Trembling With Fear, SpillWords, Organic Ink Vol. I, Curses & Cauldrons Anthology from Blood Song Books, Forest of Fear from Blood Song Books, the Dark Drabble Anthology Series from Black Hare Press, 100 Word Zombie Bites from Reanimated Writers Press, Scary Snippets, Guilty Pleasures & Other Dark Delights, 100 Word Horrors 3, and O Unholy Night In Deathlehem from Grinning Skull Press.

  Facebook: tmiller2015


  Hater in a Strange Land

  by Carole de Monclin

  Leaving it anywhere will provide the same outcome.

  But I give it, masquerading as a flower, to a little girl in a park.

  Destruction starting with one innocent. Intoxicating idea.


  No human deserves to be called innocent. They all carry the seeds of viciousness.

  I witnessed their cruelty.

  The girl smiles her thank you, but trivial emotions won’t touch me.

  I crossed the void with a single purpose.

  She’ll die first, then, like an unstoppable tide, the microbe will swallow loathsome humankind.

  Bloodlust satisfied, I cry for my mate, killed by a human explorer.

  My hatred spent, hollowness remains.

  CAROLE DE MONCLIN travels both the real world and imaginary ones. She’s lived in France, Australia, and the USA; visited 25+ countries; and explored Mars, Ceres, and many distant planets. She writes to invite people on a journey. Her stories can be found in The Arcanist, The Deep Space Anthology, and every volume of the Dark Drabbles series.


  Twitter: @CaroledeMonclin


  by Terri A. Arnold

  I rub a hand tentatively over my bruised face, I can hardly believe I actually had the courage to free myself from this hell. I cringe as the salty tears sting as they roll down over my split lip.

  I have never felt so much relief as I gaze at his lifeless body, blood slowly pooling around his head. I’ve hated him for four long years, but he will never hurt anyone again.

  I step around him, exiting through the back door, just as the police enter through the front. Tucking my head down, I disappear into the dark night.

  TERRI A. ARNOLD is an avid reader turned writer from a small town in Nova Scotia, who has spent her life reading and wishing she was writing. Although she has written a lot in those years, she has only recently begun to submit pieces for publication. With ongoing encouragement from family and writing challenges with friends, Arnold felt the urge to try her hand at publishing.

  The Rage Book

  by Koji A. Dae

  The cover was nondescript, the blank pages sturdy. With a glass pen dunked in blood red ink, Amber slashed her rage across the page. In swift strokes she told the book how Diane stole her boyfriend and Tiffany mocked her.

  She didn’t know the angry words would steal Diane’s breath until she turned blue or clamp Tiffany’s teeth around her tongue so forcefully she would never speak again. Of course, if they hadn’t filched her hate book, they’d had been fine. Amber slipped the book in her backpack and thought about how to describe the pain her ex had caused.

  KOJI A. DAE is an American writer living in Bulgaria. She has work published with Tales from the Moonlit Path and ParABnormal Magazine, and forthcoming with Daily Science Fiction. When not writing, she can be found dancing the blues.


  Hannah Has a Talk

  by Angela Zimmerman

  “Well, thank God that’s over,” Hannah said into the hole she was quickly trying to empty. “I didn’t think it was ever going to end.” The service had been long. Hannah hated every minute of it.

  “I promised Clark your leftover pills if he would skip out tonight. So now we don’t have to worry. We can finally have that talk, Mom.”

  When the shovel struck the casket lid, Hannah smiled. Sweat poured down her face as she used her bloody hands to break open the seal on the casket.

  “You’re gonna listen now, bitch. You don’t have a choice.”

  ANGELA ZIMMERMAN is a writer living in the Southern United States. She has been published in Unnerving Magazine and Coffin Bell. You can find her personal writings at Conjure and Coffee.


  Where Heartbreak Takes You

  by Nerisha Kemraj

  Can you hear the thunder roar?

  As her heart screams out in pain

  Can you see the oceans rise?

  As her tears fall in vain

  Can you see the mountains crumble?

  As her resolve turns into dust?

  Can you see the flashing sky?

  Jolts of betrayal and mistrust

  Can you feel the earth vibrate?

  As her body shakes with rage

  Can you see the wreck you made?

  Her body fills with hate,

  her entire being aches

  Can you hear the deafening silence?

  Her mind begs to numb emotion

  Can you see the day turn to nightfall?

  Each breath—an aberration

  NERISHA KEMRAJ resides in Durban, South Africa with her husband and two mischievous daughters. Writing since 2017, she has had over 100 short stories and poems published in various publications, both print and online. She has also received an Honourable Mention Award for her tanka in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from University of South Africa.


  Facebook: Nerishakemrajwriter

  Wishes Do Come True

  by Eddie D. Moore

  Julia handed the bartender forty-five dollars to settle her bill and turned to leave, but Sandy stopped her before she reached the door.

  “Hey, you promised me that you’d do a birthday shot with me.” Sandy motioned to the shot-glasses on the table. As Julia turned up the glass, Sandy said, “Make a wish.”

  Julia slammed the glass down and said sarcastically, “I wish my ex-husband all the happiness in the world.” She was still laughing when she reached her car.

  Dan dialled 911 when his ex-wife drove off but dropped his phone when she was hit by the train.

  EDDIE D. MOORE travels hundreds of hours a year, and he fills that time by listening to audiobooks. When he isn’t playing with his grandchildren, he writes his own stories. You can find a list of his publications on his blog or by visiting his Amazon Author Page. While you’re there, be sure to pick up a copy of his mini-anthology Misfits & Oddities.



  Bon Appetit

  by K.C. Clarke

  Trudy placed a slice of pot roast onto Tom’s plate ne
xt to his mashed potatoes.

  Tom happily took a bite. Then another.

  “You only make your roast on special occasions.”

  A beaming smile arced across Trudy’s face.

  Without warning, a searing pain stopped Tom from taking another bite. He clutched his stomach and struggled to breathe. The room spun, and he reached out to Trudy. She just sat there, legs crossed, sipping her Champagne.

  “Help me!” Tom pleaded.

  “You promised you’d never cheat again,” said Trudy.

  Tom slumped from his chair, falling to the floor.

  “You should’ve kept your promise.”

  K.C. CLARKE is a new author working on her debut novel, Little Black Dress, due out early 2020. She’s been published in a handful of anthologies under various pen names. When she isn’t writing, she spends her days with her husband and two girls in Toronto, watching movies and playing the piano. She’s also a fur mama to two rescue dogs. She loves to write romance, but her true love is fantasy, stemming from her love of JRR Tolkien and Neil Gaiman. She’s a self-diagnosed caffeine and pickle addict, an ailment for which she does not wish to seek treatment.


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