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Her Billionaire to Remember

Page 7

by Summers, Sophia

  Shane climbed out of the corral and walked over to Jasper. “Jasper, you are my best friend. This beautiful interloper is just the beginning of one of my dreams. But you are my brother.” This was true and heartfelt. He had been barely out of his toddler years when the news arrived that his brothers had been killed.

  He hadn’t known what it would mean to his life at that small age, but he had sensed a switch in how his parents reacted to him. There was something held back when his parents were with him. Looking back, he figured they were protecting themselves from the devastation of losing another child. If you don’t get too close, the hurt isn’t as bad.

  Growing up, he’d found solace with his horses. They were his most reliable companions. When Shane was younger and asked to have a sleepover, it was usually in the stables with his horse.

  A week went by, and it was time to release Black into the front pasture. He had about 50 acres to roam, and Shane was excited to see what he would do with his newfound freedom. Just as he was about to open the gate, his phone rang. It was Jared Cortez. “Hello, my friend, I am calling to see how your new stallion likes Texas.”

  “Hey, Jared, you have perfect timing. I was just going to open the gate and give this man some running room. How is everyone there?” Shane’s heart was beating faster. He needed some information about Larina. Not being able to communicate with her was torture.

  Jared chuckled. “Well, that is another reason I called. My friend Carson came down after you left, and purchased Caballo.” Shane’s heart sunk knowing how that would affect Larina.

  “That must have been hard for Larina. I know how she loved that horse.” Shane reached up and scratched Black’s nose.

  “That is what I wanted to tell you. Carson took Larina with him as well. It seems it was a package deal.” Jared laughed as he heard the sigh from Shane.

  “He’s your friend from Texas on that dude ranch, right?” Shane was already making travel plans in his mind.

  “Yes, the Rio Lago Ranch in south Texas.”

  Shane could barely get off the phone fast enough. “Thanks, Jared, I owe you big time.” Shane was already walking Black back to the stables as he finished his conversation. “You are going to have to wait a bit for your freedom, Black. I have plans.”

  He had already made reservations for the coming week at the Rio Lago ranch before he reached the stables. He didn’t know what she would think about a visit, but he was too miserable without her to care. He would just take the chance. Groveling might be involved.

  When he went inside to pack, he breathed deeply in satisfaction. He loved living in the old homestead. There was a good feeling in the house. He was surrounded with pictures of ancestors and the workmanship of their hands. The rocking chair by the window was made by his great grandfather when his grandpa was born. The wood table was built by his grandfather and was big enough to sit twelve. You didn’t want to have to move it, though. It was solid oak and very heavy.

  The big poster bed was also one of his grandfather’s creations. He had been offered twenty thousand dollars for it by one of his parent’s guests. There was no way he was parting with it.

  He had hired a group from Savannah, famous for home restorations, to restore the homestead. They did an amazing job. Not only had they restored the house but also all the furniture in it. Even some of the utensils and tools were restored to time period. The home had all the modern conveniences but remained true to the era and his grandpa’s work. Consequently he had a very comfortable home.

  Looking back, it probably cost him as much or more than his parents had spent on their new home. Well, maybe not. His parents were extravagant, and all this talk about saving a legacy for their posterity did not inhibit the obscene spending they managed to do. Their home, although not adorned with solid-gold statutes like Jared Cortez’s, was luxurious. The wood for their floors came from the Amazon, and they’d brought in tiles from Italy and India.

  His mother had a patio room enclosed in glass. It had a pond in the middle with live trees growing on each side. A small stream ran from a fountain in the corner to the pond. If you didn’t know better, you would think you had entered the tropics. The other side of the room had a 12-person Jacuzzi built into the tile flooring. The whole room was filled with plant life.

  There was a massage table behind a screen in the corner. His mother did not believe in going to the spa. The spa came to her. This room was her refuge when Texas became too dry during the summer months.

  Shane walked over to his parent’s home for dinner. “Hey, Mom, Dad. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to talk since I returned from Argentina. Dad, did you get a chance to see Black?”

  His father put down his drink and smiled at Shane. “I certainly did, and I have to say, that is some horse. Do you plan to let him run free? He could upgrade the whole herd.” He laughed at the thought.

  “No, although that is not a bad idea. I am saving him for the sporting horses I want to raise. The reason I stopped by is to tell you I will be gone for a week or so. I made reservations at a dude ranch.” He knew what his father would say.

  “What? You don’t have enough to do here, so you need to play ranch on vacation?” His father took another bite of his steak.

  “That’s not why I am going. Actually, I met someone.” Both his mother and father put down their forks and looked directly at him. He had their full attention now. He had to smirk a little.

  “Really?” They both looked at him, expectantly waiting for his description of Larina. He wasn’t sure what to say. What could he say?

  “I met her in Argentina. She’s American, and is now in south Texas, so I want to go see her. I was wondering if I can use the jet, or would you rather I hire someone commercially?”

  “Sure, we canceled the trip to Singapore. When do we get to meet her?” His dad asked.

  “Well, we’re not at that stage yet, and there are some difficulties.” He wasn’t sure how much to share.

  “She’s not married is she?” His mother was about to be up in arms.

  “No, Mom, I am pretty sure she’s not. Look, she has amnesia, and she is back in the States to try to find out who she is.”

  They both looked crestfallen.

  “The truth is, I’m in love with her, and I hope she will find that she is free.”

  His father took a drink and set his glass down. “Shane, you are setting yourself up for some possible pain.” His parents didn’t seem to hold much hope.

  “Well, don’t I know it! I do however know she is worth the risk.”

  He left their house discouraged but excited to continue his courting efforts. He had to laugh. In one of his grandfather’s journals, he described his courting of Shane’s grandmother. It was all done under the watchful eye of her father, who accompanied them on all their outings. There would have been no swimming on those dates.

  * * *

  Both Carson and Larina flew with Caballo. At the airport, they loaded the complete stall, with horse inside, into the belly of a large cargo plane. Carson and Larina also rode in the cargo area to help keep Caballo calm. It was a long flight. The cargo plane had small rooms to rest. Carson slept sitting up, but Larina was grateful for the bed. When they did talk, Carson opened up a little about his past. She wondered if he felt safer talking to someone without a past.

  “I traveled the world with the business I was in,” he said.

  “You must have seen so much.”

  “I didn’t really see much of it. My trips were mostly in and out, usually at night. But since that time, I have really never had a desire to travel. This trip to see Jared Cortez was the first I have taken in many years.”

  Larina thought about that. What type of business would require that type of travel? Surely horse ranching was in his past somewhere. He was obviously very skilled.

  “I look at your situation, Larina, you have lost your past. I chose to bury mine. We both have a future to live. That is where my focus is.”

  It was an all-nigh
t flight. Larina thought about what he said as she drifted off to sleep. He was right. Focusing on the future might be all she had left. Carson stayed with Caballo until the plane landed.

  Caballo whinnied in distress as the crane lifted the stall out of the plane and set it on the ground. Larina ran over, talking to Caballo. “It’s going to be fine, boy.”

  He calmed right down. As long as he had his eye on Larina, he was fine.

  “I have never seen anything like this. If I didn’t know better, I would say you were there when this horse was born.”

  Larina thought Carson’s comments were interesting, but the chances of that were zero to none.

  “Well, I don’t know, but this horse seems to need me as much as I need him.”

  It was an hour drive from the airport to the ranch. As they drove in, Larina wondered what she had gotten herself into. The place looked like it was falling apart.

  Carson looked over at her and laughed. “Don’t worry, they like to hide the fact that this place is five star. The guests come incognito to get away from their lives—and mostly the paparazzi. You will be amazed at the luxury that is hidden here.”

  “Well, they have done a good job hiding it.” Larina looked around. The main house had wraparound porches and overlooked a lake. The stables were painted to match the house. When she took a good look at the horses that were in the pasture, her worries were laid to rest. There was a fortune grazing in front of the stables. She had seldom seen such beautiful animals all in one location. “You could put Mr. Cortez to shame with the horseflesh you have here.”

  Carson drove straight to the stables. “Come on, let’s get Caballo situated in the stables.”

  Larina was impressed. The stables had a barn attached on each side. The stalls were open to the pasture and the inside. Each stall had air conditioning and misters with fans.

  The tack room smelled of rich leather, and Carson’s office was beautiful. “Wow, you would never know you were actually in a barn in this office.”

  “Yes, I spend a lot of time in this room, and I like being close to the horses, but I also like my conveniences as well.” She noticed a small kitchen in the corner.

  Mary and Henry, the owners of the ranch, walked over to greet Larina. Mary gave her a hug. “Welcome to our home. We are so happy to have you here. Carson tells us he has big plans for you and his horses.”

  “Thank you, I am happy to be here and grateful. This stable is well outfitted.” Larina liked Mary right away. She was definitely the motherly type, and Larina had no problem with being mothered. She thought Henry was a very kind soul as well. So far things were looking good. Mary and Henry seemed to have a very close and happy relationship. She wondered if her parents were so lucky.

  “Why don’t you come with me, and I will show you to your new home.” Mary led the way, and Larina grabbed her satchel and followed. They walked past the ranch house to a little cottage nestled in the woods. “This home was where our daughter stayed before she married Peter. It is private property back here, and guests at the ranch house don’t really even know it’s here, but there is a good security system just in case they wander over.”

  “It’s beautiful back here. All these trees. Carson said it’s pretty dry in Texas, but this is wonderful.” As they turned a corner in the path, Larina could see the cottage ahead. She inhaled sharply as she saw the most darling little cottage sitting under an ancient oak tree. There was even a front porch with a porch swing.

  Mary unlocked the front door and handed Larina the keys. Inside, the furnishing were lavish, the kitchen and bathrooms new. There was a bear rug in the office, and all the furniture was made with beautifully carved wood.

  “Oh, Mary, this is wonderful. Are you sure you want me to stay here?” Larina turned to look into her face.

  “Of course, my dear, it would sit here empty otherwise. And we can’t have you sleeping in the barn bunkhouse now can we?” Mary gave a trill of giggles.

  “You are welcome to eat your meals at the ranch house any time you want. However, I will have my staff stock your kitchen if you would rather eat here sometimes.”

  Larina missed Marie and her wonderful family. They had all cried when she left. This lovely home was certainly a few steps up in accommodations.

  But she felt she had died and gone to heaven when Mary showed her the shower and tub. “Mary, this is amazing.” It was like a car wash. They had spray nozzles coming from everywhere, and over in the corner of the room sat a deep Jacuzzi tub. Her body ached to sink deep into some hot, bubbly water and soothe her muscles.

  “Mary, I love it here. Please let me know any time I can do anything to help. I will be training horses, but I’m sure I will have time for other things as well.”

  “You are such a dear. I know we will be friends.” Mary smiled sweetly and patted her shoulder. “On Monday, we will get a whole new group of guests. They are usually here for a week. Carson may ask you to help with them at times.” As she walked toward the front door, she turned. “Oh, and everything here is for your use. Carson had us do a little shopping before you arrived.”

  Mary left and Larina looked around. In the kitchen there were sliding glass doors leading out to a deck facing the woods. The living room had a huge bay window also looking toward the woods. She stopped a minute and peered out. A deer way in the back stopped to look back at her. Over to the side, there was a huge swing hanging from a beam between two trees. I will definitely try that.

  It was getting dark, so Larina decided to turn in for the day. She walked into the office and found a computer set up and running. She knew she needed to start looking online for anything familiar. Connecticut and horses would be her first area to search. The picture in Jared Cortez’s trophy case had looked familiar.

  She filled the tub, and when she opened the cupboard, she found bath salts of every kind on the shelves. Out of curiosity, she opened the drawers and found brand-new packages of makeup, hair products, skin creams, toothpaste, and brushes.

  She walked into the bedroom and opened the dresser drawers. “Lingerie!” She brushed her hands across the garments and sighed. “Did I ever wear such luxury?” Excited, she opened her closets and found dresses and skirts and lovely blouses, none of which she could wear while working with horses. But in the bottom drawers were jeans and shirts and boots. How did they know my sizes? She chuckled. For an older man, Carson didn’t miss much.

  She went back into the lovely bathroom, took off her plush white, full-length bathrobe and climbed into the tub. “Ah,” she sank down until the water was up to her neck. “I know I have done this before. If not, I definitely should have.” She leaned her head back against the tub and just enjoyed the swirling water. She was here, back in the States! Even though it had been the threat of Carson taking Caballo away that got her here, she was glad. Now, what was she going to do about Shane?

  That man was in her thoughts all the time. She missed the challenge of their conversations and the way he used humor to make it fun. She could barely allow herself to think about the safety and comfort she felt in his arms. Tears came to her eyes as she considered the possibility that she may never be free to be with him. Her hesitancy in searching for her past was not just the panic of losing control now that she had found some stability in her life, but the fear of losing Shane.

  She had found some anchors in her life since the accident, and Shane was one of them. She closed her eyes and pictured his smiling face as she drifted off to sleep. When she woke from her cat nap, the water was getting cold, so she quickly dried herself off, found some cute pj’s and got into bed.

  That night she slept fitfully, tossing and turning. At one point, she got up and turned on the computer to look up Connecticut. She started by looking at a map to see if she recognized names of towns or pictures of parks, but so far, nothing. Discouraged, but also somewhat relieved, she went back to bed.

  The next morning, Larina was up early and over at the stables with Caballo. “It’s going to be goo
d here, boy.” She brushed and talked softly to him as she watched him relax in his environment.

  Carson came out from the stable office. “Good morning! I see I will have to get up even earlier if I plan to get out here before you. How is Caballo adjusting?”

  “He seems to have settled down now. This will be a great place for him.” She started filling the grain boxes for each stall.

  Carson leaned back, surveying her. “What about you?”

  “I love it so far. Have you seen that cute cottage? It’s darling and so cozy and lovely. I do feel comfortable, but I am going to have to make myself start the search soon.” Larina laughed. “I was so happy for all the clothes and surprised that they all fit.” She smiled with a raised eyebrow to Carson.

  He winked. “Yes, it’s seems I have a good eye for more than horses.” He moved to take over filling the grain boxes. “Mary just called. You have a phone call over at the house.”

  Larina’s heart jumped to her throat. “For me?”

  “That’s what she says. Stay and have breakfast, and then I want to get your input on my training plans.” Carson went back into his office, and Larina headed to the ranch house.

  As Larina headed up the front steps, Mary came out holding a phone. “Larina, he said he is a friend of yours.”

  Larina took the phone and sat down on the bench facing the lake. “Hello, this is Larina.”

  “I want that piece of cake back.” It was Shane. She could just see his challenging, smiling, wonderful face. She loved how just the mention of cake had elicited the whole wonderful memory of their time at the lake.

  “Hi, it’s so good to hear your voice. How did you find me?” Larina was so happy, she put her feet up and leaned back, wanting to stretch this call out as long as possible.


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