Rescue Me: An MM romance (A Bennet Family Novel)

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Rescue Me: An MM romance (A Bennet Family Novel) Page 6

by Andi Jaxon

  We both crack up laughing before ending our phone call. I lay there smiling like a loon, while I type out my email to Mr. Bennet. Kristen is the only person I’ve ever been able to feel free around, like I don’t have to pretend or hold back. I hope someday I can find a man to be with that I can feel equally as comfortable around.

  I send the email and sit up, my stomach growling in hunger, but since I haven’t gotten my financial aid check, I have no food. Great. Another long night of hunger pains.

  Chapter 18

  Alister –

  After dinner Thursday night, I’ve thought a lot about what my mother tricked me into figuring out, no job is worth my happiness. Seattle is the land of advanced education, and you can’t go anywhere without seeing a college or university. There has to be a better fit for me, a place that is more accepting.

  It’s been a while since I went for a good hike and before the weather turns nasty, I want to go up Mount Si one more time. Grabbing my phone, I flip to Alex and send him a message.

  Ali: You off today?

  Alex: Yeah, why? Boyfriend leave you hanging?

  Ali: Hike Mount Si today?

  Alex: Are you trying to kill me?

  Ali: Ha! Lazy hike today, no trail running.

  Alex: Fine. You talked me into it. Pick you up in 20.

  Grabbing my hiking gear, I lay it all out on my bed before grabbing a quick shower. Forcing myself to keep on track, and not get distracted by thoughts of Ben, I’m out and dressed in record time. By the time Alex walks in my front door, I’ve checked the weather forecast, packed my backpack with all necessary items, and have laced up my boots.

  “Alright princess, your chariot awaits.” Alex’s tone is deadpan.

  Rolling my eyes, I swing my backpack over my shoulder, and we head out of the door, locking it behind us.

  “What happened to your boyfriend?” His signature smirk is back in place.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say, again, as we climb into his SUV. Since he has a four-wheel drive, we take his car instead of mine when we go on hikes. My car would get stuck with the least amount of weather.

  “How’s it going with the kid from your apartment?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, come on. I’ve known you since the moment we developed brains, I know you’ve got something figured out.”

  I know when it comes down to it, I can trust him, but at what point will he take it seriously and not crack jokes? I know I’m not doing anything illegal, lusting after a student goes against the code of conduct for the University, but it’s not going to get me arrested.

  “Honestly, I don’t really know much.” Turning my head to look out the window as the buildings become a forest. “I can’t quite figure him out. Sometimes he’s shy, withdrawn, and seems terrified of everything. Other times, he’s full of sarcasm and anger, he gets almost an aggressive streak.”

  The car quiets as we both think about what I’ve just said. It’s not an uncomfortable silence at all, there is no one I’m more comfortable with than my brother. He truly is so much more than just a brother, he’s my best friend, sounding board, the comedic relief when life gets too serious, and my accomplice when I was young and prone to doing dumb shit.

  “Sounds like a defense mechanism, he was probably abused, maybe even still is.” Alex has a lot more experience in this area than I do, being a Seattle police officer. Having a child psychologist as a mother definitely influenced his career path, while I took after Dad with my love of math.

  “What’s your train of thought there?”

  “Well, he’s typically quiet, doesn’t want to draw attention to himself, probably scared of his own shadow because life has taught him people will hurt him. When he gets into a situation where he feels in danger, he tries to brush the conflict away or downplay it by being sarcastic. Once he’s been pushed too far, things build up, and he gets angry or aggressive.”

  We drop into silence again, his explanation swirling through my head. The need to protect Ben flairs in my chest. While I’m tutoring him, I’ll get to know him, build trust, and hopefully, he’ll let me help him.

  “Alright, grab your shit and let’s get this thing started. I got a hot date tonight.” Alex wags his eyebrows at me as he climbs out. Sometimes even I’m surprised by how different we are. We look almost identical, but our personalities are very different, he’s always joking around, a man whore, and straight, and I am the complete opposite.

  Grabbing my backpack, I pull my beanie on, and we head to the mouth of the trail. This is one of our favorite mountain trails, it’s an intense hike, but the views are amazing when you get to the top. Most of the trail is covered by a canopy of forty-foot trees, so even in the rain it’s not too bad, ferns and moss are everywhere, bringing a lush green to the forest floor.

  We’re about a quarter of the way up the three and a half-mile climb when we stop for a water break.

  “So, who’s the lucky girl?”

  That knowing smirk appears on his face immediately. “This gorgeous little blonde chick I met at the gym, Jill. She’s smoking hot.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  He laughs at my deadpan response. “She’s got a great ass.”

  “Okay, now you’ve got me, I do appreciate a nice ass. Though I don’t find most women’s asses to be that great looking.”

  “How are we even related?”

  “I don’t know, but Mom swears we shared a womb.”

  Putting the water bottles back in our bags, we continue the climb. The mountain is quiet, peaceful. And I don’t have to hear my brother talk about his sexual adventures.

  Since we’re taking our time, not battling to beat each other to the top like normal, it takes us three and a half hours to get to the peak. When we break through the tree line, it’s all jagged rock, but the view below is breathtaking. Finding our way to a big flat bolder, we sit down and unpack our lunch, and luckily it’s not wet today. After the climb up, we’re half starved. We don’t take time to talk or even to breathe much as we inhale our food.

  “Alright, let's get back down. I need to shower before I meet Jill.” Alex slaps my leg before standing and heading back to the trail. Shaking my head, I follow him. I love this mountain trail, and I hike it more than any other in our area. The climb is difficult, steep, but only takes a few hours. With the difficulty of the hike, there isn’t much chance to talk, since there’s slippery spots to watch out for.

  At the trailhead once again, heading toward the SUV, we’re tired and sweaty, but satisfied with the workout we got today. My phone vibrates in my pocket, letting me know I have a notification. I always turn my sound off while hiking, as I don’t want the sounds to disturb the quiet peace of the forest.

  Alex unlocks the doors, and we toss our packs inside before sliding into the front seats. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I check my notifications and see Ben has emailed me his class schedule. It looks like his weekends are clear, maybe he can get together tonight.

  I type out a quick reply, asking him if he wants to meet up tonight and where the best place is for him to focus, and rest my head against the back of the seat. Anticipation is making it harder to relax, something I’m sure Alex notices.

  “Seems I’m not the only one with a hot date tonight.” He smirks at me.

  “It’s a study session. He desperately needs a tutor.”

  He starts to chuckle, and I know exactly what’s about to come out of his mouth.

  “I knew you were just as dirty as I am. Get that young ass.”

  “Seriously? How old are you?”

  “Three minutes older than you, my brother.”

  Ignoring Alex, I wait for a reply from Ben.

  Chapter 19

  Ben –

  My phone pings, the 4G holding long enough to let me know I have a new email. The only time I get emails is if someone wants money or junk mail, but since I just sent Mr. Bennet an email, I take the risk and look. Holy fuck he wrote me
back already. And he wants to meet tonight.

  Stunned, I panic and freeze. What do I do? Do I meet up with him tonight? Where would I meet up with him? He can’t come here. Absolutely not. He probably suggested meeting up somewhere to avoid having me in his house…

  Flipping to Kristin’s contact information, I call her. She’ll know what to do. With every ring, my anxiety increases. Her voicemail picks up, and I end the call. Fuck.

  I need a shower.

  What do I wear?

  Where do we meet up?

  Thinking it over for a second, I send him the address of a pool hall I use to hide out at while I was a teenager. I still stop in and say hi to the owners, Trish and Jason. It’s always been a safe place for me. Hell, I even slept there a few times. I’m comfortable there, he won't stick out too much, and I’ve done homework there countless times.

  A few emails back and forth and we nail down a time to meet. Grabbing a quick, freezing shower, I dress in the best clothes I can find, and head down to catch the bus.


  Arriving at Ball Scratcher’s Pool Hall, I make my way to the office, sure Trish will be hard at work. Knocking on the door, I wait.

  “Come in!” she calls out in her sweet voice. Opening the door, I step inside and wait for her to notice me.

  “Ben!” Her face lights up when she sees me, jumping from her chair she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. “I’m so glad to see you.” I hug her back just as tightly. She really is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She never asked many questions when I would come here, but she could tell I didn’t have a good home life so she would feed me and let me crash on the couch in the breakroom when I needed it. I would help her clean up after closing.

  “I’m glad to see you too.” Stepping back, she surveys me. “Do you mind if I take over my normal table? I’m meeting someone to study with.”

  “Of course! You’re welcome anytime, you know that.” She smiles at me again and cups my cheek. What I wouldn’t give to have had a mother like her. Closing my eyes for a minute, I soak in the comfort of her touch. “Thank you.”

  “No need for thanks. Make sure you stop by the counter and say hi to Jason.”

  “I definitely will.” I give her another hug and let her get back to work. At the counter I wait for Jason to be done with a customer, before stepping forward for him to see me.

  “Ben! I thought I recognized you. How are you doing?” Jason comes around the end of the counter to give me a hug and a slap on the back.

  “I’m doing okay, thanks. I’m in my last term before graduating.” A fact I’m damn proud of.

  “That’s great! I always knew you were meant for more than hanging around here.”

  I’m about to respond when the bell on the door signals someone entering. Turning toward the sound, I get a few seconds to look at Alister as he takes in his surroundings. The black and white tile on the floor is chipped in spots, it’s seen better days. The walls are a bit dingy with dated pictures of people and dogs playing pool. It reminds me of a bowling alley but with pool tables instead of lanes.

  His eyes sweep the area and zero in on me, locking his gaze with mine as he walks over, taking me in, my blood heats as if I can feel the caress. My face flushes when Jason clears his throat next to me.

  “Oh sorry, Jason, this is my teacher, Mr. Bennet. Mr. Bennet this is an old friend, Jason.” I can’t meet either man’s gaze.

  “Mr. Bennet, welcome. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” They shake hands while I pretend not to exist. Why did I think this place was a good idea? I have too much history here. He must think I’m a loser.

  “Call me Alister, please. And thank you, Jason, that’s very kind of you.” Turning to me, he says, “Hi Ben, shall we get started?”

  I nod and without saying a word, lead us to the table tucked away in a corner in the back of the room. This was where I always sat, there was no way to sneak up on me, and it’s close enough to the kitchen to make a quick getaway if I needed one.

  Looking at the table, I realize I never checked to make sure this is okay with him. “Is this okay? It’s where I normally sit,” I mumble, turning toward him.

  He steps closer to me and lays his hand on my back, the warmth seeping through my sweater. “Perfect.”

  Pulling out chairs next to each other, we both sit, and I pull out my textbook and notes. Looking at Alister, I notice a smirk is on his lips. “What?”

  “You’re getting right to work. I like that you’re taking this seriously.”

  Embarrassment heats my cheeks again, and I turn my head to stare at the table. “I know you don’t have to help me. I appreciate it and don’t want to waste your time.”

  “I am happy to help you, Ben. I want you to pass.” He dips his head to try to make eye contact with me. He scoots his chair closer, his arm brushing mine on the table as he opens the book. “Okay, let’s get started…”

  He flips through my notes and homework, finding where I started to struggle, and starts his lesson there. It’s so hard to concentrate when he’s this close to me, and I find my eyes trained on his lips more often that I would like. Shaking my head, I force myself to look at the paper where he’s writing out equations and explaining the steps, explaining why things have to go in a certain order.

  It’s starting to click an hour later, my brain hurts, but I’m starting to get it. Alister writes out an equation for me to solve and hugs me to his side when I do it correctly without his help. Reacting on instinct, I turn into him, my face in the crook of his neck and my hand on his thigh.

  Blood rushes to my dick, desire and uncertainty fighting for the next move. “Ben,” his voice is rough as his hand covers mine. “Maybe we should take a break for a bit.”

  Rejected, I sit up in my seat. “Do you want to play pool? I’m not very good, but we can play if you want.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. Excuse me for a moment, I need to use the restroom.”

  I head to the counter for balls as he heads to the bathroom. This time, Trish is working the counter while Jason cooks. “Hey Ben, what can I get for you?”

  “Can I get a set ball, please?”

  “Of course, honey, here ya go,” she offers, handing me the balls. I thank her and head back to the pool table closest to the table we were working at. I rack the set while trying not to watch Alister walk toward me, but my eyes gravitate toward the confident stride he has. He owns any room he walks into, his presence felt by everyone, and I am damn sure not immune.

  With everything set, I grab a cue and chalk the end, hoping he wants to break since I’ve never been very good at it. Alister grabs a cue. “May I borrow your chalk?”

  Handing the cube over to him, our fingers touch and electricity shoots through me, stealing my breath for a moment. The smirk that forms on his lips tells me he felt it too, and he liked it.

  “Do you want to break, or shall I?” he asks, heading for the head of the table.

  “Go ahead. I’ve never been very good at it anyway.” A hum is the only response I get as he leans over the table to set up his shot. The snug fit of his shirt shows the movement of his muscles when he stretches to brace his hand on the felt. Blood roars in my ears and gathers in my jeans, suddenly making them much tighter than I remember them being. I’m standing at the opposite end of the table, watching his every move. His hand pulls the cue back to strike, and his eyes flick up to meet mine when he shoots.

  My body is about to explode. I can’t move while he walks around the table toward me, that smirk still on his lips. My eyes are locked on his. “It’s your turn, I’m solids.” His voice rumbles in his chest.

  Pulling my eyes away from the temptation in front of me, I look at the table. Balls are scattered everywhere, and nothing looks like an easy shot. Moving around to get a better angle, I lean over and shoot my cue at the white ball. The ball hops and jumps off the table, rolling under a nearby chair—son of a bitch.

  My face is hot with
embarrassment. This was a terrible idea. I need to get my stuff and go home to lick my wounds. Hopefully, he won’t ever bring this up again.

  Chapter 20

  Alister –

  Grabbing the ball, I walk back to the table to stand directly in front of Ben. He looks mortified, but he won’t look past my collarbone. I place the ball back on the felt and face him with only a few inches separating us.

  “You don’t have to put on a show for me, I want to get to know the real you.” His eyes are glued to the exposed skin at my neck, he licks his lips, and a moan passes my lips involuntarily. “You can’t look at me like that.” My voice is low and rough, like sandpaper against delicate skin.

  With one hip against the table, I place my hand on his hip and lift his chin with my fingers. I need to see his eyes, see if he’s as affected by me as I am by him.

  “Like what?” His voice is a whisper against my lips. I lean in, inhaling his scent and stroking his cheek with mine, my hand running along his jaw and into his hair.

  “Like you can already feel me,” I say against his ear. I’m painfully hard, ready to explode when he shutters against me. Before I realize what I’m doing, I have him sitting on the pool table with me standing between his thighs. I cover his lips with mine, using my hand in his hair to angle him just the way I want. My lips steal his moan when he opens for me.

  Pressing my body against him, my tongue runs along his lower lip, sucking on the plump flesh. He moans again, wrapping his arms around my neck and leaning into me. His dick is hard against mine, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint I possess not to strip him naked and fuck him over this table.

  I pull my lips off his, panting harshly as I take a look around the room. My eyes collide with a woman behind the counter, her knowing smile lighting up her face. Shit.

  Ben doesn’t loosen his grip around my neck and uses the advantage to drag his teeth down my jawline to my ear, which he sucks between his teeth. It’s my turn for a shudder to course through me, my cock is hard as stone and ready to blow. Turning my head back to him, I lay my forehead against his with my hand still in his hair, praying he stops kissing me before I lose control.


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