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Always Denver (Maple Hart)

Page 6

by Fel Fern

Thinking back to our past conversations and interactions, I realized Cal had been leaving subtle hints here and there.

  Denver just broke up with what’s his face. I wished he found a better and reliable Alpha.

  My son needs someone who can handle him.

  How could I have been so blind?

  “Pop? Is that you? Are you giving my boyfriend a hard time?” Denver demanded.


  I still wasn’t used to Denver calling me that.

  “Well, he didn’t make things easy,” I admitted to Cal.

  “Oh, I know how difficult my son could be,” he said with a laugh.

  “Hey, are you two talking about me behind my back?” Denver demanded, looking at his Pop then back to me.

  “Take good care of him and be patient,” Cal said, patting my shoulder. “I know he could be a handful.”

  “Hey, Pop!” Denver groaned. “Stop embarrassing me.”

  Just when I thought Cal was going to leave, he tugged the sleeve of my shirt and leaned in close to whisper in my ear.

  “I want grandkids soon, Wayne.”

  I swallowed as Pop left us, smiling.

  “What did he tell you?” Denver asked with narrowed eyes.

  “Nothing at all,” I said.

  It turned out we had nothing to worry about. I unloaded the drinks from the back and we headed to the yard, where the smell of sizzling meat made me hungry.

  We endured a ton of teasing from Denver’s cousins but that was only to be expected. Like Denver’s Pop, his aunts and uncles didn’t seem all that surprised we finally got together.

  After we had a plate or two, Denver started chasing his cousins around the yard. I grimaced as they started yelling obscenities at each other.

  They were acting like a bunch of rotten kids, which didn’t surprise me. It was just a normal Saturday afternoon at the Brights.

  “Wayne,” Garth said, handing me a beer. The big Alpha didn’t say much, but that was fine with me. I could use the company.

  “Where’s your mate?” I asked, curious.

  Since Gideon was about to give birth, he couldn’t join Denver and others in whatever schemes they were hatching.

  “Kitchen,” Garth answered.

  Gideon soon emerged from the house, carrying an entire cherry pie.

  “Look what I scored, babe,” Gideon announced with pride. “Hey Wayne, how’s it hanging?”

  Noticing my stare, Gideon touched his distended stomach with his free hand. “I’m getting super big, huh?”

  “You look amazing,” Garth told his Omega, kissing Gideon on the cheek.

  Gideon waved him off and started on his pie. “So, Wayne. Denver and you have any plans to recreate? Our kid could use a playmate.”

  I nearly choked on my beer, mostly because I swore Pop’s head snapped to our direction. Denver and I only talked about kids that one time.

  The topic was never brought up again because we’ve only been officially dating for a week. I didn’t want to move too fast, for fear of scaring Denver off.

  Then again, given how often we had sex, I was bound to get my Omega pregnant sooner or later.

  Did I want kids with Denver?

  Oh, definitely. I’ve spent plenty of time with Denver’s big family to know our kids would never be lonely growing up. We’d be great parents as well.

  “Gideon, that’s a rude thing to ask,” Garth grumbled.

  “Of course it isn’t. Wayne’s like a brother to me. I’ve known him since we were in high school,” Gideon said with a scoff.

  “We’re working on it,” I replied, hoping that was an okay answer to give.

  I wasn’t sure if Denver wanted to let that little fact known.

  “Good.” Gideon sounded smug. “Our kids could be close friends, the way Denver and I are.”

  Garth grunted.

  “Give me a sip of that beer,” Denver interrupted. I handed him the rest of my bottle, which he guzzled down. “So what are you guys discussing without me?”

  I started to sweat. Denver would be pissed if he found out we were talking about babies.

  “Double dating,” Gideon replied smoothly. “It’s been a while since we all went out for movies and dinner together.”

  “Hate to break it to you, Gideon but you’re about to give birth any day now,” Denver said, eying Gideon’s stomach. “Tell you what, we’ll have a double date after you give birth. Also, are you eating an entire pie by yourself?”

  Gideon groaned. “Being pregnant sucks.”

  Garth placed his arm over Gideon’s shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. Gideon brightened up immediately.

  “Well,” Gideon finally said. “It has its perks.”

  “I’ve never seen Gideon look so happy. Good for him,” Denver remarked during our drive back to our apartment.

  “He is.” I agreed. “Garth’s a good man.”

  “So, you guys were talking about babies, huh?”

  I blew out a breath. “You overheard? Don’t worry. Gideon only discussed it with me and Garth. What do you think?”

  “Well, we have been trying. If it happens, it happens,” he said with a shrug. “But I do like to spend more time with you, just the two of us.”

  “Agreed.” That sounded reasonable, although part of me kept imagining Denver pregnant in our living room.

  It would be nice to fuss over him while he complained. I could see myself put my head against his belly to hear our baby’s tiny heartbeat.

  A daughter with Denver’s eyes and smile would be nice. So would a playful son.

  Gah. I was thinking too far ahead.

  “Denver?” I stopped the car in front of our apartment building.

  I looked over at my boyfriend, unsurprised Denver had fallen asleep during the drive. Smiling, I gave him a gentle shake and kissed him on the mouth just because I could and because I wanted to.

  “We’re here?” He asked after I pulled away.

  “Yeah. Stay here while I grab the coolers from the back.”

  “Wait.” Denver gripped my shirt, a small smile on his lips. “Kiss me again.”

  I complied.



  “Oh my God, these baby blankets are gorgeous, Denver. Thank you,” Gideon said. The other Omega touched the blankets again. “Ooh, check how soft they are, Todd.”

  I flashed my second best friend a weak smile. I organized this baby shower for Gideon. I should be more enthusiastic, more upbeat but I kept thinking about the pregnancy kit I left at home.

  It was my day off today, but Wayne was still at work. Okay. I didn’t need to worry.

  I planned to head home straight after the baby shower and then what? Dispose of the pregnancy kit?

  Wayne and I had only been dating for two weeks. We’d discussed kids twice now but were we ready?

  Oh, I didn’t doubt Wayne was going to be an amazing dad. I’ve seen how Wayne handled my many nieces and nephews during family events.

  Wayne was a natural but what about me?

  I could barely take care of myself and I knew I relied too heavily on Wayne sometimes.

  What if I was a terrible dad?

  I didn’t realize I wandered away from Gideon’s living room and towards the kitchen where my cousin Clark was serving drinks for the non-pregnant guests.

  “You look like you could use a drink,” Clark remarked.

  I glanced at Clark. He and I weren’t close, simply because he was younger than Gideon and me. There were dark circles under Clark’s eyes and he sounded a little sullen. I knew he was having a hard time after losing his job and boyfriend.

  Everyone in the family knew about his job but Gideon was the one who told me about Clark’s awful breakup.

  Clark still hadn’t found his dream job. He was still doing bartending at weddings and other events. I hired him when I heard he was looking for more gigs.

  I was about to tell him ‘yes’ but something held me back. I remembered the pregnancy kit on the b
athroom sink and swallowed.

  “Just water, please.”

  Clark narrowed his eyes at me then blinked. “Denver, are you—”

  “Sorry, need to use the bathroom,” Gideon interrupted, rushing past us. I heard a door slam in the corridor.

  “Congratulations,” Clark said, pouring me a glass of water.

  “Wait. Can you keep this to yourself? Wayne doesn’t know yet. I just found out this morning,” I said, biting on my lower lip. Clark frowned.

  “Why didn’t you tell him right away?” Clark asked. “If I was in Wayne’s shoes, I’d want to know immediately.”

  I was about to tell my cousin to mind his own business but then I remembered Clark was the only Alpha in our family which seemed to have only produced Omegas.

  “I’m just worried how he’d react,” I muttered.

  Clark was right of course. Wayne had every right to know he was going to be a dad.

  “Why? Listen, Denver. Wayne’s a great guy and he loves kids.” Clark paused. “When I heard Garth got Gideon pregnant, I got mad at Garth for awhile. Gideon’s my big brother after all. After seeing them together, I knew Gideon picked the right Alpha for the job.”

  “Garth’s dependable.” I agreed.

  “So is Wayne.” Clark didn’t need to remind me.

  I knew I was lucky to have my best friend as my boyfriend. We simply clicked. I couldn’t even remember why we’ve held ourselves back from each other for so long.

  “This isn’t about Wayne, it’s about me. You know how I am. I’m irresponsible, forgetful, and selfish,” I blurted.

  “That’s true.”

  “Hey, you’re family. You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  Clark shrugged. “You have good qualities, too.”

  “Yeah, you tell me,” I said, gloomily.

  Was it my imagination or was Gideon taking his sweet time in the bathroom?

  “Well, you’re loyal and you’re stubborn.”

  “Stubborn doesn’t sound like a positive quality.”

  Clark sighed. “Just tell him soon, okay?”

  “I know. I’m planning to. Right after this baby shower.” I paused. “I’m going to find out what’s up with Gideon. He’s taking too long.”

  I left the kitchen and knocked on the bathroom door. “Gideon? It’s me, Denver. Is everything alright?”

  The bathroom door opened. I could immediately tell something was wrong. Gideon wore a panicked expression on his face. I followed his gaze and looked down. Seeing the puddle, I gasped.

  “My water just broke,” Gideon whispered. “Denver, what should I do?”

  “Clark! Guys!” I yelled. “It’s Go Time. Gideon’s water just broke.”

  I helped Gideon out of the bathroom. Clark was suddenly there and the two of us led my best friend out of the cabin he shared with Garth.

  Damn it. Why did the couple have to live so far away from town?

  Right, because before Garth met Gideon, he’d been kind of a hermit.

  Todd already started his car. Good. Clark and I ushered Gideon gently in the backseat.

  “Gosh, so this must be what being royal feels like,” Gideon remarked.

  “I can’t believe you can still make jokes.” I pointed out.

  I joined him in the backseat while Clark sat upfront with Todd. Our other cousins, Gideon’s other brothers, and friends stood outside the cabin, watching anxiously.

  I lowered the window and yelled, “He’ll be fine. We’ll see you guys at the hospital.”

  There was no use keeping anyone out. Giving birth in this family was a huge celebration and everyone liked to butt in.

  “How are you feeling, Gideon?” I asked. “What are you doing?”

  Gideon was busy fiddling with his phone, I snatched it.

  “Hey, I was texting Garth,” Gideon blurted. “He’s in town buying some stuff for the house.”

  “I’ll do that,” I said, texting Garth for him. Garth immediately called and I answered. “Hey, Garth. We’re on our way to the hospital. Gideon’s in good hands. Meet us there.”

  “I’m not far. Tell Gideon I love him,” Garth said, ending the call.

  “Garth said he loves you,” I told Gideon.

  “Aw,” Gideon said with a smile. “I’m glad you know how to take charge, Denver. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  “Do you want to hold him, Denver? You’re Jenny’s godfather after all,” Gideon said.

  My best friend was lying in the hospital bed, cradling his newborn daughter in one hand while Garth held his other hand.

  Garth had arrived at the hospital before we did, looking nervous and anxious as hell. Five hours later, Gideon had finally given birth. There were no complications.

  “I’m going to spoil you rotten, cutie pie,” I told Jenny.

  Someone knocked and I turned slowly. Seeing Wayne standing there, warmth filled me.

  Wayne was holding a big teddy bear and some balloons with the words congratulations stamped over them.

  My thoughtful Alpha remembered to bring gifts.

  Wayne approached me, looked down at Jenny and a huge smile broke over his face. I pictured myself in Gideon’s shoes.

  I could be the one lying in the hospital bed, exhausted but incredibly elated after giving birth. Wayne would be sitting next to me, holding our precious son or daughter.

  I couldn’t even remember what I was worried about earlier. Wayne and I were going to be kick-ass parents.

  “She’s beautiful,” Wayne told Garth and Gideon.

  Wayne left the bear on a spare chair and tied the balloons there.

  “Don’t hog her,” Clark pointed out.

  I handed Jenny over to Clark and nudged my Alpha outside the room.

  “Let’s give them privacy,” I said.

  On cue, more of Gideon’s intermediate family members poured inside the room, including his mom, dad, and two other brothers. Aunt Marissa, stopped me in my tracks and hugged me.

  “Clark told me how you remained level-headed and took Gideon here,” she said.

  I blushed. “Anyone would have done the same.”

  “I’m glad Gideon has you,” My aunt said, before parting from me.

  “I made a quick stop at the apartment before heading here,” Wayne said.

  I took a deep breath, finally noticing he was no longer wearing his company shirt. He probably saw the pregnancy kit I had carelessly left on the bathroom sink.

  There was no use in prolonging the news.

  “Let’s sit down,” I suggested.

  We sat down at the nearby plastic chairs. I looked Wayne in the eyes. He didn’t seem angry but Clark was right. I shouldn’t have withheld the news from him. I took his hands in mine.

  “I was planning on telling you the news after the baby shower,” I said.

  “You should have called me right after you found out.”

  “I know.” I ran a nervous hand through my hair. “I got scared.”

  “Why? Don’t you want to have a baby with me?” Wayne asked. He sounded a little hurt, a little uncertain, which wasn’t like him at all.

  “I do,” I said in a firm voice. “I was frightened of screwing this up. You’re amazing, Wayne. You’d be an awesome dad, but me?”

  “What about you?” Wayne asked, frowning. He didn’t get the point I was trying to make at all.

  “I’m needy and selfish,” I declared. “I’m a piece of work. What if I’m an awful parent to our kid?”

  “Hey, calm down.” Wayne cupped my cheek and kissed me softly and slowly. He pulled away and I could think a little clearer. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s natural to be scared. If it helps, I feel the same way.”

  “You do?”

  Wayne lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. “We’re in this together, Denver. You’re not alone. We’re going to be new parents and we’re bound to make mistakes.”

  “You have a point,” I said.

  “Besides, don’t sell yourself s
hort. You arranged that baby shower for Gideon without any help and when his water broke, you didn’t panic. I spoke to your other cousins downstairs on my way up here. Todd and Aaron said you were amazing.”

  “Stop it,” I said, blushing.

  I punched him in the shoulder but secretly, I was pleased. Wayne was right. I should stop second-guessing myself.

  “We’ll make this work,” I said.

  “Definitely. Should we tell your Pop?” Wayne asked. “Cal would really be happy for us.”

  “Tell me what?” Asked a familiar voice.

  I groaned as I spotted my Pop heading to our direction. I knew I’d see him sooner or later. Gideon and Garth were going to be entertaining a lot of visitors.

  “Hey, Pop. Nothing,” I lied.

  We both rose to our feet. My Pop frowned at me. My Alpha dad was with him but dad took one look at us and went right inside the hospital room.

  I rolled my eyes. That was so typical of my Alpha dad.

  “Wayne, tell me the truth.” Pop warned.

  Darn it. I knew he’d zeroed in on my Alpha and it didn’t help Wayne had zero defenses against Pop. I mean, I loved Pop to pieces but sometimes he could be too much.

  Wayne looked at me helplessly. It was bound to happen sooner or later, I realized. I didn’t trust Clark to zip his lips either. That guy would cave if Gideon or one of his brothers start questioning him for real.

  “Oh fine. I’m pregnant,” I mumbled.

  My Pop let out a squeal of delight, then hugged us both tightly.

  “Oh, I knew it. Well done, Wayne.”

  Well done?

  “Pop, you’re suffocating us.” I protested. He pulled away.

  Good God. Were those tears in Pop’s eyes?

  “Cal, are you crying?” Wayne asked, holding out a handkerchief to Pop, which he accepted.

  Trust my Alpha to be a complete gentleman.

  “Thank you, Wayne, and how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Pop.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Um. Okay then, Pop,” Wayne said, looking embarrassed.

  Aunt Marissa exited the room and demanded, “What in heaven’s name is going on here?”

  Oh no. This wasn’t good. These two loved to gossip. I tugged at Wayne’s arm and began pulling him to the elevator doors. Wayne looked at me cluelessly.


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