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Page 5

by Jana Leigh

  He leaned down, kissed her nipples, and then sucked one of them in while continuing to slide in and out of her. She felt the tide of another orgasm building and she pulled his head up and kissed him with all that she had in her. She screamed into his mouth when she came again.

  It took her a moment to catch her breath. It did not help that a 250 pound man lay on top of her. She felt him move slowly and slide out of her.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Sevi whispered and kissed her gently. “Did I hurt you?” Lacy looked up at him, smiled, took his face in her hands, kissed him, and said, “No, you were wonderful!”

  Shawn pushed his brother and said, “My turn.”

  Lacy smiled and then looked at him shyly. She had almost forgotten he was in the room because of the strong connection that she and Sevi had now, but she felt incomplete still.

  She knew when she and Shawn joined she would be complete.

  He settled over her and began kissing her. She really didn"t want to tell him that she was probably not going to be able to have another orgasm. So, she kept silent and allowed him to kiss her and play with her body. Then to her surprise, she felt her arousal again.

  Holy Shit. Was it going to be like this all the time?

  He kissed her and nipped at her lips until she was writhing once again beneath him. He licked the other side of her neck where he was going to mark her. Lacy lifted her heavy arms and held him close. He kissed her passionately and then pulled back and smiled.

  “On your hands and knees.”

  She moaned a little but turned over and did as he said. Sevi leaned over and took her mouth as Shawn positioned himself behind her. He pushed her legs apart and then slowly ran a finger through her pussy lips, making sure she was wet. First, he pushed a finger in her and she felt the difference in the position. She pushed back a little and then gasped when he grabbed her hips and pulled her back onto his long, thick cock impaling her with one thrust.

  “Help me out, brother.” Shawn said and she felt a hand move under her and begin circling her clit with his finger while Shawn began to move behind her. All she could do was hold on as they worked over her body. The sensations were different. Once again, she knew that she would be able to tell the difference between the brothers. When Sevi was inside her, he was smooth and gentle, while Shawn was commanding and demanding. He pulled her hips back and moved so she felt his cock all the way, as he slid inside.

  With Sevi playing with her clit, it was not long before she was panting and screaming again. “Harder!”

  Shawn grunted and began to move faster. He bent over her and pushed as far as he could and bit her on the side of the neck and pushed her over the edge yet again. Their bond and connection snapped into place and she felt a power surge and flow around them. She screamed out her release and then fell to the bed with him rolling so that he wouldn"t squash her. She settled in between the two brothers and sighed.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw lights dancing around them, and she looked up surprised. “Hey.” She whispered and both of her new mates opened their eyes.

  “What the fuck?” Sevi and Shawn whispered at the same time.

  “Don"t know.” She said calmly and watched as white lights swirled around her and her mates. Suddenly, the lights began to move faster and faster and then separate into three separate orbs and fly into their chests.

  Each of them gasped and felt the power flood into them. Lacy was not quite sure what to do, this had to be her getting her powers. She waited for her heartbeat to slow down.

  “Do you know what just happened?” Shawn said.

  “Uh, no.” Lacy said.

  Chapter 7

  They dressed quickly, not saying a word to each other. All of them could feel the energy pulsing around them. Shawn and Sevi were worried. They had never felt anything like this before. It was like their bears were trying to push out of them. They usually had total control over their animals, right now, both of them felt like they could shift at any second.

  Lacy could feel something inside her. She looked at her mates and could see the connection between them. There were solid, glistening ropes tying them all together.

  Reaching out she touched the place where she had cut herself not hours before. It itched a little and she removed the bandage to see that it had healed. There was not even a mark from where her arm went through the glass. She looked at her arm in shock and then held out her arm to her mates.

  Once again, they shook their heads. It had happened a lot in the last few minutes; she knew her mates were freaking out a little. They wanted answers but she didn"t have them. The only one she knew who did, was her mother.

  She finished getting dressed and said, “Let"s go.”

  “Hang on.” Sevi said and pulled her back when she reached for the door. She looked at him in surprise. “I just want you to know, that whatever the hell is going on, it changes nothing between us. Sweetheart, I am falling in love with you. You are our mate.

  Whatever comes with it is just gravy.”

  Shawn nodded and then they both kissed her senseless. Her mind was swirling even more than it was before. Her mother would know what was going on, but she hoped that her mates were serious about being in for the long haul. Because she thought they might not like what they were going to be told. She had heard her parents talk about witches and shifters mating before.

  A couple had come to her when the witch"s powers had affected the shifter. She could not remember the details, but essentially, when the shifter tried to transform into their animal, the animal had strange abilities. She didn"t hear the whole conversation but the couple had not been happy about the outcome.

  “Let"s go, sweetheart.” Sevi said and grabbed her hand. Shawn took the other one and they walked out of the small guest house together.

  They were going to face it together, whatever it was. She looked around and noticed as they walked into the house that her coven had come already. Seated in the large dining area were six men and women. Their eyes widened but they didn"t say a word when they saw the lights dancing around the trio.

  They were the leaders of the New Orleans Coven. Nothing happened in this town that was magical without their approval. Most people think the voodoo and stuff was all that was around here. Not true. Yeah, her coven all catered to the tourists when it came to stuff like that.

  Most families in the coven had shops and stores littered throughout the area so they would not compete. Lacy"s store was a prime piece of real-estate being in the French Quarter. She had paid a pretty penny for that place and she was proud of it. Lacy had not borrowed any money from her parents to start up her store. She had made a business plan and stuck to it. For years, she worked out of other people"s shops, building her own capital. It had taken a long time but she was finally right where she wanted to be in life. Of course all of that was going to change, she thought and nodded to her friends. She was one of the Chosen. That meant she was going to have to leave New Orleans and move to wherever the New Council compound was. That much she had surmised when they were talking earlier.

  Shawn and Sevi had given them a brief rundown of the last year or so, when the New Council began to form. Since then, they had all moved to a place in Colorado and claimed a whole town as the New Council"s headquarters. She was impressed, although how they all got trapped in the compound was concerning. If the Rogues had truly begun recruiting witches, it was going to be a lot more difficult. They were in a for a long road.

  Witches had powers that most of the other shifters and Sidhe did not understand. They used the elements around them to help them form spells. Most of the shifters and Sidhe had powers of their own. Like the Alphas and their strength, the Sidhe and their popping thing. Witches learned from a very early age the elements surrounding them had power also. The air, the water, the trees, all had some sort of power that they could draw off.

  It was amazing if you thought about it. So much untapped resources for the world to know about. But, Witches were very secret
ive. They did not want to share their knowledge. Her mother and the rest of her coven were different. Not everyone could be a Witch. You had to be able to channel the elements and for that, you need to have been given a gift from the spirits. Her coven thought the knowledge should be shared and used to help people, which is why they did not care if the New Council planned on sharing with the humans that they walked among.

  It would make things easier for all of them to be able to freely use their powers. The New Council had to regulate them so no one would abuse them. That is why she embraced her future. She wanted to be a part of that. Also, having two sexy mates probably didn"t hurt.

  Her mother came into the room carrying a tray of coffee and her father followed with a tray of food. When her mother looked up, she stopped and gasped. “Well then.” She said and smiled.

  “Uh, yeah, we kinda need to have a few words before we talk.” Lacy muttered and went into the kitchen. Her mates followed and they stood and listened as her mother made excuses and then came into the kitchen.

  “So, I can see that you have mates.” Her mother said and smiled at them. She hugged Lacy first and then took both of the large men in her arms and whispered into their ear.

  “Hurt her, and you will spend your life as a turtle.” Sevi laughed and pulled back. Shawn just looked at her wide eyed thinking that this woman was fierce. She could picture Lacy being like that with their own children. He smiled, their children, he hoped that she was going to be ready for a large family. His mother wanted grandchildren. She was demanding them from Blaine before they left; just imagine what she will do when she finds out her twin sons have found their mate.

  She will be unbearable.

  Lacy frowned at her mother and said, “Mom, really, we have more important things to do than threaten my mates.”

  “Right you are. So, I guess you are wondering about all the sparkle?” Her mother said dryly.

  “Well yeah, it"s not like we can go to the Piggly Wiggly with all off this woo woo shit.” Lacy said loudly. She thought she had remained calm long enough.

  “Calm down now, it will go away. It just takes a while. You just mated. So how do you feel?” Her mother said.

  Sevi and Shawn frowned and then Shawn said, “Kinda strange, like my bear wants to come out and I have little control over it.”

  Her mom nodded and looked at Sevi. “Yeah, about the same, my bear is impatient for something.”

  Lacy looked at her mom and grimaced; she hoped that she was not going to tell her mates that they were permanently going to have to deal with it. She would guess it was not the most comfortable feeling to have something inside trying to push out.

  “Every mating is different. I can tell you that very few shifters mate with Witches. The reason is that after mating the shifters change. They always take on the most basic power of their mate. Witches cannot be changed when bitten. Lacy will never take a bear form; however, she will have the strength and speed of a shifter. So the only thing I can say is I think you should shift right now and we see what we have to deal with.” Her mother announced and then sat down and looked at Lacy"s mates expectantly.

  “Seriously? You want me to shift into a five hundred pound Grizzly bear in your kitchen?” Sevi laughed.

  Her mother raised her eyebrows at her mates and folded her arms. “Listen here, young man. I have met a lot of shifters and dealt with bigger beasts than you. I think I can handle it. We need to see what we are dealing with before we talk to the rest of the coven. They are going to ask and we need to provide them an answer. They have given their lives to protect my daughter. They followed us here from England and I will not insult their intelligence by saying that I was scared to have a few bears shift in front of me.”

  Lacy laughed that her mother had gotten her back up. She rarely saw her raise her voice but when she did, it was serious. She hoped her mates knew what the hell they had gotten into.

  Shawn shrugged and looked at his twin and began to get undressed. At the last second, he remembered who he was undressing for and turned around. Lacy laughed, she really did not want to have the picture of her mother looking at her mates junk. It was embarrassing.

  Shawn and Sevi shifted as quickly as possible once they finally got undressed. Her mother laughed as they fumbled to hide their cocks from her. “Boy"s in case you haven"t figured it out, I have seen it all before. How do you think I got Lacy?” She said dryly.

  “Mom, I will not have you looking at my mate private parts.” Lacy said quickly.

  “Seen one, seen them all.” Her mother muttered and then turned back to the bears that were sitting in her kitchen. They were both large and took up most of the room. Shawn lifted his head and sniffed.

  “Must smell the meat.” Her mother said. “Should not have made the sandwiches until after you shifted.”

  Shawn growled and lifted a paw. He was hungry, and cute. Lacy stood up, opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a packet of lunch meat. She threw them each a piece of ham and then sat back in the chair with the package.

  Shawn stepped forward and shook his head. He rumbled a little, then went, and laid his head on Lacy"s leg. Sevi on the other hand went to the door leading to the dining room where all the leaders were sitting and pushed it open. Lacy heard a gasp from her friends and then her mother stood and held the door open so she could see what was going on.

  Sevi had begun sniffing everyone at the table until he got to one of the older members.

  She knew the man had been sick lately, he and his mate had been to several doctors trying to figure out what was going on. Witches were not invincible, although they had a lot of remedies that could help sickness.

  Sevi licked the man"s face and then growled a little and took the man"s wrist in his mouth and bit down gently. The man looked around the room, a little apprehensive about what he was supposed to do. Her mother told him to sit still.

  Sevi licked the puncture wound until it healed and then sat back. He grunted and looked around at them. Lacy"s mom said, “Hmmm, Peter, are you okay?” The man looked around the room and had a stunned expression on his face. “Okay? I feel better than I have in years!”

  Lacy"s mom clapped her hands and said, “See? I told you it would be alright.” She said and looked at her daughter. “They have taken on your healing abilities when they are shifted.”

  “What?” She screeched and looked at Shawn and then Sevi who had come back into the room and rested his head on her other knee.

  “Darling, not every shifter witch mating is terrible.” Her mother said softly.

  “Now! On to better things.” Her father yelled and motioned for her mother to leave the kitchen so the twins could shift back.

  Lacy waited until the door was shut, and then turned to her mates and smiled. “Okay guys, shift back.” In the flash of an eye, her mates were standing before her in all of their naked glory. She looked at them hungrily and then leaned in and kissed Sevi first and then Shawn.

  “Sweetheart, we had better stop or I will be taking you against your mother"s kitchen counter. She may not like that.” Shawn whispered.

  Lacy giggled and then stepped back. She tripped over the carpet that led to the other room and would have fallen on her ass if Sevi had not grabbed her in time.

  “Well, you did not get the shifter"s grace when we mated.” Sevi said dryly.

  “Shut up.” She grumbled and straightened her clothes and stuck out her tongue and walked into the dining room.

  “Stick that out again and I will put it to good use.” Shawn called and Lacy froze when she entered the room of witches.

  They all chuckled and she turned bright red. One of the women spoke up. “Lacy, at least you know they will take care of your every need.” She teased.

  Lacy refused to answer; these were her mother"s friends and her coven elders. She refused to talk about sex with them; it would be like talking about it with her parents.

  Her mother was bad enough, since she smirked in the corner and leaned in an
d whispered something to her father which had them kissing. Gross!

  Shawn and Sevi finally joined them fully dressed and sat on either side of her. She felt a calmness flow over her and she smiled and grabbed their hands. Even now the lights were beginning to fade and every once in a while one of the small orbs would fly into one of their chests. Her parents just nodded and smiled.

  “Lacy, you know everyone here, so I will introduce them to your mates.” Her mother said politely and then pointed to each member of the coven elders and introduced them formally.

  Her mates nodded and smiled. When the formalities were finally over, Lacy settled back to listen to what they were going to decide.

  “As you know, my daughter is one of the Chosen. We have kept her in secrecy for many years to protect her. She found out last night her true calling and found her mates.

  Here"s the rub. The New Council is in Colorado under a magical attack as we speak. We are unable to get any communication in or out of the town they have settled. I suspect the Rogues have enlisted the help of our former coven members. The particular spell that they are using makes me think that Sabrina is involved.” Her mother said and the rest of the room gasped.

  Lacy searched her memory for someone named Sabrina and came up empty, well all except for the movie about the teenage witch and somehow she did not think that is who they were talking about.

  “As you know, Sabrina wanted to leave our coven when we arrived because she felt that she could use her powers for her own personal use away from here. Last I heard, she was in California, clearly, I was wrong. She also took with her seven of the other coven members, together they are very powerful. If she is working with the Rogues, she also has a variety of shifters at her disposal. I believe that they will all be somewhere in the vicinity of the Rogue headquarters which according to Sevi and Shawn is in Denver.


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