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The Legacy: The Influencers Book 2 (The Society)

Page 6

by Kassandra Garrison


  An hour later, Rich pulled the SUV into the driveway of his home, parking it in front of the porch. He left Kate sleeping in the guest room, wanting her to get as much rest as possible.

  However, as he put the vehicle in park, we could see her waiting on the porch. Her small silhouette could be seen just over the railing. My stomach churned as she stood up, awaiting our exit from the vehicle.

  Now, let’s ease her into it, okay?

  I looked over at Rich in the driver’s seat as he nodded in agreement, taking the key out of the ignition. Slowly, Rich, Ben, and I exited the vehicle. Ben and Rich stayed behind as I approached the porch steps where Kate now stood near the edge.

  The look on Kate’s face was enough to shatter my heart to pieces. She looked panicked as she searched the faces of those who exited the vehicle.

  Darcy, where’s Noah?

  Kate, I need to tell you something first.

  Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Darcy, where is Noah?

  She started shaking, tears welling up in her eyes. I realized that easing her into it was making everything so much worse. I looked back at Ben and Richard who waited for my signal before opening the back-passenger door.

  Together, they pulled Noah out of the back seat and helped him to his feet, offering essential support in his weakness. Under his t-shirt, the white gauze wrapped around his shoulder and chest peeked out from his collar. He looked extremely pale and feeble as if he would fall over without the help of Ben and Rich.

  Kate let out a cry, half in relief and half in alarm. She began to advance down the stairs toward him when Ben raised his hand in warning. She slowed her pace beside me and searched for answers, glancing between every face watching her.

  Noah is going to be fine, Kate. He was shot in his chest near his right shoulder. He’s in a lot of pain so be careful.

  Tears escaped down her cheeks as she walked over to Noah slowly and carefully wrapped her arms around his waist. She looked up at him and gently kissed him on the lips. They looked into each other’s eyes before Noah was able to whisper to her.

  I’m alright, baby.

  I should have never let you go.

  I looked away as a tear slid down my cheek, wiping it with my sleeve as I glanced toward the house. When I turned back, Ben and Rich were moving Noah in the direction of the porch. Kate followed close behind, never letting more than a few feet come between her and her injured husband.

  When everyone was settled inside, we told Kate and Richard everything. About the network and Brendan and Robert Warden. After the last details of the story were told, Kate sat next to Noah on the couch with her fists clenched and jaw twitching.

  As she sat there in her fury, I felt as if I were approaching a bomb, every second bringing an explosion closer. I couldn’t help but feel like I was partly to blame for letting Noah get hurt.

  Kate, I’m so sorry.

  Her distant, burning gaze returned to reality and her eyes flickered straight to me, darker than I had ever seen them. I prepared myself for the heated scolding I believed I deserved.

  No. It’s not your fault. We knew it was a dangerous mission.

  Then, why do you look like you’re about to kill someone?

  I’m just picturing wrapping my hands around the throat of this Warden guy until he turns blue.

  Ben looked down at his hands in his lap, miles away from the conversation. He stood up from the couch and walked outside without a word. I glanced over at the others who appeared nearly as concerned as I did.

  I excused myself and followed Ben through the front door. By the time I caught sight of him, he was already halfway across the yard headed toward a secluded bench. Running toward him, I caught up with his long strides before he reached the wooded inlet.

  Ben! Would you hold on a second?

  My hand grasped his elbow and held it until he turned back around. He looked down at me, inner turmoil emanating from every movement.

  What are you doing? You just left in the middle of a conversation without saying a single word.

  Darcy, if you knew what was best for you, you’d let me go.


  You heard Warden. He said he was going to take away everyone I love until loss consumes me, makes me into a merciless killer like him. If it weren’t for me, Noah would be fine. He could’ve died back there, and it would have been blood on my hands!

  Ben, stop…

  Darcy, he was going to kill you. In my own selfishness, I recklessly pushed a triggered gun toward my best friend instead.

  Stop it, Ben. You didn’t mean for the bullet to hit Noah. This is Margot talking, telling you love is a weakness. Don’t let her win, Ben. You did everything you could.

  No, Darcy. I could have killed him. This could all be over now if I had pulled that trigger. But I couldn’t. When I looked at Warden, I saw Connor’s face, felt his blood on my hands.

  It’s not your fault, Ben. Murder is not the solution.

  Nothing you say will change my mind. It’s my fault and you know it. He’s just going to keep taking people I love. And, Darcy, I love you. I couldn’t live with myself if you died because of me. I can’t lose you.

  You won’t.

  If I don’t leave, he’s going to hurt someone else and it might not end as well as it did this time.

  You’re not leaving me. I’m going with you. Wherever you go, whatever the risk, I’ll be right next to you.

  As Ben opened his mouth in refusal, I denied it immediately.

  Benjamin Lewis, no! There’s no way you’re leaving without me. I know what it is like to live without you and I’m never going back!

  Darcy, don’t you see? I’m no good for you. All this time, you’ve been trying to stop murderers but I’m one, too! I’m no better than them and it’s going to get every single one of you killed! Every time I look at my hands, I see Connor’s blood on them. If you die, I’ll see yours until the day I die. Darcy, please stay here.

  I shook my head vigorously refusing his request. He placed his hands on both my arms desperately, his eyes pleading with me.

  This is something I have to do. My parents created this Society and it’s up to me to destroy it.

  Calmly, I removed his hands from my arms and pulled them in front of me for inspection. Curiously, he watched as I turned his hands over in my own, looking over every feature, every scar.

  I moved closer to him, looking up into his shattered, vulnerable eyes.

  I don’t see any blood on your hands. You know what I do see?

  Still holding his hands, I kissed a finger between every description of him.

  My hero, my safety, my partner, my lover, my friend. No matter what happens in life, that’s all I’ll ever see.

  He looked down at me, eyes soft as they came closer and closer until his lips touched mine. The kiss was slow and passionate, telling of the unconditional devotion we held for one another. When we finally pulled away, I offered him a tender grin as I ran my hand along his cheek.

  So, when do we leave?


  Hey, you said it yourself: we’re a package deal.


  The next couple of days were used to rest and begin planning the next trip. Gradually, the color in Noah’s face began returning as Kate nursed him back to health. After our discussion outside, Ben and I were able to recover from the previous days’ lack of sleep on the sofa bed in the living room.

  Most of the daylight hours were filled with naps, coffee, and planning. Rich and Ben proved to be an effective team in developing a strategy and planning for worst case scenarios. Kate never left Noah’s side, tending to his every need while still adding to the conversation. Though the pain was still likely overwhelming, I could tell Noah was enjoying being pampered by his wife. A small grin spread across his face each time she fixed his pillow or replenished his drink long before necessary.

  Ben and I sat at the dining room table looking over the pages of his father’s notebook the morning bef
ore our flight to London. He shook his head, sitting back in his chair and running his hands through his hair. His freshly shaven face revealed the sharp line of his jaw. I could smell the scent of his shaving cream from where I sat beside him.

  Ben, I don’t know what we’re going to do without Noah. Brendan couldn’t get time off work or is just too afraid to help us again. That leaves just you and me. Two people sneaking into a facility full of soldiers who know exactly what we look like and who have been ordered to capture you. And kill me.

  I sat thinking over our options for help. Kate was pregnant, Noah was injured, and Richard had to stay to protect them in case Warden found their location. Ever since our conversation in the board room, Ben refused to take any chance of Warden locating his loved ones.

  Still resistant about my amount of participation, he at the very least seemed relieved knowing I was safe with him. Deep down, I knew the relief stemmed from his lack of trust in others to protect me.

  I haven’t heard from Sam in a while, but he might still be in Europe. His number is programmed into the burner phone.

  As I listened to the phone ring, I leaned closer to Ben so he could hear the conversation. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. After a handful of rings, Sam’s voice sounded on the other end of the line.


  Sam? It’s Darcy.

  Darcy! It’s been a long time. How are you?

  Oh, could be better.

  Surrounded by his warmth, I sat breathing in Ben’s scent as I arranged a meeting with Sam in London.

  Okay, I’ll see you then, Sam. Thanks again.

  Don’t mention it. I’ve been wanting to call you for a long time anyway.

  Oh, yeah? Well, we will catch up soon then. Bye.

  Ben raised his eyebrows as I hung up the phone. As I looked down at him, he chuckled under his breath.

  What’s that for?

  Sam seems to have a thing for you.

  What? No way. He knows I’m with you.

  You only set up the meeting.


  So, he still thinks I’m dead.

  I sat analyzing my conversation with Sam. Not wanting to say too much over the phone, I hadn’t filled him in on the active Influencers or that Ben was alive. My stomach dropped as I realized how Sam must have taken my request to see him.

  Oh my gosh. Ben, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize how he took my invitation.

  It’s not your fault. I don’t blame him.

  Ben smiled up at me, bringing his lips to my neck and pulling me against his chest. Gradually, his lips made their way to mine and we sat engrossed in one another. One moment when the Society and the daily danger we faced was all but a dream. We heard someone coming into the kitchen and separated ourselves.

  Kate walked into the dining room, looking better rested than the day before. I stood up from Ben’s lap and faced her as she sat down at the opposite end of the table. She looked up at me expectantly.

  Sam agreed to meet with us in London.

  Oh, good. I was worried about the two of you going alone. Especially after last time…

  The sorrow on her face was evident as she looked down at the wood of the table. I walked down and sat in the chair next to her as she traced the details of the wood with her fingertips.

  Kate, we’ll be okay.

  Yeah, you said that about Noah. I just can’t help but feel guilty about not being able to help. Not only have I deprived you of my assistance but Richard’s, too.

  I know you want to help but it’s okay. We want you to have a healthy baby more than to risk your life for us.

  Kate looked down at her ever-growing stomach and smiled, her hands cupping the bottom of the bump. When she looked up, there were tears in her eyes.

  If you both succeed, my child will live in a world without the Society. A world where we aren’t constantly hiding from murderers. But I can’t help but think that means losing my best friends.

  Ben remained silent at the opposite end of the table, adding to the pit in my stomach. I had no idea how this battle with the Influencers would end, flashes of Warden’s wicked smile and Noah’s blood filling my thoughts.

  Forcing the lie from the bottom of my soul, I reassured my friend of our safety, knowing fully that our chances of surviving were smaller than I wanted to admit.

  No, Kate, it will all be over soon.

  No matter the end results, it would all be over soon.



  When Ben and I finally landed in London, it was early afternoon. The over thirteen-hour flight and six-hour time difference from Texas had exhausted both of us. Though we had attempted to sleep on the plane, both of us were unable to do more than take light naps sporadically.

  Our energy was depleted as we took a taxi through the city of London, gazing at the magnificent cathedrals and the infamous Big Ben as we weaved in and out of traffic. Fortunately, the day was sunny and warm compared to the cold rain that had greeted us in Boston.

  As soon as our flight landed and I witnessed the lethargy in both Ben and I, immediate regret set in as I realized our meeting with Sam was within the first couple hours after arrival.

  Why did I plan to meet with Sam so soon after our flight?

  From the other side of the back seat, Ben shrugged his shoulders and waved away any of my concern. However, his sluggish movements and heavy eyes were unconvincing.

  Don’t worry about it. All we have to do is fill him in and see if he’s even interested in helping us.

  Then sleep?

  He smiled over at me, his deep, soft chuckle filling the back of the taxi.

  Then sleep.


  The quiet bakery Sam recommended was located in a calmer part of town away from main tourist attractions. Ben and I arrived earlier than scheduled so we went in to grab a cup of coffee and find a seat, hoping caffeine would boost our energy.

  Once we had ordered drinks and found our seats, Ben stood and excused himself to the bathroom. Only a moment later, Sam entered the shop, searching the room for me. His face brightened as he recognized me from across the room where I sat in a secluded booth.


  He strolled between the tables and chairs in the middle of the bakery, smiling from ear to ear.

  Hey, Sam. It’s good to see you.

  Sam sat across from me, grinning. His blonde hair had grown longer, held away from his face with a small bun on the back of his head. His skin was golden from hours of sunlight and he wore frayed jeans and a heavy-duty utility jacket. Freedom from the Society had clearly liberated Sam.

  So, why the sudden trip to London?

  Well, it’s a long story.

  I’ve got the time.

  You’re not going to believe it.

  Try me.

  As the words slipped from Sam’s lips, Ben sat down next to me on the bench seat and warmly extended his hand. Utter shock crossed Sam’s face as he sat frozen in place before eventually accepting Ben’s greeting.

  Nice to see you again, Sam.

  Wait, I thought…

  Let us save you the time and confusion figuring this out.

  Ben looked over, signaling for me to begin filling Sam in on recent events. Sam sat across from both of us, clearly still dumbstruck by Ben’s presence and the reintroduction of the Influencers back into his life.

  He remained silent through the entire speech, not once flinching as Ben and I took turns telling him about past weeks. When we were done, Sam had not uttered a single word.

  Sam? Are you okay?

  Sam seemed to be awakened from a daze as he blinked hard and leaned his elbows on the table.

  I’m sorry. It’s just a lot to take in, you know?

  Believe me, I know.

  I smiled at Ben as he glanced over at me, tenderly bringing the corner of his mouth up. Sam watched the exchange with a look of discomfort. Ben shifted in his seat, looking Sam in the eyes as he spoke.

Listen, I know this is a huge surprise and an even bigger risk, but we need help. It’s just the two of us against countless others.

  Sam nodded as he looked down at his hands on the table. His hands were rough, worn from months of constant travel.

  I’ll give you a minute to think about it. I’m starving. Darcy, you want a scone or something?

  Yes, please.

  Ben slid out from the booth and headed toward the counter at the back of the store, waiting in the short line to order our pastries. I turned back to Sam and found him staring straight at me.

  I’m sorry I’m so shocked here. When you called, I wasn’t expecting a mission or the Society or Ben…

  Yes, I know and I’m sorry. If we didn’t need the help so badly, we wouldn’t put you in danger at all.

  No, it’s not the danger that bothers me. It will be nice to have a united goal again. It’s just that… when I got your call, I thought you came all this way to… see me.

  He glanced over to where Ben stood at the counter, verifying whether he had overheard Sam’s confession. However, Ben had reached the cash register and was now ordering our food from the petite redhead behind the counter.

  While we were at the facility, you were so fixated on Ben that I didn’t want to interfere… probably couldn’t have even if I wanted to. But when I thought you were alone and Ben was… I don’t know. I allowed myself to be hopeful.


  No, you don’t have to say anything. I’m sorry I misinterpreted your invitation.

  I’m so sorry, Sam.

  There’s nothing to be sorry about, Darcy. I never told you so how could you know?

  If you don’t want to help us, I would completely understand.

  No, the Society needs to be destroyed. You and Ben have done nothing wrong. The bond you have for one another, there’s no touching that. You and I were just never meant to be… but I would still do anything for you, Darcy.

  Thank you, Sam.

  The knot in my stomach loosened as Sam agreed to help us with the plan regardless of my rejection of him. In the back of my mind, there had been no chance of his involvement after our awkward conversation.

  The smell of pastries became intoxicating as I heard the sound of a plate being placed on the table in front of me. Ben rejoined the conversation, taking a bite of the flaky croissant he had ordered for himself. He placed a blueberry scone in front of me and pushed a plate of cookies toward Sam.


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