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Family Affairs

Page 23

by Pamela G Hobbs

  “When you say “we”, who exactly do you mean?” Frankie asked tentatively.

  “Us. The family. Mum, Dad, Flynn; though in fairness he told us to mind our own business. And Ali and Moll. We’ve all been waiting with bated breath for you two to get your heads out of your asses and get together. And our work here is done.” Caro let go of her hands and sat back, reaching for her glass, smirking gleefully.

  Frankie dropped her head into her hands, moaning, “Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Your parents?” she wheezed. “I’m mortified. Totally bloody mortified.” She glanced up at Caro’s laughing face. “Stop laughing! That’s so mean! My life has been the subject of your parents and siblings? No, scrap that, my sex life has been . . . oh, God!”

  Caro, traitor that she was, just laughed all the harder.

  “Oh! you should see your face – it’s priceless!” She turned her head to see if anyone was noticing the delectable celebrity that was Frankie Jones with her head in her hands, groaning. A few curious glances were being thrown in their direction and Caro stood up abruptly, conscious now of the press nearby. She reached for her friend’s arm. “Come on, hun, let’s go find lover-brother and hand you over for safekeeping.” She hauled Frankie to her feet and, arms around each other, they headed inside. “It’s all good, it’s all good. I promise.”

  The rest of the evening went by in a blur. Frankie hung by Dev’s side, basking, for once, in someone else’s glory. It was simply heavenly to be a part of someone else’s success and not be the focus of attention herself. That said, she got lots of attention. Everyone who crowded over to be introduced to the artist himself eyed her with consideration – some knew immediately who she was, others knew they knew her, recognised a celebrity but couldn’t place her exactly. She ended up in countless photos of other’s selfies with the patron, the artist and the actor!

  She didn’t mind a bit – it was fun, playful and exciting, and she was so proud of Dev’s work. She was thrilled for him as the sales mounted. She chatted with the Fitzgerald siblings and Toby. Even Jo and Patrick, who she felt gave her an extra-tight hug, or was that her imagination or her conscience at work? Through it all, Dev kept an arm protectively draped around her shoulder or settled low across her back.

  “All okay with you and the star of the show?” Flynn spoke quietly in her ear as things started to wind down and Dev headed into the office to discuss admin with his agent.

  She leaned wearily against Flynn’s shoulder but sighed happily. “All good,” she said. “Do you think I’ll get into enough papers to draw ‘him’ out?”

  Flynn chuckled. “I think you got that covered, Ms Jones, without doubt.”

  They took the wind-down time to discuss briefly the plan they’d concocted earlier. One last attempt to wean the stalker out and make a blatant attempt to contact her. He’d often responded to a media blitz in the past with a further nasty email and they were hoping this would be no different.

  Frankie was due to fly out to New York in a few days and they figured with her face displayed on all the tabloids and a quick soundbite on the national entertainment show the following evening, they had nothing to lose. Her emails and social media sites were being monitored remotely by Flynn’s crew and whatever, if anything, happened next was in the lap of the gods.

  “Thanks so much for helping with this, Flynn. And for pretending to Dev we listened to him. I hate deceiving him, but we both know how he’d react.” She angled into his chest to give him a hug.

  He closed his arms around her and dropped a kiss on her hair. “Hey, no worries. I want to get the bastard who’s put you through hell almost as much as you do. And on another note,” he looked out at the dwindling crowd, “I noticed earlier that my brother was sporting a rather stupid grin on his face. I’m assuming you’re responsible for that.” His tone held a smile as Frankie dropped her head to his shirt front.

  “Oh, no! Not you as well!” She looked up and caught the smirk twitching on the side of his charming mouth. “Are you okay with this new . . . new direction?”

  “Absolutely! Though you took your bloody time getting there.”

  Frankie looked incredulously at him. “You’re all mad, you lot. How could you think something was going to happen between us when I didn’t even know it?”

  “Truthfully? I wasn’t one hundred per cent sure of your feelings, but I’ve known for some time that Dev had it bad. In fairness to him, and I don’t say this lightly, although he reacted pretty badly to news of your engagement to Stephen, he genuinely wanted your happiness above his own.

  “He took a trip to New York last Easter to, I suppose you might say, check if he had any hope with you, but before he was able to get a chance to speak with you, Stephen was shot and Dev knew the time for him to say anything needed to be put on hold.”

  Frankie frowned as she took in this bit of information. “He never said anything to me about that.” Her mind flashed back to the image of her in the café in Greenwich. Dev had come to see her then, to what? Ask her not to marry Stephen? God, they absolutely needed to have a serious conversation.

  “Actually, I’m not sure, considering the shooting, when he’d have taken the bull by the horns, but then you arrived home here and circumstances threw the two of you together at the lodge and, well, nature just took over.” He grinned down at her again, brushing a finger gently over her pink cheeks.

  “Hands off, Bro.” Devlin nudged Flynn in the arm as he appeared beside them, eyes brimming with excitement and happiness. He trailed his hand seductively down Frankie’s back as she shifted into his arms, already that position feeling completely natural to her. Flynn and Dev shared a grin at her automatic gesture.

  “So,” Flynn spoke over Frankie’s head to his brother. “A qualified success?”

  “The show? Yeah, I’m bloody delighted. Way better than I was hoping.” He shook his head in wonder. “My agent did a fecking brilliant job with all the press and invites, and I’ve already been offered shows in London and Madrid. Magic!” He let the huge grin of satisfaction and relief spread across his face as the momentous results of his efforts sank in. “A lot to think about, but not tonight.” He speared Frankie with a sizzling look. “Tonight, I have other plans.”

  “Christ, Dev – get a room!” Flynn took a drink from his wine glass, his voice edged with laughter.

  Dev took hold of Frankie’s hand and, raising it, placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “That, brother dear, is the plan.”

  The taxi dropped them at the end of his lane and Frankie and Dev scrambled out eagerly. Hands clasped, they hurried towards his loft, sexual tension brimming to boiling point. The drive over had taken place in total silence and Dev had spent the time lightly stroking the tender skin on the inside of Frankie’s forearm. He stared straight ahead as if indifferent, but when she rested her hand on his wrist she could feel the thrumming of his pulse.

  Knowing he was as affected as she was did amazingly erotic things to her thoughts and her heart was jumping like monsoon raindrops on a shiny flat surface. Dev dived into his pocket for his key and pulled Frankie in behind him, slamming the door and shutting home the double bolt.

  All the way back to his apartment, Dev had given himself a stern talking to. This rollercoaster sex between them was new – sparkly new – and he didn’t want to rush her. His fantasies were being lived out in the most unbelievable way, but it was all new to her and, Jesus, did she have to wear that dress? It was enough to send a grown man to his knees. The skin, the silk, the swish of skirt around her slim legs, the fabric skimming her ass, her ass, Christ, her ass . . .

  Eyes blazing with passion, Dev took hold of Frankie’s face and before she could draw breath, his mouth descended on hers and simply devoured. His tongue delved and dipped sampling her moist interior, tasting every inch of her, causing her to shiver and moan. She hung on, her hands clutching at his elbows and her tongue valiantly doing battle with his. God, she could kiss.

  Every texture was heightened, every touch a shot
to his insides. The heat, the gasping, the moaning that emanated from both of them drove their passion higher. Dev’s body was pressed so tightly to hers that she’d feel his arousal throbbing against her stomach and he hoped to hell it made her feel powerful, desired, needy – just as he felt right now.

  Without warning, a coarse grunt dragged from his lips and Dev pulled away from her. Before she could protest, he spun her round, his hot, eager body pushing her flat against the wall, her face turned to the side, her hands out to brace herself.

  “Dev,” she gasped, “what . . .”

  “Babe, your ass . . . all I can think of is your naked ass beneath this silk.” His voice was hoarse as his hands grabbed her dress at the hem and shoved it upwards, dragging it over her rear and bunching it at the waist.

  “Dev!” Frankie tried to turn, heat flooding her cheeks as he palmed her silky bottom and squeezed, his head dropping forwards to kiss her neck. “Trust me,” he whispered, “let me. I won’t hurt you.” He licked her neck at the join of her shoulder, his teeth sinking gently into her fragrant skin. “Trust me?”

  “I do. I do trust you,” she whispered back, her own desire rocketing higher as the reality of what he was about to do sank in.

  One of his hands reached up and caught hers above her head, causing her to flatten her body to the wall. His other hand traced the dip between her butt cheeks and stroked her slowly, sending ripples through her body. As he kissed and licked his way down her spine his hand moved lower, sliding under. Finding her wet and hot, he stroked her more urgently.

  Instinctively, she flexed her hips, pushing her bottom back towards him, searching for contact with his body. Letting go of her hands, he reached for his belt buckle, quickly unzipped his jeans and dragged them down his legs. The noise of the buckle, zip and fabric was loud in the quiet loft and mingled sexily with their panting breaths.

  Frankie had never been so turned on in her life.

  She was throbbing and ready and she wanted him inside her. He was, she realised hungrily, finishing what he’d started in the office earlier and she couldn’t have been more eager for him to do so. Oh, God, the feel of his swollen erection against the sensitive skin of her ass was unbearable.

  “Dev,” she groaned. “Please . . .”

  “I know, babe, I know.” His response was guttural as he used one hand to angle himself at her opening, his other hand grasping one of hers and bringing it down, placing it over the heat of her own tingling nub. “Help me,” he whispered into her ear, biting on the lobe.

  Obeying his sexy command, she explored her own body as he held her hips steady, finding her tight and wet as he surged into her centre.

  “Jesus, so fucking hot.”

  “Ohhh.” Both groaned at the same time with desire.

  Dev angled her hips for deeper penetration and anchored her with a tight grip. He reached back up for her hand, still pressed to the wall, and linked his fingers over hers. He began moving with a fast but steady rhythm, the connection of his body against hers the only sound as he almost withdrew then pushed forwards time and time again.

  His face was tucked into her neck, his teeth holding her in place. His body picked up speed and her own hand worked in time with his movements. Power and passion built quickly. His mouth softened as he tasted where his teeth had been, his breath hitched and uneven. Her body was tight and pulsing, a wire knotting in her belly, her breaths coming in gasps as she felt everything build to a tension that was almost unbearable. But, God, she was on fire. Heat building, she knew she was close to reaching the point of no return.

  “Dev,” she gasped. “Now. Harder, now.” Christ! she didn’t even know what she was asking, but Dev seemed to know exactly what she meant, what she needed.

  And he gave it to her.

  Within seconds she came apart, practically crumbling from the intensity of her orgasm as the rapid pull and push from his fullness sent her over the edge. Seconds later, he shouted hoarsely and wrapped his arm tightly around her waist as he, too, came apart. He lay resting against her back as they both tried to catch their breath and return to sanity. Gradually, Dev pulled out of her warm body, released her hand from the wall above her head and, with one arm still about her, he turned her in his arms and simply held on.

  Eventually, they staggered to the bed, disrobed entirely, and fell onto the crisp sheets. Dev was still reeling from what had just happened, having so completely lost control. Again. Jesus! he’d barely let her in the door before ravishing her with little or no thought to her comfort. Well, he could take care of that now. Gathering her close in his arms, he snuggled down under the duvet and kissed the top of her head.

  “I don’t know what to say to you right now,” he said quietly. “I’ve never lost myself like that, never just took so blatantly without knowing you were right with me. Well, except for the first time last night – Jesus – I just wasn’t thinking. Are you okay?”

  Frankie nuzzled closer. “Actually,” she said slowly, “I feel bloody fantastic, to be honest.” She pulled back and smiled up into his what she now realised were relieved eyes.

  He scowled down at her. “Really?” His mouth twitched up at one side. “So, the old caveman tactic is one you could, shall we say, get used to?” His voice was rough.

  “Oh yes, I think we could definitely say that.” She stretched up and nibbled along his jaw, exploring the texture and taste of him, the shivers that moved through his body as she angled her kisses down his throat using her tongue and lips.

  Dev’s breathing quickened instantly and he could feel himself harden in response to her touch. So soon, so ready, so needy.

  “But,” she continued, “can I be an Amazonian warrior this time and ravish you, please?” She raised her eyebrow cheekily at him and hand to God, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven.

  Within seconds, she had him pinned beneath her, her breasts just tantalisingly out of reach as he was pushed back against the mattress. Her thighs hugged his hips as she lowered herself down to connect, centre to centre, her hands braced on his chest as she took him deep inside her moist core.

  “Hang on, Photo Man,” she warned him seductively, “you’re in for the ride of your life.”

  They slept deep into the night, stirring against each other once more, this time slow and easy, as gently as a homecoming but all the sweeter for it. Their sleep was that of exhausted lovers, long-time friends and new partners. They knew they had some serious talking to do in the morning, but morning was hours away and sleep was what their bodies craved now.

  Neither heard the door to Dev’s apartment open. They didn’t hear the snarls and profanity that echoed eerily about the loft as the intruder paced angrily back and forth, throwing disgusted glances at the closed door to the bedroom. They didn’t hear the darkroom door open and then, several minutes later, close again. Nor did they hear the front door click shut behind the seriously pissed-off, bitter and disturbed figure dressed entirely in black.

  Chapter 17

  Frankie turned over in the cosy bed and stretched languidly. Pure bliss. What a beautiful feeling it was to wake up happy, no bad dreams lurking at the edges and the feel, yup, she traced her foot up the strong calf, of the handsome, fit and previously very energetic man still sleeping beside her. A grin spread across her face as the activities of last night meandered through her thoughts. Oh yes, energetic was definitely the word.

  God, that man could use his mouth.

  His kisses made her stomach turn over and her insides twist. In fact, everything he did with his mouth had her body react like that, come to think of it. Her lower belly tingled as she remembered the moans, the sighs of satisfaction that had filled the room and the activities that had heralded those sighs.

  How had she reached this stage in her life believing that her body somehow didn’t work the way other women’s did? Reaching across, she traced her fingers lightly over Dev’s dark hair, loving the texture and the slight curl. How had she never noticed the way he tilted his hea
d a bit to the left when puzzling over something serious?

  This past summer she’d seen that gesture numerous times as he studied one of his pictures or debated a point of politics with his dad. She’d been aware of how his eyes softened when they rested on his nephew, how he’d make sure his mom’s favourite china cup was always washed when she was looking for tea. Now, it seemed as if she noticed every little detail about him – all the things she’d taken for granted. Things that had just been part of him all took on a new meaning to her. And wasn’t that just daft? Wasn’t it simply lovely?

  As quietly as possible, she slipped from the bed, knowing she had several emails to check and business calls to make, hopefully before Dev stirred. She glanced down at him – nope, sound asleep with, aww, his lips turned up in a smile.

  Tearing herself away, she reached for Dev’s robe and tiptoed out to the kitchen area to put on the coffee. Her phone was buzzing on the counter and she glanced at it idly.

  Jesus! fifteen missed calls and an ungodly amount of texts.

  She quickly scanned the calls and realised most of them were of a Fitzgerald nature. She chose Flynn’s and pressed redial. While waiting for him to answer, she opened the front door and reached down for the morning paper – one of Dev’s luxuries was to have several papers delivered to his door each morning, as he liked to peruse them while eating breakfast. Why he couldn’t stroll down to the corner shop and get them, she . . .

  Shit. She stared at the front of the tabloid on the ground before her and saw her own face staring back at her. Tucking the phone under her chin, she gathered the collection into her arms and hurried back inside.

  “Frankie.” The voice was Flynn’s and sounded brisk and business-like.

  “I just opened the paper.” She spoke in a quiet voice, conscious of Dev in the next room.


  “My thoughts exactly. But in fairness, it’s what we planned, right?” She scanned the headline and groaned. Flipped to the front page of another paper and saw a different photograph, this one showing her with Dev’s arm looped possessively over her shoulder, his gaze elsewhere but his hand resting intimately on the side of her neck. “But, damn it, Flynn, Dev wasn’t supposed to be involved.”


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