Denying the Holocaust

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by Deborah E. Lipstadt

  21. Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 1.

  22. Joseph Goebbels, Der Nazi-Sozi (Munich, 1929), p. 8, cited in Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 12.

  23. Eberhard Jäckel and Axel Kuhn, eds., Hitler, Sämtliche Aufzeichnungen 1905–1924 (Stuttgart, 1980), p. 368; Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 12.

  24. Nuremberg Document PS 3358, cited in Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 13.

  25. In a speech at Karlsruhe as reported in the Strassburger Neueste Nachrichten, May 2, 1942, cited in Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 13.

  26. Robert Wistrich, “Letters,” books and bookmen, Apr. 1975, p. 7.

  27. Das Reich, May 9, 1943, cited in Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 14.

  28. International Military Tribunal, Trials of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal: Official Text, vol. 29, pp. 110–73. See also Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader (New York, 1976), pp. 130–40.

  29. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 4.

  30. Maier, The Unmasterable Past, pp. 67–68.

  31. Ilya Levkov, “Introduction,” Bitburg and Beyond: Encounters in American, German and Jewish History (New York, 1987), p. 27.

  32. Ernst Nolte, “Between Myth and Revisionism? The Third Reich in the Perspective of the 1980s,” in Aspects of the Third Reich, ed. H. W. Koch (London, 1985), pp. 36–37. Maier, The Unmasterable Past, p. 29.

  33. Maier, The Unmasterable Past, p. 179, n. 34.

  34. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 5.

  35. “Jewish History,” Chambers Encyclopedia, p. 99 (italics added).

  36. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 5.

  37. “Jewish History,” Chambers Encyclopedia, p. 99.

  38. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 14.

  39. Baseler Nachrichten, October 7, 1952; Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust, p. 14.

  40. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 20.

  41. Ibid.

  42. Margarete Buber, Under Two Dictators (London, 1950), pp. 208, 242–43, 304.

  43. Colin Cross, Adolf Hitler (London, 1973), p. 307, cited in Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 20.

  44. Ibid., p. 365.

  45. Ibid., p. 366.

  46. Ibid., p. 369.

  47. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 24. For analysis of his use of the ICRC report, see Arthur Suzman and Denis Diamond, Six Million Did Die: The Truth Shall Prevail (Johannesburg, 1977), pp. 10–13.

  48. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 25.

  49. The Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on its Activities during the Second World War (Geneva, 1948), vol. 1, p. 641 (italics added). The report is replete with numerous quotes that demonstrate that Harwood totally misconstrued its findings. For additional examples see Suzman and Diamond, Six Million Did Die, p. 12.

  50. Report of the ICRC, vol. 1, p. 641 (italics added).

  51. Ibid. (italics added).

  52. Ibid., vol. 2, p. 514 (italics added).

  53. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 25.

  54. Report of the ICRC, vol. 1, p. 594. Harwood incorrectly cited this passage as coming from vol. 3.

  55. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 25.

  56. Report of the ICRC, vol. 3, p. 77.

  57. Report of the ICRC, vol. 3, chap. 3, cited in “Harwood’s Distortions of Holocaust Facts,” Patterns of Prejudice (May-June, 1975), p. 26 (italics added).

  58. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 28.

  59. Die Tat, Jan. 19, 1955.

  60. ICRC Bulletin No. 25, Feb. 1, 1978, cited in Patterns of Prejudice (March-April 1978), p. 11.

  61. Françoise Perret, Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, to Jacob Gewirtz, Board of Deputies of British Jews, August 22, 1975.

  62. Her Majesty the Queen vs. Ernst Zundel, District Court of Ontario, 1988 (hereafter referred to as Zundel), vol. 9, pp. 1970 ff.

  63. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, p. 12.

  64. Ibid., p. 10.

  65. Ibid., p. 19.

  66. David Barnouw and Gerrold Van Der Stroom, eds., The Diary of Anne Frank.

  67. Colin Wilson, “The Führer in Perspective: 2,” books and bookmen (Nov. 1974), p. 31.

  68. Ibid.

  69. Ibid.

  70. Ibid. (Jan. 1975), p. 5.

  71. Ibid., p. 6.

  72. Ibid. (Feb. 1975), p. 6.

  73. Ibid.

  74. Ibid. (Apr. 1975), p. 10.

  75. Ibid. (June 1975), p. 6.

  Chapter 7. Entering the Mainstream

  1. Butz refused my request for an interview, Oct. 1992.

  2. For additional information on the Liberty Lobby, see chapter 8.

  3. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (Torrance, Calif., 1976) (hereafter referred to as Hoax), p. 12.

  4. Arthur Butz, “The International Holocaust Controversy,” Journal of Historical Review, vol. 1:1 (Spring 1980), pp. 5–22; “Holocaust ‘Revisionism’: A Denial of History,” ADL Facts, vol. 26:2 (June 1980); “Revisionism and the Right,” reprinted in Jewish Echo of Glasgow, January 8, 1982, p. 6; Aronsfeld, “Hoax of the Century,” Patterns of Prejudice, Nov.-Dec. 1976, pp. 13ff.

  5. Hoax, pp. 68, 239.

  6. Ibid., pp. 107, 131, 171, 195, 223.

  7. Ibid., p. 249.

  8. Ibid., pp. 240, 287.

  9. Ibid., p. 240.

  10. Ibid., pp. 33, 89.

  11. Ibid., p. 87.

  12. Ibid., pp. 247–48.

  13. At the same meeting Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi addressed the group via television hookup. In addition to announcing a five million dollar gift to the group, he urged the “destruction of white America” and the formation of a black army in America that would create a separate state. David Moberg, “The Naysayer,” North Shore, Sept. 1985, pp. 38ff. Youngstown Jewish Times, Mar. 29, 1985.

  14. Hoax, pp. 239, 287.

  15. Ibid., pp. 93, 94, 100.

  16. Ibid., pp. 29, 30, 45, 199, 287.

  17. Ibid., p. 87.

  18. Ibid.

  19. The Jews were taken to Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York.

  20. Ibid., p. 173.

  21. Ibid., p. 215.

  22. Ibid., pp. 128, 150, 158, 195, 200.

  23.. Ibid., p. 73.

  24. Ibid., p. 195.

  25. The section immediately before this section of the speech reads as follows: “I also want to make reference before you here, in complete frankness, to a really grave matter. Among ourselves, this one it shall be uttered quite frankly; but in public we will never speak of it. Just as we did not hesitate on June 30, 1934, to do our duty as ordered, to stand up against the wall comrades who had transgressed and shoot them, so we have never talked about this and never will. It was the tact which I am glad to say is a matter of course to us that made us never discuss it among ourselves, never talk about it. Each of us shuddered, and yet each one knew that he would do it again if it were ordered and if it were necessary.” Davidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, pp. 132–33.

  26. Hoax, p. 193.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ibid., p. 19.

  29. Ibid., p. 179.

  30. Ibid., p. 181.

  31. Ibid., p. 195.

  32. Ibid.

  33. Ibid., p. 177.

  34. Ibid., p. 158.

  35. Ibid., p. 249.

  36. Ibid., p. 87.

  37. See Deborah Lipstadt, Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933–1945 (New York, 1986).

  38. Hoax, p. 89.

  39. Hoax, p. 145.

  40. Ibid., p. 142.

  41. Ibid.

  42. Ibid., p. 145.

  43. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem (New York, 1963), p. 116.

  44. Hoax, p. 217.

  45. Ibid., p. 237.

  46. Ibid., p. 242.

  47. Ibid.

  48. Ibid.

  49. Ibid., pp. 242–43.

bsp; 50. Ibid., p. 243.

  51. Ibid.

  52. Moberg, “The Naysayer,” p. 43.

  Chapter 8. The Institute for Historical Review

  1. Lewis Brandon to Subscribers, Supplement to Journal of Historical Review, Apr. 16, 1981.

  2. Deposition of William David McCalden, aka Lewis Brandon, Mel Mermelstein v. Institute for Historical Review, et al., Superior Court of the State of California, No. C 356542 (hereafter cited as McCalden Deposition), vol. 1, Jan. 16, 1984, pp. 8, 37.

  3. Los Angeles Times, May 3, 1981, part I, p. 3.

  4. David McCalden, “A Few Facts About the Institute for Historical Review [which they’d rather you didn’t know].” (Manhattan Beach, Calif., n.d.).

  5. McCalden Deposition, vol. II, Feb. 8, 1984, pp. 272ff.

  6. Letter of IHR to All Interested Parties Intending to Claim $50,000 Reward, Institute of Historical Review, Torrance, Calif., n.d.

  7. Questionnaire and Claim for $50,000 Reward, Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, Calif., n.d.

  8. Lewis Brandon to Mel Mermelstein, November 20, 1980, cited in Declaration of William Cox regarding the Urgency of Proceedings in Mel Mermelstein v. Institute for Historical Review, et al., Superior Court of California, Case No. C 356542 (hereafter cited as Declaration of William Cox), Aug. 10, 1981, p. 16.

  9. Declaration of William Cox, p. 18.

  10. Brandon to Subscribers; Los Angeles Times, May 3, 1981.

  11. Signed statement by Simon Wiesenthal, May 4, 1981.

  12. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Weekly News Digest, May 13, 1983.

  13. Statement of Record and Letter of Apology to Mel Mermelstein, signed by G. G. Baumen, Attorney for Legion for Survival of Freedom, Institute for Historical Review, Noontide Press, and Elisabeth Carto, and Mark F. Von Esch, Attorney for Liberty Lobby and Willis Carto, July 24, 1985.

  14. Appellant’s Opening Brief, Mel Mermelstein v. Legion for the Survival of Freedom, etc., et al., May 4, 1992 (hereafter cited as Appellant’s Opening Brief, Mel Mermelstein v. Legion), pp. 6ff.

  15. Declaration of William Cox, p. 20.

  16. Paul L. Berman, “Gas Chamber Games: Crackpot History and the Right to Lie,” Village Voice, June 10–16, 1981, pp. 1, 37–43.

  17. IHR Newsletter (Oct. 1988), p. 7.

  18. IHR Newsletter (Apr. 1989), p. 1, (italics added).

  19. Letter to students from Lewis Brandon on IHR letterhead, n.d.

  20. Lewis Brandon, Director of IHR, to Friends of IHR, n.d. (apparently from winter 1980). “Brandon” was so obsessed with the power of the “Zionists” that he claimed that the symbols on grocery products denoting that they were kosher indicated that the company had “paid a Zionist to ‘bless’ the product.” IHR Newsletter (Feb. 15, 1981), p. 3.

  21. Declaration of William Cox, p. 3; IHR Newsletter (Feb. 1989), p. 7.

  22. IHR Newsletter (Feb. 1989), p. 7.

  23. Tom Marcellus, Director IHR, to Revisionist Friends, July 1982, n.p. (italics added).

  24. “Holocaust ‘Revisionism’: A Denial of History,” ADL Facts, vol. 26:2 (June 1980), p. 4.

  25. For background on Spotlight and the way certain members of Congress have chosen to cooperate with it, see Mark Hosenball, “Spotlight on the Hill,” New Republic, Sept. 9, 1981, pp. 13–14.

  26. Joseph Trento and Joseph Spear, “How Nazi Nut Power Has Invaded Capitol Hill,” True, Nov. 1969, p. 39.

  27. Hosenball, “Spotlight on the Hill,” p. 13.

  28. Jason Berry, “Carto’s Day in Court,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sept. 14, 1991, pp. 1-D, 4-D.

  29. “Liberty Lobby and the Carto Network of Hate,” ADL Facts, vol. 27:2 (Winter 1982), p. 7.

  30. Liberty Lobby, Inc., v. Dow Jones is Co., Inc., 638 F. Supp. 1149, 1152 n. 5 (D.D.C. 1986), aff’d., 838 F.2d 1287 (D.C. Cir 1988) cert. denied, 488 U.S. 825 (1988), cited in Appellant’s Opening Brief, Mel Mermelstein v. Legion, p. 5.

  31. William F. Buckley, April 30, 1981, cited in “Liberty Lobby and the Carto Network of Hate,” p. 18.

  32. C. H. Simonds, “The Strange Story of Willis Carto,” National Review, Sept. 10, 1971, pp. 984–85.

  33. “Liberty Lobby and the Carto Network of Hate,” p. 19.

  34. Trento and Spear, “How Nazi Nut Power,” p. 36.

  35. Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 979.

  36. The Monitor, Nov. 1986, p. 6.

  37. Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 979.

  38. Ibid.

  39. Drew Pearson, April 17, 1969, cited in Charles Bermant, “The Private World of Willis Carto,” The Investigator, Oct. 1981, p. 25. This memo by Carto was found by a Liberty Lobby staffer who turned it over to the investigative journalist, Drew Pearson. Carto’s associates claim that the memoir was a fraud and the boxes in which it and other material was found were broken into by a thief paid by Pearson. What this argument fails to address is why, if the memo was a forgery, Carto was keeping it in his personal files.

  40. Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 979.

  41. John C. Obert, “Yockey: Profile of an American Hitler,” The Investigator, Oct. 1981, p. 24.

  42. Ibid., p. 24.

  43. Ibid., p. 26.

  44. Ibid., p. 22.

  45. Ibid., p. 20.

  46. Ibid., pp. 20, 22; Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 980.

  47. “Liberty Lobby and the Carto Network of Hate,” p. 8.

  48. Obert, “Yockey: Profile,” p. 22.

  49. Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 981.

  50. Obert, “Yockey: Profile,” p. 73.

  51. Berry, “Carto’s Day in Court,” p. 4-D.

  52. Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 986; Berry, “Carto’s Day in Court,” p. 4-D.

  53. “Holocaust ‘Revisionism,’ ” p. 4.

  54. American Mercury, Summer 1979.

  55. Liberty Letter, May 1969, July 1970, Sept. 1970; Simonds, “The Strange Story,” p. 988.

  56. Spotlight, Sept. 6, 1976.

  57. Ibid., May 21, 1979; Bermant, “The Private World,” p. 41.

  58. Ibid., Jan. 19, Jan. 26, Aug. 9, 1976.

  59. Ibid., May 28, 1979.

  60. Ibid., Feb. 5, 1979; Hosenball, “Spotlight on the Hill,” p. 13.

  61. Ibid., Sept. 24, 1979, as cited in ADL Facts, vol. 26:2 (June 1980). See also “The Spotlight: Liberty Lobby’s Voice of Hate,” ADL Facts, vol. 26:1 (June 1980), and “Liberty Lobby and the Carto Network of Hate.”

  62. Ibid., Mar. 11, 1985; Hosenball, “Spotlight on the Hill,” p. 13.

  63. Ibid., Dec. 24, 1979.

  64. Ibid., Mar. 23, 1981.

  65. Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt, The Silent Brotherhood (New York, 1989), p. 85.

  66. Noontide Press 1992 Catalog of Books, Audiotapes, Videotapes (Costa Mesa, Calif., 1992).

  67. Plaintiffs Exhibit 22 (A-B), Mel Mermelstein v. Institute for Historical Review, et al., Defendants, Feb. 8, 1984, Case No. C 356542.

  68. The Liberty Lobby was recently left a bequest of seventy-five million dollars by the granddaughter of Thomas Alva Edison.

  69. IHR Newsletter (Jan. 1989), p. 6.

  70. McCalden Deposition, vol. 2, Feb. 8, 1984, p. 210.

  71. Liberty Lobby, Inc. v. Dow Jones & Co., Inc., 838 F. 2d 1287, 1296 (D.C. Cir. 1988), cited in Appellant’s Opening Brief, Mel Mermelstein v. Legion, p. 5.

  72. Ibid.

  73. Letter to students by Lewis Brandon.

  74. Barnes, “Revisionism and the Promotion of Peace,” p. 52.

  75. Ibid., pp. 53–56.

  76. Mark Weber, “Civil War Concentration Camps,” Journal of Historical Review, vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1981), p. 152.

  77. Ibid., pp. 144, 152.

  78. Journal of Historical Review, vol. 4, no. 4 (Winter 1983–84).

  79. This was one of the unspoken objectives of the contemporary German historians’ debate. Ernst Nolte has written that all the great powers have had “their own Hitler periods.” Josef Joffe, “The Battle of the Historians,” Encounter (June 1987), p
. 73. For further information on Nolte’s and other German historians’ relativism and its connection with denial see chapter 11.

  Chapter 9. The Gas Chamber Controversy

  1. Christof Friedrich and Eric Thomson, The Hitler We Loved and Why (Reedy, W.V., 1977), pp. 72, 78, 116.

  2. Manuel Prutschi, “The Zundel Affair,” in Antisemitism in Canada, ed. Alan Davies (Ontario, 1992), p. 264.

  3. Zundel flyer addressed to “Comrades,” cited in Prutschi, “The Zundel Affair,” p. 258.

  4. Alan Davies, “A Tale of Two Trials: Antisemitism in Canada,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol. 4 (1989), p. 77; Toronto Globe, Mar. 26, 1985; Prutschi, “The Zundel Affair,” p. 267.

  5. Mark Bonokoski, “Neo Nazi Leads Protest,” Toronto Sun, April 19, 1978, cited in Prutschi, “The Zundel Affair,” p. 273.

  6. Leonidas E. Hill, “The Trial of Ernst Zundel: Revisionism and the Law in Canada,” Simon Wiesenthal Annual, 1989, pp. 179, 192, 200.

  7. Calgary Herald, Apr. 10, 1985, p. 1; Toronto Globe and Mail, Apr. 12, 1985, p. 3.

  8. Alan T. Davies, “The Queen Versus James Keegstra: Reflections on Christian Antisemitism in Canada,” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 9, nos. 1, 2 (January-May 1988), p. 112.

  9. Red Deer Advocate, June 4, 1984; Toronto Globe and Mail, Apr. 8, 11, and 12, 1985.

  10. Claude Adams, “Through the Fingers,” Canadian Lawyer (Apr. 1985), p. 18.

  11. Kirk Makin, “Douglas Christie, Counsel for the Defence,” Ontario Lawyers Weekly, Mar. 29, 1985, pp. 12, 13.

  12. Stanley R. Barrett, Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada (Toronto, 1988), p. 161. For analysis of how the trial was covered by the Canadian press see Gabriel Weimann and Conrad Winn, Hate on Trial: The Zundel Affair, the Media, and Public Opinion in Canada (New York, 1986).

  13. Calgary Herald, March 24, 1985, p. E8.

  14. Robert Faurisson, “The Problem of the Gas Chambers,” Journal of Historical Review (Summer 1980), reprinted by the Institute for Historical Review in leaflet form.

  15. Adams, “Through the Fingers,” p. 18.

  16. Martin Broszat, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (October 1977), pp. 742, 769, cited in Patterns of Prejudice, no. 3–4 (1978), p. 8.

  17. Sunday Times, July 10, 1977.

  18. Ibid., June 12, 1977; July 10, 1977.

  19. Robert Harris, Selling Hitler (New York, 1986), p. 189.

  20. Canadian Jewish News, Mar. 16, 1989.

  21. Ibid., London Jewish Chronicle, May 27, 1983.


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