A Subway Named Seduction

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A Subway Named Seduction Page 2

by Toni Mozzie

  “Hardly. A job interview.”

  “Ouch. Well, just tell them what happened. It’ll be easy to verify. Christ, it’ll be on the evening news.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She relaxed a little. He relaxed her. She was a little surprised by how much she wanted to need him at this moment. Just to hear his voice, a voice that would melt her flesh if he whispered dirt in her ear before fucking her. “What about you? Big important business meeting?”

  He laughed. “They’re always important.”

  The taxi crawled a couple inches, then staggered forward an inch before jerking to a halt.

  Chloe sighed and looked at her phone: 1:54.

  The taxi finally turned right, but with the extra traffic, they didn’t fair much better.

  She swallowed hard and gritted her teeth. She really needed this job. There was no point being in the city if she didn’t have the funds to enjoy it properly. If she had more money, maybe she’d even have the confidence to hook up with this guy.

  Chapter Four

  Michael silently studied her as they sat in the traffic jam.

  She was young. He wasn’t sure how young, but young enough that if he had sex with her, he would have to ask for ID.

  The flirting on the subway had been fun, playful and nothing more. He hadn’t thought anything more of it and rushed to get off the train with everyone else. But on the street as the chaos took form, he felt sorry for the girl. He felt he owed her something, not just for the pink panties show, but also for making him feeling wanted and by such a young sexy creature.

  Her soft brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her tight black dress shirt revealed a milky-white cleavage. Her neck was delicate and her luscious red lips full. But she was tense. Was he intimidating in this expensive suit and cologne? Or was she tense because she was late?

  He wanted to touch her knee to comfort her, but her smooth bare legs and soft, almost translucent, skin actually intimidated him.

  When he hit forty, he’d have thought he was too old for her, but now that he was forty-five, he was getting too old to give a shit. He looked after himself, went to the gym, ate right, finally, for the first time in his life, having stopped shoving junk food into his mouth like he had been doing in his twenties.

  Still, she must have thought it funny that an old guy was flirting with her. Something she could laugh about later with her friends. But so what if she was playing him along? He wouldn’t look the fool as long as she knew he knew that she was teasing. On the other hand, some young women have a thing for older men with ulterior motives other than a good time and great sex.

  “Look, I’m not in a hurry,” he said. “If you want, I can explain to your employer what happened, in case they don’t believe you.”

  Right, that’s all she needs, someone looking like her dad going to her interview with her. Thankfully, she said nothing, only smiled faintly. Her smile was inviting and so natural that when she wasn’t smiling it looked like she was missing some of her face.

  She looked at her phone. He looked at his watch: 1:57.

  The cab driver rolled down his window and popped his head out. “Jesus, oh, sorry, Ma’am, but what is going on? People don’t know how to drive anymore.”

  “It is taking too long,” Michael said. He opened his door and the honking clutter of noise rushed into the cab. Michael got out, and up on his toes, tried to see what the hold up was. He gave up after a few seconds and slid back into the taxi, brushing up against Chloe. She didn’t flinch, and it seemed to him that she could have been closer to her side of the backseat, but remained closer to the middle, like she wanted to be close to him. His cock hardened as her scent and warmth lingered over his body.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. It’s pretty bad. Leave it to people to make a bad situation worse.”

  “It will clear up,” the cab driver said.

  “At this rate it will take fifteen minutes just to get to Bayview, and even I don’t have the patience to sit in this cab that long,” Michael said.

  Chloe frowned.

  Michael smiled reassuringly. “You really want this job?”

  “I really need this job.” Was she sounding needy? She hoped not.

  “It’s a big career opportunity?”

  “Let’s just say it’s a job.”

  “Look, why don’t we walk back to Young St. It will only take a couple minutes, and we can get another taxi and try going west and then up to Ellington.”

  Chloe sighed. “All right.”

  Michael paid the taxi and got out. He offered his hand, and Chloe took it. He squeezed a little to show her he was feeling for her. But fuck was she hot and tense; he wanted to fuck the tension out of her.

  Chapter Five

  Young Street was in chaos now. Trains were going as far as Williams Station and masses of bodies were pouring onto the sidewalks. Buses had just started showing up and a transit worker was yelling to several people, trying to explain that not even buses could get north of Ellington because of all the emergency vehicles, and so they were diverting.

  Taxis were lined up, and people were now scrambling to scoop one up.

  Chloe looked at her phone: 2:00. She was officially late. She imagined the lady who ran the store sitting there, looking at her watch and wondering where Chloe was, perhaps clicking her teeth in disappointment.

  Looking irresponsible pissed off no one more than Chloe.

  “You’re late now?” he asked gently, studying her with concern.

  “Yeah, but I’m thinking that if I can make it before 2:15, I can save face.”

  “I still think you have nothing to worry about. What company is it?”

  “It’s retail.” She knew he was right, but it was the way he said it that made her feel better, like he was explaining 2+2=4 for the hundredth time. If he said it enough, she would believe him; she would believe anything he said.

  “Come on; let’s head south a few blocks ahead of this crowd to get a cab.”

  They walked south until the crowd thinned. He raised his hand and waved down another taxi. Once they were settled in the backseat, she checked her phone: 2:04.

  He told the cab driver to head west to the first traffic-free street and then turn north, past Ellington until they found a street that would get them east to Bayview as quickly as possible.

  The cab quickly turned off Young Street and drove several blocks before turning right and heading north. At least now they were heading in the right direction, Chloe thought, and she relaxed.

  She could feel his eyes on her, so she glanced at him, raising her eyebrow questioningly.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Not really, but thanks for asking.”

  She saw his eyes drop to the smooth milky skin of her lap. Her skirt had crept up above her knees again. She dared not pull her skirt down; fighting the instinct for fear it might send the wrong message. Part of her wanted to lift her dress up all the way, inviting him to put his hand between her legs and finger her.

  But what if he rebuked her? But what would it matter now? She wasn’t going to get the job. The day was a piss off, so so what if it got a little worse? God, she thought, what was with all the doom and gloom? After all, didn’t he flirt back with her on the subway? Wasn’t he here now by her side? What if he wanted her as much as she wanted him?

  “What do you do anyway?” she asked, looking at her phone. 2:07.

  “I’m an engineer. I design cars.”

  “Really? So why were you on the subway?”

  He laughed. “I hate traffic and city driving. But get me out on a lonely highway and I could drive into forever if the only thing in my way is the road.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “Life’s like that, too. You know—a long road. The more road I see in front of me, the younger I feel.”

  “You aren’t old though.”

  “Thanks, but I think I am.”

  “Which only means you aren’t.
It’s relative anyway. In high school I’m considered old.” She regretted saying high school the moment the word escaped her lips.

  “You’re in high school?”

  “Oh, no. I finished. It was just an example.”

  “I see. Well, I don’t feel old, and that’s the most important thing. People say I still look like I’m in my thirties and act like I’m in my twenties.”

  “That makes sense,” she said, more to say something than to make any sense. His scent and her growing moistness were distracting her.

  The taxi passed Ellington.

  “Now we’re making headway,” he said.

  Chloe looked at her phone. 2:10. She had five more minutes before it was time to give up. But could she give up now? How would Michael react? Would he think she was acting childishly? How much money had he spent trying to get her to her interview? Could she just walk away and say it was a waste?

  The cab turned right and headed east, back towards Young Street, but they hadn’t driven far enough north. They were caught in another mangled traffic jam.

  Chapter Six

  Chloe could see that even Michael was pissed off now. He dialed a number. Chloe listened intently for a woman’s voice on the other end, but heard nothing.

  “I’m stuck in traffic,” he said. “Yeah. You heard? It’s a mess. I’m in a taxi now and we’re just detouring around town. Did you start? Good. I’ll be there when I can.” He hung up.

  “See how easy it is? Everyone already knows the subway’s messed up. You shouldn’t have a problem explaining this to the employer, and if you do, then they probably aren’t a good place to work at anyway.”

  “Thanks. You can let me out wherever.”

  “What? Hardly. We’ll drive farther north and then turn east and zip over to Bayview. Don’t worry, I’ll deliver you to your job interview personally. Call it my mission today.”

  She looked at her phone. It was 2:15. Time was up. She could hear her father’s voice: You’re not worth waiting for. But it was not like the store would pick itself up and go away. Yet, she could not picture herself strolling in whenever and demanding an interview.

  There just wasn’t a point anymore. She wouldn’t make it even by 2:30. This had been her one chance to find a job, and one she would like, but the city screwed her over.

  She stared at Michael and suddenly felt anger. Why didn’t he come on to her? Did he think he was better than her? Did he think she was too young, meaning too stupid or too inexperienced? She’d show him.

  The anger coursed through her veins, her heart pumping her frustration throughout her. Could she allow him to walk away? Could she allow another missed opportunity pass her by today? She could always craigslist him at Missed Connections, except this wasn’t really a missed connection, not yet anyway. If anything they were connecting: he taking an interest in her excited her. Besides, he didn’t look like the type to dick around on craigslist. He was too mature to go in search of strangers’ online. If he wanted her, he would show her.

  “Upset?” he asked.


  “Hey, look, if it doesn’t work out, there’ll be other opportunities. This is a big city.”

  “I know, but I’m still pissed.”

  He licked his lips. “Well, if there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

  There it was: her chance. Had he given her an open invitation? She pounced on it. “Yeah? Fuck me, then.”

  She blushed. These were not words she’d have used if she’d put more thought into it. She figured her anger might have had something to do with it.

  His eyes widened and he grinned.

  “Let’s get together tonight. I’ll buy you dinner and drinks.”

  Her heart raced. This meant yes?

  “No. Now.”

  Chapter Seven

  He swallowed and nodded, before scouting their surroundings for a place they could go. If there had been a motel right in front of them, it would have been obvious this was meant to be, but there wasn’t. His mind raced. He needed to think fast. Damn it, think, before she changes her mind: where can we go?

  He couldn’t take her to his office. Not because he’d be ashamed or was a prude; it just wasn’t professional.

  “Hey, wait a minute, we aren’t far from the subway station,” he said.

  “So? Why should we go back there?”

  “Because people will not bother going in, they’ll be on the street, waiting for buses.”

  Before she could protest, Michael paid the taxi, and they got out. He took her hand and together then walked briskly towards the station. It was not the busiest station in town anyway, but what people who would have been using it now, were on the street waiting for a bus. Transit officials were directing people to the buses, so no one noticed Chloe and Michael whisk past and into the belly of the station. They scampered down the escalator, still hand in hand. The teller booth was empty, so they slipped into the station unnoticed.

  “Where to now?” Chloe whispered. Her heart was racing. She couldn’t believe what was happening; it was thrillingly overwhelming. Her palm felt moist in his.

  He led her into the men’s room. He checked all the stalls. They were empty.

  He stepped into the cleanest and as he turned around, she thrust him to the stall wall. Her fingers fumbled to unbuckle his belt. Her hands were shaking; all her attention was on getting at his cock. Finally the belt undone, she unbuttoned his pants, yanked the zipper down and reached into his tight boxers.

  “I’m going to suck your cock,” she whispered, squatting, swallowing hard before yanking his boxers down. His stiff bulging cock popped out. His balls were shaved smooth and ran her tongue slowly over them before she cupped them in her hand, the soft skin felt like rose petals. Her tongue licked the shaft of his cock, which trembled slightly as she made her way to the engorged crown. The eye of his cock swelled open as the tip of her tongue teased it, and she had her first taste of him.

  She put his cock into her mouth and sucked on the red swollen head, her tongue swirling over the contours of the stiff head of his cock. She moaned as her tongue licked the crown, then lightly squeezing the base of the shaft, she swallowed his cock to the back of her throat. She could feel the head of his cock engorging, putting pressure on the back of her throat. She held for a second and shook her head gently back and forth before slowly letting his cock slide out of her mouth, thick mucus spilling out of her mouth but clinging to his cock. She rubbed the salvia dripping from his throbbing cock. The second time was tastier as she greedily slurped up the pre-cum.

  “Your cock is so fucking hard,” she murmured, admiring it as she stroked it, salvia splattering onto the floor. His cock pulsated. She sensed he wouldn’t last much longer. She looked up at him, and their eyes met. She giggled. “What now?”

  Michael motioned for Chloe to stand up. He reached underneath her skirt and felt her panties. They were wet. He gently rubbed her labia, his finger pressing deeper into the panties.

  “Take them off,” he whispered.

  She complied without delay. She pulled her panties to her ankles and stepped out of them. She then lifted her skirt up exposing her delicate pussy.

  He crouched down and lifted her left leg up. Chloe braced herself against the stall walls, as she felt his wet, cool tongue fondle her sticky pussy lips. He pressed his mouth into the wet mound of flesh, his tongue extending into her pussy just enough that she wanted him to go deeper. She wanted to grab him by the hair and drive his tongue deeper inside her.

  Then he stopped. He stood up. She looked questioningly at him, not without some fear. He wasn’t going to leave her, was he?

  Gently he turned her around. He ran his hand over her ass and squeezed, before slapping her playfully. She shuddered in delight.

  He leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “You like that?”

  Before she could nod, he was inside her. She was so wet; her salvia on his cock and his salvia on her pussy provided enough lube that there was no
friction. As if he was fucking a nothingness, and she was being fucked by an everythingness.

  She arched her back; his thrusts grew more intuitive, without forethought, as if the two of them were unaware of each other—other than as objects of desire.

  It only lasted a few seconds more before she felt the heat of his cum gushing inside her, her pussy clenched his throbbing cock, as it convulsed with each shot of cum. It was his heat that put her over the edge, a wave like warm water spreading from her clit and washing over her entire body. For a few seconds they were nowhere.

  He kissed her softly on the back of her neck and slid his still engorged cock out of her pussy, their juices spilling onto the bathroom floor.

  As they caught their breath, there was an announcement over the intercom: The delay we were experiencing at our Ellington station has now cleared and regular service has resumed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  Chapter Eight

  After cleaning herself up with toilet paper, she put her panties back on. He cleaned himself up too and quickly cleaned the floor.

  He had had her. She had had him. She assumed he had no further use for her. She wasn’t mad at this, just disappointed, that’s all. What was she expecting him to do, take some girl he’d picked up on the subway, back to his condo for champagne and pop-tarts and stare out at the city skyline happily ever after? He probably had kids and didn’t need another one hanging around. Besides, if she didn’t find a job in the next couple of days, she wouldn’t be in the city long anyway.

  “So can I walk you to the platform?”

  “Nah, you better get going. Remember, you still have to be somewhere. I’ll get the subway.”

  He frowned. “You trying to blow me off again?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Perfect. So what time should I pick you up tonight?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Dinner. I said I would take you out for dinner and drinks.”

  “I can’t drink.”

  He paled, and she giggled.


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