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Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel

Page 8

by Gallie, DL

  “Ah uhh,” he scoffs, “that’s my job.” He grabs a condom, sheaths his cock, and lowers himself between my legs. He lines his cock up with my entrance and with his eyes locked on mine, ever so slowly, he slides in. This intrusion is wonderful. Closing my eyes, I moan and enjoy the feeling of him filling me up. “Eyes on me, beautiful,” he growls, as he begins to thrust his hips back and forth. Opening my eyes, I stare up at him. His muscles tense and flex as he thrusts in and out.

  “Kiss me,” I order.

  He lowers himself down and kisses me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I cross my ankles and the heels of my shoes dig into his ass. This is better than I imagined, I think to myself as our movements become frenzied. Our kisses hungry. Our teeth bumping as we thrust back and forth. My fingers dig into his shoulder blades, and I scream into our kiss as my orgasm appears out of nowhere and envelops me. My body quivers and as the remnants of orgasm number two, no three. Hell—I don’t know—subsides, Flynn follows and he comes for the second time this evening.

  Rolling off me, we stare at the ceiling. Both breathing heavily. “That was…”

  I interrupt him, “Wow. Unfucking believable. Fantabulous. Out of this world amazing. Wow.”

  “You already said wow.”

  “It deserved two.”

  Rolling to my side, I rest my head in my palm and gaze at the man beside me. “Thank you,” I murmur.

  Rolling to face me, he rests his head in his palm like I am and smiles at me. “Why are you thanking me?”

  “For tonight. I was hesitant to come on this date. I didn’t want the amazingness of our first night to be replaced by an awkward dinner but…” I drift off, not sure if I want to voice this out loud.

  “But what?” he questions.

  “But I had nothing to worry about. From the moment I stepped out of the elevator, I was at ease. Being around you is easy. It’s fun. You make me do things that I never do. You bring me to life in a different way. Hell, our first night together ticked off several of the ‘never done before’ boxes. I feel alive for the first time ever and I have you to thank for that.”

  “You are welcome and I agree. When I’m with you, everything seems easy. The world seems brighter. I’m so lucky to have met you, Avery Evans.”

  “I agree, Flynn Kelly. Thank you for bringing me to life.”

  “Thank you for letting me bring you to life.”

  We stare at one another, the air around us begins to crackle with desire once again. Leaning forward, I place my lips against his and before I know it, I’m riding him cowgirl style and another orgasm is crashing over me. After two or three more orgasms, hell I lost count after two, I blissfully fall asleep, naked and wrapped in Flynn’s arms.



  Stirring awake, my heart stops and then skips a beat when I realize Avery is still here. With a smile on my face, I keep my eyes closed and snuggle into her, pulling her into my chest…like I wanted to the other week. I’ve never been a snuggler before, but Avery’s lil’ spoon fits to my big spoon perfectly. With Avery firmly in my arms, I drift back to sleep and am pleasantly woken, a few hours later, with Avery’s lips wrapped around my cock.

  Opening my eyes, I look down and see her gorgeous hazel eyes locked on mine. She winks at me and proceeds to give me the best morning blow job of my life. Sooner than I would like to admit, I come with a guttural groan, spilling my seed down her throat. My cock pops out of her mouth; she wipes the corner of her lips, and seductively slips her finger into her mouth. “Morning,” she whispers, as she slides in next to me. Draping her arm across my abs and tangling her legs with mine.

  “Morning,” I reply, brushing a tendril of hair behind her ear. “Sleep well?”

  “Like the dead. You?”

  “Best night sleep of my life AND the best way to wake up. On our next sleepover, I would like to book a wake-up call like that.”

  “Duly noted.” She leans up and presses her lips to mine. The moment is broken when a loud rumble comes from Avery.

  “Hungry?” I ask, just as my stomach makes its own loud grumble.

  “Seems we are both hungry…for food.”

  “Amongst other things,” I say with a wink.

  Rolling her to her back, I press her into the mattress and I slam my mouth over hers. Kissing the life out of her before fucking her. After a few more orgasms, we finally crawl out of bed and make it to the shower. There we add another few orgasms to the tally before finally washing each other. Stepping out we dry off, and I hand Avery a shirt of mine. She slips it over her head and I gaze at her. “I like you wearing my shirt.”

  “I like wearing your shirt.”

  Pulling on a pair of sweats, I step to her and wrap my arms around her waist. “I especially like the no panties option.” Sliding my hand under the hem of the shirt, I grip her taut ass in my palm and squeeze.

  “Well, if someone hadn’t shredded mine, I’d have underwear to wear.”

  Shrugging at her, I grab her hand and start walking out of my bedroom. “I think I need to feed you now, you're getting hangry.”

  Avery rolls her eyes at me and follows me into the kitchen. She takes a seat at the island counter and I whip up breakfast for us. It’s a simple meal consisting of coffee and fruit. “Sorry, it’s not much. I didn’t really plan for the morning after.”

  “It’s fine, Flynn. I’m not a breakfast person anyway, coffee would have been fine.”

  Throughout breakfast we chat and laugh.

  “You guys really swapped and no one knew?”

  She nods her head. “Yeah, when we were little we got away with it easily but when we got older, our differences started to show. I remember one time in high school, I pretended to be Bay and took an exam, can’t remember how we were caught, but Mom and Dad were so angry at us. We kinda stopped after that.”

  “I bet you were a cute kid.”

  “Says the cute one.”

  “I’m not cute,” I retort.

  “Yeah, you are and I bet you were a heartbreaker too. Leaving broken hearts behind in Ireland and at med school.”

  “I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation.”

  “I call bullshit.”

  Even though Ave and I are so different, we do have many similar interests: snowshoeing, wine, socializing, we each love dumb mind-numbing games on our phones. I realize, when I’m with her, it’s comfortable. It feels like we’ve known each other for years and not just a few weeks.

  “We should totally do that one weekend in the winter.” Her words warm my heart; they don’t freak me out. The fact she’s thinking ahead and thinking about us still being together in a few months’ time makes me smile, this isn’t just some fling to her and that makes me ecstatically happy, because this isn’t just some fling for me either. I want more with this amazing woman. I think I could fall for her…and I hope she could fall for me too.

  “Why are you grinning like the Cheshire cat?”

  “You just said we should go snowshoeing together.”


  “Winter is months away. You’re planning in the future for us.”


  “And it surprised me.”

  “How so?” she questions, as she grabs our breakfast dishes and places them in the dishwasher.

  “Well, after sneaking out and then your hesitance to go out with me, I didn’t think you were interested.”

  She steps around the island and in between my thighs. She wraps her arms around my neck. “Flynn, you took me by surprise that first night, and yes, it really freaked me out, but when I saw you again, something changed within me. And last night was the best night of my life. Great dinner. Amazing company. Pretty good sex—”

  “Only pretty good? I think the sex was more along the lines of fucking amazing. Best ever.”

  “Okay, your description of the sex is better than mine and one-hundred-percent accurate. But what I’m trying to articulate is that our connection isn’t just physical.
It’s emotional too. I haven’t felt inferior or awkward once with you. You bring me to life, Flynn, I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Me neither, Ave.” Her smiles widens. “Why are you now grinning like the Cheshire cat?”

  “You called me Ave.”


  “I normally hate being called Ave, but when you do, I kinda love it.”

  “Well, then, Ave lass, I want to know when we can do it again.”

  “Do what again?”

  “Last night?”

  “The date or sex?”

  “Both,” I nonchalantly say.

  “Dinner next weekend.” She pauses and bites her lip, then she lifts my shirt off her body and drops it to the tiles. “As for the sex, I say now.”

  She walks backward and when she hits the sofa, she lies down and beckons me forward with her finger. Standing up, I pull down my sweats and walk over to her. Stopping at the end of the sofa, I stare down at her. “Shit,” I mumble.


  “The condoms are in the bedroom.”

  “I’m still on the pill and you are still the only person I’ve never used protection with before.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nods her head. “Yes, now fuck me, Flynn.”

  And fuck her I do.

  We spend the rest of the morning fucking like rabbits, exploring every inch of each other’s body. They say opposites attract and the attraction between Avery and me, it’s explosive. I just hope we can survive the fallout if it comes to that.



  Flynn drops me home mid-afternoon. I have to say, last night was the best date of my life. Flynn is so different from what I thought and he brings me to life in a way like never before. The car ride home was quiet but not awkward. He pulls up in front of my building, leans across the center console, and kisses me. The kiss is searing hot and leaves me wanting more. I’m tempted to drag him upstairs and ravage him, but my nether regions ache and need a rest.

  Standing on the curb, I watch him pull away. He’s off to meet his friend, Preston, for an impromptu game of basketball, with a promise to call me later this evening. When his car is out of sight, I turn around and head up to the apartment. Unlocking the front door, I step inside and instantly I’m met with an irate Baylor. “Where the hell have you been?” she bellows at me before I’ve even closed the door.

  “I told you, I had a date.”

  “You left yesterday evening. It's the afternoon on the following day. I needed you,” she whines.

  “I’m sorry, Bay. I thought you’d be okay for one night. I’m here now, what do you need?”

  “It’s fine now,” she snaps. “I called a friend. She came running to help when she heard I'd been in the hospital.”

  “Seriously, Bay. You have a sprained ankle. You were in the ER for all of five hours. You are not dying and you can totally look after yourself. I think I can have one night out for a date.”

  “What if I’d fallen? What if I’d have died? You wouldn’t have known for hours.”

  Dramatic much? I think to myself as I walk inside. “Quit with the drama, Bay. You’re fine. You survived the night without me.”

  She rolls her eyes in typical overdramatic Bay style. She was always the drama queen when we were growing up. As much as we look alike, we are polar opposites personality-wise. “Who did you go out with?”


  “The hot doctor?” Nodding my head, I smile as memories of last night, and this morning, come flooding back to me but her next sentence cuts me to the bone. “Why would he go out with you?” she snarls, placing emphasis on the word you.

  “Why not?” I defensively ask.

  “It’s you. Boring Ms. Evans, grade school teacher.”

  “Tell me how you really feel,” I joke, but in what’s become Bay’s new way of life, she lets loose but this time, there’s vengeance and hurt behind her words.

  “Okay, I will. You get everything handed to you on a friggin’ silver platter. I try my hardest and I still struggle. You, are the sweet and innocent one. You always swoop in and make everything look easy and perfect. You're a new-age Mary-fucking-Poppins, and you make me sick. One of these days, you will fall off your pedestal and I will be the first person in line to laugh and laugh. Now if you don’t mind, I need to rest my ankle that you don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about.”

  My mouth drops open at her response. She stands up and storms toward me, walking just fine on her ankle. She stops in front of me, breathing heavily. She sweetly smiles at me. “Don’t get too comfy with your doctor.”

  “Why not?”

  “There’s no way you’ll keep a stud muffin like him.” She pokes me in the chest. “Dud and stud don’t go together. This isn’t one of those romance drivels you read. Avie, this is real life and no one gets a happily ever after.” Her eyes glisten as she says this last part. “I’m going to my room to rest.” She turns and walks away from me. Before she heads down the hall, she adds, “Clean up this place once you’ve pull your head out of your loved-up, skinny ass and remember what I said, it’s not gonna last.”

  To say I’m shocked at what she just said to me is an understatement. I’m left standing in the living room, stunned and hurt by what just went down between the two of us. Baylor and I are different people, each to our own, but we’ve always been kind to one another. Just now, she was brutal and harsh; we’ve never been nasty like this before. She and I may be twins but apart from sharing a womb and kinda sorta looking like each other, right now, we share no other traits. She’s become selfish and pushes the boundaries. Lately she expects everything to be done for her; which usually happens because she manipulates people, me included, to get her way or what she wants. She and I have become polar opposites on every level and even though she just tore me a new one, I still love her. Something is up with her at the moment but she won’t let me in. She’s being harsh and pushing me away to protect herself but I refuse to give up on her. She’s my twinsie and I want the best for my sister. There is one thing though, I’m going to prove her wrong when it comes to Flynn. He and I will work out…I hope.

  I’ve just climbed into bed and I’m shattered, today was tiring; emotionally and physically. My morning started out amazing, more than amazing and after ten minutes with Bay, it all went to shit. The only good thing to come from the angst filled afternoon; our apartment is now spotless. At least she can’t gripe about that anymore.

  From the moment I stepped through the door, nothing I did was right and she berated me at every chance. I would have preferred if she’d given me the cold shoulder, like she used to when we were little and she was in a mood. Actually, I wish she was like she was when we were little, I want my BayBay back.

  My phone vibrates with a message. Picking it up, I smile when I see it’s from Flynn.

  FLYNN: Nite, gorgeous. Just got to the hospital for my shift but wanted to touch base before I got started. Miss you and can’t wait to see you soon

  A smile breaks free as I read his words. With one message he made all the shit disappear.

  AVERY: That was just what I need. Hope you have a great shift Xo

  FLYNN: Why so glum?

  My fingers hover over the keyboard, I don’t know if I want to bother him with my Bay issue, so I err on the side of caution with my reply.

  AVERY: Not glum. Just tired and missing you. Some fiend last night kept me up for hours and hours with multiple orgasms and a marathon sex session.

  FLYNN: Sounds like a wonderful nite to me.

  FLYNN: We should do it again.

  FLYNN: Soon.

  AVERY: That can be arranged. **wink**

  FLYNN: When and where? I’ll be there. **wink wink**

  AVERY: Ummm….Let me cook you dinner Tuesday night.

  FLYNN: What’s for dessert? **wink wink wink**

  AVERY: Me **wink wink wink wink**

  FLYNN: We need to stop this. I’m sporting a major woodie right now
and I have a 12-hour ER shift ahead of me. It’s not off to a good start.

  AVERY: It will be hard **pun intended** but you’ll be fine. Nite Flynn

  FLYNN: You are going to be the death of me, Avery Evans. Nite Ave lass

  With a smile on my face, I happily drift off to sleep and dream sexy things about Flynn and me. Waking early, I decide to head to Western General to surprise Flynn with breakfast. On my way to the hospital, I stop at Starbucks and grab two coffees and some pastries. Parking my car, I climb out and balance the pastries, coffees, and my handbag and head toward the ER. Someone yells out what I think was Baylor, looking around I can’t see anyone so I keep walking, and then I hear that same voice yell, “Fine, be a bitch then.” Looking around I still can’t see anyone so I turn back around and keep walking.

  Stepping inside, I look around, the waiting room is empty. As I’m looking around, the hairs on my neck stand on end and I feel Flynn before I see him. Looking up, he stops midstep when he sees me. His face is void of emotion and I begin to think I made a mistake in coming here, but then the biggest smile graces his gorgeous tired face. “Ave lass, what are you doing here?”

  Hearing him call me Ave lass does things to me I’ve never felt before. I don’t know whether it’s his accent or just him, but whatever it is, my body comes alive being in his presence. As we walk toward each other, I find myself grinning and giddy with excitement. “Morning, Doctor,” I purr, yes, I actually purr. “I thought you’d like coffee and pastries after a long HARD shift.” Placing emphasis on the word hard, I smirk at him.

  “I’m addicted to you, as much as you are addicted to the liquid in that cup you are holding.”

  “So not much then?” I playfully tease.

  He shakes his head as he wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me into him. He places a kiss on my temple and my panties immediately dampen when his lips connect with my skin. A moan breaks free and when Flynn stares at me, he knows exactly what I’m feeling. “You, my little minx, are a devil.” He lowers his voice and whispers, “I cannot wait to get you naked and fuck the sass out of you.”


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