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Page 3

by Lea Griffith

  Chapter Three

  Zoe stepped out of her jeans and crawled onto the bed. He’d given very precise instructions—no pulling back the covers, no lighting candles and no sound. She was to do nothing but strip and lie down. As she sank to the duvet every sense heightened. The darkness blanketed her sight, focusing her every sense on the feel of the air, the weight of the diamond collar and the firm, silk-covered bed beneath her.

  She sighed as her nipples rubbed across the soft fabric and had to stop a keening cry from escaping as her mons came into contact with the bed. It took everything in her not to press into the bed, stroke over it for some relief.

  His taste in her mouth had her licking her lips. She’d missed it and as she’d watched his face tighten in orgasm she’d wanted so desperately to reach down and bring herself to relief. She’d not been prepared for the force of her need.

  And it was more than the amount of time since she’d last held him inside her body, feeling the flex of him within and without. It was about the pain that rode his soul. She sensed it and it was an anathema to her.

  The collar had been a surprise. Not the beauty of it, the presence of it. He’d surprised her and it had shifted something inside Zoe to know he wanted to own her that way, wanted to mark her in that way. There’d never been a question for her. Leather, gold, silver or diamonds, whatever form his claim took, she’d accede to it.

  She heard him moving through the apartment, heard a drawer open in the bathroom off the master bedroom. He’d remembered where her things were. Oh please. Please. The sound of the drawer closing in the deafening silence had her abdomen clenching. He was going to push her tonight and she had no idea if she could survive it.

  She was facing left as he’d instructed her and that put her gaze on the wall beside the bed. She could hear every move of his feet on the hardwood, every deep breath he took. He wasn’t trying to be quiet, which surprised her. She could hear her blood flowing through her veins and her own little clicking breaths that signaled she was close to losing it.

  Her hands fisted in the cover beneath her.

  “I was pretty fucking specific. Palms flat, Zoe.”

  His voice was hard. Her toes clenched and she prayed he didn’t notice.

  Something clinked and the sound of metal jangling invaded the quiet space of the bedroom. He moved the bottom of the bed and Zoe’s heart stopped.

  “Breathe, Zoe.”

  Something cold landed on her buttocks, a heavy piece of her chains. The chains he’d had made especially for her from pure titanium. Strong. Unbreakable. They’d been delivered to her a week after he’d deployed. She’d opened the gift box and cried on the stoop, rubbing the cool, smooth links against her cheek and believing it wouldn’t be long until she saw him again.

  Another move of the chains over her skin and she wanted to flex her ass but that would push her pubis into the bed and stroke the nubbin that centered her fire. Sam hadn’t allowed that.

  So this was a test of sorts. Breathe, Zoe, breathe.

  “Spread your legs.” His voice was guttural, an instrument in its own right. She did as ordered and felt the cooling air of the apartment wash over her heated pussy.

  Sam drew the chain slowly over her lower back and then let it rest between the globes of her bottom. He pooled a length of it at between her legs and the smooth metal lovingly kissed her labia, behind and thighs. So cool yet heating so quickly.

  Sweat pooled on her low back but she clenched her jaw and stayed quiet.

  “Goddamn, you’re beautiful.” He moved the chain sinuously along her skin, careful to never touch more of her cleft than necessary. The dance of the cold titanium was torturous, beautifully seductive.

  What she wouldn’t give for him to press those links against her and give her surcease.

  “I had forgotten, Zoe, how creamy your thighs are, how smooth and round your ass is. But your smell, Zoe? I haven’t been able to forget that. You make my mouth water. I would taste you now but we both know what’s coming, don’t we?”

  He hadn’t given her permission to speak. She bit her lip hard. Zoe didn’t want to speak. She wanted to scream.

  Sam moved to the side of the bed then and placed a knee on the mattress. The dip from his big body nearly drew a moan from her. His heat beckoned and she was so close to begging.

  “I would have given you this dick long before now had you not disobeyed me. Did you think I wouldn’t hear your moans or see that defiance on your face earlier? I’ve been gone a long time but never long enough to forget what you need, Zoe. What I have no choice but to give you.”

  He picked her up gently, turning her over in his arms. She ground her teeth together, afraid she’d hiss in a breath at the touch of his skin against hers. Her nostrils flared and she was like a wild thing trying to draw his scent into her body. She kept her eyes cast downward but felt him watching her as he laid her on her back and stepped away.

  A tear leaked from her eye. He lifted it off her temple with his index finger and licked the moisture away.

  “Your tears hurt me, Zoe. But they won’t make me come inside you any sooner.” He sighed and the sound rebounded in the room.

  She’d hurt him. You can do this, Zoe.

  Silence reigned for several long moments. He stood there, above her, watching and waiting. She took the time to relax her muscles, drawing deep, silent breaths to unclench the knotted muscles of her thighs, back, arms and shoulders.

  He pulled the chain from the bottom of the bed and drew it up the front of her body, between her legs. The heavy weight taunted her clitoris, rubbing but never giving enough pressure to relieve the terrible ache. She would’ve shifted but he tsked.

  “You may not move. Your body is mine and I’ve not given you permission to move, Zoe. Third position.”

  It was a command but her mind blanked, centered solely on the chain between her legs.

  He clucked his tongue and it drew her attention. Everything in her stilled, heart, breath, thoughts. She’d missed something.

  “I’ll remind you what third position is, since it seems you’ve forgotten. Spread your legs wider and put your arms above your head. Keep your eyes down. If you look at me, I’ll fuck you and you don’t want that right now. I’ll come hard and fast and you’ll be left hanging.” He drew the chain slowly up her body, letting the links caress her distended nipples.

  Then as suddenly as he’d caressed her, he removed the chain completely.

  “It draws your attention, doesn’t it, baby?” Another tsking sound.

  Another tear from her eyes. She was disappointing him. When all she’d wanted to do was…

  “I’ll remove it, then,” he crooned to her.

  Sam leaned over her body and quick as a snake had one of her nipples in his mouth. He bit down and the pain centered her even as it split her wide open but then she was left to falter as his tongue eased the sting.

  “Your breath catches so sweetly, Zoe.”

  His cock bobbed against her side and in less than a second he was straddling her. His flesh lay in the valley between her breasts, the head of it slicked with precome and begging for her mouth.

  “You want to lick it again? Take it down your throat and feel me come?”

  He teased her. So cruel. So lovely.

  “Close your eyes,” he demanded.

  She obeyed. He shifted and she imagined him attaching the soft leather cuffs he’d sent with the chains. Then she felt him slide one of the cuffs around her right wrist and latch it. Her arm went taut as he pulled the other end of the chain through the loop on the right side of the monstrous wooden headboard.

  She heard the beautifully metallic tinkling of the chain as he wound it through the loop on the left side of the headboard. Her nipples furled tighter and she almost moaned aloud, cutting it off at the last second. He clasped the other leather cuff on her left wrist and she drew in a deep breath through her nostrils.

  The position he’d placed her in spread her arms but allowed her
room to relax against the bed. He’d left play in the chain. She could not reach up to hold him but she wasn’t trussed with her arms above her head. Sam moved off her then, careful to rub his engorged cock over her nipples as he got up. Her teeth would be dust by the time this ended.

  Sam chuckled and it speared her midsection. He trailed a hand down her torso, over her pubis and through her slit, humming softly to himself.

  She wanted to clench her thighs together, trapping his hand there, but knew were she to do that she’d not see the satisfaction of his cock inside her for a long, long time. Sam could be destructive in his quest for control. She’d experienced it before he’d left and would rather not do so again.

  “Oh I know you want this. I know you want relief. But you must get what you’ve earned and then pleasure,” he murmured.

  Zoe heard the sound of her second chain being employed, felt the buttery-soft leather of the ankle cuff being attached and let the motions soothe her. She let the weight of the cuff and chain ground her. Her pussy ached. Her nipples throbbed. Everything felt raw and exposed but Sam was right.

  She’d known what to expect. And she’d gone against him anyway. Better she learn to control her desperation for this man than let him see her weak. Next time, she promised herself. Next time she’d be stronger for Sam.

  “Are you thirsty?”

  The question caught her off guard. She licked her lips and before she could process his action he’d pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Her lower body arched off the bed, pleasure rocketing through her like lightning.

  “I didn’t say lick your lips.” His voice was raspy, as if he held on to his control by meager threads. “I asked if you were thirsty.”

  Everything centered in Zoe’s clit. Heat, pain, biting arousal. If he’d just put a little more pressure right there… He let her go then, obviously sensing she was close. She took deep breaths to calm her raging lust.

  “Are. You. Thirsty? If you are, nod.”

  She nodded. His hand stroked down her thigh before it clenched and disappeared from her flesh. Keeping her eyes closed was no hardship. Seeing him would have destroyed her. Though the sounds and feel of him were almost more than she could bear, seeing his hard face above her, watching him watch her, would have been the end of her fight. Begging didn’t get her anywhere with Sam.

  She heard a kitchen cabinet open, then the sound of the refrigerator opening and closing. A period of time passed—how long she didn’t know. It was only the shift of the air around her and the smell of sandalwood that told her Sam was back. He was so silent now. Warrior. Marine. Fighter. Lover. Dominant. He’d taken another sense from her.

  The side of the bed dipped and again his heat taunted her. He lifted her head with a gentle hand. She knew what was coming and sought the deepest recesses of her mind for calm in the midst of this storm.

  The warmth of his lips against hers was startling. His were closed as he stroked them over her cheek, jaw and finally her lips. She opened automatically and he pushed the liquid into her mouth. The tang of orange juice hit her taste buds, tart with a touch of sweet, cooling her throat as she swallowed.

  He repeated the process until the entire glass of juice was gone. The message in his action was implicit—he would provide for any thirst she had. His tongue flicked over the side of her mouth, grasping at a drop that had slipped from between them.

  It brought fire and flames. How long had it been since she’d had his lips on hers? The moan startled out of her. She wanted to rail against her lack of control. She was a good sub, damn it. It had just been so long. She needed him so badly.

  “Shh, I know what you require. Trust me,” he whispered and got off the bed, setting the glass on the nightstand.

  She did trust him. It was herself she didn’t trust any longer.

  The sound of plastic being unwrapped met her ears and she tensed. A deep, low-level hum split the silence and she froze, chills breaking out on her skin. That sound brought fear to her heart. Oh, not fear that she’d hurt but fear that the pleasure would be too much.

  The Hitachi wand was always too much. And Sam knew it. Had pulled it out just for the purpose of punishing her. Her heart squeezed in her chest. She wanted to beg now, had to stifle the words in her throat though how she managed she didn’t know.

  “You’ve taunted me over and over tonight, Zoe. Wearing those fucking tight-ass jeans, letting other men see what I consider mine alone. Then you looked at me and licked your lips, cocked that sexy little hip out and by God dared me to take you on that dance floor.”

  The end of the bed dipped as he got on the mattress. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice that? Did you think I wouldn’t notice you trying to get me drunk at the fucking bar?”

  He settled between her thighs, and though her legs were spread already, his broad shoulders forced them wider apart, exposing her to his every intention.

  “Then you thought you’d move away from me in the truck. That was your biggest mistake because I was going to fuck you right there. Give you this cock you’ve missed so badly and feel that luscious pussy of yours wrap around me, take us both to heaven. But you moved away from me and that was another infraction.”

  He placed the vibrator against her inner thigh and the muscles there jumped. So did Zoe’s heart.

  “We got here and you spoke when I hadn’t given you permission. You tried to lead me when you should have followed.” Another inch higher and the vibrations were rocking her.

  When he placed it on her clit she would explode.

  “Do you not realize that I would do anything for you? That I will always take care of your pleasure, ensuring my own? Now you’ve hurt us both. For every sigh, every hiss, every daring look you’ve sent me tonight—for every shift away from me, every drink you tried to ply me with, you will be punished.”

  He set the Hitachi against her cleft and her hips bucked, seeking deeper contact. He removed it quickly, turning it off, and the silence was unbearable.

  “And so will I. Because what I wanted was to spend the night buried balls-deep in your body, wringing orgasm after orgasm from you with my cock, my hands and my mouth. And now, Zoe, now do you know what we’ll be doing?”

  She stayed quiet and still, afraid to move lest the agony start that much sooner. Her nipples hurt, the cold air flowing over them furling them so tightly she would have gladly given her last breath for the stroke of his tongue over them.

  Moisture leaked from her body, coating her labia and slipping down the crevice of her bottom. The feel of the silk beneath her grated like sandpaper against her ultrasensitive skin. The chains were too heavy for her shuddering muscles. Everything in that moment was crystal clear, her senses wide open.

  “Answer me, Zoe. Do you know what we’ll be doing?” His voice hadn’t risen in volume but it was the heat behind his words, the intent in them that kept her throat locked.

  “Answer me, goddamn it.” His voice was quiet and all the more ferocious for it.

  “Yes,” she managed to push past her raw throat.

  “Yes what?” he demanded, not giving in until she did.

  “Yes Sir, I know what we’ll be doing.”

  He bit her thigh hard and fire licked up to her core. He sucked the spot to take away the burn of it but the heat remained. Her fingers dug into the smooth chain at her hands and she winced on the inside, knowing better than to push him any further. He wrapped his left arm under her right leg and placed his hand over her hipbone, holding her in place.

  “What will we be doing, Zoe?” He turned the vibrator back on and the resonance was ominous, full of the promise of bitter ecstasy.

  “I will be coming and you will be making me, Sir,” she whispered, unable to find the energy to speak louder.

  “How will you be coming, Zoe?” Her name was a taunt in and of itself. A reminder that she was under his control.

  Her hesitation cost her another bite and she sucked in a breath. Cursed herself for it.

�How, Zoe?”

  She reached deep, knowing this could make or break them. She held the cards. She could stop it. But she would never do that. She would overcome this pleasure-pain she’d earned and then she’d have him as he’d promised her.

  “Over and over and over…”

  A whisper of a kiss against her womanhood and then he pressed the Hitachi wand against her clit and Zoe exploded.

  Chapter Four

  Four, five, six. The orgasms built and crested one after the other. Her clit became so sensitive she wondered if she would lose all feeling eventually. Still she refused to give in and grant him the word that would end this.

  Even when she broke and begged for him to remove the repulsive vibrator, he simply kissed her thigh, giving her time to breathe before he place it right back at her pussy for more.

  Over and over she came, crying out for mercy, receiving none. At one point she screamed she hated him. Sam laughed and said he’d damn well earn it like she’d earned this punishment.

  “I am in control here, Zoe. The sooner you remember that, the sooner this will end.”

  She might have sobbed. “Please, Sam, please stop. It hurts.”

  “It may be the worst kind of pleasure and it may hurt but I would never harm you. Say the word and it’ll end.” But in his words was a plea she couldn’t refuse.

  She tossed her head back and forth. She wouldn’t deny him this. She was strong. But she felt empty and she told him so.

  “Oh baby, I know. My hard cock and aching balls tell me you’re empty. Give over to me. Tell me what I want to hear. What you should have said from the beginning.”

  Light burst behind her eyelids as he placed the Hitachi on her cleft and removed it quickly. His words were another plea. This one she denied.

  She wouldn’t give in to that degree until he was inside her. She’d promised herself a year ago she’d never again give him that most important word until she knew this was everything for him too. Watching him leave had eviscerated her. She’d thought them worth more than how he’d left her.


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