Book Read Free

By Chance Box Set 1

Page 10

by S A Clayton

  “I’m not you, Liam. Would I love to find her? Sure. But I’m not gonna stalk her. That’s not my style.” He smirks slightly, and I try to change the subject. “What about you? How are you and JJ? I would say pretty well from the look on your face every time she texts you.” I groan at his cocky grin.

  “She’s the love of my life, man.”

  “It’s been a month,” I state matter-of-factly. I know Liam falls hard, he always has, but I can see wedding bells in his eyes already.

  “I know. I’m not saying I want to marry the girl right now. It would be too soon for her.”

  “But not for you?” I ask, eating the last of my food. He just stares at me for a moment, and that smile comes back.

  “Nope. I would marry her tomorrow if I knew she was ready. But I know it’s too soon.” He looks down at his phone again, replying to another of her texts. “I do want to ask her to move in with me, though.”

  “Really?” I’m intrigued. Liam has never lived with anyone besides his parents, so wanting to share his space with someone is a bit shocking. I, on the other hand, have lived with many different roommates since college. Some of them women, none of them serious.

  “Yeah, she’s the one, man. I just need her to catch up to my speed. I’m hoping she’ll agree in the next few months.” I arch a brow, questioning his patience.

  “What? I can wait that long!”

  He laughs as I roll my eyes. We both know that will be the hardest part of all for him. “Whatever. You laugh now, but just wait until you find the girl of your dreams….” He says it in passing, but the image that pops into my head is vivid. Her long, blond hair, tight little body, and that smile that can bring me to my knees.

  Yup. If I ever find that girl, she’ll have a hard time getting rid of me.



  It looks like New Year’s threw up all over Liam’s apartment. Disco balls hang in every corner of the room, and gold streamers fall from the ceiling in spirals, covering almost every inch of the roof. Banners that say, Happy New Year! all over the place. And let’s not forget the confetti. It’s everywhere. Littles stars, bottles of champagne, and the New Year’s number are scattered all over every table and the floor. Seriously, it looks like New Year’s threw up in here.

  “Where’s your hat and glasses?” JJ asks from beside me. We went home to change, her into a black sequin dress that she knows Liam loves, and me into a gold number that fits me like a glove and is short enough that, if I weren’t wearing panties, would be indecent to most.

  “I told you…I’m not wearing them.” We had this fight on the way back here, and as much as she whines and complains about buying all of it and no one using it, it’s not happening. I am not wearing a cardboard glitter hat or glasses with the year.

  Not. Happening.

  “Come on, you’re such a party pooper.” She pouts as I hold my hands out in mock surrender.

  “You’re the one who made me be a part of this night. If I remember correctly, I wanted to order Chinese food and watch Netflix.”

  “Who ordered Chinese food?” Liam says as he rounds the corner from the hallway that leads to the bedrooms. JJ smiles brightly as he catches her in his arms and kisses the hell out of her. “You look gorgeous as always, my love,” he says and then leans in and whispers something in her ear, making her blush.

  “Urgh, get a room,” I mutter, making my way into the kitchen to make myself a drink. I’ll give Liam credit for this much, he sure knows how to stock a bar.

  The party’s been going for about an hour, and I’m sitting and waiting for the clock to strike midnight so I can go home. I’ve already asked to leave twice, and JJ told me that it’s not an option. I groan inwardly as another of Liam’s stupid work friends makes his way over to me. I put on my best fake smile and sip my drink, hoping the alcohol kicks in so I won’t remember this in the morning.

  “I see you’re all by yourself over here. Mind if I keep you company?” That’s the third time someone has used that line on me in the last hour. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m liable to punch someone in the face. I search the room for my best friend, hoping she can save me, but she’s too engrossed in Liam, whose hands keep wandering all over her body.

  Stupid love-sick bastards.

  “Actually, I was quite happy by myself,” I say, hoping the guy gets the hint. But he just shifts closer and leans in.

  “So, are you here with anyone?” I can smell the beer on his breath and wonder how women find that attractive. He gives me his best seductive look, and I fight a laugh.

  “Look, you seem like a great guy,”—blatant lie; I have no idea if that’s true—“but I’m not interested.” His eyes darken, my rejection flowing over him. This won’t be good.

  “You’re saying no to…this?” He motions to himself as if he’s some kind of prize. I take another sip of my drink and hope that he gets the hint.

  “Your loss, bitch,” he mutters, getting up and walking away to join another group of guys. All their eyes lock on me, and I know he’s talking shit. But what’s the point? I’ll never see them again…at least, if I can help it.

  I get up off my seat and head toward the kitchen once more, hoping there’s enough rum left to make a very strong rum and Coke. I have a feeling I’m going to need it to get through the next few hours.

  “Where have you been?” JJ asks as she saunters into the kitchen, empty glasses in hand. I shrug my shoulder, not wanting to heap tonight’s issues on her. She looks happy, and I don’t want to ruin that.

  “I saw you talking to Brett earlier. You like him?” she asks, and I chuckle as I sip my drink, feeling the burn. Perfect.

  “Which one was he? The one that told me my tits look amazing in this dress? Or the one that said he would be happy to let me suck his cock in the bathroom? Or maybe it was the one that just called me a bitch for turning him down.”

  I know I’m being harsh, but I mean…come on, the way guys think girls will do anything for a piece of their dick is astonishing.

  “Your tits do look amazing in that dress,” JJ teases, and I can’t help but laugh. I look down and realize I have to agree with her, but that doesn’t mean I need someone to remind me they do—at least, not that way.

  “Come on. Come hang out with Liam and me. Damon just got here, and I want to introduce you to him.” I roll my eyes.

  “Not another of Liam’s friends from work. I can’t handle any more of them. It’s like they’ve cloned each other and are taking over the party.” I hear her laugh as she pours another drink for both Liam and herself. I notice she goes light on the alcohol with hers. She’s always been that way, ever since her parents were killed by a drunk driver. Always the cautious one.

  “Come on, Clara, Damon is different.” I arch a brow. “I promise. He’s been Liam’s best friend since they were kids. They just happen to work together.”

  I sigh heavily and wonder when the torture will end. I glance at the clock on the stove and see that I still have an hour until midnight. I tip the rest of my drink back and make myself another.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I mutter as my best friend leads me into the living room. Liam’s standing with a man who has his back to me, and I can’t help the sense of awareness that crawls over my skin when I look at him. Liam motions for JJ to come closer, and when the man turns, everything in the room stops. Those light grey eyes bore into mine as I freeze.

  This can’t be happening. The guy from the club, the one I can’t stop thinking about, is in this room. Right now. And even worse? He’s Liam’s best friend.

  Oh. Shit.



  This can’t be real.

  She’s here…right in front of me, looking like a goddess in her skin-tight gold dress. An outfit that leaves very little to the imagination. Damn. She looks mouth-watering. Her bright blond hair cascades down over her shoulders, and I try to imagine what it would feel like to run my fingers through those stra
nds. My mind shifts to her body and how it would feel pressed against mine…squirming for my hands to touch her, to make her scream in pleasure. Her bright blue eyes latch on to mine, and it’s like the world falls away. I can feel the party going on around us, but I notice nothing but the way she tugs her lower lip into her mouth. God, I remember what that mouth feels like, tastes like. I want more.

  “Damon!” Liam yells, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I reluctantly avert my gaze and look toward Liam with a scowl.

  “What?” I ask, hoping he goes back to groping JJ so I can sneak this morsel of delight into a private room.

  “Calm down. I just wanted to introduce you to the woman you can’t stop staring at.” He winks, and I roll my eyes.

  Great, just what I need. My best friend thinking he’s a matchmaker.

  Little does he know that we’ve already established we’re compatible…in many ways.

  “Damon, this is Clara.” He motions to the beauty whose eyes have not left mine since she walked into the room. I can’t say I’m upset about that.

  “Clara, this is my best friend, Damon.”

  “Hi,” she whispers, a blush creeping up the valley of her breasts, reaching her neck in seconds. Fuck, that sight goes straight to my cock. Before I register what I’m doing, I reach for her hand and bring it to my lips.

  “Clara.” Her name sounds nice rolling off my lips as our eyes lock. My lips skim her skin. Her mouth parts slightly, and a breathless moan escapes, leaving me putty in her hands. I would do anything to hear that sound again.


  “Damon.” Her eyes sparkle, and I notice a hint of a smirk on her beautiful face, telling me that she’s likely thinking the exact same thing.

  “Do you two know each other?” JJ asks. The minute her eyes lock on Clara’s, she gasps. I don’t know how Clara wants to play this. Does she want to deny that we know each other? Ignore the fact that we shared an amazing night of passionate sex a month ago that neither of us can forget? Or does she want to be open and admit it? I have no clue.

  “Umm…” Clara mutters, her eyes searching mine. I shrug, but it turns out that we don’t need to say anything. Because my former best friend decides to allow his many drinks to dictate what his mouth spews in public.

  “Wait! Is this the chick you’ve been obsessing over?” I give him a shove and a hard look, hoping it stops his word-vomit, but it’s no use.

  “Clara is the girl you’ve been searching for this last month? Oh, man, this is amazing!”

  Just when I think it can’t get worse, JJ pipes up.

  “Damon is the nameless guy you were with at the club?” she says to Clara. “The one that was the best sex you’ve ever had?”

  My eyes bulge at that statement, and I feel the pride rise within.

  Best she’s ever had?

  I give her a knowing smirk, and she rolls her eyes as she pulls JJ aside.

  “Excuse us for a second,” she mutters as she drags JJ across the room, out of earshot. Damn.

  “Dude, this is nuts. Like Lifetime movie shit.” I look over and see that Liam has his signature shit-eating grin on his face. I can see plans running through his head already. I begin to shake my head just as he starts spewing his lofty goals.

  “We should totally double-date. This is amazing. Damon Cunningham has finally found his one and only.” I choke on my drink.

  “Okay, I know I said she was ‘the one,’ but that might have been my dick talking. I don’t even know if she wants to go out with me.” He gives me a knowing look, and I chuckle.

  “I know we connect on a physical level, but what if we have nothing in common? What if all we have is great sex?” Liam bursts out laughing, and I look over to see him doubled over, his drink spilled on the floor.

  “Then, my friend, you better find something you have in common because JJ is going to run with this shit. Best friends dating best friends? It’s too good to be true.” I groan, looking as the girls talk excitedly in the corner, and wonder what they’re saying. JJ looks like a kid on Christmas morning, while Clara looks like she might throw up.

  What do I want to happen here? I’ve been searching for this girl for a month, and now here she is, in front of me, and I have cold feet? What happened to the Damon who used to bring a girl home every night and kick her out of bed every morning?

  I know what happened to him: Clara.

  “Damon!” Liam yells again as my eyes snap back to his questioning gaze.

  “What?” I ask, sipping the beer in my hand that’s gone warm. I make a disgusted face and place the glass on a nearby table. Beer should never be warm. Ever.

  “Dude, you are so far gone.” I look at Clara talking to JJ and watch, mesmerized, as she twirls a stray piece of blond hair around her finger. I can tell it’s a nervous habit by the way she stops when our gazes lock across the room. And…that’s it. I can’t stay away any longer. I need to talk to her, kiss her, touch her.

  Anything she’ll allow.

  Her eyes bulge when she sees me stalking toward her, and JJ gives me a knowing smirk when I reach them. “Mind if I borrow her for a minute?” I ask, motioning to Clara, not letting my eyes leave hers for a minute.

  “Not at all.” JJ chuckles. “Take more than a few minutes if that’s what it takes.” She winks at us as she walks away, then laughs as Liam pulls her close and kisses her.

  I look down and see blazing blue eyes and an expression that says there’s a war raging. Both need and fear are clearly plastered on her beautiful face, and I know we need to clear this up. Right now.

  “Come with me,” I command, taking her hand in mine once again, trying not to think too much about the electric shock that travels up my arm at her touch. I can hear the TV blaring from here, announcing that there’s less than an hour until midnight. I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s, but this year seems to have changed my mind.

  “Where are we going?” she asks quietly as I make my way down the hallway and into the guest bedroom. One of the benefits of the party being at Liam’s place, and me being his best friend, is that the room is practically mine. Once I shut the door behind us, we are encapsulated in silence. I turn to stare at her, and the moment my eyes land on her mouth, I lose all control.

  I crush my lips to hers.



  Damon is kissing me.

  I’ve dreamed about this moment for weeks. Wondered what I would do if I ever saw my mystery man again. And this was at the top of my list. The way he stared at me earlier made my stomach flip because it mirrored my exact emotion. Need. I need to know if what we had that night at the club was real, that I didn’t just imagine the chemistry, the connection, and the desire from both of us.

  His lips feel like heaven against mine, his tongue demanding entrance. I open for him. A low groan starts in his chest that sets my skin on fire as his hands start to wander. At first, they skim the fabric of my dress, slightly tugging me closer the more his lips attack mine. Then, when I moan, tilting my head against the door, it’s like a bomb detonates. His teeth graze the side of my neck, and I shudder, loving the way he presses his hips into mine. I can feel his arousal against my stomach, and my breath becomes ragged at the thought of what that appendage can do.

  “Damon,” I moan as he sucks the skin right behind my ear, making my hips circle, trying to find release.

  “Damn, Sunshine, it’s fucking amazing to hear my name coming off those gorgeous lips.” He grunts, his fingers digging into the dip above my ass as he brings me closer. “I’ve been thinking about this for fucking weeks.”

  I can hear the need in his voice, and damn if it’s not sexy as hell.

  “But do you know what I’ve been fantasizing about the most?” he asks, removing his lips from my skin as his eyes meet mine. “I’ve been dreaming of that pussy, Sunshine. And wondering if it tastes as good as I remember.”

  I moan at the words because his dirty talk is something I’ve loved from the moment we

  Before I have a chance to say anything, he’s down on his knees, and those talented fingers of his are sliding under the hem of my dress. His breath is ragged against my thighs, and my legs begin to shake in anticipation.

  “Damon, should we be doing this?” I ask breathlessly. Because although my body loves this, my mind is throwing up all kinds of warning signs, making me second-guess everything. All I get is a grunt in response as he begins to reveal the white lace panties I wear that hide absolutely nothing.

  “Fuck, baby. It is not okay for you to wear these when you’re around anyone but me. Okay? I won’t be able to take it.”

  Just as I go to say something, his mouth finds my clit through the lace, and I’m lost. The grunts that leave my mouth are almost inhuman, and I lean heavily against the door for support. My hands search for something to hold onto, but I find nothing, so I tangle them in his hair.

  “Damon. We need to talk,” I say through clenched teeth, his tongue dragging along my slit through the fabric. I almost beg for him to just take them off, but my brain takes over.

  “Damon!” I yell, pulling his hair and making him meet my eyes. “We need to talk. We don’t even know each other.”

  A sexy smirk appears on his face, and my heart rate picks up, knowing that smile is trouble. He gets up off the floor, then leans one hand against the door beside my head as the other cups the edge of my jaw.

  “My name is Damon Cunningham, I’m thirty-two years old, I like action movies, Thai food, and my favorite color is orange.” My mouth hangs open, trying to remember any of those details because the whole time he was talking, I was trying not to think about what his mouth felt like against me.

  “Is that enough info for now, Sunshine?” he whispers, leaning in close. I close my eyes as his lips trace the shell of my ear. “You better tell me yours so I can get back on my knees and feast on that pussy of yours.”


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