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Super Hot Supervisor: A Steamy Workplace Romantic Comedy (Tender Tarts Book 1)

Page 5

by Mandy Harbin

  “Don’t know. But it’s a little suspicious, don’t you think? To be honest, there aren’t very many changes that need to be made to that application. Ian’s office could’ve handled it without our involvement at all.”

  Chip refreshed Sasha’s frozen delight, giving her a brief smile before turning his attention to Cassie. “You doin’ okay, babe?”

  Cassie nodded, sipping greedily at her martini. He winked at her again as he walked away.

  “Told you,” Sasha murmured as she took a drink. Cassie rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively at Sasha. It didn’t matter what Chip thought of her. Ian’s directive for Cassie not to let any man touch her played on a seductive loop in her head. Sasha set her drink down and looked at Cassie. “I don’t know what to think about that. It does seem odd. Maybe Mac likes ruling the roost.”

  “I just have a weird feeling about this.”

  “Well, not to sound like a total bitch, but I didn’t skip Farmville to come out and have drinks and talk about work,” Sasha said with a laugh as she picked her drink back up. “I hope the other reason you were searching me out earlier today is juicer than office shenanigans.”

  Cassie took a big gulp of her drink, finishing it, finding the courage to bring up the next topic. Then she pulled out the olives and started eating them, letting the tart juice burst in her mouth. Within seconds, Chip had another martini sitting in front of her. She glanced up at him as he walked away, still watching her as he left. He winked when she made eye contact, then filled another customer’s drink order.

  “Okay. This conversation stays between us. If you so much as breathe another word of this to anybody, Sasha, I’ll tell Paul from accounting that you have the biggest crush on him.”

  “Eww. Gross. I’d rather eat dog shit. And I mean the white, putrefied shit that no one likes to clean up.”

  Cassie threw her head back and laughed. Sasha was a bit of a drama queen, but she was funny as hell. She enjoyed hanging out with her every chance she got.

  Cassie’s laughter drew Chip’s attention. He walked to their end of the bar, tossing a towel over his shoulder. “You ladies havin’ a good time?” Though the question was posed to both, he was staring right at Cassie.

  “Yeah, thanks,” Cassie said.

  Luckily, a customer asked for a mixed drink, so he walked away, keeping him from getting into a deeper conversation.

  “I’m surprised you don’t reek of urine,” Sasha said to Cassie. “Because Chip is pissing all over you, marking you as his.”

  Cassie choked on her drink and gawked at Sasha. “Are you out of your mind? He’s just being nice.”

  “Oh please, girl. I admit, it’s been a while since I’ve had a man go all territorial on me, but I know when a guy is staking a claim. And that one over there is about to grab you by the hair and drag you back to his cave.”

  “He should get in line,” Cassie mumbled as she swallowed an olive.

  Sasha’s eyes got really big, and she slammed her drink down. “Oh my God. Is Ian staking a claim?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s definitely doing his share of pissing.”

  Sasha laughed, clapping her hands. “That’s awesome, girl! Of course I hate your guts.”

  Cassie giggled. “I know, right? I’m a little overwhelmed, which is what I need to talk to you about.”

  Sasha nodded seriously as she picked up her glass and took a sip. “Spill. And I’ll take it to the grave.”

  Cassie took a deep breath. “Have you ever been with a dominant guy?”

  Sasha frowned. “You mean like whips and chains and shit? Why would any woman since the feminist movement be into that?” She shrugged as she brought her drink up to her mouth and then hesitated. Her gaze shot to Cassie’s. “Good Lord! Ian’s a Dom?”

  “Hush! I don’t want everybody knowing my business. But no, he’s not really a Dom. He’s just dominant.”

  “Er, what’s the difference?”

  Cassie groaned. This conversation wasn’t going how she wanted it to. “He’s sexually assertive. But not into the full lifestyle. I’ve been with a Dom before and really liked it, but it wasn’t a life calling for me either.”

  “Hold up. You were a sub?” Sasha stared at Cassie with an unfathomable expression. It could’ve been worse. She could’ve stared at her in disgust, but her eyes twinkled with something akin to interest and maybe a little amusement. “When did this happen? And why am I just now finding out?”

  “A few years ago. I met this guy. I had an itch. He scratched it. End of story.”

  “That’s a big ol’ pile of bullshit right there. I want deets!”

  “Damn, girl. What do you want me to say?”

  “Just start talking. I’ll let you know when it’s enough, which, by the way, won’t be until you get to the part where you let a guy top you.”

  Cassie shook her head but smiled. “He was a stockbroker I met through my financial advisor. He asked me out, and on our first date, he told me what he was into. Said it was his way of life, not some fantasy. He didn’t pressure me or anything. Just laid it all out there. We went out a couple of times after that, and when I wanted to dip my toes into the submissive pool, he was eager to guide me. Guide me?” She chuckled. “More like throw me into the deep end. It was hot as hell, but like I said, it wasn’t for me. He wanted a full sub, someone to take care of and cherish. I didn’t want someone feeding me and giving me baths all the time. Every now and then? Yeah, that’d be really sweet. But every damn day? I’d be pulling my hair out before he’d get a chance to brush it for me.”

  “I’m sorry, but feminist alarms are sounding off in my head. I couldn’t let a man control me like that. I’m not a weak person.”

  Cassie sighed. “That’s just it, Sasha. I think it takes an incredibly strong woman to submit. It takes a great deal of power to trust a man strong enough to give him that kind of control. The right man understands the gift that that is.”

  “And the wrong man can abuse the power given to him. Some guys take too much anyway.” Sasha frowned. Something dark flashed across her gaze, but it disappeared just as quickly. “I see what you’re saying, though. I know it’s very empowering when a guy loses himself during sex. I guess I can see the appeal for some, but no way is a guy going to tell me what to do. In or out of the sack.” She laughed.

  Cassie sucked on another olive. “I need to go. I’m supposed to be online at ten.”

  “Mmm. You gonna get your kink on?” Sasha smirked.

  “You know it. Regardless of the fact Ian is in another state and I’ll probably never have real sex with him, that man knows how to work it. And I’m going to love every minute of it.”

  “Atta girl!” Sasha laughed as she downed the last of her fruity concoction. “At least you’re getting some. The last action I saw was six months ago. Woo hoo!” She pumped her fist in the air to drive home her sarcastic comment, which made Cassie snort, spewing her drink across the bar.

  “Girl, you’re cracking my stuff up! I know you just didn’t rock the fist pump right here in the middle of this bar.” She laughed.

  “Hell, it’s the only thing I get to rock nowadays. Let me have some fun.” Something dark flashed across Sasha eyes before she straightened and pouted playfully as she motioned for Chip to close out their tabs.

  He walked over with their receipts. They took them, and he never took his eyes off Cassie. She looked down and saw a zero balance.

  “Tonight’s on me,” Chip said with a smile.

  “Thanks,” they both said in unison.

  Chip flashed his eyes at Sasha and smiled before looking back at Cassie and leaning closer to her. “I’d also like Friday night to be on me too. Say dinner and a movie?”

  Cassie suppressed a gasp, but she saw Sasha grinning from ear to ear and couldn’t help the heat that flushed her face. Cassie wasn’t used to such a blatant come-on, and she had absolutely no idea how to handle this. If it wasn’t for Ian, she’d accept. Chip was a good-looking guy. Tall, m
uscular but not bulky, light-blue eyes and a goatee. Definitely drool worthy.

  But there was Ian. And Cassie didn’t want to do anything to mess up what was happening between the two of them. But not only that, she just didn’t want another man. Oh boy, she didn’t want to think about what that meant.

  “Look,” Cassie sighed. “I’m totally flattered—”

  “Uh-oh,” he mumbled. “If you tell me I’m a really great guy to soften this blow, I think it just might kill me.” He laughed, and damn was that a sexy sound.

  Cassie chuckled. “You are a really great guy.”

  “Ouch.” He clasped his heart and stumbled back a few steps theatrically, then stepped up to her again, leaning his elbows on the bar, coming closer to her. “He’s a lucky man. Whoever he is.”

  “He is.” And whoever snagged Chip would be one lucky gal.

  He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, all business now. “You girls okay to drive home?”

  “We’re good,” Sasha said and grabbed Cassie’s arm to drag her away from the bar. “Told ya he was pissing all over you,” she murmured as they walked out the bar and into the parking lot. But Cassie only wanted one man staking a claim. “Yeah, you’re good and all that shit. I’ll catch you later.”

  Sasha gave her a sassy little wave as she walked to her car, and Cassie shook her head as she got into her own vehicle.

  What seemed like forever but was really only about ten minutes later, she pulled into her driveway, walked into her house and tossed her purse on the table. It was almost ten, so she had just enough time to pee and brush her teeth. Why she bothered with the latter, she didn’t know. It wasn’t as if she’d be kissing Ian.

  She felt a pang of sadness at that thought. What would kissing him be like? She wondered if his kiss would be forceful or tender and eventually settled on something in between. His kiss would be self-confident and controlled by him, but he’d take care in exploring every inch of her mouth. He’d nip at her lips while his hand would be wrapped protectively around her nape. The other hand would be buried in her hair, guiding her where he wanted her. He’d kiss her so passionately she’d have to break away to gasp for breath, but he’d just pepper kisses along her jaw and neck, refusing to take his lips off her body while she tried to remember to inhale.

  Yeah, kissing him would be spectacular, but she’d only ever get to fantasize. No matter how much she’d love his mouth on hers, it just wasn’t going to happen.

  Cassie booted up her laptop and logged on to Skype. As soon as she was online, she got a video call from Ian. He was already on and waiting for her.

  “Hi,” she said when he came into view. Holy cow, he was hot! He had on a muscle shirt and pajama pants. He was sitting on the chair with one foot on the seat and his arm hanging over the knee that was up beside his head. And he was barefoot. God, even his foot was sexy.

  “Hey. When did you get in?” He took a swig from the beer he’d been dangling over his knee.

  “Just got here.”

  He nodded. “You wanna get something to drink? I’d offer you something, but…” He motioned toward the screen, emphasizing his inability to actually play host.

  She chuckled. “Yeah, give me a sec.” Cassie got up, walked into her kitchen and plucked a bottle of wine off the shelf, grabbing a glass and corkscrew on her way back to her bedroom.

  “So did you have fun tonight?” Ian asked as Cassie sat down and opened her wine.

  “Yeah. Hung out with Sasha.” She flashed her eyes up from the task at hand to look in his direction. “Got hit on by the bartender.”

  He made a noncommittal sound as he drank from his bottle. He tried to play it cool, but his eyes betrayed his nonchalant behavior. He didn’t like the idea of another man hitting on her. She hid her smile.

  “What did you do tonight?”

  “Talked to my bother. Watched the game.” He shrugged. “You know, bartenders only flirt for the tips.”

  She did smile then. “That’s what I told Sasha, but she didn’t believe me. Of course when he paid for our drinks and asked me out, I realized it wasn’t dollar signs he was after when he laid on the charm.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he stopped his beer in the middle of its progression to his mouth. “He asked you out?” Incredulity filled his voice.

  “I’m not sure if I should be offended by that question or not. I do get asked out from time to time, Ian.” She smirked.

  “And what did you say?” he asked right away, not commenting on her remark.

  “I turned him down.”

  He seemed slightly mollified. “Why?” He leaned back into his seat and finally took that drink he initiated before she dropped the news of her dinner offer on him.

  What could she tell him? If she said she didn’t want to see other people, he might think she was obsessed with him. It wasn’t as if they were in a relationship. Heck, they hadn’t even gone out on a date themselves. Wasn’t she just thinking about the fact that they’d never even get to kiss for real?

  “I just didn’t want to.” She poured her wine and took a drink immediately to cover her nerves.

  “Stand up.”

  Cassie’s gaze shot to him, and he stared at her with an unreadable expression. Setting her glass down, she slowly stood.

  He reached over and turned on an MP3 player. The slow, seductive song drifted through the speaker as if she’d turned it on in her bedroom. “Strip.”

  She balked. It was obvious he didn’t just want her to take her clothes off. He wanted her to dance for him, and this went a little beyond her comfort level. She wasn’t some twenty-two-year-old stripper. She was already a little nervous about him seeing her fully naked, and rightly so, but the thought of not only undressing but parading around like she had a body to flaunt caused paranoia to flood her body.

  “Cassie, I’ll never ask anything of you that you can’t do. You have a beautiful body, and I want you to show me how sexy you think you are. Now strip for me, baby. Show me what’s mine.”

  What is his. He viewed her as his. The butterflies in her stomach multiplied. She was nervous, no doubt about that, but she also felt a sense of pride, knowing Ian thought she was beautiful and wanted her for himself. Even if he was just creating an aura of possession for play, it was still erotic and definitely fed her ego, making her want to prove him right about how sexy she could be.

  Cassie reached up, traced her finger along her neck as her head fell back, gliding her finger to her exposed cleavage. She swayed her hips in time with the sensual music, then turned, giving him her back. She brought her hands up to her hair, gathering it up on her head as she shimmied down and back up, swaying seductively to the music. She heard Ian’s soft curse and felt a spike of adrenaline, knowing he was already affected by her performance and she hadn’t taken off a lick of clothing yet. She reached for the hem of her shirt and slid it up her sides, almost to her breasts. Then she pulled it back down teasingly.

  Ian groaned.

  Cassie treated her skirt the same way, pulling it up almost to her buttocks and dropping it before he got a chance to see the goods. She grabbed the hem of her shirt again, but this time, she pulled it off and turned to face him.

  He licked his lips as she gathered her hair again and shimmied down before rocking her hips on the way back up. She teased him by pulling one of her bra straps off her shoulder but left it there. Reaching for her skirt, she eased it up her thighs as she widened her stance. She pulled it all the way up to her waist and squatted as she cupped her sex with one hand and kneaded her breast with the other.

  Ian’s breathing got louder, but Cassie didn’t look at him. She had her eyes shut, lost in the moment.

  She clutched the top of her skirt and unfastened it, letting it fall to the floor. Now she danced before him in her black lace bra and panties. She reached behind and unclasped her bra, turning around before it fell to the floor. She swayed her hips, shaking her thong-covered ass for his viewing pleasure. Then she dipped her hea
d and flung her hair as she turned back toward him, hands covering her breasts.

  “Damn, baby,” he breathed.

  She caught him moving out of the corner of her eye. He’d taken off his shirt and was now unzipping his pants. Eyes locked on her. She turned back around, widening her stance again, and bent over at the waist. She ran her finger along the seam of her ass before caressing both cheeks.

  “That’s it, baby. Show me that pretty little ass of yours.”

  She grabbed the tiny straps and yanked her panties down, stepping out of them. Still bending over, she spread her cheeks apart, giving him a view of the promise land.

  He groaned and there was more rustling on his end. Cassie righted herself and turned slowly, rubbing her hands along her hips as she faced him completely nude.

  He was naked now too, stroking his cock as he watched her.

  “God, Cassie. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  She stalked toward him. “I’m glad you like.”

  “I love. Get on the bed, closer to your computer.”

  She crawled on the bed with her backside facing him, but she looked over her shoulder to watch him as she got into position.

  “Sit and spread your legs.” Cassie turned around and sat, opening up for him. “That’s it, baby. Move the camera closer so I can see that sweet pussy.”

  Cassie’s body was on fire. The little dance she did got her all wet and ready for him, and now it wouldn’t take much for her to come. She did his bidding, leaning back and stretching herself open with her fingers, wanting to rub her clit but waiting for his command.

  “Fuck! You’re already drenched, baby. You know what I’d do if I were there right now?” he asked as he stroked his cock slowly.

  “What?” she asked breathlessly. She couldn’t wait to hear what he’d do.

  “I’d bury my face between your legs, shove my tongue in that hot pussy and drink the honey from your body as you fed it to me.”

  Cassie moaned and her fingers twitched to rub the folds of her pussy, push inside, play with her clit, anything. She just wanted to touch herself.


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