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by D Kershaw

  A Giant’s Revenge

  by McKenzie Richardson

  Hatred roils the bile in my stomach as I reach the end of the vine. I land heavily on the ground below, effortlessly flattening a house underfoot. I am callous to whether it was inhabited or not, single-minded in my search for that puny, mortal, inconsequential bug of a thing that took everything from me. The human that invaded my home, stole from me, then murdered my husband in cold blood. Giants don’t forgive and forget so easily.

  When I catch him, that little twit will wish I was merciful enough to merely grind his bones to make my bread.

  MCKENZIE RICHARDSON lives in Milwaukee, WI. Her horror stories have been featured in various anthologies including Evil Lurks, Pandemic, and After: Undead Wars. She has also published a variety of poems and flash fiction pieces.

  Facebook: mckenzielrichardson


  Life After Hate

  by Carole de Monclin

  Hate’s an addiction.

  A comfortable cloak in which to hide.

  When I was lonely, white supremacy welcomed me, filling the void in my life.

  Hate’s a liar.

  They stuffed my mind with poison.

  Doubts started to creep, but the group wouldn’t let me leave.

  Instead, I let them take me too far.

  Hate’s a prison.

  But I found my escape in jail.

  His skin was black. He knew why I’d been convicted. When he raised his hand, I expected aggression.

  But he held it out, offering a friendship that gave me the strength to let hate go.

  Compassion trumps hate.

  CAROLE DE MONCLIN travels both the real world and imaginary ones. She’s lived in France, Australia, and the USA; visited 25+ countries; and explored Mars, Ceres, and many distant planets. She writes to invite people on a journey. Her stories can be found in The Arcanist, The Deep Space Anthology, and every volume of the Dark Drabbles series.


  Twitter: @CaroledeMonclin

  Hatred for You

  by C.L. Williams

  Hate you so much I can’t even breathe

  Why’re you in my life, why can’t you leave

  You’re my enemy, I want you dead

  Never be friends, we’ll never break bread

  Being around you, makes my blood boil

  I see you and want your neck in a coil

  You’re a cancer crawling in my skin

  Wanting you dead, even God can forgive this sin

  I see you, my anger continues to grow

  Won’t stop until I see you are six feet below

  You’re a cancer and I’ll stop this infection

  Next time I see you, when I see my reflection

  C.L. WILLIAMS is an international best-selling author currently living in central Virginia. He has written eight poetry books, four novellas, one novel, and a contributor to a multitude of anthologies and magazines. His most recent anthology appearance ANGELS: Dark Drabbles #2 from Black Hare Press became a number one in hot new releases. C.L. Williams is currently working on his second novel and a new poetry book.

  Facebook: writer434

  Twitter: @writer_434


  by Wondra Vanian

  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That was the old adage.

  But...what if they were the same?

  Fredrick’s hatred started small, like the jibes about his haircut, but increased with every joke at his expense. By the time Homecoming rolled around, he couldn’t stand the sight of them.

  “What, no date?” Joe asked. He had the class president on his arm.

  “Looking like that?” Ravi teased.

  If even one of Fredrick’s so-called friends had said, “that’s enough,” things might’ve gone differently. They didn’t.

  They laughed.

  Until Fredrick gave into the hatred burning inside.

  Until the screaming started.

  WONDRA VANIAN is an American living in the United Kingdom with her Welsh husband and their army of fur babies. A writer first, Wondra is also an avid gamer, photographer, cinephile, and blogger. She has music in her blood, sleeps with the lights on, and has been known to dance naked in the moonlight. Wondra was a multiple Top-Ten finisher in the 2017 and 2018 Preditors and Editors Reader’s Poll, including the Best Author category. Her story, “Halloween Night,” was named a Notable Contender for the Bristol Short Story Prize in 2015.



  by Nerisha Kemraj

  Little white snowflakes dance upon your tongue

  Melting away

  from the words you spun

  What you didn’t know was,

  it had only just begun

  Those little white snowflakes

  fell to the ground

  Satiating thirsty ears

  that listened, all around

  And when you couldn’t stop yourself,

  Your spinning—paramount

  The words you spoke—out of control

  You couldn’t keep account

  Others all believed you,

  until a certain point

  Until they measured truth from lies

  and you couldn’t counterpoint

  So now, you’ve hit an iceberg,

  causing your demise

  Left alone in agony,

  you’re trapped in your web of lies


  NERISHA KEMRAJ resides in Durban, South Africa with her husband and two mischievous daughters. Writing since 2017, she has had over 100 short stories and poems published in various publications, both print and online. She has also received an Honourable Mention Award for her tanka in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from University of South Africa.


  Facebook: Nerishakemrajwriter

  Ex Education

  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Veronica lit the final candle, intoned the final words. Magical power crackled across her skin as the summoning began, and she knelt before the altar to wait.

  Acid smoke curled through the air, stinging her eyes and burning her nostrils. Veronica’s spells were normally sweet smelling and calming, never so heavy and sharp.

  But desperate times...

  The demon appeared, yellow eyes wide with surprise. “A white witch?”

  “Don’t play with me,” she snapped. “What’s the price to torment Aaron?”

  It laughed uproariously. “To be the fury of a woman scorned? I’ll do that for free.”

  Aaron would rue his indiscretion.

  RAVEN CORINN CARLUK writes dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything else that catches her interest. She’s authored five novels, where she explores themes of love and acceptance. Her shorter pieces, usually from her darker side, can be found in Black Hare Press anthologies, at Detritus Online, and through Alban Lake Publishers.

  Twitter: @ravencorinn


  Too Late

  by Kelly A. Harmon

  “Bitch,” Jon muttered, setting the timer on the bomb. It was a Rube Goldberg affair, designed to make the fire look like an accident.

  “Amazing how love can turn on a dime,” he muttered, cleaning out the safe, taking all the money but leaving the legal documents.

  “AMAZING,” HIS WIFE agreed, watching via the nanny-cam from a car across the street. “So quick.” She lifted the icepack back to her bruised face.

  Then she watched him find the proof she hadn’t cheated beneath the last stack of hundreds.

  “Oh, god.” He stood and ran for—


  “Too late,” Jenny whispered.

  KELLY A. HARMON is an award-winning journalist and author. She is a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy W
riters of America and the Horror Writers Association. A Baltimore native, she writes the Charm City Darkness series. The fourth book in the series, In the Eye of the Beholder, is now available. Find her short fiction in many magazines and anthologies, including Occult Detective Quarterly; Terra! Tara! Terror! and Eerie Christmas.


  Facebook: Kelly-A-Harmon1

  A Slashing Song

  by Shelly Jarvis

  Sweet Caroline

  I stabbed you

  Now your blood is on my hands

  Once you were mine

  Then you left

  I couldn’t let you be another man’s.

  Look at these eyes

  They will be yours forever

  Always seeing the things I’ve done

  As your life fades

  Do you regret your choices?

  What are the thoughts going through your mind?

  Sweet Caroline

  I loved you

  I can’t believe you are really gone

  As your life stopped

  Death came close

  Did you think about the things you’ve done?

  Sweet Caroline

  I hate you

  Bad times never felt so good, so good, so good.

  SHELLY JARVIS is a speculative fiction author from West Virginia, US. She found a life-long love of sci-fi and fantasy in the 3rd grade when she found Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time.” Shelly is an avid reader, a Whovian, the ideal viewer of dog rescue videos, and undoubtedly Ravenclaw. She currently has three YA sci-fi books available for purchase on Amazon.


  Not the Opposite of Love

  by Raymond Johnson

  Ben stared at the two of them; Harry, his bachelor best friend, and his wife, Mellie. He loved Harry, but he was always around; never failing to come between him and his wife at every opportunity. Harry made it a point to sit between them if they were on the couch, and if he asked Mellie to go for a jog, she would insist that Harry accompany them.

  His love soured and shifted into something dark. Eventually, he plotted to make Harry disappear, possibly even kill him now that he’d caught Harry in bed with his wife. That damn dog.

  RAYMOND JOHNSON is a funeral director in central Ohio who basically writes horror and Litrpg stories in the little spare time he has. He has five children, a wife, a dog, and a cat and for fun he does a youtube show called the Litrpg Audiobook Podast.

  It’s Over

  by Eddie D. Moore

  Chuck was burning leaves in the backyard when he got the text from his wife saying that it was over. He started typing a reply three times but deleted the message each time. His anger intensified as he watched the fire. Suddenly, he shouted, “Fine!”

  His wife’s collection of shoes went into the fire first. Her clothes, movies, and fifty-one Stratocaster soon followed. The fire grew larger as Chuck emptied the house of his wife’s belongings. He turned when he heard her angry voice.

  “What are you doing?”

  Chuck shrugged. “You said it was over.”

  “I meant the ball game.”

  EDDIE D. MOORE travels hundreds of hours a year, and he fills that time by listening to audiobooks. When he isn’t playing with his grandchildren, he writes his own stories. You can find a list of his publications on his blog or by visiting his Amazon Author Page. While you’re there, be sure to pick up a copy of his mini-anthology Misfits & Oddities.



  The Tell-Tale Art

  by P.C. Darkcliff

  I stared at my best friend hooked to life support.

  “A massive stroke,” the doctor told me. “Has he got family?”

  “Only a sister. Don’t have her number, though.”

  “Then get it. She needs to be informed.”

  “All right.”

  I knew Johnny kept his house key on his porch. I retrieved it and let myself in. Although I didn’t find his sister’s contact, I found a picture of a naked woman. It said, “Thanks for making me happy.”

  That night, I sneaked back into Johnny’s hospital room and pressed his pillow against his face. “That’s for making my wife happy!”

  P.C. DARKCLIFF is the author of two novels, Deception of the Damned and The Priest of Orpagus. In September 2020, he’s going to launch Celts and the Mad Goddess, the first installment of The Deathless Chronicle.

  Social Media:

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  A Strange Incident at the Cafe

  by Jacek Wilkos

  The first sting of pain came when I raised a cup to my mouth. Another one, stronger, made me spill my coffee, dragged a grimace of suffering on my face and made my new girlfriend concerned.

  Then my arm opened from the wrist to the elbow, as if someone pulled a thread connecting pieces of skin. Monika started screaming. The wounds were spontaneously appearing all over my body.

  An invisible force threw me against the cafe window. Sliding down the glass, I saw my ex sitting on the bench, holding a doll in one hand and scissors in the other.

  JACEK WILKOS is an engineer from Poland. He lives with his wife and daughter in a beautiful city of Cracow. He is addicted to buying books, he loves coffee, dark ambient music and riding his bike. He writes mostly horror drabbles. His fiction in Polish can be read on Szortal, Niedobre literki, Horror Online. In English his work was published in Drablr, Rune Bear, Sirens Call eZine, Trembling With Fear.

  Facebook: Jacek.W.Wilkos

  Would Smell as Sweet

  by Peter J. Foote

  Brian unwraps the roses, exposing the long thorny stems. Carefully, he coats the thorns with the Ricin and glue mixture he made from the recipe online.

  The flowers once again wrapped, Brian hurries to his ex’s apartment, the roses in a death grip.

  Outside Ashley’s apartment door, Brian listens to the laughter inside, his face flushes in anger. Dropping the flowers at the door, he stabs the doorbell and hides.

  Ashley opens the door. “Babe, did you get me roses? They’re beautiful, let me find a vase.”

  As the door closes, Brian hurries to listen.

  “Ouch, those thorns are sharp!”

  PETER J. FOOTE is a bestselling speculative fiction writer from Nova Scotia. Outside of writing, he runs a used bookstore specialising in fantasy & sci-fi, cosplays, and alternates between red wine and coffee as the mood demands. His short stories can be found in both print and in ebook form, with his story “Sea Monkeys” winning the inaugural “Engen Books/Kit Sora, Flash Fiction/Flash Photography” contest in March of 2018. As the founder of the group “Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada”, Peter believes that the writing community is stronger when it works together.

  Twitter: @PeterJFoote1



  by C.L. Williams

  When you needed me, I was there with no hesitation. I came to your side at a time when you needed it most. In my time of need, you were absent. You even joked about abandoning me in my time of need. Now, we are at the place where I’m leaving you; the desert. I’m not going to kill you, I’ll leave that to the sun, the snakes, whatever else is out there. You think it’s funny to abandon me? Now I get the chance to laugh. I know one thing; I’ll never have to deal with your absence again.

  C.L. WILLIAMS is an international best-selling author currently living in central Virginia. He has written eight poetry books, four novellas, one novel, and a contributor to a multitude of anthologies and magazines. His most recent anthology appearance ANGELS: Dark Drabbles #2 from Black Hare Press became a number one in hot new releases. C.L. Williams is currently working on his second novel and a new poetry book.

  Facebook: writer434

  Twitter: @writer_434

  Tech Era Revenge

  by J.M. Meyer />
  The quiz I filled out yesterday made me sure Nathaniel was cheating.

  1. Stopped wearing his wedding ring. “I’ve gained weight.”

  2. Sleeps with his phone. “For work emergencies.”

  3. Comes home late with vague excuses. “Norm’s cat died.”

  Our love was dead. So, while he showered this morning, I read his texts, packed a suitcase and left him, forever.

  I’ve a parting surprise of my own for Nathaniel. You see, I switched around his contacts’ numbers. His saintly mom will receive the texts meant for Always Ready Amy. Messages for Bondage Bonnie will go to his boss. Sexy Sadie’s...

  J.M. MEYER is a writer, artist and small business owner living in New York, where she received her master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. Jacqueline enjoys writing speculative fiction and mysteries. Her favorite author is Alice Munro and her favorite horror related. Jacqueline also enjoys hiking with her dog Molly and the company of her husband Bruce and daughters; Julia, Emma and Lauren. Jacqueline’s Mantra lately; there’s no such thing as failing, it’s called learning.


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