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Hate Page 19

by D Kershaw

  Bud-Ihm’s compound eyes darken. There are no fragrant meadows under a different sun. Her children will all die on this journey. But, without Bud-Ihm’s kin, the flora that sustains the invaders will perish, and those who destroyed her world will starve. Bud-Ihm feels no remorse.

  MAURA YZMORE is a writer and science professor based in the American Midwest. Some of her darker fare can be found in The Molotov Cocktail, Aphotic Realm, Coffin Bell, and elsewhere.

  Website: maurayzmore.com

  Twitter: @MauraYzmore

  Dig Two Graves

  by Aaron Channel

  The workers thought it was odd to dig a well when the home was already connected to city water, but money answers questions better than any excuse.

  His youth spent in construction was helpful for the finishing touches.

  His rotten trash and bathwater had to be dumped somewhere, anyway.

  Some sins are too great to be forgiven, or even repaid with a quick death.

  Every year on his wife’s birthday, he’d remove the stone cover and listen for screams, just to be sure.

  If there was any justice, the monster would live for as long as his wife was dead.

  AARON CHANNEL is a family man, cook, and computer nerd. His work appears in the anthologies “Curses & Cauldrons” and “Organic Ink Volume One.”

  Shattered Trust

  by Lesley Drane

  I saw them. Anger surged within me, and I quietly seethed. My best friend and my husband—how dare they!

  I trusted them, I loved them both, but this betrayal... I turned away. I had to do something, but what? Did they think I wouldn’t find out? I walked away, towards a bench; it had an inscribed plate screwed to it.

  “For my beloved husband David,” it read. I wanted to cry for the loss, for the hopes and dreams dashed by death.

  I had already killed them once. My David—even as a bloody ghost, he couldn’t be faithful!

  LESLEY DRANE is a widow, and lives with her two year old Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Stephanie. Lesley enjoys to write stories about the supernatural and murder mysteries. Lesley also makes book sculptures using preloved books.

  In Sight

  by Jeff Slade

  His target in sight, Ethan tensed. He gritted his teeth, hatred seething through his veins.

  You’ve got this, he told himself. You can do this.

  The man deserved to die. He’d made his life a living hell.

  Ethan put the pistol down, wiped sweat off his hands, picked it back up.

  Alright, he thought, staring ahead. Time to meet your maker.

  He lifted his firearm before he could talk himself out of it, aimed for the head. The trigger’s tension screamed for release. Ethan obliged.

  With a bang, he slumped over, falling to the floor along with the mirror’s reflection.

  JEFF SLADE resides in Salmon Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador, with his wife and two cats. He enjoys reading, writing, and making horrible puns, not necessarily in that order. You can find other short stories by him in Chillers From The Rock, Dystopia From The Rock, and Flights From The Rock, published by Engen Books.

  The Blessed Dead

  by Matthew M. Montelione

  I stirred upon hearing familiar words spoken by a clumsy tongue. What was happening? I was in a deep slumber; an eternal paradise where I walked through the halls of the ancient gods in peace and joy.

  I was slowly drawn back into the cold dark world, ripped from the safety of Anubis. I felt pain again. My stiff limbs ached, my eyes forced open by the foolish outlander who stood before me in horror.

  Disturber of the blessed dead! I despised him for bringing me back. I smiled as my decayed hand gripped the villain’s neck until it snapped.

  MATTHEW M. MONTELIONE is a horror writer and American Revolution historian born and raised on Long Island in New York. His work has been published in many titles, including MONSTERS: A Horror Microfiction Anthology, Quoth the Raven: A Contemporary Reimagining of the Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Thuggish Itch: Devilish, WHAT IF?: History Rewritten, Long Island History Journal, and Journal of the American Revolution. Matthew lives with his wife in New York.

  Website: maybeevils.com

  Facebook: maybeevils


  by Stephen Christie

  It’s sad how much hate can breed from love. Anyone who has been in love knows that all emotions intensify, but only some of us know how strong hatred can become.

  I married Marilyn in 1981. Even at the age of twenty, I knew she was the one. I truly loved her. That fire in her eyes.

  How I wept as I watched that light fade away, as my hands tightened around her throat. I never stopped loving her.

  My hate was not for Marilyn, but for her lover. So, I hurt him in the worst way I knew how.

  A LIFELONG BOOKWORM, cinephile, and wine connoisseur, Stephen Christie has decided to lay off the drink, and try his hand at a little creative writing of his own. A fan of Horror, Science Fiction, Military Fiction, and Historical Fiction, he hopes his years of enjoying a collection of great books will aid him in this new endeavour.

  Newer Model

  by Dawn DeBraal

  He bragged about the affair. The woman was younger and prettier. Todd told Tanya intimate details that burned her ears and broke her heart. He came by to pick up their dog, Skippy. Todd never even liked Skippy. He took him only to be cruel to her.

  “After twelve years of marriage, I’m trading you in for a newer model,” Todd joked, laughing cruelly.

  Tanya saw red everywhere. It was Todd’s blood all over the kitchen. She had to pull him off. She hadn’t told Todd about the new dog she bought today, or the dog’s hatred of laughing men.

  DAWN DEBRAAL lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband Red, two rat terriers, and a cat. She has discovered that her love of telling a good story can be written. Published stories with Palm-sized press, Spillwords, Mercurial Stories, Potato Soup Journal, Edify Fiction, Zimbell House Publishing, Clarendon House Publishing, Blood Song Books, Black Hare Press, Fantasia Divinity, Cafelit, Reanimated Writers, Guilty Pleasures, Unholy Trinity, The World of Myth, Dastaan World, Vamp Cat, Runcible Spoon, Dark Christmas, Siren’s Call, Iron Horse Publishing, Falling Star Magazine 2019 Pushcart Nominee.

  Amazon: amazon.com/Dawn-DeBraal/e/B07STL8DLX


  by A.R. Johnston

  It burned within her chest brightly. So much so that she felt it might burst from within her. Who knew that someone could feel such hatred toward a person, that it felt this way? It was a physical pain, making it hurt to breathe.

  How could anyone feel like this, day in and day out? How was this any way to live? It had to stop. It would stop if she had anything to do with it. Refusing to be a victim anymore. Karma would come back to haunt whoever had done this to her.

  It would not be pretty.

  A.R. JOHNSTON is a small-town girl from Nova Scotia, Canada. She is known to write mostly urban fantasy, though she goes where the muses lead her and you never know where that may be. She is a lover of coffee, good tv shows, horror flicks, and a reader of good books. She pretends to be a writer when real life doesn’t get in the way. Pesky full-time job and adulting!

  Facebook: arjohnstonauthor

  Website: arjohnstonauthor.wordpress.com

  Bloodied Lips

  by Hari Navarro

  I look at you and I hate the way your breasts wrench at the buttons of your blouse.

  I look at you and I hate the way your groin swells as you strut and flex in the sand.

  I look at you and I hate the way your eyes dart away when they pass through my gaze.

  You look at me and you hate the way they plead when you stab.

  You look at me and you hate the way bodies stink when they bloat.

  You look at me and you hate how bitter my flesh tastes at your lips.

  HARI NAVARRO has, for many years now, been locked in his neighbours cellar. He survives due to an intravenous feed of puréed
extreme horror and Absinthe infused sticky-spiced unicorn wings. His anguished cries for help can be found via 365 Tomorrows, Breachzine, AntipodeanSF, Horror Without Borders, Black Hare Press and HellBound books. Hari was the Winner of the Australasian Horror Writers’ Association [AHWA] Flash Fiction Award 2018 and has, also, succeeded in being a New Zealander who now lives in Northern Italy with no cats.

  Amazon: amazon.com/Hari-Navarro

  Tumblr: harinavarro.tumblr.com

  Justice for Danny

  by A.R. Dean

  He was my only son. At five he disappeared from my yard, his body found in a creek two days later. What that man did to my child, I will never forgive.

  He walked free today. My child’s murderer returns to fresh air because of some misplaced evidence. The brute smiled and winked as he passed me by.

  There is no smile now. Only fear. I will do everything to him that he did to my son, and more. My hand tingles with anticipation as I begin. The smell of his flesh roasting under a lit cigarette makes me giddy.

  A.R. DEAN is a dark and twisted soul. Dean has spent their whole life spreading fear with the tales from their head. Best known for stories that terrify and show the evilest side of human nature. So, look for Dean haunting your local cemetery or under your bed, because they’re here to spread the fear. Turn off your lights and enjoy a scare. Dean is being published in Black Hare Press’s Beyond and Unravel Anthologies. Keep a lookout for more stories.

  Facebook: A.R. Dean Author & Ghoul


  by Chris Bannor

  “I was always taught to take the compliment. Smile. Wave. Act like some asshole wasn’t judging my self-worth based on my body. Let’s be honest,” she said with a smirk. “They sure as hell weren’t catcalling my sparking personality. The shits weren’t even close enough to see my face, let alone get to know who I was.”

  Every member of her audience whimpered as she pulled a knife from the bag at her feet.

  “It was bad enough back then. But let me explain what’s going to happen to you boys, now that you started that shit with my daughter.”

  CHRIS BANNOR is a science fiction and fantasy writer who lives in Southern California. Chris learned her love of genre stories from her mother at an early age and has never veered far from that path. She also enjoys musical theater and road trips with her family but is a general homebody otherwise.

  Facebook: chrisbannorauthor

  Website: ChrisBannor.com

  Death to the Devil

  by A.R. Dean

  He has lain beside me every night for fourteen years. My once passionate love is now a burning hate.

  His snores and beer breath haunt my dreams. How could I have ever wanted one such as he?

  Drinking and beatings fill my life. I am a prisoner in my own home. I see no way out. There is no escape from the devil that sleeps beside me.

  Tonight, I can no longer contain the darkness he has done to my tender heart. He is surprised as I bring the axe down upon his chest. I smile, covered in his blood.

  A.R. DEAN is a dark and twisted soul. Dean has spent their whole life spreading fear with the tales from their head. Best known for stories that terrify and show the evilest side of human nature. So, look for Dean haunting your local cemetery or under your bed, because they’re here to spread the fear. Turn off your lights and enjoy a scare. Dean is being published in Black Hare Press’s Beyond and Unravel Anthologies. Keep a lookout for more stories.

  Facebook: A.R. Dean Author & Ghoul

  The Plastic Anarchist

  by Tristan Drue Rogers

  Gib lived as any liberal arts student with two wealthy parents could, by burning bridges with the corporate masters of University, instigating expulsion.

  His girlfriend loved his rebellions, suggesting that he put the effort that upset his father into an art show. Gib freefell into the perfect way for paying daddy back for making Gib split the tuition difference.

  When opening night started, Gib’s parents were led by his girlfriend to his exhibit.

  The horrified look on their faces were the last images Gib saw as he hung from the ceiling, drowning in a plastic bag filled with purified water.

  TRISTAN DRUE ROGERS has had his writing and poetry featured in literary magazines (such as Vamp Cat, Genre: Urban Arts, Weird Mask, and more), and horror anthologies (such as 100 Word Horrors Book 3 & 4 and Twenty Twenty). Tristan lives with his lovely wife Sarah and their son Rhett in Texas.

  Website: www.tristandrue.wordpress.com

  Twitter: @RogersDrue


  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Jazmine always knew the moment they fell in love with her. It was a certain piquant taste to their kisses, undefinable, but one she’d become familiar with.

  That peculiar spice meant all her work had paid off. Beyond mere flirting, long past simple sex, and deep into the passions of love. Jazmine’s pheromones always started the connection, but only after steeping in them would someone’s heart open to the succubus.

  She’d learned to savour the hunt, to enjoy the delicacy of their full emotions. A perfect meal took time to prepare, to get just right.

  Rebeccah finally tasted like love.

  RAVEN CORINN CARLUK writes dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything else that catches her interest. She’s authored five novels, where she explores themes of love and acceptance. Her shorter pieces, usually from her darker side, can be found in Black Hare Press anthologies, at Detritus Online, and through Alban Lake Publishers.

  Twitter: @ravencorinn

  Website: www.ravencorinncarluk.com

  Combustible Loathing

  by Terry Miller

  Seeing Natalie with Bruce burned Frank’s ass. As if it wasn’t enough that she cheated on him with the Cro-Mag, she had to flaunt it everywhere she knew he’d be. Typical. He guessed the best revenge is to just have fun himself.

  He had another shot, a nice burn going down. That stupid bitch! What fucking nerve! Another shot. Another. There’s nothing like downing some more trusty anger fuel, he thought to himself. By now, his blood was boiling, quite literally. Frank poured the sweat, the liquor streaming from his pores. His body ignited in flames, burning to mere ash.

  TERRY MILLER lives in Portsmouth, Ohio. His work has been featured in Sanitarium Magazine, Devolution Z, Jitter, Rhysling Anthology 2017, Poetry Quarterly, Sirens Call Ezine, The Horror Tree’s Trembling With Fear, SpillWords, Organic Ink Vol. I, Curses & Cauldrons Anthology from Blood Song Books, Forest of Fear from Blood Song Books, the Dark Drabble Anthology Series from Black Hare Press, 100 Word Zombie Bites from Reanimated Writers Press, Scary Snippets, Guilty Pleasures & Other Dark Delights, 100 Word Horrors 3, and O Unholy Night In Deathlehem from Grinning Skull Press.

  Facebook: tmiller2015

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/millerterryl

  Wipe Out

  by Dawn DeBraal

  Darla loved Jimmy, but his family, was another subject. From day one, they tried to drive a wedge between Darla and her true love. Jimmy stood by and watched the fighting, never siding with either side. Darla was hurt by him.

  “Why don’t you defend me, I’m your girlfriend?” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders.

  “It’s my Ma, what can I do?” Infuriated, Darla decided she would shut Jimmy’s family up once and for all. He dumped her after the funeral.

  “I never loved you, I just knew you could get the job done.” Darla made sure she shut Jimmy up too.

  DAWN DEBRAAL lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband Red, two rat terriers, and a cat. She has discovered that her love of telling a good story can be written. Published stories with Palm-sized press, Spillwords, Mercurial Stories, Potato Soup Journal, Edify Fiction, Zimbell House Publishing, Clarendon House Publishing, Blood Song Books, Black Hare Press, Fantasia Divinity, Cafelit, Reanimated Writers, Guilty Pleasures, Unholy Trinity, The World of Myth, Dastaan World, Vamp Cat, Runcible Spoon, Dark Christmas, Siren’s Call, Iron Horse Publishing, Falling Star
Magazine 2019 Pushcart Nominee.

  Amazon: amazon.com/Dawn-DeBraal/e/B07STL8DLX

  Witch Burning

  by Paula R.C. Readman

  A black feather floated to the ground as the crows took flight.

  I saw it as a sign that he was no longer mine. Hadn’t the witch forewarned me?

  She called herself my friend as she turned the card, and said, “It’s written, and cannot be undone.”

  I didn’t believe in such things, not when we have the internet.

  “I love him,” she said.

  Like that made all the difference.

  Betrayal comes too easily to the lips of liars.

  The black smoke rose as I poked the fire around her feet and reminded myself that they burnt witches long ago.


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